The gap between learning some data and demonstrating
the practical skills in the subject takes several huge steps. The Pink
Sheet system in training helps the student cross that gap. Receiving Pink Sheets as a
student, seeing what one did wrong and restudying that area, sharpens one's ability
to apply Study Technology, to oneself and to one's twin, as well.
The student is responsible for all the materials and
courses he or she has studied earlier. If the student is unable to apply or use any of these
materials the supervisor can issue a Pink Sheet and have the student catch up
on anything missed. A Pink Sheet
should never develop into a long action. It is a quick and precise remedy to
correct the student and get him back on track.
The Supervisor observes
or examines the student.
He writes his observations
and corrects anything found
to be out with a Pink Sheet. |
The course supervisor has a clip board with Pink
Sheet forms on it. He issues one of these when he sees that the student apparently has missed
something. This can be as a result of a drill that causes trouble, any
weak materials revealed by a check-out, or an examination. The supervisor
can also do direct observations of students' study habits or general
behavior and issue a Pink Sheet based on his observations.
Writing a Pink Sheet
The supervisor has, as mentioned, a clip board with pink sheet forms on it.
1. He always makes a carbon copy of any pink sheet he
issues. He simply puts a sheet of carbon paper between two forms and writes on
the top and gets a copy underneath for his own use.
2. He writes the name of the student or coach being observed, the date, and
his own name at top of the form.
Date: |
Student: |
Observer: |
Sup: |
Coach: |
Assignment: |
Observations: |
3. There is a wide column at the right of the sheet
called "observations". A narrower column
to the left of that headlined, "Theory and Practical Assignment"
or simply "Assignment", and two
more columns to the left headed "Coach" and
4. The supervisor observes the student or a coaching session,
standing close enough
to hear and see what is going on.
5. He writes his observations in the column "Observations" exactly
as observed; it can be a coaching session or an individual student studying or
applying what is learned.
He does not necessarily look for study- and coaching-errors at first. He just
looks and records what is happening. He does not write opinions or evaluations -
nor invalidations. He does not attempt to correct or teach in the
"Observations" column. He simply observes the activity and records what is
happening. It may result in no assignment at this point. He is just making his presence
felt and showing interest in what is going on.
6. He may write one or more pages of "Observations"
in that column. Now it is time to evaluate. He looks over what he has noted and sees if anything actually needs correction.
7. If he has found something he fills in "Assignment"
with a theory and/or practical assignment. He writes down the exact materials from the course
materials to be studied: the chapter, drill, or bulletin which contain the correct data or drill
needed to correct the
errors observed.
If he can't pinpoint the main difficulty, he may ask the student a few questions. Some of the answers he gets can be quite
surprising. He locates the main error or difficulty and writes the Pink
Sheet to get the student corrected.
Sometimes the supervisor can write several pages of
"Observations" without recording any errors. The student is
doing it right or the coaching drill is going well; Study Technology is
being used correctly. That's fine - the Pink Sheet can still be given to the student without any assignment. It will still
help the student.
8. The original of the Pink Sheet is given to the student.
The copy is kept by the supervisor as a control copy. When the student hands in
the completed original, with all the necessary things done and signed off, the
carbon copy is simply thrown away. The completed Pink Sheet is filed in the student's
study folder.
Doing the Assignment
When a student has received a Pink Sheet assignment it should be done with a twin,
whether it is theory, practical, or both. The twin
first reviews the observations with the student. Then he or she star-rates the
student on the issues as assigned and drills the
student until the correct data are completely learned and understood or the student can do the drills correctly.
Once this is done the twin signs his name or initials in the coach's column. The student is then
ready for a check-out by the supervisor on the Pink Sheet material.
Supervisor Check-out
The student now turns his Pink Sheet in to the supervisor. This is done in
person as the supervisor may want to go over it with the student and do a check-out
of his own. He wants to know if it has handled what was observed or if
he has to keep a close eye on the student or give him additional assignments.
Pink Sheets are never used as punishment or to make the student wrong. They are
used to improve the student's study- or coaching-ability by having him re-study data and
do practical drills in the weak areas.
A student's weaknesses
in data and skills will often not show up under the normal conditions of theory
study and practical drilling, but they will stand out very plainly when he has to apply
them in an actual situation.
Therefore, a Pink Sheet Assignment does not necessarily mean that the student
didn't study the material properly, even if he has already passed it in Theory or Practical. It does mean
that he hasn't learned it well enough to use it under the
duress of an actual situation. If a student has gone a few
days without receiving a Pink Sheet, he should start demanding one. Pink Sheets
ensure one basic point of the Study Technology is at work: you want study to
result in a
string of certainties. This may take several or many times over the materials to
be able to do things correctly under trying conditions in practice.