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Writing a Repair Program
Once a Grade or Major Rundown is started it is forbidden to start the pc on any other Major Grade or Rundown until complete. "Complete your cycles of action on the case!"
The exceptions to this rule are few. The principal one being, if the pc suffers from Out Int this is the only thing that should be addressed. If the pc goes Out Int during Grade 1, the next action would be Int handling, typically Recall Int RD. But that is really a Repair Rundown after all. When that is completely handled the pc is put back on Grade 1 to complete it.
A program can of course turn out to be "Wrong action" for the case at which point you wouldn't continue it, such as running a PTS RD on somebody who isn't PTS. Instead you handle any BPC on "wrong action" and pull out.
Still a case responds best to clean cycles of action. C/S and auditor doing just that will have happy pc's with little attention on anything else than their cases and their recent big wins. It is related to the auditor's efforts to have a pc In-session: Pc interested in his own case and willing to speak to the auditor. If the pc is not In-session, due to the program being wrong, repairs are needed. The repair program has to be designed to parallel the pc's mind and address the area "on pc's mind", where his focus of attention has gone to. That is the PTP area that needs to be discharged first. Doing that, the pc will be In-session on the program. You get any BPC out of the way and pc back on the Grades in no-time.
We are here talking about situations, that can arise from time to time where the pc needs other auditing than the next process on the Grades. Understand this should not develop in a wild goose chase but should be done very disciplined and restricted. The only thing that is allowed are repairs to get the pc back in shape to get going on the Grade again. Repairs are not Major Actions. Even though it sometimes can do marvels for the pc the purpose of a repair is strictly to handle By-passed Charge. But a good Repair will parallel the pc's mind - address exactly what the pc is hung up on. It can be by-passed by life or in auditing. It's an incomplete pending cycle that has to be cleaned up before the Grade can be completed or a new one started. It is an out ruds situation of sorts. You have to clean house, so to speak, so you can get on with what you were doing.
Programming Cases
The basic rules for programming cases are simple.
1. Make sure the pc is fully set up before starting a new Grade or RD.
2. Get the pc moved up the Grade Chart.
3. Complete cycles of Action on Cases, such as Grades and RD's, one at the time.
4. Do not interrupt workable programs, but simply get the pc through it.
5. Only if persistent Bad Indicators are present do you interrupt a Program.
6. You do an FES and interview pc to find the BPC area.
7. You design a Repair Program to handle it, applying Broad shooting.
8. When the BPC is handled and pc again F/N VGIs you end the Repair.
9. You complete the Grade or RD the pc was on to EP and ability regained.
10. Now you can put the pc on a new Grade or a Major RD as part of your overall plan.
Clean cycles of action is what works in auditing.
Whether called a Set up or Repair Program you are essentially
doing the same thing. The difference between the two is in the preparation.
A set up can be as short as "Fly a Rud" so the pc is F/N VGIs before
the Major Action is begun.
A Repair program has steps and is based on a folder study such as an FES. But in
usual language, a pc completes a Repair program and is now "set up"
for the next Grade or a RD.
Know Your Tools
The basic data on Repair programs are in Auditors Rights
and in the Life Repair chapter of CT-3.
Also FES and Repairs in this C/S section. Your
basic repair tools are 2-way comm's, Prep-checks, Overrun and Rehabs, Assists - and of course Prepared Lists.
Flying rudiments on special areas, including the Quad Ruds from the PTS RD, can come in handy sometimes as
a stand-alone Repair action. An additional source of tools available can be
found on the different Repair Lists themselves.
Once you know your basic tools you can make up an effective Repair program. The
specialized tools are first and foremost all the Prepared Lists. You have to
study each of them, their purpose and the questions on them and how each line is
handled. Most of the data, that was developed in the C/S Series, got packaged into
these Repair Lists and the instructions under each line. When you have a pc in some kind of trouble and you know from the FES
what the situation is you dive into your tool box and find the List that should
handle it. You can then look over the Lines and say to yourself, "Yes, line
22 sounds like it should take care of my pc, Fred." That means it's the
right list, most likely. It doesn't mean you should only check Question 22, of
course. You apply Broad shooting
in repairs. But the option of using the instructions on a repair list, without
doing the whole Assessment or list, is sometimes the way to go if your folder
study and FES has narrowed it down.
