Originally posted to the newsgroup alt.religion.scientology in September 2004



By Mike Goldstein

Part 16 of 25

Mock-ups & Addivites

A mock-up is a picture someone makes of something that is real or imagined. For example, a person gets a picture of his father, someone who actually exists or existed. The person may also be able to envision an orange, put it out in front of them, put two wings on the orange, and have it do a little dance. That's also a mock-up, but this mock-up is imagined.

Everyone has the ability to mock-up, even though that ability varies from person to person. This ability, like any ability, can go on automatic, being performed unknowingly. When it goes out of control, the ability becomes an aberration. A person's "case" is composed of mock-ups that they cling to unknowingly. The "cement" that holds these mock-ups there, is some apparent value.

I have taken great pains to describe the extent to which an Idenics practitioner goes to not evaluate for clients. Evaluation, at its best, is only speculation. The odds on being able to figure out exactly how things are for someone else are astronomically slim. Certainly an evaluation may "indicate" to a person, but the liability of evaluating for someone far outweighs any possible value.

Having some ring of truth, a person can embrace the evaluation because it explains some condition that they have been trying to resolve. The person gets some temporary relief, but the condition persists. Because of its workability, even if only short-lived, the person tends to hold on to that explanation. Now they have the explanation that is additive to the unresolved condition.

In Part 12 of this series, entitled Additives, I gave an example of a woman with a low self-image of herself buying a book about improving one's self-esteem. In the book the author made an evaluation that peoples' low self-esteem came from ideas that their parents instilled in them when they were young. When reading that statement, the woman remembered that her father had, throughout her life, told her that she was worthless. After recalling this, she felt better, and continued to feel good for the rest of that day. The following day the woman's condition of low self-esteem returned. But since the author's evaluation had explained her condition, she held on to the explanation.

Continuing with the above scenario, we find the woman completely buying into the idea that low-self esteem comes from ideas that parents instill in their children. She uses this idea, operates from it, and teaches it to others. The idea becomes a valuable piece of knowledge for her. Any attempt by others to invalidate that idea is met with a vehement defense.

She defends this idea because it had "indicated" to her when she read it. She defends this idea because she had experienced some relief after reading it. But let's explore this example further and find exactly what indicated and how that relief came about.

A few years after reading the book, the woman went into an Idenics session and addressed her issue of low self-esteem. In the session, she discovered that her father had told her that she was worthless almost every day since she was able to walk. However, during her childhood, she never bought into that idea. Her father's statement had bothered her, but she just blew it off, thinking her father was a domineering lout. Then, when she was 15 years old, her boyfriend dumped her. Devastated, she returned home, sat at the kitchen table and cried. Walking into the room, her father asked her what was happening and she told him. His response was, "See, I told you that you were worthless!" This time, she bought into his statement as it explained why her boyfriend had broken up with her. This was the beginning of her condition of low self-esteem.

The ramifications of the above example are far reaching. People have cases that are composed of compulsive mock-ups and solutions. Instead of just assisting these people to let go of these things, many therapies provide opportunities for the individual to accumulate more mock-ups and solutions to explain their unwanted conditions. Scientology, as well as many of its offshoots, does this.

Take for example, the insistance that there is some incident that is common to everyone. In this scenario, everyone had this incident, and all responded to it adversely. I'll wager that I could make up such an incident, invent processes to handle the effects of that incident on people, advertise my service with certain newsgroups, and make money. I'll give it a try:

"I've just discovered the source of "somatics" in human beings! 75 trillion years ago, on the planet Zortch, all beings from this sector of the galaxy were implanted with a series of invisible train tracks that would continue to run throughout every body they would occupy thereafter. Invisible trains were also implanted to run on these tracks. Every time the trains cross in front of one another, the person gets a somatic. I am the only person who has ever been able to discover the secrets of undoing the horrible affects of this incident, and I broke my back three times during the research. But I have returned to write up these confidential materials for you. Now, for only $3000, you can purchase these materials and run out the Wall of Trains!"

I'll bet that if I created a more serious version of the above and published it, there would be people who contact me saying that what I wrote had indicated to them. You might think that it's ridiculous that anyone would respond to my advertisement and purchase my service. But I'll further wager that some people reading the above story actually mocked up a picture of it as they read it. One does have the ability to mockup something that is imagined. What if someone reading a seriously written account of the "Train Track Incident", had once been hit by a train. Maybe, when they read my account, they even got a somatic. If all they were aware of was that they had a somatic, accompanied by some negative emotions and feelings, they might feel that my story had indicated to them. With a bit of salesmanship, I may even be able to sell them the rundown for 3Gs.

If I had some good general processes on the rundown, people might be able to get some charge off. For example, if some process got close to some existing condition, the person might take a look and have some positive result. But look at all the additive nonsense that the person might take on while doing my rundown. They may end up taking more on than they let go of. Additionally, they could spend two years solo auditing those materials to get some wins. It would be much easier if they could just address their conditions directly, probably handling those issues in a much shorter time.

I could give many examples in Scientology and other subjects of the phenomena that I've written about in this article. But I'm certain that anyone, who reads and understands what I've written, can come up with plenty of his/her own examples.

If you are a well-intentioned practitioner who evaluates for or uses evaluative materials on your clients, please take a look at what you are doing. Just because what you do may indicate to certain clients who keep paying for more services, doesn't mean that you are doing the best thing for them. And if you are a client receiving this kind of service, please inspect what is actually indicating to you and what about the process is in fact workable.

End of Part 16 of 25

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