With standard technology and the Study Technology we have a workable
technology. We can teach students to study with the Study Technology and we can get
people to the state of Clear with the standard technology.
What is important, then, is to get the technology applied and applied
correctly. If we can't get the technology
applied then we can't achieve the promised results. It's
as simple as that.
The only thing your students and clients get really upset about are "no
results". Trouble spots occur only when there are "no
results". Attacks from individuals,
organizations and government occur only when there are "no
results" or "bad
Therefore, the road is wide open and the ultimate success of the technology is
assured if the technology is applied. It is the task of all staff members,
supervisors and executives to get the correct technology applied. There is a
right way and a wrong way. The way described in R. Hubbard's works and in the
Clearbird manuals are based on years of research and more than 30 years of
testing and practical use. When applied correctly the technology works. If not, there is
no guarantees of such good fortune.
Getting the correct technology applied consists of:
- Having the correct technology.
- Knowing the technology.
- Knowing it is correct.
- Teaching correctly the correct technology.
- Applying the technology.
- Seeing that the technology is correctly applied.
- Hammering out of existence incorrect technology.
- Knocking out incorrect applications.
- Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect technology.
- Closing the door on incorrect application.
Let's take a closer look at this, point by point:
1. Having the correct technology
In developing standard technology a great many different things were
tried and tested. There is no claim that standard technology is the only
possible technology to achieve the state of Clear. It is however a fact it is
the only one in existence. It was largely developed between 1950 and 1982. It
has been in wide use for all those years and up to present time. It has produced Clears since 1950 and
in great numbers since 1978. It has thus proved its workability over a great
many years.
2. Knowing the technology
This is achieved through training. Unless the technology is taught at well
attended courses and relayed to many, many students the technology will not be
part of a society. A practitioner of the technology is of course the central
person here. He has to know the technology, and know it very well, in order to
practice in the field.
3. Knowing it is correct
This is achieved by the individual applying the correct technology in a proper
manner and observing that it works that way. Again, the claim is not that it is
the only possible technology in the field of study and Clearing. The claim is
the technology is correct in the sense it does what it says; it produces and achieves
the results it says it does. The way to get to know it is correct is to
apply it as described in technical materials and taught on courses using Study
Technology. To know it is correct is ultimately a personal experience. Results can be
tested and documented. There exists great many test results that clearly
support and prove that. But it is ultimately achieved as a certainty one
person at a time. Direct observation is what is required. Since we are operating in the field of the mind, awareness,
personal freedom and spiritual ability, no one is expected to ultimately be won
over and convinced by anything less than on a personal basis.
R. Hubbard says the technology is comparable in difficulty
learning to play a musical instrument.
But as a musical instrument it has to be treated with great affinity and with
great precision to work right. But any student with good heart will soon be able
to produce almost miraculous results on a gradient scale and will realize the
technology is workable and correct.
4. Teaching correctly the correct technology
Here the Study Technology plays a central role. Part of teaching the standard
technology correctly is to do it with Study Technology. There exists in the
study manual extensive instructions on how to teach the technology
When it comes to training standard technology practitioners, there is additional
training applied. A practitioner keeps a report of the sessions he delivers.
These reports are closely inspected by a case supervisor (C/S). The C/S' responsibility is
to see that the technology is being correctly applied and that the client
(preclear) gets the expected results. If the case supervisor
sees something in the report that isn't optimum or is incorrect, he writes out
a study order or cramming order for the practitioner to do. The practitioner
would then go back and
study and drill the exact point he hadn't done correctly, hence he gets a new
certainty on how to do it exactly right so it produces the desired results.
After graduating, a practitioner will still be supervised closely by a
case supervisor. Should he run into problems the case supervisor will direct
him to the exact materials the practitioner missed or did incorrectly. He will usually
be sent to cramming. He needs to
be Word Cleared on the exact materials and will usually have to drill the
practical procedures in question again.
In a larger office or organization there
always exist a
cramming section. This department is run by people, who specialize in correcting such
errors and getting the practitioner to step-by-step become a real professional. They
use additional training technology to achieve that. This is especially covered in R.
Hubbard's Word Clearing Series and Cramming Series. But the basic technology
they use is the Study Technology as presented in the Study Manual.
5. Applying the technology
No technology will work unless it is applied. This is one of those simple
self-evident basics
that shouldn't be overlooked. It is important to ensure that students and
graduates actually use the technology. Thus every effort should be made on the
part of leaders, supervisors, and case supervisors to make it possible and
attractive to do just that: applying the technology. Sometimes it has been
overstressed that no errors were allowed. The truth is, any application of the
technology is better than no application at all. The way to learn it and achieve
perfection is to do it boldly and take and give any study orders, trips to
cramming and other correctional actions, with good spirits and get them done. By
keeping on doing that and keeping on studying, the quality as well as the quantity will go up steadily. The technology
thus will be applied.
