Part I
Chapter 1
What Is Clearing?
Clearing is a structured method of asking guiding questions in such a way as to lead to the discovery of the root of problems, erasing the bad feelings connected with the problems, as well as discovering and changing a person's limiting beliefs.
In the course of working with the Clearing Techniques for over of 20 years, I have discovered that people live their lives unaware of the fact how much they are influenced by their past, traumatic experiences. These cause them a vast array of uncomfortable "mind stuff," such as emotions and feelings, as well as psycho-somatics. Often they are also unaware that they could get rid of these with a regression technique called Clearing, which – simply put – takes away the pain and sorrow from these past experiences and makes one feel like new. What can be addressed in a Clearing session? Basically anything that has been upsetting in some way, or causes problems in a person's life.
Here is a partial list:
Clearing is also very effective in:
Clearing restores your power of choice, so that you no longer are constantly at the mercy of your subconscious impulses. It can handle any repressions, compulsions, unwanted attitudes sensations and fears, as well as any physical problem stemming from the mind.
In short: It can clean out the 'garbage' from your body/mind, and help you discover the real You, the 'unadulterated Self', the diamond in the rough.
How does Clearing work?
Although the procedures are fairly simple, one needs to read through the theory section of this manual in order to effectively work with the principles. One has to know what to look for, and where to find it. Then, using the guidelines in part II of this manual, start by applying the procedure on a ‘willing’ guinea pig. I would recommend you try it out a few times first, so that later, when you are called upon to help someone in an emergency, you are already somewhat familiar with the procedure.
The general idea is to get people to tell you what it is that is troubling them. You then ask them to recount the incident several times, until they feel better about what happened.
This simple action, in itself, can be very therapeutic and can be done by anyone, whether trained in the Clearing techniques or not.
However, if you really want to make a difference to some one's life, you would do well to study the entire manual, and only when you feel you really understand what you are trying to achieve, start putting the techniques into practice, by simply following the instructions on what questions to ask, which are given in Book II of this Manual.
All it takes is a genuine desire to help ease someone else's pain, or emotional upset. What you have to do is find a quiet space where you won't be interrupted, sit the person down and tell them you are going to ask them some questions. You then get them to "Return to the time when..." (the upsetting incident happened), and use the suggested instructions to guide them through it. You will find they will be only too eager to tell you all about it. (There appears to be a great need for people to talk to someone who will listen to them without judging or telling them what to do about it.)
Some people may need a bit of coaxing to get them to tell you about the incident; just gently encourage them to continue, and before you know it they will be regressed to the incident. The grief they have suppressed will surface, and the tears will start to flow. This is a good sign; it means that the process is "biting" (like a gear that gets engaged). If you keep at it, having them re-count the incident several times, you will notice that gradually the tears will subside, the pain or ids-comfort will lessen, and eventually disappear altogether. Now is the time to ask him or her whether there was some decision made at the time, to make sure that this kind of thing (the upsetting incident) would never happen again.
Once the person finds this decision (which we call a ‘Postulate’) you will be left with a very relieved and smiling friend! What is more, the uncomfortable feelings that resulted from that traumatic incident should never bother him or her again!
If you are the person receiving clearing, your mind will feel like the calm surface of an unruffled lake, or the mind of a child lying in the grass on a summer's day, watching the clouds drift by. The only thoughts coming in would be about those things that are happening now, or your dreams about the future. If there are any fears left, all you need to do is find out where they are coming from. With some Entity Clearing one can sort it out quite easily. You will recognize that this is not your reactive thinking, and clean up all other influences from your space. Then once again, your mind will feel as I have attempted to express on the poem below:
This is what attaining the State of Clear felt like to me, more than 20 years ago. I can assure you that the difference from one's previous mental state is so profound, you couldn’t possibly miss it when it happens.
A Cleared Mind A cleared mind is like a pristine lake, And, when a disturbing thought appears - The clear lake let's them drift by Adriana |
Some samples of actual Clearing sessions
John, one of my colleagues, recently gave a session to a client, whom I will call Stuart. The client insisted that he could not remember his childhood, prior to the age of nine. The Clearing Practitioner (hereafter referred to as C.P.), asked him if something upsetting or traumatic happened around this time. "Yes," Stuart told him, "my father died!" John said, "OK, return to the time your father died, and tell me when you are there."
After running through the incident a couple of times, and to the pre-Clear's complete surprise, he began to remember bits and pieces of the incident. He recalled that he was very hurt and angry at his Dad, for leaving him so unexpectedly at such an early age. One of his older sisters tried to com-fort him, but he decided that it would be easier to forget all about him; in fact he decided to erase all memory of his Dad. What he didn't know was that the subconscious is very literal and granted his wish; not only did that decision wipe out all memory of his father, he "forgot" all of his child-hood memories as well.
