| Assessment TRs | Prepared Lists, Theory |



The C/S Series 53 Short Form is the basic prepared list used by auditors to get a TA up or down into normal range or to correct a variety of case outnesses. A pc who is relatively new to auditing should be assessed on the C/S Series 53 Long Form, which puts the items into full questions. The first version of this list was published in the C/S Series as #53.

Assess this list Method 5 and handle reads in the order they occur on the list. Follow the instructions at the end of the list to handle the reads.

PC NAME __________________________________________________DATE________________

Interiorized into something _____
Go in _____
Went in _____
Put in _____
Want to go in _____
Can't get in _____
Can't go in 
Want to get out _____
Kicked out of spaces _____
Being trapped _____
Forced in _____
Pulled in _____

List errors _____
Overlisting _____
Wrong items _____
Upset with giving items to auditor _____
Wrong date _____
Wrong location _____
Wrong Why _____
Wrong indication _____
Wrong PTS item _____

ARC break _____
Problem _____ __
Withholding something _____
Some sort of withhold _____
Not saying _____
False withhold _____
Withholds gotten off more than once _____
Overts _____
Audited over out-ruds _____
Sad _____
Rushed _____
Upset _____
Can't get it _____
Protest _____
Don't like it _____

Drugs _____
 LSD _____
Alcohol _____
 Hashish _____

Engram in restimulation _____
Same Engram run twice _____
Can't see Engrams too well _____
Invisible _____
Black _____
Loss _____
Lost _____

Same thing run twice _____
Same action done by another auditor _____

Doing something with 
mind between sessions _____
Some other practice _____



Word Clearing errors _____
Misunderstood words _____
Misunderstoods in session _____
Study errors _____

False TA _____
Wrong sized cans _____
Tired hands _____
Dry hands _____
Wet hands _____
Loosens can grip _____
Wrong hand cream _____

Auditor overwhelming _____
Couldn't hear auditor _____
Couldn't understand what was being said ___
Couldn't understand what was being done _____
Overrun _____
Feel attacked _____
Something wrong with F/Ns _____
Overrun F/Ns _____
Missed F/N _____
Items really didn't read _____
False reads _____
Reading items ignored _____
Bad auditing _____
Incomplete actions _____
Invalidation _____
Evaluation _____
Couldn't get auditing _____
Interruptions _____

Can't have _____
Low havingness _____

PTS _____
Suppressed _____

Something went on too long _____
Went on by a release point _____
Went on past Dianetic Clear _____
Overrun _____
Auditor kept on going _____
Over-repair _____
Puzzled why auditor keeps on _____
Stops _____

Something else _____
Physically ill _____

Repairing a TA that isn't high _____
Repairing a TA that isn't low _____
Faulty Meter _____
Nothing wrong _____

False Exam Report _____
Waited at Exam _____
Upset by Examiner _____



A. If A or any of the A Group reads on any pc, the pc has 'Out-Int'. On a pc of any case level, who has had an Int RD (with Engram running), do an Int RD Correction List and handle the reads. If Int correction has already been done on the pc get an FES on the Int RD and its corrections. When all errors are corrected, the C/S may order the End of Endless Int Repair RD (Recall Int RD) per Int RD Series 4.

If the pc is Clear or OT and has not had an Int RD, do the Recall Int RD. Do not run any Engrams.

WHEN DOING AN INT HANDLING RUN ONLY THE INT BUTTONS GIVEN ON THE INT RD SERIES. Note on the Assessment which button(s) have just read on the C/S 53. Other items in the A Group are designed to detect Out-Int, but don't embrace the earlier beginning, so do NOT run these.

 B. If any of these read, do an L4BRB on the earliest lists you can find that have not been corrected. Lacking these, do an L4BRB in general. You can go over an L4BRB several times handling each read to F/N until the whole L4BRB gives nothing but F/Ns. Handle a Wrong Why or Wrong Indication or Wrong PTS item per C/S Series 78.

C. Any reading item must be F/Ned. Use standard handlings on rudiments questions. On "Out-Ruds" find which rud and handle. "Feel Sad" = ARC break of long duration so handle the ARC break. If "Deadness" or "Unconsciousness" read TWC to F/N (E/S if necessary) and then program for the Personal Revival Rundown.

 D. TWC to F/N. Do a Drug RD Repair List if the pc has had his Drug RD.  Advance Program to handle all reading drugs as soon as possible. 

 E. If any of these read, do an L3RH and handle per the instructions. (On Clears and OTs simply indicate the read. Don't run any Engrams or seek further to repair).

F. Clean up any protest and inval and rehab to F/N.

G. Find out what it is. If yogi or mystic exercises or some such TWC E/S it to first time done, find out what upset had occurred before that and if TA now down do L1C on that period of pc's life.

H. If Word Clearing, do a Word Clearing Correction List, handle all reads. If study errors, TWC E/S to F/N, and add a Study Correction List to the pc's program.

I. False TA is wrong cans or other error. Use False TA check list on false TA. Then clean up the By-passed Charge with (1) Assess for best read (a) TA worries (b) F/N worries. (2) Then TWC times he was worried about (item) E/S to F/N. (3) Rehab any overruns due to false TA obscuring F/Ns.

J. These are auditor errors. Low TA is generally caused by overwhelming TRs and incomplete actions. A high TA can be caused by an auditor overrunning F/Ns or failing to call them. Or trying to assess through an F/N and mistaking an F/N right swing for a read. An F/N can be obscured and mistaken for a read if sensitivity too high. These items are all TWC E/S to F/N. Auditors who made them need cramming badly or retread. Rehab F/Ns that have been missed.

K. Can't have or Hav. Find correct Havingness Process and remedy.

 L. TWC to F/N. C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling.

 M. Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N or Date/Locate. On "Went on past Dianetic Clear" TWC to F/N. Return to C/S. A qualified C/S who has fully checked out on the materials must adjudicate whether this state has been attained before the preclear should be programmed Clear verification.

 N. TWC to find what. Note BD item. If BD item covered by one of these categories handle per instructions. If not just TWC to F/N and get further C/S instructions for handling if necessary.

O. Get pc to tell you about it briefly. If correct then indicate to F/N. Go E/S and indicate it if no F/N on first. If false TA handle per 1 above.

P. Indicate and TWC to F/N.

The order in which reads are to be taken up is built into the C/S 53 itself. You simply start at the top of the list and take up and handle to F/N each read as you come to it.