The Way To Truth
Indicator Tech - Procedure
Benefits of Indicator Tech
Practice Exercise
The following is the basic technique as used in the Insight Project. The Part I (Meta-Programming) course materials include further techniques related to Indicator Technique that increase its efficacy and range of application. But this is the basic procedure. It requires quite a bit of practice to get the hang of it, but when you do 'get it' you will have acquired one of the most powerful tools available, to accelerate your progress on the spiritual path.On a reading consideration, check the 9 Indicator buttons:
When the 9 Indicator buttons have become familiar the following abbreviated format may be used:
True? False? Imprinted?
True Suppressed? False Suppressed? Imprinted Suppressed?
True Invalidated? False Invalidated? Imprinted Invalidated?
If there are no reads, Indicate that the Expression is Truth:
'On (subject being viewed), (Expression) is a Truth!' (This Indication may produce a new Expression, such as a realisation; if so, assess all 9 Indicator buttons again on that new Expression).
Note the term 'Expression' is used for any consideration that results from a reading indicator Tech button.
If there is not a P/N (a periodic or 'floating' needle on the meter) and a feeling of relief and understanding upon Indication, a further action is to repeat this Indication over and over, with emphasis, to P/N: 'On (subject being viewed), (Expression) is a Truth!', repeated sequentially with strong intention, handling any further Expressions that come up with Indicator Technique (the 9 buttons, and so on).
It is unlikely at first that the full truth is apparent, since the Expression would not have read if there were not charged considerations about it. But later on, when these Indicator buttons have been cleaned, no reads on any of the buttons, this means it's time to Indicate that what has been found out is a Truth (to the best of one's current awareness, responsibility and confront).
Stop as soon as there is a read when calling the Indicator buttons. Do not continue to check further buttons!
If the Imprinted button reads on the Expression, do not look into it further but simply Indicate strongly that the Expression is Imprinted:
'On (subject being viewed), (Expression) is Imprinted!' (This Indication may produce a new Expression, such as a realisation; if so, assess all 9 Indicator buttons again on that new Expression).
If there is not a P/N and a feeling of relief and understanding upon Indication, a further action is to repeat this Indication over and over, with emphasis, to P/N: 'On (subject being viewed), (Expression) is Imprinted!', handling any further Expressions that come up with Indicator Technique (the 9 buttons, and so on).
If a True or False button reads, then 'pull the read', i.e. write down a new Expression representing the charge that was restimulated by the button - what came into mind. This is called 'cleaning' the button.
If an Expression does not immediately emerge from a reading True or False button, then repeat the previous Expression followed by the reading button, with strong intention, until the Expression is pulled. If necessary ask: 'Is there something I'm not looking at?' The Indicator button read so you know something is there. Do not censor or evaluate, just get it out.
If the Expression does not respond, use the Nudge buttons:
'Is there more to this?'
'Is something being suppressed?'
'Is something being invalidated?'
'Is something unacknowledged?'(If you can't get the Expression, or get it to read, don't worry; continue on the action you were doing before this cycle of Indicator Tech, and the charge will re-emerge when it's ready to).
When True reads, that doesn't mean that what you have said is necessarily true, it means you have a charged consideration about its truth - there is more to it that is being suppressed or negated. When False reads, this means that your knowingness is telling you that there is some alteration or fabrication taking place - there are lies, misownership (accepting something that is not yours as your own), made-up or false data, misconceptions, rationalisations, justifications and so on, connected with the Expression. Don't get into the significance of True and False - you simply want the charged considerations attached to these two buttons. For example, the read may reflect a protest or affirmation, in which case you want that consideration as your next Expression.
At any time, the Expression is your current view of what is - the apparency of what is - and is your 'conditional view'. The aim is to strip off all these mental considerations and get to the Being's knowingness of what actually is the objective truth of the matter - the causative viewpoint based on awareness, responsibility and confront. The charge will then be permanently erased, not just released or destimulated.
In order to pull a new Expression from a charged True or False Indicator button, you need to have an open mind - preconceived beliefs and fixed ideas have no place in Indicator Tech. If you stall on Indicator Tech and your needle goes dirty (random), ask:
'Has anything been protested?'
'Has anything been asserted?'
'Has anything been decided?'Run the resulting Expression on the 9 Indicator Tech buttons.