The above is a good example of how the subconscious mind interprets this kind of decision, quite literally! In his later years, Stuart would get really angry, whenever a loved one threatened to leave. However, he never wanted to admit (even to himself) that he was angry. So, he would "stuff" his anger, which then would create havoc in his body, causing arthritis, and high blood pressure. Not only does his seemingly good solution now limit him severely; it now can cause a chronic illness or malignant disease. I am a firm believer in the dictum that: "All ‘dis’-eases stem from a mind that is ill at ease!"
Now let us take a look at another example of how Clearing works:
Brenda's mother had passed away some months before Brenda came to see me. She couldn't seem to get over her loss and would get tears in her eyes every time her mother's name was mentioned. I asked her to return to the time her mother passed away and got the exact date and the duration of the incident, including the funeral. (The entire incident lasted four days.) Then I had her close her eyes and told her to focus on the be-ginning of that incident.
When she had done so, I instructed her to move through the incident to a time four days later. When she looked up, I asked her what happened. She then recounted the incident and when she was finished, I asked her if there was perhaps, an "earlier beginning to that incident." She said "Yes," and recalled how her mother had brought up the subject of her impending death about 6 months be-fore she died. This occurred the day she returned from the hospital, where she had been told that her cancer was malignant. She had expressed the wish to "let it be over quickly," and had initially resisted going in for treatment. Brenda, however, adamantly insisted that she should,
And convinced her eventually. In the session she realized that this was very selfish of her and that she had never considered what would be in the best interest of her mother.
Brenda felt overcome with guilt, and wished she could have told her mother how sorry she was to have caused her to suffer through painful chemotherapy sessions, knowing they would just postpone the inevitable outcome.
She also realized that she had known all along that her mother wouldn't make it. She decided, there and then, to tell her own children that she loved them and that, if she ever ended up in the same position as her Mom, to please not persuade her to do the same. In fact, she had a "living will" drawn up to prevent others from making decisions for her, if and when something should happen to her. After handling the loss, the pre-Clear was able to accept her loss, but still felt guilty about something. This I handled, by running her on an additional process. (See Book II; chapter on "Squirreling and Other Practices!"
In the next session we searched for (and found) the underlying cause of her obsession 'to hold onto people and things'. We found a traumatic incident in an earlier lifetime in which she, herself, had died of pneumonia after neglecting a bad cold. At the time she decided: "In the future I will do everything to prolong life." That is why she had pressured her mother into getting chemotherapy therapy, against her will. After the session, she felt much relieved and, when her father died about nine months later, she recovered much faster from the loss.
Another typical example of what Clearing sessions reveal is shown in the following case history. Joe, a client who flew in to see me from Australia told me that he had been allowed to attest to the Clear State at Saint Hill, England. However, he felt that he couldn't possibly be Clear, because he still felt very withdrawn towards people and also never recovered his sense of taste; he couldn't really tell differences in the taste of food. I took him in session, and before long noticed his extreme criticism of his father (long since deceased).
I regressed him to his childhood and we found to our amazement how much emotional charge had been suppressed regarding his Dad, who was a taciturn man who did not relate well with people. In short, he grew up in a poor family, where the father "ruled with an iron fist!" His Dad insisted that he should be served first and that he deserved to eat such things as steak, or other expensive types of food, while the children looked on and were given left-overs, gruel or other unsavory tasting tidbits. In the sessions that followed he expressed his disgust at the selfish attitudes of his father, but as the father was also the winning valence (that is the person in who seems to be in control), Joe had adopted his stoic demeanor as a way to succeed in life.
Another thing his father did, which was extremely upsetting to Joe was that he took Joe's favorite possession (a pen knife) away from him, and never gave it back. When I asked Joe what he would have liked to have said to his father, he expressed his anger by yelling: "If I ever find that knife, I'll carve on his coffin: Here lies the bastard who took away the only possession I had in the world! May he burn in hell, forever!"
Once Joe had a chance to rid himself of all the charge regarding his father that he had been denying for years (you are supposed to love your parents, aren't you?), he felt a great sense of relief. Joe told me that he felt like a tadpole, living in a pond all of his life, but now his space had expanded to where he felt like a big fish in an ocean! He also lost any and all resentment towards his father.
An interesting fact about Clearing is that after the session, the person still remembers the painful experience, but without the pain that is usually associated with it. In other words, once he or she knows what really happened, he or she is able to accept it. In the case of the loss of a loved one, the person often finds some deeper meaning that changes their attitude towards the deceased, or towards their loved ones, still living.
Chapter 2
The Magic of the Mind
Imagine yourselves as a moving picture scenario! ***** Buckminster Fuller
The mind is without a doubt the most ingenious invention ever made and short of using mind-altering drugs, electric shock, or surgery, it would take a lot of doing to damage it permanently. The mind is used by the Being (the Spirit) to operate a body in the physical universe. One of the mind's most important functions is memory.
