(The following consists of several messages from Dona trying to put clearly in words what she is doing with clients in session. At the bottom you will find several questions to ask clients which are from notes I took during a telephone conversation with Dona. WARNING: Use of this data requires a WORKING ability to USE the following processing techniques: EFT, TAT and PEAT.--Ouran)

UNITYKEY - what is it??

There is a theory that each "soul/being/person separated from the "God essence" as a separate (individuated) aspect of that essence. We are a  part of the whole essence, yet our individual essence is "one" aspect. In that we have ALL - we are still ONE. Even though, we have all qualities.. there is "one" that is ours to experience fully... I guess I would equate it to our "soul purpose" This essence came into this 3-D plane of existence and it sought to understand itself - to experience its "self". It got caught in the  mass of the 3-D atmosphere it forgot (??) that the essence of self was within... and started to look outside of self to differentiate. The quality of the essence was still strong enough that the being could sense it, yet... not  experience it without outer references. As the being searched outward for this expression of self - it met with the 3-D masses and polarities were drawn in.

It located an experience that closely resembled its true nature. Yet..  since it was outside of self... it could NEVER truely re-create the beings essence. Feeling that this was "not quite it" - and In disappointment  and defeat - the being then drew to it the opposite of the original outward expression - (NOT to the essence within... since the essence of being  is "neutral" - in that it has no charge). Now... the being goes to that opposite and sits in defeat for a while... then attempts to re-find their essence by going to the other pole again. Since this is "close" - but, not quite the real thing... the being  again gets discouraged and defeated and flips to the other side. Now.. take  this over lifetimes ... and you have the PRIMES.

Take the example of one of my clients with PRIMES of contained / uncontained. Her "UNITYKEY" is Freedom. The soul essence sought  "freedom" ... and the outward experience of "uncontained" seemed close... yet...  was NOT QUITE IT!!! So, feeling disappointed, she would "flip" to  "contained" and try to figure out what went "wrong." Then would again attempt to  find "freedom" in "uncontained" again.. and they cycle continues to repeat  over and over. Because the PRIMES are so closely representative of their "essence" that they just knew it was there (!!) and kept trying to  find it there!!

This is how I see it.
A being comes in with all essences  - and expresses all essence. Yet,  has one "special" essence, which it searches to experience in this plane of existence. Each being has One set of PRIMES and ALL other polarities - which are  in different stages of charge.

The essence of the being (UNITYKEY) seems to be "closely" related to  the PRIMES - or -- better stated, the PRIMES are the external polarity principal that most closely approximates the being's essence (UNITYKEY). So... I see the ONE coming before the TWO (in the triad principle). I don't see the polarity forming the singularity. I see the singularity seeking outward and that outward expression gets caught in the polarity. This is just how it is coming to me - IN THE MOMENT!!! The process to get this third point (UNITYKEY) is very simple, and can  be added to the end of any PEAT session with only a few more steps in processing.

Love, Light and Laughter
Dona Bilangi


We are all ONE (the BIG "ONE")  and we are all "one" (individual- the smaller "one") - a small "whole" within a bigger "whole" within a bigger "whole" --- etc - probably to infinity!! Microcosm is the macrocosm. Just as we are all one.. we are ALSO individual. In that individual there is an essence.

Our existence is made up of many elements - many DIFFERENT atoms which come together to make the whole. Though this matter is the same (electron, proton, neutron) they come together in the form of a different substance (nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen...)

It is this "ELEMENT" that I am talking about in the UNITYKEY. Since we can look at the microcosm (the atom) and see the macrocosm (us/being) I will conclude that we too have our own "elemental essence" that is UNIQUE to us.

Take the concept of the atom... (atom/being): When an electron in the outer ring of an atom is lost - it is unstable... as in the case with free radicals. this atom "gone unstable" seeks another atom to "grab" one of it's outer electrons. This than "temporarily" stablizes the first atom - which creates instability in the second. That second atom then either grabs that electron back.. or finds another electron to grab. This is the nature of our polarity system. When there is a "charge" we are unstable and seek somehow to create stability (attracting an opposite to "steal" it's charge to temporarily stabilize/neutralize ourselves) PEAT brings the atom/being (each individual polarity) into a stable form. Now.... the atom/being can be stable enough to see who they are. They can now look and say, "I am a Nitrogen atom" or "I am an Oxygen atom" or "I am a Helium atom" -- etc. This is what the UNITYKEY is all about... finding the essence of the being - the answer to the question, "who am I?"

Prior to this neutralization.. the atom/being was too busy trying to become "stable" to even see there was a "beingness" to them. With the stabilization of the PRIMES the atom/being can now see who they are.