Once the FES is done a FES Summary list is done. It will now be easy to see what to do. When you for instance look over the FES summary list for Starting or Continuing Expanded Grades you should be able to right away determine what needs to be addressed. You look at the job at hand and the tools available and simply use good, basic workmanship. It is much like carpentry when done this way. Study the case, find the rough spots, smooth them out with the right tools. Put pc back on the Grade Chart.
There are two areas of to look at: (1) Pc's life with any out rud situation, PTS
situation. etc.
(2) Earlier auditing. Anything the pc may have attention on regarding his or her
auditing history, such as incomplete actions, out tech or Out-int and the like.
Doing a set up on a beginning pc is the Life Repair. That addresses (1), pc's
life. Doing Repairs on a pc already audited would usually address rough spots in
auditing first; that gets the pc back In-session. Then pc's life is addressed.
If pc is PTS that has to be addressed before such an audited program is even
started as the pc's Ethics has to be in for auditing to work (See
"Who can the Auditor Help").
Example 1: Doing a Repair or set up program on a pc who has been off auditing for a while, but now wants the next Grade, would include the following: (A) Have the pc D of P interviewed. (B) If pc seems to be doing OK and last Grade went fine you can use one of the following options:
(i) Fly each rudiment plus Overt and Withhold, each to F/N VGIs. Start pc on next Grade.
(ii) Assess a GF M5 and return to C/S. C/S writes a program according to what read.
(iii) Assess a C/S 53 method 5 and handle all reads.
(iiii) Assess a C/S 53 method 5 and handle an F/Ning list.
Other options exist. You choose your tools based on the whole picture. The interview. Pc's past difficulties, auditor's skill level, time available. Your EP is pc F/N VGI's, no attention on earlier auditing or recurring out ruds in life. You will have an In-session pc for your Grade.
In this C/S Mini Hat we do not want to cover all possible scenarios at great length. Instead try this:
Do your folder study
Have pc interviewed on the Meter.
Know your tools.
Handle any attention on earlier auditing.
Handle any attention on out ruds in pc's life.
When the pc is F/N VGI's with these things out of the way,
get him moving on the Grade Chart.
We offer some more examples to get you into the mode of thinking with the data.
Example 2: Pc on Grade 2. TA goes repeatedly high after session and is generally higher than it used to be. The FES does not reveal anything spectacular. Pc seemed to do fine before. C/S orders CS 53 assessed M5 and returned to him. The Int buttons are reading. Pc has had no Int handling. C/S writes following Repair program:
1. Do an Recall Int RD to EP
2. Take C/S 53 to F/Ning list.
3. If all fine now, complete Grade 2.(Pc attests each point at Examiner)
Example 3: Pc in the middle of Grade 0. Pc is seen to roller coaster. She comes in upset, is loosing gains etc. She apparently is PTS. She is given a D of P. A PTS type A situation with mother is brought to light. She is sent to Ethics to work out a handling. Part of the handling is, pc is not to contact mother while in auditing. There are other steps (see "Physical Universe Handling"). This out of the way, the C/S orders:
1. Fly Quad Ruds on "Mother" per PTS RD.
This handles it for now and the pc is put back on Grade 0. The C/S keeps a watchful eye on pc's PTS'ness to see if a full PTS RD would be needed after Grade 0. The PTS RD is a Major Action and RD and is not thrown in in the middle of a Grade.
Example 4: Pc on Grade 3. He is part of a co-auditing group, a class of students auditing each other. Since they are all students there are from time to time rough auditing, out TRs, incorrect metering, Auditors Code breaks, etc., etc., etc, taking place overall. The pc has BPC on the auditing itself. The C/S can use tools such as L1C "On your auditing___", 2-way comms and Prep-checks to handle the BPC. Since pc is a green auditor himself the Overt-side should be looked into as well (him auditing others with out tech). If there has been L&N involved that would be suspected and addressed first. There wasn't. The C/S designs this Repair:
1. L1C with preface "In your co-auditing____"
2. TWC (check subject for read) "Tell me about your auditing since coming here" to EP.
Note all falls, LFs and BD's and the exact statement.
3. Prep-check each reading statement.
4. Assess: Metering, Originations, EPs, F/Ns, Gains, Drills, Auditing Theory.
Prep-check reading items, each to EP.