Be on the look-out, though, for a false read due to a simple "No!" postulate - if you know you had this response then ask: "Did this button read on 'No'?" and if this gives the same read again, then you know it was a false read and so you indicate that and then continue to check the further Indicator buttons.
Check the new Expression with Indicator buttons, and continue with a new 'layer' of Indicator Tech. For example, with 'Income Tax' as the subject being viewed: if the first Expression was "Income Tax is a rip-off" and this reads on True, the next Expression (the second layer of Indicator Tech) might be "I want to keep my hard-earned money" reading on False, this giving another Expression (a third layer), and so on.
When no buttons read, maybe after several layers of this procedure, or if at any time an Imprint button reads, then Indicate accordingly (either Truth or Imprinted). To Indicate, start from the original subject being viewed from which your first consideration derived; when Indicator Tech is used on answers to questions, start from the original question. This is your 'Source' i.e. what the Indication relates to, and the Indication is incomplete without it.
'On (Source), (first Expression) read on (button that read); (second Expression) read on (button that read); etc. for subsequent Expressions. I'd like to indicate that (final Expression that read on Imprinted) is IMPRINTED!'
Or: 'On (Source), (first Expression) read on (button that read); (second Expression) read on (button that read); etc. for subsequent Expressions. I'd like to indicate that (final Expression that read on no buttons) is a TRUTH!'
Also add any new view of the situation that comes up during or after the Indication, which again becomes a new Expression to check with the 9 Indicator buttons.
The final Indication should feel very real to you. This may then P/N, but as described, it may also produce a new Expression which needs to be checked out too. If there's no P/N, handle by repeat this final Indication over and over, with emphasis: '(final Expression that read on Imprinted) is Imprinted!' or '(final Expression that read on no buttons) is a Truth!' until either a new Expression or a clear P/N appears.
Quite often a realisation occurs when making the Final Indication that one is responsible in an area of life that one had previously denied responsibility for. Not applying the new found datum in your everyday life is a sure way to stop your progress. It puts you in contact with a very basic problem: having the guts to live up to your own beliefs and awareness. The following two questions may help to bring into the open a barrier between regained awareness and the application of it in daily life:
How could I apply this (realisation)?
Is there any fear in applying this (realisation)? Pull an Expression off the major-reading question and clean it with Indicator Tech. Then check the questions again for read and continue until both are clean. Use this procedure when appropriate to find out and confront why you may be hesitant to act on what you know, so that you can go on and do something about it.
Misowned Experience & Repetitive Experience
The final stage of Indicator Tech is to check for Misowned Experience and Repetitive Experience connected to the subject being viewed, from which the first Expression came (or connected to the question for which the first Expression was an answer).
It is possible that the Item relates to experiences which have been misowned by the Being - accepted as his own, when in truth they were adopted, borrowed or imposed upon him and may be false data or lies. This is Misowned Experience (MEX), and the cycle of Indicator Tech that has just been done has uncovered this. It may be somebody else's experience or mocked up, dreamt or mis-remembered.
Repetitive Experience (REX) relates to experience in which there is no resolution, as it goes round and round in circles, probably because there is some logical inconsistency, like a snake eating its tail forever. For example, an Imprinted or misowned consideration that causes a counter-intention makes up one half of a problem or conflict in which you oscillate back and forth indecisively, e.g. 'I desire a result; I believe that result to be harmful.' Repetitive Experience may be a mirror copy of real life, e.g. an actual experience which has been given a 'life of its own', put on an automatic repetitive loop, as in the way we may replay tapes of our parents' commands from childhood times. When recognised as such and discharged by Indication this allows freedom of choice to be regained.
It is important to have a clear reality on Misowned Experience and Repetitive Experience, in order for their use as buttons on Indicator Tech to be effective; think of examples until the concepts are clear.
Misowned Experience (MEX) is checked first.
Call: 'On (subject being viewed), is there Misowned Experience?'
If this reads, then you need to 'pull' a new Expression from this read. If you can't get the Expression repeat the call. If necessary ask: 'Is there something I'm not looking at?' If the Expression does not read use the Nudge buttons:
'Is there more to this?'
'Is something being suppressed?'
'Is something being invalidated?'
