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Twinning is a system used in training. Two students studying the same course or materials are paired and work together on theory and on practical drills. They are said to be Twins. There are some rules and principles guiding this system in order to make it fully effective and beneficial. It is obviously important in practical drills as the students need somebody to work with. But having an assigned Twin throughout the course greatly helps a student over rough points and makes the whole activity more effective and enjoyable. Several methods of Word Clearing need to be done during a course and unless a professional Word Clearer is available, are done with another student so Twins are often required to help one another.


 Twinning activates 
students and they tend 
   to take responsibility   
for each other.


One reason twinning is so useful is that it brings students, who are only willing to sit passively and listen, up to a level where they have to participate and take some responsibility for their fellow students. It puts students into communication, into doingness and participation. One doesn’t learn by being a spectator. Twinning not only gets students extroverted and active but it also gets them to take some responsibility for their fellow Man. These factors are sadly enough often lacking in modern education, where the philosophy seems to be that everybody should simply mind their own business and pretty much be left alone.

To some educators it may seem much quicker and easier and demand less on their part to just let a student sit there, with his attention wandering around in the total significance of it all, and then claim the student had passed the subject when he probably has never gone near it. This is the creeping disease of permissiveness, non-confront, and spectatorism. Real twinning, enforced, effectively pulls the students right out of this sloppy permissiveness and gives them some duties and responsibilities right from the start. Now they can honestly and actively be trained.

Cause and Effect
A person being trained is mainly being worked at Effect. Day after day he is subject to inflow, inflow, inflow. This is the effect-end of the communication formula.

Twinning helps the student to balance this inflow with outflow. It puts him at cause on a regular basis. When the student graduates he is expected to apply the knowledge and skills he has learned. Now he must be at cause.

If he is trained totally at effect he can get into what is called a "stuck flow" phenomenon. He can't outflow on the subject. Yet, if he is ever going to be successful he has to be able to outflow and perform. By balancing inflow and outflow twinning gets him used to that already as a student.

When he as a graduate is required to apply what he has learned he has already become familiar with outflow and doing things from twin.

When to Twin
It is not necessary to Twin students on courses where most of the materials are theory, such as courses in administration. It may not even be practical as students are allowed to go ahead at their own speed following a checksheet. But when it comes to courses where drills and practical application are important twinning is essential. This includes any type of communication course and Meter course. On such courses twinning becomes mandatory.




Twinning is always used 
  in drills. The shown drill is  
from the Communication 


Where the end result of a course is a practical skill or doingness the students are always twinned up. The twinning-up is done at the beginning of the course and it shouldn't be changed around or messed with. These two Twins simply do the course together and help each other along. The whole essence of twinning is to get two students to work together, to assist each other and take responsibility for getting each other successfully through the course.

Where courses consist of a major theory part and a practical part you would not necessarily Twin students on the theory section of the course. You would, however, definitely and always twin them on the practical sections.

Twinning and Word Clearing
One always twins students where Method 9 Word Clearing is to be done between the students themselves and not by a Word Clearer. Twins may also be assigned to get each other through other methods of Word Clearing in this way. Wherever Twins are assigned, whether for an entire course or for the practical section of a course, the rules of twinning apply.

Assigning Twins
The course supervisor is responsible for assigning Twins. The supervisor should team up students of comparable case level, training, and abilities when possible. This ensures the best progress. Twinning a very fast student with a slow one is non-optimum as it can be frustrating to both students. This should not be used as an excuse for not  twinning students.

In some rare instances it may be necessary to reassign Twins who have been incorrectly paired. There could be a case where one student has to leave the course due to illness or circumstance. The general rule is: once assigned, Twins work together until successful completion of the course or activity has been accomplished for both of them.

Taking Turns
Twinning is done on a turn-about basis as follows: One student coaches his Twin through a drill or a section of a drill. They then switch places and the second Twin does the same drill or section of that drill plus the next drill or next section of the drill. They then turn-about again, with the first student doing the drill his Twin has just done plus the next one.


Twins learning to use a Meter, 
here checked by the 
supervisor. The Meter can register 
mental reactions and is used in 
several types of Word Clearing. 
The students take turns between 
using the Meter and being hooked 
   up to the Meter and being questioned.   


