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Case Supervisor's Mini Dictionary
The following are the Key terms used in C/Sing. This list contains data covered elsewhere in the whole Clearbird Manual (usually with link), but also data not covered anywhere else in this manual. Thus this mini dictionary is packed with important data. Where possible, reference is made to Ron Hubbard's C/S series with number. You should read through the whole thing to begin with and refer to it frequently while studying the C/S Mini Hat and when doing C/Sing. The illustrations on this level are linked to here. This Mini Dictionary and the Trouble Shooter Tools for C/Ses are the main reference tools in this C/S course.
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C/S Mini Dictionary in alphabetical order:
Grade Chart: This chart has been reissued many times. All issues are more or less valid. Refinements have mainly been made to the lower end of the Chart. The importance of handling the effects of drugs on a case fully and completely very early became more and more evident. Also, the current Chart lists many, many processes for each Grade. In 1981 Engram Clearing became a Grade done after Grade 4. Prior to that it was done before Grade 0.
Grade: a series of processes culminating in an exact ability attained, examined and attested to by the pc.
Expanded Lower Grades: Each of the Grades Recall and Grade 0-4 consists of many processes. The lower Grades are harmonic to the Advanced Ability Levels of "Operating Thetan" after Clear. They consist each of a compilation of processes developed between 1950-1970. They are grouped and sorted out and make up the Expanded Lower Grades (Recall and Grade 0-4). Previous to 1970 there were single, triple or "Quickie" Lower Grades. The processes of these are part of Expanded Grades. Run alone pc's did not as a rule get the full benefits from the Grades. Many processes for each Grade is what it takes.
Out Grade: The pc has attested to Grade 0, but can't communicate freely. Is a "Grade 1 completion" yet has problems all over the place. The Grade is out. The Grades auditing needs to be FES'ed, the pc repaired and the Grade completed to an honest EP. It takes a Repair Program and an Advance Program to fix.
Quickie Grades: Prior to 1970 only one process per Grade was run. This was called Quickie Grades later. Cases needed Expanded Lower Grades to ensure full gains. When the C/S Series first began to appear (1970) a lot of attention was given to fix pc's that hadn't made it on Quickie Grades. All pc's that hadn't fully made it needed a Repair Program and an Advance Program to pick up all the latent gain they had missed. Repair pgm's and Advance pgm's are still used when pc's haven't fully made it. But the need for such programs is much less today when it is done the right way to begin with.
Major Action: any - but any - action designed to change a case or general considerations or handle continual illness or improve ability. This means a Process or even a series of processes like 4 flows. It doesn't mean a Grade. It is any process the case hasn't had.
Rudiments: setting the case up for the session action. This includes ARC Breaks, PTPs, W/Hs, Green Form or Overrun listing or any prepared list (such as L1C, etc).
Out Ruds: ARC breaks, Problems, Present Time Problems, Withholds, Missed Withholds and Overts in restimulation. The rule is: Never audit a pc on a Major Action over Out Ruds. They are handled per Auditors Rights (C/S Ser 1).
Set up: getting an F/N showing and VGIs before starting any Major Action. It means just that - an F/N and VGIs before starting any Major Action. Such may require a repair action and rudiments as well.
Repair: patching up past auditing or recent life errors. This is done by prepared lists or completing the Chain or correcting lists or even 2-way comm or Prep-checks on auditors, sessions, etc.
Program: any series of actions designed by a C/S to bring about definite results in a pc. A program usually includes several sessions.
Program: Also called a "Progress Program"
in the C/S Series. It has been found that case gain
which has not been earlier achieved can be consolidated by a Repair Program.
It can take many sessions to complete. It can usually be done by a Class I or above as long as it is C/Sed by
a fully competent C/S. It is the answer to a pc who had "Quickie Grades" and
didn't actually reach full abilities in earlier auditing. It is
followed by an Advance Program which is explained below.
A pc that isn't doing well in auditing usually needs to have a FES done on his
folder. The FES will show the things that needs to be addressed. On this basis
the C/S writes the Repair Program. The pc gets audited on this program step by
step. At some point the pc will have no more attention on earlier auditing and
will have his immediate complaints in life (out-rud situations) handled as well.
He will be ready to continue on his Grades.
Repair Program
EP: The EP of a
Repair Program is stated in C/S Series 3 as "the pc feeling great and
feeling he can get case gain". A good, clever Repair Program produces what
badly programmed cases would consider total recovery. It is a good idea to have
the pc attest to "I have had definite gains from the recent sessions and
feel great." Or with a hearty "Yes" to "Does processing
really work for you."
