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Processes in 'Road to Clear'

Class of auditor it takes to audit the listed processes. If not studied and drilled as part of the checksheet it needs to be studied, checked out and drilled before doing it in session. 

Level 0

Assists  Unmetered informal processes to help a person in pain or distress.

Self Analysis Lists  Part of Recall Grade or can be done unmetered as an auditing introduction.

Engram Running, 1950 Style  Easy to learn method of running Engrams and Secondaries.

Audited Assists  Some of auditing tools listed to help ill, injured or traumatized pc's. 

Flying Ruds  Handling of ARC breaks, Present Time Problems and Missed Withholds.

Recall Grade Processes  The sequence of processes leading to Recall Release.

Word Clearing Intensive  "Method 1". A basic action to boost ability to study.

Grade 0 Processes  The sequence of processes leading to Grade 0 Release.

Recall Drug Rundown  The Rundown leading to 'Recall Drug Release'.

Rehabbing Releases  Repair and patch-up action, used to repair overruns.

False Data Stripping  A study remedy that can be done metered or unmetered.

Auditors Rights  Teaches the auditor to 'think on his feet'. Not a process but a tool kit.

Level 1

Objective Processes  Physical drills done under the rules of auditing. Can be done as an independent course.

Help Process  Part of the sequence of processes leading to Grade 1 Release.

Problems Process  Part of the sequence of processes leading to Grade 1 Release.

Prep-checking  20 Buttons Prep-check is a widely used action, mainly in repairs.

Audited Assists  Selection of auditing tools listed to help ill, injured or traumatized pc's. Many of the processes can be done by a Level 1 auditor.

Suppressed Person RD  Problems RD designed to handle THE trouble person in pc's life. Part of PTS tech on Level 4 Pro. The actual Problems processes can be audited by a Level 1 auditor.

Level 2

Grade 2 - Processes  The sequence of processes leading to Grade 2 Release.

Confessional Procedure  How to do Confessional auditing.

Marriage Confessional  Special Confessional assisting a couple to sort out difficulties.

Level 3

Two Way Communication  TWC as a process is formally taught here.

Life Repair  Is a tailor-made program. It usually includes Level 3 processes, such as L1C and other prepared lists.

Grade 3 - Processes  The sequence of processes leading to Grade 3 Release.

Additional ARC Break Processes  Some ARC Break processes, not part of Grade 3.

Audited Assists  Most of the auditing tools listed to help ill, injured or traumatized pc's. 

The Laws of L&N  The essence of doing Listing&Nulling taught on Level 3.

Int Remedy  Used in connection with Prepared Lists when "Int" is found to be out. 
Full procedure is taught on Level 4 Pro. The version included in Level 3 is "Read it, Drill it, Do it".

Auditing Correction Lists  General theory and procedures of auditing by Lists.
The actual Lists are summarized separately under "Prepared Lists"
(L1C, L4 Short, L4BRB, GF, WCCL, TR Debug List)

Level 4

Service Comp. RD How to find and run Service Computations (Service Fac's).

Grade 4 Processes  The sequence of processes leading to Grade 4 Release.

FPRD  Fixated Purpose RD Procedure.

FPRD Basic Form  The basic list of questions used to get started on FPRD.

FPRD Correction List The CL for FPRD. Sometimes used as part of standard procedure.

Way to Happiness Auditing  A complete RD based on morals and good survival.

Level 4 Pro

End of Endless Drug RD  Handles incomplete, overrun or troublesome Drug RD's.

Audited Assists  All the auditing tools listed to help ill, injured or traumatized pc's.

Recall Int RD  Handles "Out Int". Best done by a flubless 4 Pro auditor. 

PTS Interview  A metered interview to find the antagonistic terminals bothering the pc. Can be done by a less trained auditor providing he knows the SP/PTS data.

PTS Assist  Simple Assist that can be done without a Meter to help pc over a recent slump. Can be done by a less trained auditor providing he knows the SP/PTS data.

Full PTS RD  Major RD to handle a PTS condition on a permanent basis.

PTS RD Correction List  Audited action to handle recurring PTS symptoms.

Date-Locate  A procedure used for correction lists and rehabs.

LX Lists  'Out of Valence RD'. Usually done as part of resistive cases handling (GF 40X).

Level 5 - Engram Clearing

Engram Running by Chains - R3RA  The basic process used for Engram running.

Engram Clearing, Full Pgm  A series of RDs, using R3RA. The basic Engram Clearing pgm: Engram Drug RD, Relief RDOptional Remedies, Pc Info Sheet Items, Prepared Assessment Form, Disability RD, and more.

Serv Comp RD w. R3RA  The commands for running the Service Computation RD using Engram running.

PTS RD w. R3RA. This RD for handling PTS conditions has the option of including Engram running.

Green Form 40 Expanded. Resistive cases handling. Several of the handlings of this prepared list can include use of R3RA if pc is ready and auditor qualified.

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Drills in 'Road to Clear'

The Level where these drills first occur. The drills apply to doing the level and usually levels above and are often repeated in training on the levels above. 

Level 0

"Two minutes psychometric test" and Raising somebody's tone Used in drilling practical application of tone scale.

TRs 0-4  Auditors Comm Cycle Drills

TRs Remedies  Contain different drills for students having specific troubles with TRs 0-4. Fifty Feet TRs, Mood Drills, Drills for remedying TR-2, TR-3, etc.

Meter Drills  EM-1 to EM-21 (EM-22 to EM-27 are usually first done at Level 4Pro).

Meter Lists  The lists with questions and items used in the Meter drills.

Auditing Basics Drills (The AB's)

AB-1 "Observing the Obvious" with a twin.
AB-2 "Learning the Tone Scale" with a twin.
AB-3 "Obnosis and the Tone Scale" with a twin.
AB-4 Obnosis for Sessionability
AB-5 Session Start
AB-6 Spotting Bad Indicators
AB-7 Clearing Commands
AB-8 "Indication of F/N".
AB-9 Handwriting Drill
AB-10 Auditors Code Drill
AB-11 Flying Ruds 
AB-12 Instant False TA Check
AB-13 Auditors Rights Drill
AB-14 Full Model Session Drill

Doll Drills  How to drill processes in training before auditing a pc. Used on all Levels and for all processes.

Level 1

Upper Indoc TRs  TRs 6 to 9. 

Mutter TR  Trains auditor in Repetitive Style auditing.

Doll Drills for the Level.

Level 2

Anti Q&A Drill  Teaches the student to complete auditing cycles. Part of Confessional training.

Doll Drills for the Level.

Level 3

Assessment TRs TRs for getting Prepared Lists to read accurately. 

Also a Drill for L&N.

Doll Drills for the Level.

Level 4  

Doll Drills for the Level

(no additional drills)

Level 4 Pro

More Meter Drills: EM-22 to EM-27

Doll Drills for the Level

Level 5 - Engram Clearing

R3RA Drills: TR-100's  Six drills to perfect the student in all aspects of R3RA running.

Doll Drills for the Level


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