Study Basics Course

A study checksheet is a list of the materials you need to study and the practical demonstrations, drills, exercises, and essays you need to do. They are given in the order that they should be done in. The checksheet is laid out to provide the most optimum path through the subject. Theory is interspersed with practical parts to present the subject in a balanced manner. Please go through the checksheet in the suggested order.

As you go through the checksheet you should write your initials and the date on each item you finish. Some practical items require a check-out from the course instructor or a fellow student and in that case they would initial that point.

The course is intended to be studied in a course room where an instructor is available to guide you through the materials. If there is any part that you need clarified or you wish to discuss the instructor is there for you.

1. Why study? _________
2. Essay: Write down your own personal reasons for studying. _________
3. Pre-requisites to study _________
4. Drill: Pick a book or item from a subject you are interested in. Sit and look at it for 10 minutes without doing anything. Don't read it, just look at it. Notice what happens. _________
5. Myths about retention _________
6. Affinity, Reality, Communication _________
7. Drill: Notice some things you have affinity for, reality about, or good communication with. How well do you understand them?  

8. Relative Importances _________
9. Drill: Go through the preceding pages about ARC. Note what is basic principles, doingnesses, explanations, examples, opinion, and filler.  _________
10. Intelligence _________
11. Drill: Evaluate the datum "In the afternoon we will have light showers and winds up to 25 miles per hour" in terms of differences and similarities.  _________
12. Barriers to study _________
13. Check-out: Tell the instructor how the 3 barriers to study are recognized and remedied.
14. Mis-understood words _________
15. Drill: Get word-cleared by the instructor on the chapter about mis-understood words. _________
16. Gradients _________
17. Drill: Work out a gradient of steps for studying a subject you chose _________
18. Confusions _________
19. Drill: Outside course, notice something you are confused about. Find or choose a stable datum about it, and then another. Notice what happens. _________
20. Mass _________
21. Essay: Say what the mass is in 5 different subjects. _________
22. Essay: How to recognize lack of mass _________
23. Demonstrations _________
24. Demo: Demonstrate for the instructor what happens when one studies without mass _________
25. Clay demos _________
26. Clay: What happens when one goes past a mis-understood word _________
27. Conceptual understanding _________
28. Essay: 3 things you have conceptual understanding of, and 3 subjects you don't. _________
29. Truth _________
30. Drill: Find something in the course materials so far that you disagree with _________
31. Types of mis-understood words _________
32. Essay: An example of your own of each of the types of mis-understood words _________
33. How to look up words _________
34. Drill: Look up the word "study" in a dictionary. _________
35. Dictionaries _________
36. Drill: Become familiar with the parts of the dictionary you are using. _________
37. Word clearing methods _________
38. W/C: Have the word clearer give you WC4 word clearing on a part of this course. _________
39. Duplication _________
40. The Learning Drill _________
41. Drill: Do the learning drill with another student, both ways. _________
42. Glibness _________
43. Essay:How to recognize a glib student. _________
44. Check-outs _________
45. Drill: Exchange check-outs with another student on the chapter about Check-outs. _________
46. Coaching _________
47. Tape Study  
48. Demo: Find a tape recorder. Demonstrate to the instructor how you would use it for studying. _________
49. Lectures _________
50. Relaxation and study _________
51. Drill: Sit down in a quiet place with closed eyes, breathe deeply and slowly for 5-10 minutes. Then study a few pages of text of your choice. Write down the results for the instructor.  

52. Improved study presentation _________
53. Language and meaning _________
54. Undefinable terms _________
56. Drill: Prepare yourself for defining the word "trust" completely for the instructor. Be sure that you can define any of the words in the definition. _________
57. False data _________
58. The pyramid of knowledge _________
59. Essay: The most basic datum you know in your chosen subject, and 3 specific manifestations of it. _________
60. Structuring learning _________
61. Drill: Apply this system to the previous chapter named "How to look up words" _________
62. Outpoints and Pluspoints _________
63. Drill: Take a recent newspaper. Find 5 outpoints and 5 pluspoints on the front page. _________
64. Double-speak _________
65. Drill: Find an example of each type of double-speak in your newspaper. _________
66. Other study techniques _________
67. The importances of study _________
68. Demo: The importances of study _________

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