You may wonder, how could that much gain come from just repair?
Well, Repair is almost always being done on a pc who was overwhelmed by life or
auditing in the first place.
It does not say every correction list or
every repair action ever devised has to be run on the pc. (CS Ser. 3)
Progress Program: Same as a Repair Program.
Advance Program: This is also called a "Return Program" in the C/S Series. It gets the pc really up to where he should be by completing earlier Grades and actions that are found to be "out". Each Grade is completed to an honest EP and attested. Then the next Grade is completed and attested. This was especially used in the early 1970s as a catch up. Pc's were previously only audited on one process per Grade. But it is still valid where pc's haven't fully made earlier Grades. (Link)
Advance Program EP: Each earlier Grade run taken to full EP, Grade by Grade. Action by Action. Each Grade now fully in is attested before the pc continues on the Advance Program with the next Grade or Action.
Ivory Tower Rule: The Case Supervisor is most successful when he supervises in seclusion. It comes from the practical experience that in C/Sing thousands of cases the most mistakes made are when he listens to the opinion of the auditor or sees the pc. This can be quite fatal to a case's progress. The best results are achieved when the C/S does not permit what he knows of the tech and cases to be clouded by "Human Emotion and Reaction" by others. Part of a C/S's duty is to get the case through it despite auditor opinions and flubs or the opinions of others (Ref: C/S Ser 55).
C/S: (1) Case Supervisor. The person that supervises auditing, writes programs and does quality control on auditor's performance. His goal is to move the pc up the Grade Chart with full gains. He also crams and trains auditors "on the job". (2) The written instructions for a session. All sessions are done based on a C/S instruction.
Know before you go: A maxim the C/S operates on. He needs to have enough fresh data so he can C/S the case with the reality factor in.
Three Golden
Rules: (Ref: C/S Ser 61)
1. Never fail to find and point out an actual goof and send the auditor to
2. Never invalidate or harass an auditor for a correct action or when no
technical goof has occurred.
3. Always recognize and acknowledge a technically perfect session.
C/S Q and A:
There are three main ways a C/S can Q and A in C/Sing. (1) Letting the pc do the
C/S. Example: Pc goes to Examiner on own volition and says, "I am ill. I need
my ruds flown." A C/S Q and A would be "Fly ruds." Other example: Pc on
his own goes to Examiner and says, "I am upset about my job." C/S writes "L1C
on job." This is Q and A with Exam statements of pc. If the pc knew what it
was it would not be wrong and would As-is. Pc coming up to Exam saying, "It's
my husband!" with F/N Cog VGIs would be what would happen if it was the
husband. And that would be great but of no real value to C/S except pc has had a
win and the C/S knows not to now use "husband".
(2) is to C/S a pc win. Pc in 2-way comm mentions cats and more cats and
cats and finally at the end of session has a big F/N Cog VGIs on cats. The C/S
sees all this "cat" mention and orders "Prep-check cats." That is a very
cruel sort of Q and A.
(3) is to agree to the pc's demands for the next Grade despite all contrary
indicators. If the C/S doesn't hold the fort on this the pc put into the next Grade
who isn't ready will fall on his head. (C/S Ser 7).
Supreme test of a C/S: The Supreme Test of an Auditor or a C/S is to make Auditing go right by the book. The C/S should pick actions to do on a pc wisely and complete the RD. Cases respond beautifully to completed cycles of actions, from A to B. (Ref: C/S Ser 47)
Shooting: Even when the C/S "knows" what is ailing the pc he
applies broad shooting.
Example: C/S knows pc is concerned about F/Ns. He does not just write "Prep-check
F/Ns". Instead the C/S writes "Assess Auditors, Auditing, Training, F/Ns,
Processing, false reads. Prep-check each reading item, taking largest read first."
This gives a broader band, more chance of hitting the button or buttons needed.
"Reasonable" C/Sing: To be effective the C/S has to insist upon the right application of the technology. He does not "buy" excuses and explanations of why this case is different or why it was ok not to get the expected result. To do otherwise is said to be "reasonable".
Code of a C/S: The professional code the C/S follows to carry out his job. (Link). (C/S Ser 67)
Auditors C/S: After each session the auditor writes up a suggested C/S for the next session. Often it is simply, "1. Fly a rud if no F/N. 2. Continue Program or Grade". Since the auditor has the full observation of the pc he is usually capable of suggesting the C/S. If auditor is in trouble and don't know what to suggest, he should write up the full observation and get C/S' advice and instructions. (See also Auditors Admin).
