Each student uses a point system in study to show his or her production and progress through the materials. As the student goes along he or she keeps track of the Student Points. When he completes reading a section or chapter or other study action he quickly adds up how many Student Points he has made and notes them on a piece of paper. At the end of the study period he adds up the total Points and gives the total to the supervisor. He also keeps a Graph. An example is the illustration. The Graph shows his production daily for comparison. The total Points for each day is what is graphed. With one glance at the Graph the supervisor can see if the student is progressing well or needs help. The Student Points and the Graph system are essentially indicators. They tell the supervisor, the twin, and the student himself if something needs to be looked at more closely. The system shows if the student's study production is higher or lower than the day and days before. Any such point system is not 100% faultless. It should not be taken completely literally. What causes the Graph to go up or down needs to be understood before any correction is made. The Points given for practical assignments usually result in a higher Point total than theory assignments. This is built into the system to emphasize demonstrations and practical application. If the total daily points suddenly goes up or way down the supervisor or the student himself should investigate and find out the reason for the change and correct it.
Thus the Point System is a tool for finding and evaluating better study habits. This may include reorganizing one's priorities concerning getting through the course. The purpose of doing a course is not to score Student Points alone. It is to understand and be able to apply the materials. The Point System is however very useful as it helps students keep going and to take pride in their production. This adds up to getting through the materials and being able to apply them. Here is the list of Point Values used in this course. Before being allowed to count Points for anything the student has to make sure he really understands what he has studied or did a practical assignment to an honest result:
Comments: "Per printed page" is counted
for any page
started. 3 1/2 page counts as 4 pages as the 4th page is started. (The student
is only allowed to split the page and count the same page twice if it contains
more than one checksheet item). There is a Student Point System in Full in the Supervisor Section which is mainly used in studying other Clearbird publications.
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