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Engram Running
Additional Data

EPs Are Different in Engram Running
In auditing Grade 0-4 you usually take a process to F/N VGIs and cognition. In most auditing you go for release or key-out. When the thing run no longer bothers the pc and moves away we have a key-out. Having achieved that, we end off. The key-out is evident from the Grade 0-4 process EP. In Engram Running you go for erasure. You want the mental image picture to be gone, As-is-ed and erased - every bit of it and forever. Therefore an F/N seen by the CT-5 auditor when running R3RA is not called. Here it simply means that the pc is running well. An auditor running R3RA is not looking for F/Ns. He is looking for the postulate in the basic incident of a Chain and a complete erasure of basic.

Postulate off

Not just Cognition

In R3RA "Postulate
 off" is the all 
important part of the 
EP. You want
to 'unplug' the old 
postulate that held 
the Chain in place. 
Cognition may or may not occur.

On Grade 0-4 you 
 want to see the pc 
cognite (with F/N, 
VGI). That's the 
signs of a win and 
Key-out. Old 
postulates may or may not appear.


In running R3RA one has to consult the pc. This is part of the R3RA commands. An F/N can occur on several or many of the incidents on the Chain before the basic incident is reached. You just go on with R3RA. Only when the pc says the Engram has totally erased, when he has cognited, is VGIs and the postulate in the basic incident has come off do you have your EP and know the Chain has erased. The Meter will at this point have been F/Ning for some time.
When the full EP of a Engram Chain is reached, the needle will of course be F/Ning. The full EP will cause the F/N to be wider. It typically goes like this:

1) You have, apparently, reached the basic incident of the Chain and it is erasing. After each pass through the auditor consults the pc by asking, "Has it erased?"
2) The Meter will have been F/Ning for some time.
3) When the pc says that it has now erased the auditor should listen for and expect a cognition by the pc.
4) The auditor should expect to see very good indicators (VGIs).
5) If no postulate made at the time of the incident has been expressed by the pc the auditor asks, "Did you make a postulate at the time of that incident?" Note that the postulate may have come off in the form of a cognition; so make sure you understood what the cognition was. For starters, was it related to the time of the incident or to present time? Pc's can of course cognite without it being the postulate you are looking for. You have to sort this out for yourself without distracting the pc from the incident.

Usually, when the actual postulate you are looking for gets expressed, you will see a BD on the Meter a wider F/N and pc suddenly become more aware of the session environment (as the mental mass blew). These indicators are not part of the EP but simply indicators you can look for.

Only when pc has expressed the postulate (point 5) can you consider that the EP of that Engram or Chain has been reached.


   High TA in R3RA simply means mental   
mass in restimulation from an Engram.

High TA In Engram Running
In Grade 0-4 auditing a high TA is always an overrun. The CT 0-4 auditor handles this per Auditors Rights and rehabs the EP of that process or whatever. In Engram Running, where we go for erasure,  it means: an Engram too late on the Chain to erase was in restimulation.
An Engram Clearing auditor handles high TA by finding what incident (Engram, Lock or Secondary) is in restimulation on the case. This will show up as a somatic the pc has. In short, just by finding the somatic by assessing for longest read and running R3RA you can cure a high TA. This is specifically used in the Pictures and Masses Remedy, but it can be present in any Engram Running session and can simply require, that the auditor finds the next right somatic Chain to run. As you know from the basic definitions, an incident going more solid means increased mass, intensified somatic. A TA being high after session means one or many incidents have gone more solid. Somatics in restimulation will be present. Obviously errors have occurred for this to happen, but sometimes R3RA will simply take care of it, all by itself.

Should the TA go high while running a Chain - don't worry. You handle such a mid-session high TA by completing the Chain exactly per R3RA procedure. That cures the high TA. Charge from later incidents may still be present. More likely, earlier incidents are now getting hot and restimulated. Just carry on. Getting all of the basic incident is your real concern. Sometimes inexperienced auditors were trying to erase the somatic only, not the picture. Pc said, "I no longer have that pain" and the auditor ended off  while the basic Engram was still partially there.
There can be an infinity of wrong ways to run Engrams, but only one right way and that is R3RA by the book. Going for erasure, and not key-out as on Grade 0-4, is something an Engram Clearing auditor really have to understand in theory and practice. Erasure, not just key-out or even "ability regained", is what he is going for. 
A high TA above 3.0 or 3.5 is simply the Meter's reaction to increased mass. Mental Image Pictures have mass. The mass has what is called resistance to electricity. The Meter measures electrical resistance. Mass resists electricity. Thus in the presence of mental mass, as contained in mental image pictures, the Tone Arm goes up.
When you restimulate an Engram, the Meter current flow has more trouble getting through the pc and the TA rises. When the incident (Engram, Lock or Secondary) is "keyed out" the TA comes down and the needle will float.
If you find a long Chain with many Engrams on it and run a late Engram the TA goes up. As you go earlier, and eventually find Basic, the TA comes down and when you erase the basic Engram the TA will come down to between 2 and 3 and the needle will float.

