We still haven't really solved the area of emotion and loss.

In Dianetics, Ron identified incidents of loss and misemotion as secondary engrams. These secondaries were shown to draw charge from earlier engrams. But when we knock out the weight of the engram bank (by going clear, etc.), the secondaries remain and we can easily see that clears are still strongly affected by loss and subject to strong emotions on a stimulus-response basis.

As I have mentioned earlier, incidents of loss can exist earlier than painful incidents because a being who cannot be hit by force or made to feel physical pain can still lose anything that he is not capable of re-creating. The true solution to this is to be able to create things at will, but that can fail if you cling to it as a solution and non-confront the fact of loss. The non-confront itself causes you to obsessively try to create situations of loss and you will work hard at it even in the face of having tremendous powers of creation.

So you need to achieve a willingness to confront loss as well as an ability to re-create things. This doesn't mean that you abandon everything or that you have a need to loose things. It just means that you are not afraid of losing them.

Early aesthetic implants (as used in the reality wars etc.) were especially hot on showing loss and emotion to be interesting things to get you to mock them up. They promoted things like the beautiful sadness of losing something. If you can convince somebody that its desirable to lose, then they can be beaten easily.

From modern Dianetics, we know that you can accustom somebody to confronting force by a gradient scale of running incidents that contain impacts and eventually get a "clear" who can confront the force in mental pictures. This undercuts the entire engram bank to some degree. If we consider that there is a "secondary bank" of loss and misemotion, then we might achieve a similar effect by a gradient of running secondaries of loss and get a sort of "emotional clear".

From the clearing course, we also know that you can take a key basic implant and free the person from his stimulus response creation of mental pictures and again get a sort of "clear" who no longer mocks up pictures of force reactivity. Again this tends to undercut the entire engram bank. From this one might hypothesis that there are "emotional implants" or an "emotional basic" that could be run to undercut the stimulus response creation of emotion.

I haven't achieved either of these states of "emotional clear" at this time so I can't guarantee that they exist or tell you for sure how to get there.

The penalty universes are not the basic on emotions. They are the basic source of the tone scale which puts the emotions into a fixed pattern. There is a great benefit to running this out because you stop shifting willy nilly from one emotion to the next. But you must have already had emotions before the tone scale was laid in or else there would not have been anything to force into the pattern.

The emotional pools set up in the symbols universe (discussed in the "Cosmic History") are part of the emotional machinery but again this cannot be basic. You had to have had emotions and aberrations about emotions before you could be made to set up these things.

I have searched for an "emotional basic" incident or implant without success. At one point I did seem to have some sort of incident where there are clouds of emotions circling you. But I couldn't get it to run properly. My suspicion is that there is something a bit out of reach that I am not yet up to conceiving of which is part of this emotional basic.

I did however find that there is an incident which sets up emotional machinery built out of entities and split pieces of yourself. I don't have all the details on this incident either, but I managed to put together a list of emotions and what the machinery was supposed to do. This is probably not complete, but I will list what I do have about these machines here.



ANGER: The machine feeds you false data on other people's motives and inspires you to rage. It says that its all their fault and that they should suffer. It says that you have a right to get even.

ANTAGONISM: The machine convinces you that other people don't like you and are laughing at you behind your back and are lying to you and tricking you. It tells you that they are unworthy of your friendship.

FEAR: The machine convinces you that danger is coming, that something is going to get you, that they're after you, etc. It tries to build paranoia.

BOREDOM: The machine says that its all worthless and that there is nothing worth doing and you wouldn't like it anyway, etc.

CONSERVATISM: the machine says that things have to be protected, that they can be lost or destroyed, and makes you worry about losing things, etc.

JEALOUSY: The machine says that you deserve it and they don't.

APATHY: The machine says that its all hopeless anyway so why bother, etc.

GRIEF: The machine says that things will never be the same, what is lost is gone forever, etc.



This might be emotional basic or it might be the incident used to lay in the emotional machinery listed above, or it might just be yet another implant.

The whole thing begins with:


2. You are walking down a long hall and there are statues in the nitches along the wall. Each leads to an emotional implant.

The implant for each emotion begins with:

3. TO BE ..(emotion).. IS NATIVE STATE.

The implant for each emotion shows you that its the solution to a problem (troubles with other people etc.).


There is more to be learned in this area, but at least we have a start.