Long C/Ses: An experienced auditor is given long C/Ses, such as "Continue Program", as he needs less supervision and should just get on with it.
Short C/Ses:
An inexperienced auditor is usually given short C/Ses to do as the C/S wants to
keep a close eye on his performance. A beginning auditor can expect a lot of
work still has to be done by him in cramming, before he earns the right to get
long C/Ses.
Short C/Ses are also used if the C/S simply wants several lists assessed and
use the result for programming.
Session Grade:
The C/S grades the auditor's session as one of the following: Very Well Done
(VWD), Well Done (WD), Well Done by Exam, No
Mention, Flunk.
VWD if all is okay and the session is exactly by the book.
WD for F/N, VGIs at session end and at Examiner - no major tech errors but not
exactly by the book.
WD By Exam for F/N, VGIs at session end and at Examiner but Admin and session
actions not OK.
No Mention if the session end was F/N, VGIs but the F/N wasn't present at the
Examiner-provided there were no major tech errors in the session.
FLUNK for any of the following:
F/N did not get to Examiner and was not present at session end. Major errors or
flubs occurred like no EP, unflown ruds, mislisting, etc. C/S not followed. Auditors Rights
errors occurred. No F/N and BIs at Examiner, etc. (Ref: CS
Ser 69R).
Off-line Actions: The C/S' work can be made confusing due to off line actions. (1) This can be somebody trying to "audit the pc" in an informal way between sessions (coffee shop auditing). (2) It can be the pc seeking other treatment between sessions. (3) It can even be life knocking out the rudiments faster than they can be put in. (4) The pc reverting to use of drugs is another situation. The pc has to be informed not to allow off line actions. The out rud situation is handled by auditing the pc intensively. A session once a week is not going to overcome (3). (Ref: CS Ser 29)
Training and Pc's: Any pc who has trouble needs training. It is easier and faster to audit an educated pc to stable gains. Trained pc's can furthermore do most of their auditing on a co-audit basis. It is thus cheaper and further reaching to train pc's as auditors.
D of P Interview: Metered Interview done by a skilled Meter operator to get data for the C/S. D of P means Director of Processing. He either arranges the interview or does it himself. See "Know Before You Go" for more data).
D of P: Director of Processing. He is in charge of the practical side of auditing in an organization or larger office. He schedules pc's, assigns auditors to pc's, takes care of auditing rooms and auditors' practical needs. He also keeps pc's happy between sessions. He is a host/manager and does not need to be an auditor or C/S himself.
Two Way Comm for Data: This can be done as a formal session, like "what happened in your last session?" or "Tell me about your Grade 0 auditing". Today most of such information is obtained by D of P interview, but if the C/S suspects heavy out ruds he may prefer it done by an auditor with his tools handy.
Resistive cases: See Expanded Green Form 40
Drugs: A Drug case makes up a resistive case (see Expanded GF 40). By drugs are meant street drugs, psychiatric drugs, alcohol and even some medical drugs, especially pain killers, sleeping tablets and the like. They ruin a person's ability to recall and form resistive masses in the mind and causes a person not to respond right in auditing. Thus any drug use the pc has had has to be addressed as early as possible. It is addressed by TRs, Objective processes, the Cleansing RD, and Recall Drug RD. On CT-5 it can be addressed with the Engram Drug RD. There is even a Drug RD after Clear called the OT Drug RD. (CS Ser 48R gives some basic data).
Sick Pc: A
pc who is sick should not be audited on Major Actions. The pc needs repair. If
the pc is being audited and then becomes sick the C/S should suspect
over-restimulation. The recent auditing may very well contain out tech. He
should order an FES of recent auditing, starting at a point when the pc was doing
real well. The out tech is likely to have occurred a session or two before the pc
got into trouble. That corrected, the pc can be given assists. If pc's
condition persists, the C/S should suspect the pc is PTS. The pc should be given
a PTS Interview and handled per PTS data. First of all the pc may need medical
Actions that can be used to patch up sick pc's include: touch assist, a contact
assist, two-way comm, ruds on the accident, ruds before the accident, Engrams
Assist, medical treatment, life ruds, light PTS handling and assists, Prep-check
on area, ruds on area, hello and okay with the affected area, reach and withdraw
from area, recall on persons similarly ill, location of the postulate that
caused it with itsa earlier itsa, Prep-check on the body or its part, more ruds,
Assessment of failed purposes, two-way comm on the sickness (CS Ser. 9).