Yes - we are all one - we make up the whole. And all atoms make up the whole... and yet - they have their unique place within that whole and their unique job and their unique ESSENCE.

I understand the concept of the VOID - and I do not think this contradicts that in any way. We are all NOTHING - then we are something (the one/essence) - then we  split and became many. It is the "something/one/essence" that the UNITYKEY has found.

Here is the UNITYKEY process... such as it is AS OF TODAY

You will see what I mean!!

I am not sure about how to write up the technique. It really varies from person to person - nothing consistent yet!! I have been playing around with different ideas. REMEMBER all the notes on the "dialogue" is NOT exact - I change it from person to person!!

When doing it along with the initial PRIMES - A different process is used on someone who ALREADY has their PRIMES .. see below. If they have NEVER neutralized a set of polarities with PEAT, this is what I have been doing:

After their PRIMES are neutralized. Get affirmation of the first 2 sets of EOS/stabilization questions and make sure there is NO opposition (I ask for opposition BEFORE the third set of questions) ... you then ask the last set of questions: sitting on top of the mountain... reviewing their past...
Have them answer the questions that Zivorad states... THEN... I let them know that we are going to be looking for "what were you searching for when you created the PRIMES?" or  "What essence of your being were you looking for, when you got caught up in the PRIMES?"

I do NOT expect an answer to this at that moment... It is just setting up the mind to know what it is going to be looking for....

I ask them to allow their mind to go to a wherever it needs to go - wherever will give them this answer (typical Hypnotherapy). Allow some time for them in silence. In most cases (so far) - I have done a bit of PLR (past life Regression) - but, not sure if that is necessary. BTW- I don't use the term PLR (Past Life Regression)  since many people are automatically resistant to that (at least here in the Midwest) :-)). I tell them to allow their mind/consciousness to create a story that might help them see the pattern and the "truth" - or to remember a movie or an archetype which would help them find it. Archetypes are VERY helpful... the story is so universal that it is usually easy to see the what they were looking for!!! :-)

Things to avoid: them thinking their essence is TRUTH - EVERYONE is looking for that :-)) - have them answer: "The truth of your essence is what?" If Truth still is the answer (or makes sense in the story they created) then that might be their true essence (no pun intended :-))

LOVE is also one that everyone is searching ask them  "How does your essence express love?" --- or something like that. Again.. if the answer is love... than that would probably be it.

ALSO - The UNITYKEY - is a "positive" quality - a quality that would be "of God." Many people can only see the "negative" in their "stories" - so, you might have to help them (as little as possible :-)). Betrayal and abandonment are very common ... so, ask them, "What quality of you do you feel is being betrayed - or abandoned??" or "What is being betrayed... abandoned?" (NOTICE - use the word "WHAT" instead of "WHO")
For example:  I had a client who kept saying (in the PLR) - "I feel very disconnected" ... her UNITYKEY? Connection!! So... be aware this might be what will come up.

I let the person know BEFORE the whole session that we are going to look for the UNITYKEY... this set's their mind up to "be there" when it is needed!! I tell them we are going to be "searching" for this after the PRIMES (I believe we get what we search for!!) and I tell them about my "theory" on PLR (that it is just the mind creating a story to help it understand better - seeing it from beginning to end.. to find the pattern). I try to get to 2-3 "stories" to allow them to really understand what they are searching for. And... of course - it usually "relates" to the PRIMES - so that helps identify it.  At this point it is very "subjective" - sorry that I cannot give you any definite... I have only done about 10!! "Seek and ye shall find". Since I believe this to be true.. I set up that energy - and that is what is created. I am not sure about anyone else re-creating it, yet!! Maybe it is just them out-picturing my illusion!!!
I have been trained in hypnotherapy and many other "psychological" techniques... so, it is very easy for me to just go into this process. I ALSO do some clearing on the "stories" that come up - cuz in most cases these could be quite traumatic (even though I set it up that it is not necessarily their past lives) - since it is creating/re-creating something that has been a major conflict (the PRIMES) it could be quite "REAL" to them. If you feel comfortable with that - I would definitely recommend it!!

PROCESS For someone who already has their PRIMES -and wants this process afterwards (or if the PRIMES went too long to continue into this):

I have started with this Technique:
Issue (they/you can use Primes - or ANY issue - I have done it BOTH ways - and it gets to the SAME PLACE!!)
Processor: What belief might a person have to experience (the conflict between Prime1 and Prime2)
Client: Answers this
Processor: How do you prove this that this belief is true?
Client: answers
REPEAT this EXACTLY (IE: The second and continued times through.. the first question is STILL the same... do NOT go with NEW content. The question would ALWAYS be: What belief might a person have to experience (the conflict between Prime1 and Prime2) Continue this process until the client cannot think of anything else. Take the most charged item (even if it is not the last one....) Ask their "mind" to think about that issue and allow it to go to where ever it needs to go to find what created it....
Again... this above technique is probably NOT necessary - it just give me a starting place to allow the mind to relax and go deep... to be able to do the next part easier!!

