Courses - What they Are
and What they Aren't

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There are two ways a course can be run:
1. It can be in-ethics: run with good discipline, the Study Technology applied by the book. 
2. It can be out-ethics: sloppy discipline; rules and the Study Technology being set aside. 


In-ethics Course. The 
Study Technology is 
   being applied by the book.   


In-ethics Courses
An in-ethics course means that the Study Technology is being applied by the book. Verbal tech, meaning technical explanations from student to student or supervisor to students, do not take place. Instead the written material is used to answer the students' questions. Word Clearing and demos are used to make sure the students get it. 
The course schedule is strictly adhered to. Each major study period is started with a roll call. This is done first thing in the morning, after lunch, and after dinner, but not after short coffee breaks. 

The Supervisor applies all of the Study Technology. This includes Word Clearing tech, of which only a part is included in the study manual. He sets daily targets for each student to reach. This is done by his inspection of the students' checksheets; maybe he discusses the checksheet items briefly with the student being targeted - the availability of coaches, any familiarity with the new materials or lack thereof, etc., before he marks how far he expects the student to get on the checksheet that day. He never sets a target based simply on the student points system. "Your target is 500 student points for today" would be totally incorrect. He sets targets on the basis of the student's ability by really working his way through the materials with full understanding and with full Study Technology being applied. The Supervisor knows his ultimate target is to graduate the student as a competent practitioner of what he has been taught. Targets are set to keep the students fired up and working hard. Reaching a target that was tough to reach gives the student a feeling of pride and accomplishment. Not reaching a target reminds the student that he has to work harder tomorrow. Targets are set in a way so the students can reach them if they really work hard. 

The Supervisor observes his students while they are studying by themselves, or are coaching, drilling, or checking each other out. From time to time he writes his observations on a Pink Sheet per the chapter on Pink Sheets. When doing so he goes over his notes; when he sees points that need correction he fills in the "Assignment" column of the Pink Sheet and hands it to the student. The Supervisor is polite but cannot be swayed from what the student needs to do on the Pink Sheet assignment. This has to be done immediately as his or her next point in study. By using Pink Sheets this way, he keeps his students on the ball. This applies to their basic Study Technology as well as to earlier course materials the student possibly or apparently need to restudy.


Out-ethics course: Study Tech is not 
being applied and the discipline is poor.


Out-ethics Courses
An out-ethics course would be anything less than the above. It would be obvious when one sees students wandering around and chit-chatting instead of studying that it is out. The following are sure signs of an out-ethics course; students arrive late for roll call without any disciplinary action; students taking smoke breaks whenever they "feel like it"; verbal explanations being allowed. The supervisor discussing and explaining "the finer points of the technology" with the students instead of directing them to the written manuals and Bulletins and taped lectures - or having the student apply full Study Technology to what he or she doesn't seem to grasp. 

The following are also "out: the Course Supervisor does not actively observe the students' indicators so he can step in when needed but simply sits passively at his desk and lets anything happen. Some kind of  group-agreement has developed that makes all this seem normal and the way things are supposed to be. When a new student walks into an out-ethics course room he will tend to go into agreement with what is going on and "join the club". 

A course cannot be run "mostly by the book" or with "pretty much in-ethics". It must be run totally by the book and totally with ethics in. If this is not done, the activity is on a slippery slope. You will gradually see a lowered ethics level, discipline and administration will go out.  The precise technology slips down to to a level where "some of the tech is being applied when we can". 

When a student or Supervisor goes into a course room and sees things that are out-ethics, non-standard, or not by the book, and doesn't do something effective about it,  he will soon be seen to become part of it. He has gone into agreement with it all and is now contributing to the out-ethics situation.  He has become part of the group-agreement. He has agreed to the out-ethics and out-technology state of affairs. 

Students attending such courses will inevitably become poor or bad practitioners. They likely won't keep appointments, apply any technology correctly, will fail to handle ethics troubles in others - be it their own students, juniors, or clients, and they will give and accept verbal data, keep sloppy reports and administration, etc., etc. Supervisors are setting themselves and their students up for losses. 

Any Supervisor doing any of the following is not worthy of his title and needs to be severely reprimanded, corrected, or dismissed:

1. Omitting roll call of his students in the morning, after lunch, and after dinner, precisely on time. He does not take note of students' being absent and does not take action when they are. 
2. Permitting students to talk socially with each other in course hours, allowing them to wander around or take unscheduled breaks or sit idle or do other things during course hours. 
3. Permitting students to eat or smoke in the course room. 
4. Permitting persons to come into the course room and interrupt students for any reason. 
5. Supervisor standing around or sitting at his desk not actively handling students who need help. 
6. Not getting students through their courses and graduated. 

All elements of  "What Is A Course?" should be applied on a course. 

A Supervisor who does not run a course per the checksheet for that course, lets students study without dictionaries and demo kits, does not make all materials available and does not fully apply Study Technology and use Word Clearing is of course not doing his job. If he persists in that he should be dismissed.  The success of the students, the course activity, and the technology taught depend entirely upon courses being run "by the book" producing honest, disciplined and in-ethics graduates, who then can apply what they have learned in a professional manner.



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