When you run several Engrams through once or several somatic Chains without erasing any you pile up too much mass and the TA will go high and stick.
Even if nothing is done to repair this the pc will de-stimulate (the pictures will drop away) in from 3 to 10 days.
It is a very poor show of auditing to do R3RA other than exactly by the book. It is very easy to do it exactly right. The drill is simple. If done exactly right the results are good and dependable.
Types of Chains
In Engram Clearing we run two types of distinctly different Chains: Narrative Incidents and Somatic Chains. Let us illustrate with two detailed examples how they typically run.

Narrative Incident
Item: "Death of my friend, Joe"

Pass through


TA Position

1. pass through

Originally 3 hours

2.9 at Step 9

2. pass through


3.0 at Step C

3. pass through


3.0 at Step C

4. pass through


2.8 at Step C

5. pass through

(center part erased)

2.7 at Step C

6. pass through

(center and end erased)

2.6 at Step C

7. pass through


2.7 at Step C

8. pass through

E/Begin____________ Postulate comes off 2.5 (Auditor ceases to put pc through the Chain the instant the postulate comes off.) Broader continual F/N, VGIs  (Inc. erased)

Somatic Chain
Original item: "Stomach ache"
 Pre-assessment item: "Pains"
 Running item: "Sharp pain; upper left part of stomach"



Date of Inc.


TA Position

1. Incident
Run through 2x
1 Oct.
2 1/2 hours

 3.3 at Step 1
 3.2 at Step 9
3.5 at Step C

2. Incident
run 3 times through
due to E/Begin.
12 Nov.
35 min. 3.4 at Step 9
3.4 at Step C (E/Begin.)
3.5 at Step F
3. Incident
run 1 time through
5 July
3 1/2 hours 3.6 at Step 9
4. Incident
run 2 times through
6 March
1h 35 min. 3.5 at Step 9
3.6 at Step C
5. Incident
run 1 time through
2 April
3 1/2 hours 3.7 at Step 9
6. Incident
run 2 times through
11 June
1 3/4 hours 3.2 at Step 9
3.4 at Step C
7. Incident
run 8 times through
8 Sept.
1 hour


3.2 at Step C
3.0 at Step F
2.8 at Step F
2.8 at Step F 
2.9 at Step F
2.6 at Step F
BD & F/N
Pc gives Postulate
Wide F/N & VGIs
EP of Chain.

 The three remaining flows are each run to their basics. Further Pre-assessment is done. We find 20 more Running Items or a total of 84 Chains (providing they all read and have pc interest). Each one goes to a Basic with EP of F/N, Postulate Off, VGIs = Erasure.

Auditing Speed
Almost any failure of an auditor or auditing come from auditor uncertainties, hesitations, fumbles or errors. This is important to understand. It became  apparent from taped sessions and from asking the pc "what the auditor did" after any failed session. Lack of speed is the main factor behind mysteriously failed sessions. In advanced pc's the speed the auditor must have is far greater than when auditing pc's just off the street. All this also applies to general auditing and training.
The better an auditor knows his TRs, his processes, his Meter and admin the faster he can operate.

If auditors are only trained to a point where they perform in a slow, fumbling and hesitant manner it will result in a lot of mysteriously "failed sessions". Regularly their pc's will  not have F/N at the Examiner but end session with high TA and unresolved incidents. Eventually, if this is permitted to continue, the pc will have chronic high TA and unresolved pains and Somatics. A somewhat slow auditor may be fast enough to get away with auditing a green pc. A fast auditor auditing a slow pc, on the other hand, should not try to speed up or rush his pc. The point is the auditor should be fast enough so pc is kept busy, under good control and never have to wait or has time to wander off.

The way to handle all this is to speed the auditor up with TRs 101, 102, 103, 104. 
These drills train the student in all the commands and procedures of R3RA, their use and when to use them.
Through drilling the procedures this way, the auditor obtains enough speed to handle any pc. He knows the commands and the situations he can run into so well so he never has to hesitate or think twice about what to do.
In assigning auditors the factor of speed should be taken into consideration. Assign fast auditors to fast pc's.
The only other major source of failure was the physically ill aspect. This was at some point verified by a series of over one hundred cases audited by well trained auditors. All, but about seven cases, were progressing very well; and these seven were then physically examined thoroughly. They were found to have serious and current physical illness.
Speed and accuracy, then, is the stress of all training and the lack of it is the source of all auditing failures on pc's who are not severely ill. Even this group responds well once their purely physical illness is properly handled.

