The CB-Meter Course

General Questions

What is your name?

How old are you?

Where do you live?

What kind of car do you drive?

Where do you come from?

Do you like movies?

Have you ever seen an elephant?

What time is it?

Which books do you like?

Have you studied philosophy?

What shoe size do you use?

Are you male or female?

Do you know a good plumber?

What kind of people do you like?

Is the sun shining?

How did you get to this place?

Do you believe in UFOs?

Are you good at fixing things?

What is your favorite subject?

Do you like animals?

Which countries have you been in?

What do you think about boxing?

Are you here now?

Do you ever eat yogurt?




The room is very bright.

I have an appointment later.

I feel much better now.

You look like an interesting person.

This is a strange thing to do.

You made me so happy.

I am 2 miles high.

My stomach feels upset.

I feel like jumping out of the window.

Can you leave your body?

My head gets dizzy.

I don't know what is happening.

Suddenly I know what it all means.

That floor is very flat.

You are my re-incarnated husband from 10,000 years ago.

Your face is getting blurry.

I can't believe that clearing works.

I wonder if my needle is floating.

This chair is too soft.

I feel I need professional help.

There is a gorilla standing behind you.

When does the actual clearing start?

My feet are itching.

I can maybe play the piano.

That was a very good question.

I don't know, I really don't know.

Wherever you go, there you are.

You aren't saying anything.




Means of transportation:


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