'Is something unacknowledged?'Any thought, picture, emotion, idea or incident that comes up as a reading Expression on calling '...Misowned Experience?', 'Is there something I'm not looking at?' or the Nudge buttons, must be handled with a new cycle of Indicator Tech - the 9 buttons and Indication - and on down to calling Misowned Experience again.
If '...Misowned Experience?' does not read then check with Suppress buttons. If still no response then you check for Repetitive Experience (REX):
Call: 'On (subject being viewed), is there Repetitive Experience?'
If this reads, then you need to 'pull' a new Expression from this read. If you can't get the Expression then repeat the call. If necessary ask: 'Is there something I'm not looking at?' If the Expression does not read use the Nudge buttons.
Any thought, picture, emotion, idea or incident that comes up as a reading Expression on calling '...Repetitive Experience?', 'Is there something I'm not looking at?' or the Nudge buttons, must be handled with a new cycle of Indicator Tech - the 9 buttons and Indication - and on down to calling '...Misowned Experience?' again and then if necessary '...Repetitive Experience?'.
If '...Repetitive Experience?' does not read then check with Suppress buttons. If still no read then return to return to view the original subject.
Continue in this way until a P/N appears whilst viewing the original subject.
Painful emotions are always preceded by a reactive evaluation or belief, interpreting circumstances according to irrational dictates - the defensive fixed ideas and attitudes that are attached to the identity being dramatised. The truth or reality of a situation is aligned with the original intention of the Being - the first postulate. When things went wrong, when this intention was obstructed, a decision or solution was made that altered the original intention - this is the second postulate. Because the feeling is suppressed, the underlying considerations continue to be applied without inspection of their applicability and rationality in the present circumstances.
The charge on the experience is the frustration of the incomplete first postulate, and this bypassed charge empowers the negative emotion. Feelings are connected with a right-brain and more genuine type of mental process; left-brain processing tends to intellectualise and rationalise - all the various kinds of defence mechanisms - to repress the feelings and obscure the real case. If you can get the gut feeling, emotion, pain, sensation or attitude this will help to bring out the underlying irrational considerations (second postulates - very often a safe solution, belief, conclusion or decision). As soon as you have grasped this - without 'thinking' just let the Expression emerge - the Expression should be examined with Indicator Tech. Eventually, by applying Indicator Tech, the first postulate will become apparent.
The Balance Point may well become high when an Item has been identified but not yet fully confronted and discharged. The attention is held on the restimulated charge (incomplete intentions) and so less is available in Present Time. As suppression is peeled away more and more attention becomes available, the Balance Point drops.
Indicator Tech - Flowchart
Example of Repeater and Indicator Tech
Item being viewed: Sausages
- reads: x x sF x x sF F [= First Expression] Expression [in quotes to distinguish it as a reading Expression]:
"Sausages are delicious" on Indicator, reads: True F [the read gives the next Expression:]
"They're also full of fat" [no read, so Nudged:] Is there more to it? F
"They're full of nasty fat" on Indicator, reads: True Suppressed F
"Eating fat is bad for you" Imprinted LF
Indicate: On sausages, 'Sausages are delicious' read on True, 'They're full of nasty fat' read on True Suppressed. I'd like to indicate that it is Imprinted that eating fat is bad for you!P/N
On sausages, MEX? [Misowned Experience?] x [no read]
On sausages, REX? [Repetitive Experience?] F
[produces Expression:] "I eat things I like and then feel guilty" True LF
"I don't know what to eat" False sF
"I need to find out the scientific facts about food, and eat what both tastes good and is good nutritionally, whatever the culture says!" xxx [no read on Ind buttons]
Indicate: On sausages, 'I eat things I like and then feel guilty' read on True, 'I don't know what to eat' read on False. I'd like to indicate that the Truth is that I need to find out the scientific facts about food, and eat what both tastes good and is good nutritionally, whatever the culture says!
P/N MEX? x
REX? x
Note: there's no need to write out the entire Final Indication, since it's contents are drawn directly from the Expressions and reading buttons above - just put: Indicated Truth or Indicated Imprinted, and the response.
The next page goes on to describe the benefits of Indicator Tech.
The Way To Truth
Indicator Tech - Procedure
Benefits of Indicator Tech
Practice Exercise