Spotting the point at which you entered into a game can take some weight off of the subsequent incidents that took place within that game. Especially if you spot your own interest and desires or whatever aesthetic or interesting hook drew you into playing.
This is not actually a cure for what happened subsequently, but it gives you a way to unstick your attention from the later incidents and get a bit more exterior to the entire sequence of events.
35.1 Relationships
As a starting point, lets consider relationships that you have been involved in in this lifetime.
These could be sexual relationships or simply strong friendships, with the emphasis being on long or intense contacts with other people.
For each major relationship, you can scan through the incident where you postulated or were drawn into the relationship.
This does not dissolve the relationship unless it is one that you are already struggling to get out of.
Note that happily married people often reminisce about how they got together and it serves to strengthen the relationship because it rekindles the goals that they had for it.
On the other hand, these unpleasant love/hate relationships where the person keeps bouncing back and forth often include mistakes and misperceptions from the very beginning.
In this case the person tends to fixate on the later upsets and does not look back and re-evaluate his original premises. In some cases, looking back to the beginning with the wisdom of hindsight, one will see the mistaken ideas and wishful thinking that lead one down a wrong path.
The emphasis here is not on looking for trickery or things to blame on others. That does not set you free of the situation but only perpetuates it.
Instead look at your dreams and desires and the thing that you thought was there. This is what holds you to the relationship.
Do not abandon your dreams because they were misassigned. Simply realize that they latched onto an inappropriate target.
Our experiences with running incidents show that that the crucial point to run is the earliest part, the beginning when it all started.
So run the beginnings of relationships as incidents, this will take weight off of things that happened later in the relationship. This might clean up a good relationship so that it goes better and it might help you end off on a bad relationship or recover from the ill effects of one that happened in the past.
You can use the incident running technique that was given in an earlier chapter. And if the incident becomes heavier instead of clearing up, look for an earlier similar incident because one often gets into the same situation again and again.
Pay special attention to your goals and desires and intentions and decisions and to the things that you postulated for the relationship.
35.2 Groups
Next look at groups that you joined willfully and which are or were a major part of your life.
As above, run the entry point into each group. This not only includes joining the group but also the decisions and events leading up to joining the group.
In some cases, you may have joined a group to solve an earlier period of confusion. In this case, even the decision to join the group is late in the story.
So check for a prior confusion that existed before you joined the group and for which the group was to be the solution.
If there was a prior confusion, then run the following on the time period of the confusion:
a) what problem did you have then
b) what communications did you leave incomplete about that problem.
Next, run
a) what did you do at that time
b) what didn't you say at that time
If the confusion doesn't feel better by this point, then also handle any upsets (ARC breaks) that occurred at that time, using the rundown given in an earlier chapter.
You can also run more problem processes (see the chapter on this) directed at the time period of the confusion if something more seems needed.
After the confusion has come apart, then run the entry point incident, and in this case you should expect to see things a bit differently then when you joined the group.
This will help rekindle your purposes and enhance your relationship with a desirable group, and it should help you separate from an undesirable group.
35.3 Forced to Join
There are also groups (and sometimes even relationships) that one is forced to join.
Being recruited for the army is one example. Being forced to enroll in school is another. Which is not to say that these are always enforced, but it is often the case.
First we need to take some weight off of the enforcement. Run the following:
a) recall being forced to join something
b) what was protested then
c) recall forcing another to join something
d) what did they protest
Once your confront is up on this, then pickup any significant entry points where you were forced to join and run them as incidents. And then do the same for times that you forced somebody else to join. And if necessary, also run incidents of others forcing others to join something.
35.4 Failed Purposes
Having a strong purpose or intention is also a beginning and a sort of entry point into a game. Sometimes a desirable purpose becomes derailed by later difficulties and failures and is abandoned due to despair rather than simply being set aside because one has become interested in something else.
These failed purposes can also be cleaned up by spotting when you had the original purpose and running through that as a sort of incident, with special attention to the point when you originally decided to have that purpose.
As with the other entry points above, getting back to the first moment tends to take weight off of the later failures.
And as above, it does not force you to either resume or abandon the purpose, it simply restores free choice. Once the weight of failure is gone, it can either revitalize the old purpose or let you finally lay it to rest depending on your true desires now in present time.
35.5 Desirable Purposes
After cleaning up failed purposes, it is good to run a positive process in the area.
a) spot a desirable purpose
b) spot a purpose that would be desirable for another or others
35.6 Learning
Since it is so valuable to learn things, let's also see if we can rekindle your desires in that area.
a) what did you want to learn
b) when was that
c) what did another want to learn
d) when was that
35.7 Joining the Body
For the advanced student, or for a second pass through the book, it is very useful to run the incident of picking up the current body.
One of the most important points of this is the decisions and postulates that one made as one entered the current lifetime.
Since one has picked up many bodies over the course of time, you might find that this incident is too late on a long chain and that you have to run earlier similar times when you picked up a body.
35.8 Mapping Your Lifetimes
This is definitely an advanced step and you will have to leave it until you have accumulated quite a bit of data about your recent lifetimes by means of simple recall processes, especially those given in the early chapters of this book.
When you are ready for this, begin by sketching out a list of the lifetimes that you are aware of in the last few thousand years.
Beginning with the earliest one, spot what your intentions were in entering that lifetime and examine how it went. Consider the next lifetime to be a solution or a response to the results of the previous lifetime and again examine your intentions and what actually happened.
Moving forward in this way, you should be able to fill in the blanks on some of the missing lifetimes, at least approximately, and see how these relate one to the next.
You will see things, which are or were very important to you, where you maintained a consistency of purpose from lifetime to lifetime, and you will see other things where you tended to flip back and forth hunting for a way past some barrier.
In doing this, you may occasionally come upon an incident of exceptional significance which has to be run.