5. Ruds as an auditor, including O/Ws:
"As an auditor, do you have an ARC break?"
"As an auditor, have you had a problem?"
"As an auditor, has a Withhold been missed?"
"As an auditor, have you committed an Overt?"
"As an auditor, have you had a Withhold?"
Check each of these rud questions repeatedly until F/Ning on calling. Then take up the next one.Pc is VVGI's after point 3 is done and is sent to attest Repair and put back on the incomplete Grade 3. C/S makes note of that an Auditors Confessional Form should be done later (which would be a Major Action and clean up completely (5) above).
Example 5: Pc has a history of PTS. She has completed Grade 2. She has had the PTS RD but things are still not fully handled.
C/S writes the following program after FES and D of P interview is done. C/S had all L&N actions collected from folder and kept in the back of the PT folder.
"Situation with mother still blowing up from time to time:"1. Ethics: Short physical universe program to keep pc out of pt restimulation.
2. Verify and correct all L&N items found on case.
4. If still troubles with "Mother", Do Suppressed Person RD on "Mother".Note, that (4) is Major RD and thus not done in the middle of another Major Action. If the situation was as described here, but pc in the middle of Grade 3, C/S may still decide to do 1-3 as the PTS RD apparently wasn't fully complete. That borders on an Advance Program: Complete the old incomplete cycles (Grades, RDs) first.
Example 6: Pc upset after a L&N session. The pc gives a Bad Exam Report (BER). The 24 hours rule apply. The auditor can without C/S OK take the pc right back in session and do a L&N correction with an L4 Short or L4BRB. The C/S' action would be to cram the auditor so this doesn't repeat, but after the pc is handled.
Example 7: Pc is "PTS", apparently. Has a history of that. He has had the PTS RD, PTS RD Addition and PTS RD Correction List. Now he is back for more "PTS handling". C/S gets suspicious (finally) and has a full bottom up FES done. This reveals Rock Slams and Evil Purposes on terminals involved. The C/S finally realizes pc is Pretended PTS and puts pc on a FPRD program, which handles pc to VVGI's on the situation.
Example 8: Case is resistive. Does not get the expected TA action and often have odd comments to what is being done. Apparently he is not really "with the program". C/S can't figure out, what is going on. The C/S orders a Bottom up FES. Several red flags come to view. He orders first a D of P to confirm his suspicions.
1. D of P: Find out in metered interview if pc has any off-line actions going on. This reveals, pc still has one foot in an earlier practice (astrology) and does that between sessions. C/S recognizes it is a Green Form 40 (Resistive Cases) situation and writes the following program:
1. 2-Way Comm on Astrology, noting all F, LF, BD statements
2. Prep-check each exact statement to EP.
3. Green Form 40 to F/Ning list.(When ready for Engram Clearing the subject should be addressed again as part of the Pc Information Sheet RD).
Example 9: Pc first coming in for service. He keeps pushing to get on Engram Clearing as all he wants is to go Clear. He keeps pushing for next Grade, next Grade, etc. C/S realizes the pc may not know exactly what auditing really is and he is possibly overwhelmed. Best thing is to order him to do some real training, CT 0-4. C/S realizes 2 things: (1) the pc should be handled per Effect Scale. (2) The pc should be made to do CT-0 as a minimum before starting on the Grades.
Example 10: Pc complains of over repair. From folder it is obvious it is taking place. All kinds of prepared lists have been assessed to "solve the case". This usually means the C/S hasn't found it. The real reason for pc's difficulties. Possibly the auditor's Assessment skills has to be crammed. C/S orders a bottom up FES. Finds that pc has not had a proper Drug handling despite heavy Drug history. Objectives look questionable as well. The C/S writes following program:
1. Do a Repair Correction List to EP.
2. Rehab/flatten each of the Objective processes of Grade 1.
2. Flatten pc's Drug RD, making sure all reading Items are fully handled.
We are getting into Advance Programs here. The definition of Advance Program being: "This gets the pc really up to where he should be by completing earlier Grades and actions that are found to be "out". Each Grade is completed to an honest EP and attested. Then the next Grade is completed and attested. This was especially used in the early 1970s as a catch up. Pc's were previously only audited on one process per Grade. But it is still valid where pc's haven't fully made earlier Grades."
That is the subject of the next chapter.
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