The same system applies in Word Clearing. One Twin clears a word or does Method 9 Word Clearing on a paragraph or section of the text. They turn about and the second Twin clears the word or M9s the paragraph or section plus the following one. Now they switch again and so on. They tag along through the drills or assignments.

Turn-about is used as well in star-rate check-outs. Sometimes a check-out can be split up in sections if it is a very long chapter. With the turn-about system one student is not constantly leading; misunderstoods are kept at a minimum by being picked up between them. The Twins tag along with each other. This prevents unbalanced flows and both are kept progressing.

Responsibility of the Twin
Each Twin is responsible for the other's grasp of the materials and ability to apply. Twins have to know this responsibility when starting on a course. 

The Twin Word Clears his fellow student. He listens to his sentences and sees that they are correct and fit the definition. He makes sure his Twin understands the materials. If he doesn't, the Twin helps the student find his misunderstood words and gets him through it. They do practical drills together. They coach each other to wins and certainty in applying the materials. If a student flunks on a supervisor check-out, and he was already passed by his Twin, both students get a flunk. The Twin must have a misunderstood himself if he missed the other student's lack of understanding.

Morale and Production
Twinning actions are carried out with good ARC but being 'nice' is not what is meant. A student getting a good tough coaching session from his Twin and passing - or passing a check-out this way, feels great. He feels he has really accomplished something. A student who gets poor or too permissive coaching or check-outs knows that he has been cheated. If his Twin is just being 'nice' he doesn't win and doesn't appreciate the check-out. One gives him tough standard coaching sessions so he becomes competent. It is always done with good ARC. It must be real to the students and the supervisor that twinning is not a social activity. One is responsible for getting his Twin through the course. If one Twin goes to Ethics, the other goes to Ethics with him. If one Twin should blow, the other Twin must go and get him. One is responsible for getting his Twin through the course. There could be a case where one Twin checks the other on a lot of material near the end of the course, then that person is ready to and wants to graduate. This is not allowed. Never permit a Twin to finish until they are both complete on their checksheets.

Supervisor's Responsibility
It is the supervisor’s responsibility to make sure twinning is done per this chapter. He assigns Twins, pairing them according to their capabilities. The supervisor ensures twinning is done and carried out by the book. He makes sure each Twin is wearing his hat as a Twin and takes responsibility for getting the other through.

A situation can occur where a student and his Twin get into a 'games condition' with each other. This gives a problem-, no-progress- situation. The Twins are not working toward the same goal but are in opposition to each other in some way. This gives no progress, no wins, no production, no demonstration of competence and low morale. Such a situation must not be permitted to occur.


In Study Tech the data line 
   goes from the printed materials   
to the student - even when 
twinning. He learns from the 
materials, not from discussions 
with other students 
or from the supervisor.   


"Verbal Tech"
All students should be made aware that the answers to their questions are in their course materials or other technical references. Students, particularly when they are new, sometimes get into an exchange of verbal data or opinions while they are twinning. The supervisor must step in when he observes this happening and prevent it.

Both Twins Handled
When a student who is in trouble cannot be handled in the course room with Word Clearing and Study Technology, he is sent to Cramming, Review, and occasionally to Ethics. In these cases his Twin is also sent. The Twins are kept together to take responsibility for each other. Another reason is, they both may need to be corrected and repaired. In other words, one Twin doesn’t simply sit there and observe the other Twin being handled. The Twin of a student in trouble will also need to be  handled. If a student has been routed off the regular course to be handled it is assumed that the Twin has failed in some way and has misunderstoods on the course materials. This must be sorted out and resolved. It is determined by interview what the trouble is and how it should be resolved. This is done on an individual basis for each Twin. For example, the bogged student may need Word Clearing and his Twin may need to restudy this twinning data or other course materials. In Ethics, for example, a student may be involved in some sort of out-ethics situation, such as continually being late for course. In any such situation one would look for the twin's role in this or his allowing it with no protest. The Twin would always be given some handling in regard to his responsibility for the situation.  The Twin sees the other through his review, cramming, or ethics handling and, whenever possible, is used to help the student get through it. He also receives appropriate handling himself.

Once students get the idea that their own progress on a course depend utterly on the quality of their twinning you will start to see some quite magical results. They’re now out of the irresponsibility of it all and feel rightfully that they have a duty to perform and can make a difference.



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