These were mentioned in the chapter on Ethics. They are extremely important to your spiritual health as a being.

Here is the list again.

Dynamic 1 (9) : Ethics

Dynamic 2 (10): Aesthetics

Dynamic 3 (11): Construction (building things)

Dynamic 4 (12): Reason (mathematics and so forth)

Dynamic 5 (13): Variety (change)

Dynamic 6 (14): Games

Dynamic 7 (15): Understanding

Dynamic 8 (16): Creation

We have already done some work on ethics and aesthetics.

This chapter is barely a beginning in these areas. They run very very far back in the course of our existence. As you become more advanced, you will find much more material on these things, both in the far past and in your current lifetime.


46.1 Some Positive Processing

Let's begin by spotting some positive factors on each of these upper dynamics. Since we have already run some things on Ethics and Aesthetics, skip the processes on those if they feel like an overrun.



a) think of a desirable ethical concept

b) think of an ethical concept that another would find desirable



a) think of a desirable aesthetic

b) think of an aesthetic that another would find desirable



a) think of something that you would have fun building

b) think of something that another would have fun building.



a) think of an interesting brain teaser or problem in logic that it would be fun to solve

b) think of an interesting brain teaser or problem in logic that another would have fun solving



a) think of some interesting changes that would be fun

b) think of some interesting changes that would be fun for another



a) think of some games that would be fun to play

b) think of some games that another would have fun playing



a) think of something that it would be interesting to understand

b) think of something that another would find it interesting to understand



a) think of something that it would be interesting to create

b) think of something that another would find it interesting to create


46.2 The Negative Side

Unfortunately, we have used these things against each other.

Lower scale mechanisms of pain and control will not work on a godlike being.

But these upper dynamics are native to somebody who is in a godlike state and they find the ethics and aesthetics and games and whatever to be of extremely great interest.

And so they can be used as lures for entrapment. Being innocent, the being can be easily tricked. These dynamics are the desirable bait that was used in laying the traps.

But let's not get one sided about this. It is not so much that you, in your innocence, were dastardly tricked and trapped. The truth of the matter is that you also worked very very hard to trick and trap others. It was a two way street or else you never would have been caught so thoroughly.

We still do these things even now. Aesthetics are used to sell undesirable products, logic is used to talk people into undesirable things, and so forth.

The area is so basic and runs so deep that only the barest edges may be accessible at this point. But we should at least take some of the sting off of these areas. If you can run these deeply (possibly on a second pass), then do so. If not, then just take them to a mild win. Even that should have profound effects.

Because the area is very advanced, we are going to use a very loose question in the form of "spot the impulse to ..." and let anything come up that you can get your hands on. This could be spotting your postulates or intentions, this could be spotting actual incidents in the past, or it could simply be "getting the idea of" as a way to soften up the area and bring it into view.

And we will use the general button of "control" rather than trapping or enslaving others because it is both more general and more basic.


46.2.1 Ethics

a) spot the impulse to control or manipulate others through their sense of ethics

b) spot the impulse of others to control or manipulate you through your sense of ethics


46.2.2 Aesthetics

a) spot the impulse to control or manipulate others through their desire for beauty or aesthetics

b) spot the impulse of others to control or manipulate you through your desire for beauty or aesthetics


46.2.3 Construction

This could be building structures or even building an organization. It can often involve much work and group activity and is one of the reasons that a free being will join groups by choice.

a) spot the impulse to control or manipulate others through their joy at constructive efforts

b) spot the impulse of others to control or manipulate you through your joy at constructive efforts


46.2.4 Reason

Logic can be used to entrap. One agrees with "A" and then with "B" and then is shown that "C" is a logical consequence even though one doesn't like it, and so one agrees to "C" as well and begins to be lead down the garden path.

a) spot the impulse to control or manipulate others through their agreements with logical arguments

b) spot the impulse of others to control or manipulate you through your agreements with logical arguments


46.2.5 Variety and Change

The being likes variety and change. If you can convince someone that something else is just as good as what they have now, they will happily trade just for the fun of it in most cases. Unless, of course, they have grown cynical because we have played this as a con game so many times.

a) spot the impulse to control or manipulate others through their desire for change and variety

b) spot the impulse of others to control or manipulate you through your desire for change and variety


46.2.6 Games

We put up with all sorts of misery just for the sake of having an interesting game. People can be tricked into limiting themselves just to make the game more interesting.

a) spot the impulse to control or manipulate others through their desire to have an interesting game

b) spot the impulse of others to control or manipulate you through your desire to have an interesting game


46.2.7 Understanding

The being's desire to understand can also be used against him. The great game of victim is played by convincing somebody that they can't really understand how you feel unless they feel just as bad as you are pretending to feel.

a) spot the impulse to control or manipulate others through their desire to understand

b) spot the impulse of others to control or manipulate you through your desire to understand


46.2.8 Creation

This one is embracive of all the others.

The being loves creations and loves to create.

He copies things and mocks them up just for the sake of having them. At a deep level, he is afraid that he will fall behind and not have enough richness and variety in his creations, and so he can be tricked into copying and creating and stepping into an unpleasant reality just because it is detailed and interesting and has games and aesthetics of whatever degraded sort.

At the higher levels, you could think of these as universes or realities. But even in the human existence, we are often tricked into undesirable situations simply because they seemed interesting and enticing.

a) spot the impulse to control or manipulate others through their desire to create or experience interesting realities b) spot the impulse of others to control or manipulate you through your desire to create or experience interesting realities


46.3 Positive Action

Even though these upper dynamics have been used to entrap, the being will not truly abandon them.

As we have discussed before, the surface attempt to make nothing of something does not release the deeper impulses. A being might negate against ethics or aesthetics, saying that all rules are meant to be broken or that all art is junk. And yet he will still have some code that he holds to and some kind of aesthetics that he still considers beautiful.

He will not discard a gem just because it has become corroded. The only choice, therefore, is to polish it up.

So now that we have looked over the negatives and how these dynamics have been used to entrap, lets get back on the positive side and take it a bit further.

Run this for each of the 8 upper dynamics:

Go to a crowded place and spot people and postulate into them an increase in ability in that area. For ethics, postulate that they will have a greater sense of true ethics (not morality).

After this, go over each of the 8 areas again and think of things that you could do in the area and actually do some of them. It is all right if the things are trivial. Its all right if you only choose to do some things and not others in a particular area. But get some actual positive action going.