There are two simple things a Supervisor can use to speed up a
student's progress. He or she can show interest and use two-way communication.
Showing interest in the
students progress makes
things go smoother
in a course room.
A Supervisor who is interested in his students and their progress will usually
see a much better student performance. This is real simple but also very
Part of a Supervisor's daily routine is to look at each
student's checksheet. He looks over the checksheet with the student to set a
target for how far he expects the student to get that day. He may discuss
briefly how things are going; what was difficult or time-consuming
and what the student found easy to study. He shows the student's explanations
interest, acknowledges accomplishments and shows in general that he knows the
student's strong and weak sides and that he is interested in getting him through
his difficulties. This is all quite informal, but "interest" is the
key to students feeling appreciated and understood and become more willing to
roll up their sleeves.
The Supervisor is polite
and friendly but gets right
down to finding misunderstoods
when her students are confused.
Here she uses a Meter to
locate the MUs with. |
Two-way Communication
The Supervisor never goes into discussions about technical data with a student.
The technical data are in the published materials. In order to keep them free
of alter-is, opinions, and misapplication the data travel from the course
materials to the student without any via. This does not mean that the Supervisor
refuses to deal with students' questions. It means he has to deal with them in a
very disciplined way. Students are likely to ask all kinds of silly or
impossible questions. The student should feel free to do so. He is on course to
get things and data sorted out. At the end of the course he should feel
satisfied that he got his data sorted out and his questions answered. If the
student has relevant questions that doesn't directly goes on the materials he
is currently studying the Supervisor will find the correct reference to show
the student and in this way answer his question. For this to work smoothly the
Supervisor has to have a good grasp of the materials he teaches on the course. A
Supervisor who is also auditor trained, at least on Level Zero, can usually do a
much better job as a Supervisor.
The other typical situation is, the student comes up to the
Supervisor to ask a question about something he is currently studying. Here is
how the Supervisor handles this:
The student comes up to the Supervisor's desk with a textbook in
his hand.
The Supervisor asks him to take a seat.
They exchange a few remarks. The Supervisor is showing interest in his student
and his progress.
Then he asks: "What is your question?"
The student points to the book and poses his question.
The Supervisor looks it over and asks. "Is there any word in that text that
you didn't understand?"
This is the whole outline of the conversation. The Supervisor goes directly into
doing the appropriate Word Clearing action on the student. He gets it cleared up
and sends the student back to his desk.
It is important that the student feels listened to and understood. But it is
equally important that the Supervisor holds the fort and does not go into verbal
explanations or long conversations as to how the student feels, student's ideas
and considerations. In that respect Supervisor's two-way communication is very
different from two-way communication used in a session. Supervisor's two-way
communication is totally different from that. It's all down to the business of
study, Study Technology and Word Clearing. He is not there to handle the student's
case but to handle his study difficulties.
The Supervisor may show the student additional materials if his
question calls for it. The supervisor should have all needed materials at hand and ready for
use. If the student's difficulties persist the Supervisor may twin up the student with
another student and have them coach through relevant sections and materials. But
his first approach is simply use of the Word Clearing tech in one form or the