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C/Sing Life Repair
End Product of Life Repair: Pc no longer overwhelmed by life (see below).
Correction Lists needed in case of troubles: L1C.
Auditor Skills needed: Can be done by a CT-1 Auditor and better, CT-3 Auditor.
The basic data needed for C/Sing Life Repair are contained in CT-3, Life Repair Program.
Let's just recapture a bit and expand on it.
An effective Life Repair can be done by a Level One auditor, who is also checked out on how to do "Two Way Comm as a Process". In this case it would be based on Two Way Comm's and Prep-checks - and also rudiments on different areas of pc's life. He can also do Overrun lists.
Yet better would be to have a Level 3 Auditor do it as he can also use Prepared lists, such as L1C, Green Form and CS 53 as part of a Life Repair Program.
To make an effective Life Repair Program the C/S first of all has the pc interviewed. There should already be a fresh Pc Information Sheet in the pc's folder done as part of "Starting a New Pc". The C/S can order additional D of P Interviews to explore answers from Pc Information Sheet or to explore other sides of pc's life for available charge.
Life Repair is defined in "Auditors Rights": "The pc who starts processing for the first time is surely not F/N VGIs. He must be set up by repair actions! Simple rudiments, life rudiments, Over-run list on life ("something gone on too long"), even assessing prepared lists on life (like L1C and Green Form), these are repair actions. The pc will sooner or later begin to fly. Now at session start you put in a rudiment for that session, get F/N VGIs and pc can run Major Actions."
C/S Series 5 states: "A Life Repair Program handles Life areas".
Important to notice is, that Life Repair, although a Grade in itself, does not contain Major Actions. It is a Repair Program - of pc's life as it is. As such what the C/S is interested in are things that bother the pc and read well. If the pc is in a wheel chair and is an obsessive doll collector you may think, "Ah ha, now I know what to address!" Wrong!
Unless the pc keeps talking about it and it causes the TA to blow down you leave it alone. In starting a pc on auditing for the first time, keep the Effect Scale in mind. The basic principle is: "The worse off the pc is, the more dramatic his demands will be. What will help him, however, is the feather light impact he can actually tolerate." This is very applicable to Life Repair - and to any Repair action for that matter.
The Sample Life Repair Program in C/S Series 5 was:
1. Two way comm on life before auditing. (Note all Falls and BDs.) Send to C/S.
2. C/S to pick up items out of (1) and Prep-check each one that still reads when called off (one to be called then run, no Assessment).
3. Two way comm on rough areas: "When have you had a rough time?" Note all Falls and BDs. To C/S.
4. C/S to list all F or BD items. Prep-check each one.
5. Two way comm on: "What possessions have you had?" To C/S.
6. C/S to list all F-BD Items and Prep-check.
7. C/S Note what period of his life pc hung up in. Auditor to put in ruds on it.
8. Find out what body part or area hurts. Put in Ruds on it.
You see the pattern of doing a TWC on an out-rudiment area and take that to EP; note all Falls, LF's and BD statements and then do a Prep-check on these statements in a later session. This is very effective and relatively easy on auditor and pc's.
In C/Sing Two Way Comm's you make sure the auditor doesn't Q&A, asks Listing Questions and so on.
A new thing you have to ensure is, that the auditor can keep up with the pc, keeping the work sheets. What is really important is to get the exact statements that cause Blowdowns, Long Falls and Falls. As these has to be used in Prep-checks it has to be exactly stated in the pc's wording. Any problems with that, cram auditor on Handwriting Drill.
Some C/Ses have used this program:
1. Green Form M5 and handle (Out Ruds in life).
2. Green Form 40 (resistive cases) to F/Ning list
3. C/S 53 to F/Ning list.
Although effective Two Way Comm's are to prefer as prepared lists usually take a lot of pc education to do. Also this program would take a CT-4 Pro auditor. It is however a good point to clear all the words of an L1C with the pc as a beginning step of Life Repair (CT-3). That is the Repair list to use if the Two Way Comm doesn't run right and simply using ARC break Assessment (and other tools from Auditors Rights) don't seem to resolve. Make sure the CT-3 auditor clears the words of L1C and have him note the fact on the Yellow Sheet inside the back cover of the pc folder.
Before pc is sent to Attest the C/S has to make sure the pc has made the Grade. This should be expressed in good TA action worked into the Grade and worked out of it. The cognitions expressed should be relevant to Ability attained - not something else.
The EP of the Life Repair was stated on CT-3: "When the pc no longer feels overwhelmed by life problems, feels certain he has had gains and auditing works for him and he is F/N VGI he should be ready for Major Actions and the Grades and you have him attest to Life Repair."
He should be able to attest to the
Awareness of truth and the way to personal freedom. |
If the program you initially wrote does not accomplish that, you extend it. If you get a pc VVGI's and wide F/N half way though your program, realize you have got what you were after and send the pc to attest as stated above.
With green auditors more than half your work is usually to have the auditor crammed and corrected on basic auditing until he is fully up to speed and can repair lives left right and center.
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