Serious Blunders in Engram Running
Aside from Auditors Code violations there are only four serious blunders an Engram Clearing auditor can do:

1. Cease to audit suddenly with the pc down a Chain.
2. Make a sudden evaluative remark in the middle of the session.
3. React or be critical of what the pc is running or for pc having such an incident.
4. Force a pc to go on when he doesn't want to.

These are serious blunders as they mess up pc's quite badly and give them a great deal of trouble afterwards.
Over the years these four actions have been observed being done from time to time by persons trying to audit Engrams. They are just as bad in CT 0-4 but oddly enough, they mainly occur in Engram Running.

Example of 1: Auditor fails to give next command but abruptly ends the session. The pc is left down the track.
Example of 2: "Your sister runs much faster than you"
Example of 3: "I hate spiders and spider incidents."
Example of 4: "Go ahead. Get into that Engram" after pc has asked to stop.

There are countless variations of these. Blunders under (1) usually takes a simple TR-4. Let's say the pc said "it's all sort of unreal in the incident". Use TR-4; don't just end the session for "advice".

These are bad blunders. They don't kill anybody. But they surely make auditing less effective and are hard on pc's.

A pc on "Cloud 9" should not 
be audited. The Bank is nowhere 
to be found. Let him enjoy his 
win and audit him again, when the 
   Bank is again keyed in and visible.   

Engrams and Persistent F/Ns
In Engram Running we want erasures. Sometimes a persistent F/N can come in the way of that. A persistent F/N on Grade 0-4 means a huge win; the whole Bank is keyed out. This is also true in Engram Running, but here it is somewhat in the way. In handling an Original Item (a major complaint) you want to make sure it is completely gone. If not, more Chains should be run. You can run into a situation where the pc has a persistent F/N in regard to this Original Item,  but it's still slightly there - not completely handled. But  nothing can be made to read; it only F/Ns.
What you can do in that case is:

1. take the pc off auditing for a few days. The persistent F/N will die down as the environment keys in something. When pc is off his win, continue then with the Assessment of that Original Item. This is the best system. Sometimes lack of scheduled sessions makes it impractical. In such a case, you can get away with:
2. Go on with some other Original Item that does read and handle as usual. You have to make a clear note on the pc's program sheet, that the previous Original Item hasn't been EP'ed. You have to come back to that Original Item and EP it after you have run some other Original Items on the case.

If you get stopped by a persistent F/N and some condition is still there. That is short of the EP. Don't use an F/N as an excuse not to EP the Original Item. Your goal is erasure of basics and eradication of unwanted conditions. This is simple to do if you follow these instructions.
Ext And Ending Off
When a pc exteriorizes on a good win in session or if the pc has a big win, usually followed by a persistent F/N, the correct response is to end session. The auditor, under such circumstances, must not do any other action, even asking Say or Ask, running Havingness or anything else. He simply ends the session smoothly and let the pc enjoy his win.


An unflat Engram can "run 
itself out" and cause sickness 
   and then permanently disappear.   

It will sometimes happen that a pc has an Engram Running session and then three or four days later becomes physically ill. This can happen in other auditing as well.
The auditor may feel that auditing did it. That is incorrect. The auditing would have to be non-standard for this to happen, but the auditing itself is not to blame. But the auditing unsettled something in pc's Reactive Mind. What usually happened is, that a mental image picture or incident was in pc's mind at a "stuck point". The auditing disturbed that frozen condition and being brought to life it will "run out" by itself - it is the cycle of action completing itself. That is of course why you want to make sure to flatten Chains. When you simply flatten Chains in session it is all taken care of and run out then.

A touch assist can bring this about as well. The person may become wildly ill after one and then recover. It's the same phenomena. What happened was that the Chain of incidents became unsettled by the touch Assist and the incident on the Chain, in which the person has been stuck, ran out physically. It completed itself, which is to say, it finished its cycle of action.

An auditor who specializes in keying out Locks at the first F/N will occasionally see that the pc becomes ill in two or three days from some occasional but longstanding illness which then "runs out" and doesn't appear again.
An auditor who gives a non-standard, very poor session may find a preclear occasionally becoming ill within the next three or four days. The auditor and others blame the auditing. But the truth is, any auditing is better than no auditing.



R3RA, Touch Assists and other 
   auditing can "wake up" an old incident.   
If not flattened in session the pc may 
become sick 3-4 days later. It is 
actually the old incident running 
itself out. It was a frozen moment 
in time awaiting to be run. 

