Here we are going to try and take a step further out of the struggle and conflict that is often the anatomy of life.

But the idea here is not to disconnect and turn your back on things but instead to move up out of the mud into higher levels of beauty and interest.


20.1 Places Where You Are Not

The process is to close your eyes and spot places where you are not. Spot many many places.

This is to some degree a trick question because in checking that you are not somewhere, you tend to look at it and you will find that your exterior perceptions improve as you do this.

But this drill is also practicing truth, because you were never really located anywhere in the first place. Its only a game that beings play, pretending to be in the locations where they perceive or operate.

Continue this until you feel that you are exterior. Don't worry about it if your perceptions are poor or inaccurate.

Many of the following processes will ask you to look around a city or populated area. This is done with your eyes closed using an exterior view. If you have trouble doing this, you can repeat this process or the ones in the earlier chapter on exteriorization. Note that your perceptions are not expected to be good, just spot things anyway.


20.2 Attacking

Look around a large city or populated area using an exterior viewpoint.

Alternate these commands, spotting a few people on each one before going on to the next one.

a) Spot some people who are not attacking you

b) Spot some people that you are not attacking

c) Spot some people who are not attacking each other


20.3 Hatred

Look around a large city or populated area using an exterior viewpoint.

Alternate these commands, spotting a few people on each one before going on to the next one.

a) Spot some people who do not hate you

b) Spot some people who you do not hate

c) Spot some people who don't hate each other


20.4 Orders

Run as in 20.2 above

a) Spot some people who are not giving you orders.

b) Spot some people who you are not giving orders to.

c) Spot some people who are not giving orders to others.

d) Spot some people who are not receiving orders from others.

e) Spot some people who are not giving orders to themselves.


20.5 Beautiful Things

Run as in 20.2 above

a) Spot some things that are beautiful to look at

b) Spot some things that another would find beautiful to look at

c) Spot some people who are looking at beautiful things

d) Spot some people who are showing others beautiful things


20.6 Safe

a) Spot some places where you would be safe

b) Spot some places where another would be safe

c) Spot some places where your body would be safe

d) Spot some places where others bodies would be safe


20.7 Games

Look around a large city or populated area using an exterior viewpoint.

a) Spot a desirable game

b) Spot an undesirable game



a) What game would you be willing to play

b) What game would another be willing to play

c) What game would you be willing to let another play



20.9 Inventing Games

You don't have to work the games out in detail. Just invent things and visualize them. The wilder the better. They don't have to be original.

a) Invent a desirable game

b) Invent an undesirable game


20.10 Goals

a) Think of some goals you do not have.

b) Think of some goals that others do not have.

c) Think of some goals that you don't have for another person.

d) Think of some goals that another person doesn't have for you.

e) Think of some goals that another person doesn't have for others.


20.11 More on Goals

a) Think of a desirable goal

b) Think of an undesirable goal

c) Think of a goal that others would find desirable

d) Think of a goal that others would find undesirable


20.12 Emotions

Look around a large city or populated area using an exterior viewpoint.

For each of the following emotions, spot somebody who is feeling that emotion, connect to them, and share it with them for a moment. Then disconnect and go on to the next emotion.

Do each one in sequence over and over again. Once you feel really good about experiencing other's emotions, continue the process until you reach cheerfulness again. End the process on cheerfulness.

a) apathy

b) grief

c) fear

d) anger

e) antagonism

f) boredom

g) conservatism

h) cheerfulness or enthusiasm


20.13 Control

a) what would you be willing to control

b) what would you be willing to leave uncontrolled

c) what would you be willing to have another control

d) what would you be willing to have another leave uncontrolled

e) what would another be willing to control

f) what would another be willing to leave uncontrolled


20.14 Awareness

Look around a large city or populated area using an exterior viewpoint.

Spot people and postulate greater awareness into them (intend that they be more aware).


20.15 Doing Better

Look around a large city or populated area using an exterior viewpoint.

Spot people and postulate that they will do better in life.