I then do "traditional" PLR (as above) - yet, set up what we are looking for - and asking the mind/consciousness to allow them to see it!

Even though this seems too "subjective" and "accidental" - it seems that everyone (so far) can really relate to that UNITYKEY as being their true essence... without question.

The UNITYKEY should be something that answers the question:
Is this what you feel you have always been looking for? (You might have to ask this question by placing "the TRUTH" in front... i.e.: Does it seem like all your life you have been searching for "The truth about Perfection" / or "The truth about Happiness"- or  "the truth about harmony"  --- whatever their UNITYKEY is.

Once it is found.. their lives have opened up to it's fullest -- and I  have only been doing this for the past few weeks or so! Sorry this isn't "formal" - I am not used to writing up my sessions. I  know I need to get better with that... so, this is giving me the opportunity!!
Love, Light and Laughter
Dona Bilangi

I have been asking the people to come back for at least two follow up visits. On one I have them do a TAT session (Tapas Acupuncture Technique - this procedure was given to everyone at the PEAT workshops - Zivorad got the idea of PEAT from this technique)... anyone who does not have this, and is interested, please backchannel me. I have them do TAT on BOTH sides (Separately) of the PRIMES - I do the first 4 questions and Muscle test (if you don't do that - you can just use intuition - or ask the person) if any of the other questions are necessary.

On the second visit I have them do the "advantages/ disadvantages"  (A/D) technique from "The Sedona Method" - Again, I have them take each polarity separately. I ask them for an Advantage of one polarity, then a disadvantage (STAYING ON THE ONE POLARITY ALL THE TIME) then an advantage, then a disadvantage. Continue until they cannot think of anything more. If they are stuck on one side - just keep going on the other side.. but, always alternate - even if the last time they had nothing.. they often come up with something later!! I do the same thing for the otherm side of the polarity. I then have them use EFT to treat. I DO NOT do a complete set-up for each. I use the "alternate phrase" technique" instead.

The TAT gets to deep psycho-emotional aspects and clears them quite easily and effectively. The A/D allows them to see on a more "conscious" level what is going on.

They are BOTH quite revealing - as most people see how the one side of the polarity that they "thought" was the "bad" actually has some really POWERFUL advantages!! And vice versa!! They then realize how these PRIMES have been effecting their whole life. I do other post-processes - but, these are the ones I like the most. It is NOT necessary to do TAT first and then A/D - could be either way - I just do what "feels right" with the client!!!

As Zivorad alluded to - I have also found another piece to PEAT - the "reason" that we got STUCK or created our PRIMES to begin with!! I am in the preliminary stages of developing and understanding this. SO far I have processed about 10 people and it is truly PHENOMENAL!!

Love, Light and Laughter
Dona Bilangi


Before doing the PEAT PROCESS,  I explain that at the end of the neutralization we will look for the Unitykey, this set's their mind up to "be there" when it is needed. I explain what that is (see above) and that we might have to look at some past issues (sometimes known as "Past Life Regression" ), though often that is not necessary. I ask about their beliefs about Past lives. If there is NO resistance, I do not go into much more information on that. If there seems to be resistance to that I explain Past lives in a non-past-life way (see below). I feel it is best to let people know this is something that might come up so that they are aware of it and not be surprised if it does come up.

After their PRIMES are neutralized. Ask the standard EOS/stabilization questions (pages 195 - 198) Skipping questions on page 197 (Fourth Group of Questions) so you can make sure there is NO opposition first.
Then go back and ask the stabilizing questions on page 197 (sitting on top of the mountain... reviewing their past. ..) Have them answer the questions that Zivorad states. These questions are set up to have the person look into the past.
After I ask all of Zivorad' , I ask them the Unitykey one(s):
Here are a few suggestions of what wording to use. You probably do not need to use them all, just pick one or a few which make the most sense to you.
.       "What were you searching for when you created the PRIMES?"
.       "What essence of your being were you looking for, when you got caught up
in the PRIMES?"
.       Ask the person "Look carefully, when you got caught in your primes ______ and _______. What were you seeking?",
.        "What was your essence attempting to find?"
.       "What were you wanting to experience or express, when you got caught in
your primes?"
Or something similar

In MOST cases, the person "hears" a word, or gets an understanding, or a picture, or a "realization" of what it was. This is their UNITYKEY.

It can be, and often is, this easy.