If we were to compare the mind with a computer, the memory capacity of the computer pales in comparison with the ability of the mind. Stored information (in the form of mental pictures - including all the perceptions that go with them) directs the body and its functions. As an example, every time you reach for an object, you utilize earlier information that you programmed into your mind as a child. The mind records these mental pictures at the equivalent of twenty to twenty-five pictures per second, just like a motion-picture camera. These pictures give a complete record of a person's existence and are filed by time, location and event.
Today's advancements in computer technology have no doubt surpassed the brain in many ways, but it would be interesting to discover how much 'RAM' would be used up in order to record the memories of a life time (or even life-times). Lawrence West, a fellow Clearing Practitioner, who wrote a wonderful book called "Understanding Life," claims that more than 3 billion bits of data are recorded in the mental pictures of just three months of living. One may wonder how all that information could possibly fit into the brain.
Well, the secret has now been revealed. According to Michael Talbot in his enlightening book, "The Holographic Universe" (Chapter 1, pages. 17 - 21), "our memories are stored in holograms." To recall a part of that memory bank, all we have to do is focus our attention on it. It is now being suggested that our ability to remember something is analogous to shining a laser beam on a piece of film, and calling up a particular image.
Fortunately, it isn't necessary to understand the structure of the brain to work with the Clearing procedures and to get results. All we need to be concerned about is how the mind functions.
In its optimum state, it is able to analyze and correct its input. L. Ron Hubbard calls this part of the mind the 'Analytical Mind' (see D.M.S.M.H., Book 2, Chapter 1).
As mentioned earlier, the mind is made up of mental image pictures. According to Lawrence West in his book "Understanding Life," we use these mental pictures in three distinct ways:
1. To store memories and data;
2. To control the body and it functions; and
3. To compute or figure out answers to problems.
The brain is not the mind, nor does it store any great quantity of information as the mind does. Now, you may well ask, if the mind is not the brain or in the brain, then where is the mind?
The storage banks of the mind exist in holographic form entirely outside the physical universe in the non-material realms of existence (also called the non-local mind). The non-material universe has no physical space, no time and no physical matter. It exists, but is not physical or material in nature. This is, per-haps, the best explanation we have so far for the immense storage capacity of the mind.
Try the following experiment the next time you want to recall something. Put in a request for the information you desire by holding the idea: "I need and want the following information........." Hold this thought in your conscious awareness for a few seconds; then let go of it and proceed with some other activity. Later, the in-formation that you requested will suddenly appear, as if by magic! (Thanks, Larry, for this neat little process!).
Once you sort out your relationship to your body, your mind and your brain, you can use these tools. Your mind can be used in much the same way as you use a computer. When you begin to see your mind as something separate from you, and use it, the mind becomes a powerful instrument. After all, a home computer may store a few hundred megabytes of information, while your mind is virtually unlimited, and totally portable! If we would compare the mind with the software and the brain as the hardware, we would have a workable method of dealing with the problems of any aberration that crops up.
In the next chapters we will examine the source that is waiting in the wings to cause us trouble, and the trigger mechanism that sets off the trouble, when we least expect it.
It appears that the Analytical Mind is the finest piece of software yet in-vented. Until I had received Clearing myself, I was often dejected to find that I really couldn't control my thoughts (which were often negative). Although I had a pretty high IQ, my memory was not so clear. But, what was worse the past kept coming back to haunt me; the present was often difficult to confront; and the future looked very uncertain. Since I received Clearing my mind feels like a tranquil lake (most of the time). If I were living all by myself on an island, where I wouldn't have to concern myself with others, I could in all honesty describe my mental state as is portrayed in the following poem, by Edward Dyer:
My mind to me a Kingdom is Such present joys therein I find, That it excels all other bliss That earth affords or grows by kind: Though much I want, which most would have, Yet still my mind forbids to crave. |
A Potential Trouble Source
In the hidden recesses of our mind hides the cause for most of our troubles in life. L. Ron Hub-bard calls it the 'Reactive Mind' (DMSMH, Book 2, Chapter II), but it's generally referred to as the subconscious or unconscious mind. This is the mind that made Socrates believe he had a 'demon' on his head that gave him answers! It appears that whatever is impressed upon it, will sooner or later be expressed. It accepts with unreasoning docility anything it is told, and what is more, it never sleeps! In moments of pain and unconsciousness, this part of the mind records verbatim what is being said, with all of the sense perceptions that go with the experience.
The fact that it is also very literal, i.e., it will just copy the words without them being analyzed, could lead
to major confusion. For example let us take the case of the man who is being operated on, and while under anesthetic
hears the surgeon say: "One thing is for certain, I will never again trust a redhead." The patient, of
course, didn't hear the beginning of the story, the surgeon told his colleague about his relationship with Jane,
a beautiful redhead who cheated on him.