Sessions which are non-standard should be corrected as soon as possible or you may find the pc beginning to go through an illness cycle. The cycle was waiting to complete itself for a long time. The auditing unsettled it. It "ran out" physically because the pc was moved in time in the incident in which he has been "stuck".
An understanding of this phenomena is necessary. It is useful data. Audit a pc badly, audit a pc too much to F/Ns on Locks only, give a pc too many touch assists and you will find now and then that the rare pc becomes physically ill, runs a temperature, etc. Before blaming yourself too much, realize the pc has often been ill in the past, that the mental cause of it has been loosened up and manifests itself and runs out physically. It is not fatal. That illness won't recur again as it used to in the past.
However, that it is not fatal to the pc is no excuse not to do a good job of auditing. When Engram Clearing is done by the book the phenomenon will not occur and no pc's experience a physical aftermath.

Homeopathy and Medicine
A school of healing known as homeopathy administers minute doses of medicine. The original theory seems to have been that the disease or illness was still in the body and would be released. The person would be wildly ill again and then permanently recover.
Medicine sometimes will not work on particular patients. It works on others but not on a particular one. If that patient is given mental attention and therapy, it will be found that the medicine will now work on the person.
When one even reduces the mental block slightly, medicines such as antibiotics or hormones will now be effective when they were previously ineffective on some patients.
It is this factor which gives purely medical treatment a somewhat random appearance. The patient is "stuck" at some point in time. Even inadequate handling of him mentally (such as a touch assist or a poorly or partially done session or even a "bad" session) "unsticks" the person from the frozen or fixed "stuck" point.
One of three things can now happen:

1. The person can now be treated medically for his illness with greater effect.
2. The person in two or three days gets apparently sick or sicker but eventually recovers and is not subject to that exact sickness again-(it "ran out").
3. No particular result is achieved.

These data are very useful to auditors and medical doctors. A person can be ill and the illness not surrendering to the usual treatment. Brief mild auditing can be done. The medicine may now work.

Unresolved Pains
It occasionally happens that a pc's specific pain does not resolve on Engram Clearing. There are several reasons for this.


A Somatic can be caused by 
   one little missing piece of an incident   
"already run". If you keep auditing 
the pc you will get it when he is 
ready to confront it.

1. Not enough auditing on enough Chains. Sooner or later the exact small piece from an Engram, causing it, "already run" will show up for real on another Chain and now be handled. Example: Pain in an area after an accident occurs now and then again weeks, months or years after the accident has been run out as an Engram. Sooner or later just on general auditing the missing bits of the accident shows up and are blown. Eventually  the pain is gone forever. The reason it didn't show up before is "overburden"; the incident was too charged to be completely confronted. As a result of continued auditing the whole case is unburdened. The pieces, that were missing, turn up on other Chains and are eventually blown. As they were the reason for the pain it is now gone. Sometimes you will just have to be patient. You can't force it to happen.
2. Other Basics restimulated. Another reason for unresolved pains can be, that the missing bits and pieces causing the pain is a different somatic like "a pressure on the back". This bit of the accident had another basic than the one run. When that Chain is found and run the underlying cause is handled. The answer to a persistent or recurring somatic in an injured area is always more Engram running by the book; just general auditing, not the special somatic. Just keep doing the usual and eventually it all gets straightened out.
3.Sympathetic Nervous System Pains. Sometimes a somatic shows up in the wrong side of the body.
There are two sides to the body. These mirror each other due to how the sympathetic nervous system works. This principle is used in touch assists; if the right hand is injured you have to include the left hand as an area of attention. The nerves conduct pain. The two sides of the body affect each other. Pain from one side of the body is conducted to the other side. That is due to the nerve structure. If the right hand is hurt the left hand will echo that pain.

For example, you find a pc with a pain in the left arm. You try to audit a "left arm Chain". It works somewhat, but the somatic does not fully resolve. If you ran Engrams to the right arm, you may suddenly get a somatic in the pc in his left arm. Now it gets well. This is due to how the sympathetic nervous system works. The pain was actually in both sides, although the injury was only to the right side. Usually you don't pay much attention to it, but sometimes you have to. If the one side of the body does not seem to resolve the situation completely, check with pc if he had an injury in the other side. Where you can't fully repair a hurting left leg, don't be surprised to find it was the right leg that was injured.

The mystery of toothache is resolved by the above, especially 3. Let's say the pain is concentrated on the left upper molar. You audit and audit; but no convincing response. Ask pc to let you look into his mouth. You may find the right upper molar has been pulled. That's the reason his left molar began to decay. The pain, especially due to the local anesthesia, manifested itself in the right side.  When a toothache does not resolve in auditing, audit the opposite tooth on the other side. You can actually do it by count of teeth. Pc is in pain; he says it is the right upper molar. No pain on left side. Audit an injury he had on the left side, as long as it reads on the Meter, and the toothache that wouldn't go away now is handled.

For a pc with a toothache, on the right side, you can list for feelings on the left side of the mouth and get "numbness", "no feeling", etc. Audit that list and suddenly magically the toothache on the opposite side not being audited eases up.

As toothaches sometimes give auditors difficulties, he should know about this sympathetic phenomenon.



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