Short Sessioning: Short sessions are especially used on sick pc's. A pc that is overwhelmed or easily gets overwhelmed should not be audited for hours on end. This principle applies of course to other pc's, such as green pc's and children. By using Short Sessioning you ensure gains and maximum positive change.
PTS: Symptoms such as Roller Coastering, illness, accidents and mistakes are described in PTS data. PTS'ness needs to be addressed and handled first when present. It is a PTP of magnitude. (Link).
False PTS: A person, who doesn't know how to do things or how to fit in may appear to be 'PTS', but basic training and getting familiar with things may be what he really needs.
Pretended PTS: The apparent PTS'ness is actually caused by pc's own doing. The handling is to give the pc Fixated Purpose RD. (Link).
Worst Tangle: If the pc has (1) Out-Int, (2) Out-Lists and (3) Out-Ruds at the same time it is called the Worst Tangle. It has to be handled in that order.
Out Int: Out Interiorization. Symptoms are: Headaches, odd body aches and pains. Effort, Pressures from environment. It can also be unwillingness to go into things, down to a physical back-off (claustrophobia). An urge to leave can also sometimes be traced back to Out-Int. The main symptom is high TA at session start or TA up at Examiner after EP at session end. Not all Out-Int cases suffer from high TA, but all who have high TA after lots of auditing should first of all be checked for having been audited past exterior.
Assessment: is the action done from a prepared list. Assessment is done by the auditor between the pc's Bank and the Meter. The auditor reads each line from the list and notes which line or item has the biggest reaction. The auditor looks at the Meter while doing an Assessment. Assessment is the whole action of obtaining a significant item from a pc.
Repair Lists: Also called Prepared Lists or Correction Lists. Lists used to locate and handle BPC with. Each list contains detailed instructions about when and how to use it, including instructions about method of Assessment - several of the lists can be used both M3 and M5. We refer to the links below to the actual lists with their instructions.
F/Ning List: Repeated handling of a prepared list to a point where each line F/N's when called. On final time through the auditor may use buttons on lines that don't read and they will F/N if all the charge is handled. This type of handling is often used as a set-up, such as "Take C/S 53 to an F/Ning List".
Method 3: (M3) The list is assessed on a Meter, reading line after line to the pc. When a read is noted it means some BPC has been found. The question is taken up right away. The auditor follows the instructions on the list to handle this BPC to F/N VGI. (Link).
Method 5: (M5) The whole list is assessed rapidly, without getting the pc to talk. The reads are simply noted for later use. They will all be F/N'ed eventually. Depending on the situation, the auditor either handles the reads right after the Assessment in a certain order - or returns it to the C/S for programming. (Link).
C/S 53 Short
Form: This list was originally designed to handle high or
low TA. It is assessed M5 and the reads are handled in the sequence laid out on
the list. It has been called "The Champion of Repair Lists", as it has
proven itself to enable a good auditor to handle all kinds of case difficulties
- way beyond cases with TA troubles - although C/S 53 is still the list to use
for High/Low TA. C/S 53 contains "all the elements known to us that bring about case
C/S 53 Long Form: This is basically the same list as C/S 53 SF. The
difference is, that it uses full statements or questions, while C/S 53 SF uses
only key words in the Assessment. C/S LF is thus designed to be used if an
Assessment of C/S 53 SF does not resolve the situation, as that would indicate
that the charge simply hasn't been made to read. Also, it is sometimes used on
beginning pc's as it can be easier to make to read on them.
Hi-Lo TA Assessment List. Basically the
same as above, but with many additional questions.
False TA Check List:
This list is not assessed on the Meter. It is a
check list to use, when False TA is suspected. It goes through all the physical
causes (like dry or moist hands) that can cause the TA to be in a false range,
that does not reflect the state of case.
Used by Auditors in session when an upset occurs, or as ordered by
C/S. It handles ARC Broken, Sad, hopeless or nattery pc's. Questions can be
prefaced with "Recently" "In this life" "On the Whole
Track" or used without. It is not to be used to handle high or low TA.
Out List: Anything
wrong with Listing and Nulling actions; such as wrong item or no item on a hot
list. It's usually handled by L4 Short or L4BRB.
L4 Short: This is a short version of list correction. It contains all the
most common errors. It is valid on listing in progress or recently done. If it
doesn't resolve the difficulties a full L4BRB can be used.
L4BRB: Used to sort out all possible errors related to L&N. The L4 is
designed to sort out an L&N action in progress. If that doesn't handle,
there may be prior or other problems that need to be addressed. The L4BRB is
thus designed to cover a broader area.