6. Seeing that the technology is correctly applied
This is done by course supervisors, case supervisors, and the cramming section. There
has to be a continuous quality control in place to ensure the technology is only
practiced in a workable and beneficial way. The application of the technology is a precision
activity, that's why it is called a technology, which point should never be
7. Hammering out of existence incorrect technology
Part of seeing that the technology is correctly applied is to hammer out of
existence incorrect technology. Students (and sometimes practitioners) may try
to mix it up with other technologies. Sometimes they do it incorrectly due to
false ideas or misunderstood words. There exist many tools for sorting these
things out, from Word Clearing to ways to find, inspect and discard false data
(False Data Stripping),
to handling students' personal problems. The mind and spirit are in fields full of opinions,
philosophies, and so-called schools of thought. Standard technology and Study Technology
are their own and should never be mixed up with other schools of
thought. In case of illness the client should consult a doctor first, however.
This is part of the technology. It has to be applied correctly to keep working.
8. Knocking out incorrect applications
First we knock out incorrect technology. Obviously things are improving. Now we
have to look more closely and catch any small errors in procedure and
performance that would prevent optimum results. The tools are the same as
described above: course supervision, case supervision, study orders and cramming
actions, including lots of additional practical drilling.
9. Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect technology
In (7) we hammered out any incorrect technology that had crept in. We also have
to take action to plug the holes and close the door so it doesn't happen again.
This may take organizational actions. It may take disciplinary actions by the
ethics department. It may take screening of the students and make sure they
agree to the terms before they are enrolled and to specific ethical and
technical terms before they
are graduated.
10. Closing the door on incorrect application
In (8) we knocked out incorrect applications. How do we plug the holes and close
the door after that? On the level of teaching courses it is done by setting high
standards and running the courses efficiently with good discipline and correct
application of Study Technology. This include lots of drilling before a student
is turned loose to practice what he has learned. It may also take organizational
actions. It may take disciplinary actions such as ethics actions. Things has to
be run as in a tight ship. It is better to keep students at it for
an extended period of time than allow incompetent students to graduate. Students
are given a certain latitude as long as they audit for the benefit of the pc and get positive
results. When they graduate all uncertainties should be behind them; the door is
closed to incorrect applications through rigorous training and repeated pink sheets,
crammings, and possibly ethics actions.
Technology and group-agreement
Groups and exact technology seem to be like oil and water. They seem not
to mix. This is especially true in a new technology. Even more so when the
technology is about thought, mental and spiritual phenomena. A group could eventually accept a better way to build a house or other things tangible. When
it comes to mental phenomena and thought though, the matter is quite different.
Gaining acceptance and agreement on a technology can take
a long time as history shows.
Groups tend to agree upon principles that are a low average of its members.
This may be out of superstition, out of convenience, out of a single individual's
struggle for power and control. It can be to get enough agreement from group
members, or out of a desire to "please the customers", or authorities.
It can be to get funds from some rich and influential person or organization.
In standard technology we handle a person's reactive mind. The
reactive mind is the 'unconscious' and irrational part of a person's mind. Since
all humans, not yet cleared, have a reactive mind they tend to agree upon principles
dictated by this irrational mind. Anything new and different is perceived to be
dangerous, hard to understand and impossible to apply - no matter how clear the
evidence is to the contrary. The reactive mind, for one thing, prevents clear and unbiased
observation. It depends upon superstition, fear, and and false ideas in its 'judgment'.
This has to be overcome in the individual student and in the group as a
whole. The way to overcome this is study, study, study. The student has to be willing and able to
observe at all times. He has to be taught long and hard to do procedures by the book and observe that it works.
In the absence of an ability to observe the right way to do it,
it has to be enforced
with discipline and lots of drilling. Eventually the student will realize there
is a right way and a wrong way to do it because he has seen the difference in
results with
his own eyes. Some students may choose to leave, but the overall concern is
that the technology is kept working - or no one will benefit.
As in anything worthwhile it takes discipline, hardships, overcoming fears
and superstitions to really succeed. At times it takes a bit of faith to keep
going. The student and practitioner has to develop determination and toughness
and a willingness to do it as described in the materials. Eventually (and this may only take a few
weeks or months to become obvious to him) he will be able to reap the benefits
of his hard work. To become a true professional may take years. But
this is only achieved through accepting the discipline necessary to perform.
This is true for any worthwhile profession, be it in medicine, engineering,
science, arts, music, writing, or acting. It is especially true to standard technology
that is handling the mind and spirit where in the
past only confusion ruled and all were entitled to their personal opinions and
strange ideas.
What has to be understood is, that
standard technology is a technology. It is
based on exact axioms and natural laws. When you do it correctly you get
results; if you don't, you may end up with a disaster on your hands. Keeping the
technology working thus means to observe the ten points above and do it by the book;
eventually it will be realized that it works as described.