'What the Thinker thinks, the Prover will prove'
1. Convince yourself (if you are not already convinced) that you are ugly, unattractive and dull. Talk to some people in that frame of mind. Observe how people treat you.
2. Convince yourself (if you are not already convinced) that you are handsome, irresistible and witty. Talk to some people in that frame of mind. Observe how people treat you.
3. Observe closely and dispassionately two dear friends and two relative strangers. Try to figure out what their belief systems (imprints, conditioning and learning) are, and in what ways they methodically set about proving their beliefs are true.
4. Apply the same exercise to yourself.
5. Believe that you can exceed all your previous ambitions and hopes in all areas of your life. Prove it.
6. Try to discover from every human you meet about their separate reality tunnel, and see how much of it you can use to make your reality tunnel bigger and more inclusive. In other words, learn to listen.
7. James Joyce said he never met a boring human being. Try to explain this. Try to get into the Joycean viewpoint, where everybody is a separate reality-island full of mystery and surprise. In other words, learn to observe.
8. Experiment with some alternative reality-tunnels. Become a pious Roman Catholic. Become Lt. Calley who wiped out the Mai Lai village at Vietnam. Become a rabid anti-Communist believing that government is 85% under covert Communist control. Become a nudist and explain to your friends a list of reasons why they should join you. Become a Nazi for 30 minutes, believing that all politics is a matter of strength, stealth and treachery - plan a campaign to take over the world by force and fraud. Finally, re-enter your 'normal' reality-tunnel. Does it still seem totally objective, or do you begin to recognise how much of it is your own software (information, experiences) and hardware (brain), running programmes (imprints, conditioning and learned models). Are you the operator, or has the system been left on automatic?
Move on to The Genetic Self, Chapter Seven - Awakening!.Return to Transforming the Mind - Contents.