LCRE: This list is used to repair Confessional Auditing. It is used in a
Confessional session in progress per Confessional Procedure. It is also used to
handle troubles from other O/W actions such as O/W write-ups. If the person
after any such action has Bad Indicators or if he gets sick or upset or messes
up, this list is assessed and handled.
CL: This list repairs Fixated Purpose RD auditing. It is also used if an
FPRD Chain does not produce a spectacular EP.
GF: The Green Form is used to detect the peculiarities and
elements of a pc's life which are causing case trouble or preventing gains. (It
is not used to cure high or low TA.)
Per Auditors Rights it can be used by the auditor in case the rudiments won't
fly. In this case it is assessed Method 3 and handled, not going beyond F/N VGIs.
But its real use is Method 5 and then sent to C/S for programming.
WCCL: The Word Clearing Correction List is the list to use when
any form of Word Clearing runs into real trouble. Any and all troubles with Word
Clearing should be corrected by assess and handle this list. The WCCL has been
designed to handle errors made in Word Clearing. It is not to be used to try to
correct study or the person's case. It is used in in context with Word Clearing
actions to correct Word Clearing errors only.
TR Debug List: It is
used on students doing the TRs course if they have persistent troubles.
Green Form 40x:
The Expanded Green Form 40 is used locate and solve the reasons for a case's
The Assessment of the 'Resistive Cases' short list (as included on the GF) will direct the auditor
to the type of the case's resistiveness. Further Assessment is then done in the
corresponding section of the Expanded Green Form 40. The handlings are given
there for what was found. This list provides a fast and direct method for solving
resistive cases.
The handlings can also be used, when folder studies, interviews, etc.
reveals any of the conditions listed is what the pc needs to have handled. Thus
it is also a resource for case analysis and programming.
Study Green Form: The Study Green Form locates and handles troubles with the subject of study, mainly independent of or in addition to misunderstood words. This list is used when a person cannot be trained on something. It is a Major Action that is programmed for by the C/S in order to find and handle what is wrong with a person's case regarding study. It can also be used to cool off a 'rebel student' as it finds the BPC.
The End of Endless DRDs Repair List:
is the Rundown for handling a pc who has been over-audited on drugs, who has had an endless DRD
done by old style drug auditing, and/or who has By-passed Charge on auditing on drugs.
A prerequisite for the Rundown is that the pc is first set up
for the Rundown with a C/S 53 to F/Ning list. (The C/S 53 is not part of the Rundown
itself but is required as a set-up action which is done separately.) The End of Endless DRDs Repair List is then
delivered as a Rundown in itself.
PTS RD Correction List: This Correction List is assessed and handled if, after a PTS Rundown has been done on the pc, any new signs of illness or roller coaster shows up. It also serves as a checklist of expected actions with the Rundown. The handlings are given below the assessed lines. The list is Always Done Method 5 (All assessed then handled).
Recall INT RD Correction List: This list only covers errors on Recall Int Rundown. It does not cover Int RD done with Engram running. The purpose of this list is to correct an unflat, overrun or otherwise messed up Int Handling when the pc's TA is either high or low.
INT Rundown Table: This table tells the auditor and C/S which way to go when handling Out-Int. Once filled out this table should be kept with the pc Folder Summary in front inside of the pc folder beneath the program. And the table should be updated.
Repair Correction List: Use this list to clean up By-passed Charge on improperly done or unnecessary prepared lists or repair actions. This list is done when a pc protests a prepared list or repair action, when bad indicators are present on the subject of repair or prepared lists or when improper past repair or use of correction lists reads on a correction list.
F/Ning Auditor: An auditor who is auditing well could be said to be F/Ning. When an auditor goofs or is having a rough time because of his own TRs and misunderstood words and lack of data, he is not F/Ning. Such an auditor should be handled in Cramming so he is F/Ning. (Ref: C/S Ser 64).
Gross Auditing Errors (GAE's): 5 things in the auditor and 6 things in the pc that can cause the technology apparently not to work. (Link).
Cramming: Cramming means intense study of a limited subject. Auditors' goofs are corrected by cramming. The C/S writes up the general area that needs to be crammed. A cramming officer nails it down and has the auditor word clear, restudy and drill the specific materials missed. The auditor should leave as an F/Ning auditor.
