In the beginning, the free spirit goes out of communication on a selective basis as a matter of free choice. This is the establishment of identity. He imposes some distance and delays and barriers to his communication and perception so that he will not simply be a reflection of everybody else all at once.

Initially, these barriers are selective and he shifts them around at will. But they are barriers and as a result, he can be surprised and be presented with things that he was not aware of or prepared for.

The early being, before he decays, cannot be harmed or impacted, but he can choose to reject things on an aesthetic basis, finding them undesirable for whatever reason. And so there comes to be a flux of acceptance and rejection and the possibilities of communications being blocked or misunderstood.

In the face of having undesirable things pushed at him or having his valued presentations rejected by others, the being may go into protest, objecting to the enforcement or rejection.

If a being's attempts to communicate a protest are blocked, he will create something to convey his protest in a more physical manner that is harder to ignore. And so he creates something and insists that others observe it, and because it is often rejected, he begins to create it compulsively.

Protest lies at the root of most compulsions. In theory, you might think that acceptance would solve this, but it is a two way street and half of his protests are due to other's lack of acceptance of his creations rather than his own lack of acceptance of their creations.

Therefore, the protest mechanism must be addressed directly.

Although communication barriers are the initial abberative factor in a being's existence, they are not themselves aberrations because they are done by choice. Protests are the first actual aberration (lessening of the beings ability and awareness, in this case because of doing something compulsively).

The keynote here is to spot protests and identify what you are creating to communicate those protests, and who should have received and acknowledged the communication. By bringing these into view, you should be able to regain control over things that are being compulsively created.

The limitation here is how deep and early can one reach, because many of the compulsive creations are in protest of things that are not only long forgotten but so far out of the sphere of human existence that they are not really comprehensible until one has advanced extremely far.

So take this as far as you can at this stage and count on finding more on a second pass through this book.


14.1 Current Protests

14.1.1a) Describe the protest, or an earlier similar protest

14.1.1b) What have you done to communicate that

14.1.1c) Who should acknowledge that

14.1.1d) Visualize them as acknowledging your protest.

Next run:

14.1.2a) What about you is another protesting

14.1.2b) What have they done to communicate that

14.1.2c) How could that be acknowledged

Then run:

14.1.3a) What are others protesting

14.1.3b) What have they done to communicate that

14.1.3c) Who should acknowledge that

14.2 Past Protests

 If the answer to the first question in each set is "nothing", then skip it and go on to the next set.

Each set is run as follows:

a) spot the protest

b) what did you create to protest that?

c) who should have acknowledged it?

And then look for an earlier similar protest, including past life protests. If there is none apparent, then spot another protest in the same area. For example, on "What have you protested about your body", you would then look for an earlier similar protest which might also be about your current body or a body that you had in an earlier life. If you can't spot any, then look for another protest about your body or about bodies that you have had in earlier lives.

If there is something on a topic (such as your body), then continue running protests in that area (earlier similar etc.) until you feel good about the area.


14.2.1a) What have you protested about your body?

14.2.1b) what did you create to protest that?

14.2.1c) who should have acknowledged it?

14.2.1d) Find earlier similar protests and repeat

14.2.2a) What have you protested about your family?

14.2.2b) what did you create to protest that?

14.2.2c) who should have acknowledged it?

14.2.2d) Find earlier similar protests and repeat

14.2.3a) What have you protested about your jobs and work environment?

14.2.3b) what did you create to protest that?

14.2.3c) who should have acknowledged it?

14.2.3d) Find earlier similar protests and repeat

14.2.4a) What have you protested about society?

14.2.4b) what did you create to protest that?

14.2.4c) who should have acknowledged it?

14.2.4d) Find earlier similar protests and repeat

14.2.5a) What have you protested about living things?

14.2.5b) what did you create to protest that?

14.2.5c) who should have acknowledged it?

14.2.5d) Find earlier similar protests and repeat

14.2.6a) What have you protested about the physical universe?

14.2.6b) what did you create to protest that?

14.2.6c) who should have acknowledged it?

14.2.6d) Find earlier similar protests and repeat

14.2.7a) What have you protested about spirits?

14.2.7b) what did you create to protest that?

14.2.7c) who should have acknowledged it?

14.2.7d) Find earlier similar protests and repeat

14.2.8a) What have you protested about God or religion?

14.2.8b) what did you create to protest that?

14.2.8c) who should have acknowledged it?

14.2.8d) Find earlier similar protests and repeat


14.3 Acknowledgment

Protest tends to persist because of lack of acknowledgment. So lets approach this from the other side.

a) What condition have you failed to acknowledge

b) What condition has another failed to acknowledge

c) What condition have others failed to acknowledge


14.4 Acceptance

a) What protest of another's could you accept

b) What protest of yours could another accept

c) What protest of another's could others accept


14.5 Compulsions

Compulsive behavior is usually started in protest of something. The actual protest may have begun in an earlier life, so that you have to use a loose sort of question along the lines of "what might you protest with that?". This lets you bring up odd answers that don't fit your current lifetime but which might actually be the correct answer in the lifetime in which you created the protest. Very strange answers can show up on this process.

Once a compulsion starts, the being will accumulate other mental charge on it in addition to the original protest, so don't be disappointed if the compulsion doesn't magically disappear completely on spotting the protest. But the compulsion will be weakened considerably and you should find that you have much more free choice than you did before. And the later weight that has built up on it will have a tendency to unravel as time passes.

For this process, you spot a compulsion and then run the following on it, over and over until a major release occurs.

a) What might you protest with that?

b) What would be the communication there?

c) Who should acknowledge that?

14.6 Chronic Physical Conditions

The same process as given in 14.5 above can also be run on a chronic physical condition. This is good for illnesses and things which should have healed but haven't. It is not always applicable to physical accidents although in some cases the person will have brought about the accident in protest of something.

Once a physical condition has established itself as chronic, it tends to get confirmed by other things (everything from receiving disability checks to using it to gain sympathy). And there are other factors which can trigger or reinforce chronic conditions (we will be covering this in other chapters). But sometimes this protest button might be the key to resolving a condition, so give it a try and get as much as you can out of it.


14.7 Basic Protest

At basic, one protests things that one is forced to or prevented from being, doing, or having.


14.7.1 Beingness

Here we are referring to things which a person could be, such as a policeman or a prostitute or a parent etc.

a) What beingness might you protest

b) What beingness could you accept


14.7.2 Doingness

Here we are referring to things that a person might do, such as skiing or stealing or running etc.

a) What doingness might you protest

b) What doingness could you accept


14.7.3 Havingness

Here we are referring to things that a person might have, such as money or guns or cars.

a) What havingness might you protest

b) What havingness could you accept


14.7.4 Inhibited Beingness

a) What have you been prevented from being

b) write down any protests you might have about that

c) who should acknowledge that


14.7.4 Inhibited Doingness

a) What have you been prevented from doing

b) write down any protests you might have about that

c) who should acknowledge that


14.7.5 Inhibited Havingness

a) What have you been prevented from having

b) write down any protests you might have about that

c) who should acknowledge that


14.8 Communicating Protests

a) what protest could you let another tell you

b) what protest could you tell to another

c) what protest could another tell to others


14.9 Acceptance

Go to a crowded place.

Spot people. For each one, accept them for what they are and mentally acknowledge them for being that.