However, the patient now has that piece of data stored in his subconscious where it will lie dormant until, after having a couple of drinks at the party, which lower his awareness, he is introduced to a woman with red hair. Suddenly, he finds himself getting panicky and slightly nauseous (the feeling he had during the anesthetic). He excuses himself, saying he has a stomach ache, and leaves. As soon as he's outside, he breathes a sigh of relief and notices his stomach feels a lot better now.
Not only does this (reactive) part of the mind tend to record exactly what was being said, it also registers any and all other perceptions, that were present at the time. Research has shown that it even records in the pre-verbal stages of life. It al-ready starts recording while the baby is still in the womb. The analytical mind is constantly recording, except in moments of pain and unconsciousness, when it shuts down and the reactive mind takes over. It's like it has a self protecting mechanism that blows the fuse, when something happens it can't cope with, rather than damaging the soft ware in the analytical mind. If that should happen - the person is suddenly confronted with all the misery, losses and traumatic experiences of an entire life time insanity results. Now all you can do with him is put him in a mental institution where he's "kept quiet" with drugs.
So, what does this mind do? According to L. Ron Hubbard, and from the evidence I, and many other Clearing Practitioners have amassed, it causes anything and everything that can be found on any list of mental ills: psychoses, neuroses, compulsions, repressions and any kind of phobia, from anxiety to full-blown terror. (D.M.S.M.H., Book 2, Chapter II). What can it do? It can give a person arthritis, cancer, asthma, allergies, sinusitis, coronary trouble and high blood pressure.
It can trigger a whole range of illnesses (called psycho-somatics) that have hypochondriacs and worried mothers alike running to the doctor's, at the first sign of trouble. Not to mention a host of other reactions, such as feeling stressed out, enraged, having the impulse to kill, maim, steal or rape; on short: any and all forms of permanent or temporary insanity!
Now, what would one wonder, is the function of this 'reactive mind'? It was de-signed as the fuse box for our brains, so as to protect the delicate instrument which Hubbard calls the 'analyzer'. In moments of severe pain (physical or mental) the analytical mind shuts off automatically, to avoid overloading the system. (DMSMH, Book 2, Chapter II).
If you had a computer, wouldn't you want to build in a circuit breaker to prevent a power outage from wiping out your memory? The only difference being that once your circuit breaker clicks in, there isn't some invisible part in that same computer that still keeps on recording. But, that's exactly what happens in our minds.
It is not my intention to write a thesis on the workings of the sub- or unconscious mind. If you want the whole story I would advise you to read Chapter 2 (Book II) of "Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health." The whole purpose of Clearing would be to get a person to remember what happened during the 'blackout periods', so he or she can make sense of the incidents and correct the false data that were impressed upon him/her at the time.
I, personally, can't guarantee that one could clear someone who was truly insane. I am not saying it isn't possible, but it would take a lot more patience and hours than I could possibly devote to any one case. However, I agree with Lawrence West in his book 'Understanding Life' that years of experience have proven the following statements to be true:
1.The mind records continuously, consciously or subconsciously, during a per-son's entire lifetime;
2. All recordings, (even the subconscious ones) are available.
3. Recordings apparently made prior to this lifetime are also available.
4. All unwanted attitudes, disturbing emotions, unpleasant sensations and psycho-somatics stem from mental pictures created during moments when the analytical awareness of the conscious mind was shut down.
5. These moments of unconsciousness can be re-experienced and the negative, harmful energy contained in them will simply vanish or dissipate. As a result, the person is returned to complete physical and mental well being.
In general, this can be done with the use of the Clearing procedures without the need for hypnosis. Only in those cases where the person has an extensive drug history, has hypnosis proved a useful tool. Even then, the hypnosis used is so light that the person could come out of it at any time. In his book: "Realizing Your Dreams", Mark Jones, a very experienced Clearing Practitioner, shares a technique that I have found to be very effective on such people. (See Appendix)
How do we know that the above data about the 'reactive mind' is true? Every Clearing Practitioner will tell you that their pre-Clears will remember what happened in those moments of pain and unconsciousness, and will be able to retrieve the limiting beliefs that were installed as a result. Furthermore, their psycho-somatics will eventually disappear like clouds before the sun. Of course, the best way to discover this to be true for you is to try it out, and experience it for yourself! It would do no harm to give ourselves a regular "mental check-up, as well as a physical! You know the old song that goes "Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile"? But, do you really want to carry them around with you? I'd say: inspect that old kit bag and get rid of those troubles! Then you will have something to smile about!
However, before we take a look at some of these troubles and where they originate from, let me give you some ideas on how trauma is imprinted on the body cells, and how Clearing the Body/Mind can greatly improve your general health and well-being.