Handwriting Drill: If the C/S can't read the worksheets due to bad handwriting or lack of data he sends the folder back to the auditor for clarification. The auditor should overprint unreadable words with a red pen. The C/S sees to that his auditors catch up on writing understandable reports the first time and can have them train in handwriting drills to catch up on speed and clarity. The auditor should not have to spend a lot of time after session clarifying worksheets. He simply have to drill to write fast and readable, keep to essentials and quickly clarify worksheets after session. He may have to work on his handwriting letter for letter to make it easier to read.
Taping a Session: C/S may want to have the auditor tape record a session to make sure his comm cycle is smooth when put to the test. If video camera is available, it is most important to video tape the Meter. Usually you can catch Meter and pc with one fixed position camera. Recording the needle enables the C/S to see if the reads noted are instant, and that no instant reads are missed, which is an important point. Also to see if the called F/Ns are correct and none missed. Any errors noted are crammed. An audio recording can be used to check auditor's TRs, procedure and completeness of reports with.
Study Order: The auditor missed an obvious minor point. The C/S can simply order the auditor to restudy the relevant data.
Retread: This is a larger assignment by Cramming or C/S. If the auditor keeps goofing a more in-depth study and cramming is required as earlier assignments didn't handle.
Retrain: If the auditor's basic skills in an area, such as TRs, metering, or a specific level, are lacking he can be ordered to retrain and drill all of the original materials. This is done after a cramming has handled the primary cause to his difficulties, such as misunderstood words.
Examiner: The person that makes independent Exam Reports, usually after each session. He also takes volunteer statements from pc's and handles pc Attests.
Ability Attained: Each Grade or audited action adds up to an Ability Attained. The major Abilities Attained are listed on the Grade Chart. It usually takes numerous processes to get to this point. The auditor keeps at it until the pc, the auditor and the C/S are sure pc has attained that ability. At that point he is sent to Attest at the Examiner. This is done after the C/S approves it.
Attest: This is usually done at
the Examiner. It is done when it is obvious to the C/S (and auditor and pc) that
pc has attained the EP of a Grade or a Repair program or Rundown. The pc reads a
statement of the EP at the Examiner and is asked, "Did you attain that
ability?" If the answer is a clear "Yes!" accompanied with an F/N
the pc attests to it. He is usually asked to write a success story as well,
describing his gains.
If the pc can't attest to it the folder is returned to the C/S to figure out how
repair the situation.
Declares: (1)
A pc who knows he has made it must be sent to Examiner to attest to the action.
(2) A pc who hasn't made it must never be sent to Examiner to attest.
(3) A pc who hasn't made a Grade or RD in progress must be handled and given
additional auditing until he has made that specific Grade or RD. The key is
truth. (Ref: C/S Ser 46)
Multiple Declares: Pc asked to attest to more than one RD or Grade at the same time at Exam. This is now forbidden. Each action is attested after completion and before next Grade or RD is begun. Multiple Declares was a bad practice related to Quickie Grades.
BER: Bad Examiner's Report. See also red tag below.
24 Hours Rule: See red tag below.
Red Tag: A
pc (actually receiving auditing) at Examiner with a non-F/N and Bad Indicators
is Red Tagged. The situation has to be handled to F/N VGIs within 24 hours. To
handle this the auditor can take the pc right back into session and use to
appropriate correction list for the action the pc is on to find the BPC and get
an F/N VGI at Exam. If the pc red tags again the folder must go to C/S.
Pc feeling bad a few hours after session is also a red tag. Pc getting sick
within a few days is a red tag. Also a failed declare is a red tag. Such
situations needs immediate attention and an FES of recent auditing may be
needed. (Ref: CS Ser 86RD) (Link).
Folder Error
Summary (FES): If the
pc isn't doing well in auditing the pc's folders should be studied to find out
what is going on. Sometimes what is needed is going back to where pc was doing
well (such as when he attested to the last Major Action) and go forward, reading
all the worksheets and making notes.
At some major point all the earlier auditing may have to be FES'ed and all the
things found to be out should be checked and if charged it should be addressed.
If the pc is running fine on the Grades, however, one shouldn't worry but simply
carry on as pc is winning.
Back Folders: A Pc that has been extensively audited will have more than one pc folder. The current folder is the PT folder. The earlier folders (folder 1, 2...) are the back folders. These are stored in a safe and dry place and should be at hand - especially if pc's auditing isn't running well. They are needed when doing a Folder Error Summary (FES).
PT Folder: The current folder used. It also contains all the programs (past and present), the complete Folder Summary and yellow sheet. Usually lists from L&N actions would be kept in the back of the pt folder. The FES is kept in the PT folder.
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