 I sometimes have to help them just a bit with putting it into a "simple' word (or just a few words). It is best to have single words, but I have gotten, "Peace of mind", and "Practical Wisdom" rather than just "Peace" or "Wisdom". Just make sure the client is  in agreement with it. I do attempt to put it in "positive" terms or get a slightly deeper meaning. I had a client say they were seeking "approval" - which is perfectly fine, yet, I did ask if "acceptance" felt more complete. and it did.  Approval is seeking acceptance in the outer world, and this was what he was "trapped" into doing.

If the Unitykey does NOT come quickly, or if there is confusion as to what it is:
I ask them to allow their mind to go to a wherever it needs to go - wherever will give them the answer. Allow some time for them in silence.
If that does not get much response, you might have to go into some "past issues" to get a "storyline" to help. When doing the UNITYKEY process along with PEAT this is usually NOT necessary, but sometimes it is.

I try not to use the term "Past life", I just tell them to allow their mind/consciousness to create a story that might help them see the pattern and the "truth" - or to remember a movie or an archetype which would help them find it. Archetypes are VERY helpful... the story is so universal that it is usually easy to see what they were looking for!!! :-)
I just explain that the mind will create pictures, scenes and plots to help you (the processee) understand more about what is going on. Sometimes it will seem as if you are in the scene, like in a dream. This, again, is the mind helping you work through things by giving you a story-line to work with. Many times the plot seems to be similar to a TV show or a movie that you have seen. Or, you will visualize a historic scene. These are all perfectly normal and to be expected. The mind will give you what is the easiest for you to understand. You can add any explanation that you feel comfortable with. State:  (the client is still in the stabilizing questions on page 197 (sitting on top of the mountain... reviewing their past. ..)

Allow your mind to take you to where ever it needs to go to help you find the answer to "What is my Unitykey. what was I seeking when I caught in my Primes of ______- and _______ ??
Give them some time. Usually something comes quite quickly, since they are in Pleroma from the PRIMES neutralization.
If they get nothing, ask them, " "what IF" you could get see/experience/know a situation that would help you find this information." Using the "what if" statement helps the person get in touch with that "creative" part of themselves - which is usually the place where these answers lie. Once they get a "life/situation" have them see if from beginning to end (if they are able) - or to see the part that will help them understand their Unitykey.

Usually the person only needs to see/experience/know 2-3 "lives" in order to find their Unitykey.

If you are uncomfortable continuing along these lines (past life processing) then I suggest you continue to have the person go deeper and deeper into Pleroma and continue to ask the same questions above.  If they have come up with MULTIPLE possibilities, there is a set of questions to ask to get them to realize which one fits (see below).

Multiple possibilties
Afterwards they might have a few "possible" unitykeys. I ask them to just go inside really deep and not think... just "resonate" with each one of these...
Take each "possible Unitykey" separately, and make this statement (filling in the blanks):

"Your essence came to experience  _____________, and when it looked outside of itself it got caught in the polarity of  (Primes )    _________ and   _____."

They will KNOW which one is the one that fits "who they are"

Helpful Hints:
Things to avoid: them thinking their essence is TRUTH - EVERYONE is looking for that :-)) - have them answer: "The truth of your essence is what?" If Truth still is the answer (or makes sense in the story they created) then that might be their true essence (no pun intended :-))

LOVE is also one that everyone is searching ask them  "How does your essence express love?" --- or something like that. Again.. if the answer is love... than that would probably be it.

ALSO - The UNITYKEY - is a "positive" quality - a quality that would be "of God." Many people can only see the "negative" in their "stories" - so, you might have to help them (as little as possible :-)). Betrayal and abandonment are very common (If you went searching a past life to find the Unitykey) ... so, ask them, "What quality of you do you feel is being betrayed - or abandoned??" or "What is being betrayed... abandoned?" (NOTICE - use the word "WHAT" instead of "WHO") For example:  I had a client who kept saying (in the PLR) - "I feel very disconnected" ... her UNITYKEY? Connection!! So... be aware this might be what will come up.

I am a Certified Hypnotherapist, as well as trained in many other techniques... so, it is very easy for me to just go into Past Life processing. I ALSO do some clearing on the "stories" that come up - since, in most cases these can be quite traumatic (even though I set it up that it is not necessarily their past lives) - since it is creating/re-creating something that has been a major conflict (the PRIMES) it could be quite "REAL" to them. If you feel comfortable with that - I would definitely recommend it!!

(Ouran's notes/crib sheet: after merging of a PP, "stabilize" with the UnityKey using this approach:

Looking back at your past:
What were you searching for which created the primes?
What is the being searching for?
Tell me the story of what you have been searching for which created the primes?)

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