Self Clearing Diary


On 18 December 1997 `The Pilot' released a self-improvement book onto the internet. Called Self Clearing, he encouraged people to use the book to help themselves and others. He writes:

This is a do-it-yourself book that can be studied and used by anybody at home,
not only towards clearing themselves of aberrations but also towards the development
of advanced spiritual abilities.

Unlike most metaphysical books, this one will include a great deal of mental exercises and techniques. The theories will be intertwined with practical actions to clear oneself of mental barriers and aberrations and to regain abilities, awareness, and recall of one's past existence.

The Self Clearing Diary is a record of the results and insights gained by two people using the processes outlined in the
Self Clearing book. One of them, known as `R' has done clearing work previously and seeks further enhancement. His partner, T, reluctantly agreed to `try it'. Together their experiences may help others seeking self-improvement by demonstrating the workability of the processes in the Self Clearing book.

To really appreciate the diary you need to refer to the Pilot's Self Clearing book. It can be obtained via the Self Clearing webpage. All methods, processes, theory, explanations etc are contained in the Pilot's book.

Here is Part 0 of the Self Clearing book and here is Part 1.

We hope our results inspire others to obtain the free Self Clearing book and try it themselves
R & T

Self Clearing Diary

`Beginning Steps'

If we inspire others to do clearing work then we have achieved our aim


These are "processes" which means that they are actions that are to be repeated to a specified result.

There will be more theory on the subject of "processing" later, but one of the basic concepts is that you achieve results much faster by doing an action repetitively rather than by simply straining at something. You pound in a nail by hitting it again and again rather than by simply pushing at it.

The desired result may not happen the first time you do a processing command. You must repeat the command over and over, giving it a chance to "warm up" so to speak, and then you push through and something happens. It might be a trivial thing, or it might be fantastic, but you will have achieved some kind of result.

The Pilot's Self Clearing Book - Chapter 1

(Some mood music for this chapter?)


T and myself took turns reading aloud the 20-odd pages at the beginning of the Pilot's Self Clearing book. We recognised there were a couple of words we were unsure of so we cleared them up in a dictionary and began the first process .

1.1 The Attention Process

This is almost childishly simple. And yet it is an effective technique for pushing through mental fog and blockage by directing your attention outward in a controlled manner. It also raises perception at the same time. Many variations are possible. In its simplest form, the command is


To get really good at it, use it many times over the course of a few days, running it in idle moments at home and at work or while shopping or while walking around or traveling. When you are doing well, it is deceptively fast and simple. But You will be surprised at how much willpower it takes to do this if you are groggy. Learn to do it now before you need it in some dangerous or critical situation.

This is sometimes called a "locational" process in orthodox Scientology because it helps the being to locate or orient himself

T - After spotting about a dozen spots I noticed a distinct pattern on the wall created by the light. I had not noticed this before although I have used the room thousands of times.

R - When T became bright and happy we ended on her `win' and I did the process. After about 6 commands I noticed my attention was `splattering' on the surface of objects. Took a win on this, because I then knew I could control my attention so it didn't splatter. A day or two later did some more `spotting' and found my attention was now laser-like. Instead of splattering it was in fact now actually going through doors, walls, etc. Experienced this phenomenon years previously but now there is more certainty and control. Result - regained ability.


1.2 Spiritual Version

This is the first step towards operating without a body, perceiving things from a viewpoint exterior to the body, and to what the psychics call remote viewing. It is really the same process as 1.1 above, but you do it with your eyes closed.

Begin by running the ordinary attention process on the room while seated in a comfortable position. When your perceptions brighten up, then close your eyes and do it again on an imaginary view of the room. Don't be constantly opening your eyes to look around and correct your perceptions. Don't invalidate your abilities just because you don't always see real things. Early on you will have a lot of imagination mixed in with the real perceptions. Also, you sometimes get "real" perceptions that are different from what the body sees, for example, you can tune into shadows of how the room once looked.

But gradually, as you continue using this process, you will start getting occasional real flashes of perception. Don't push this one too hard early on in processing. Just do it occasionally, accepting any mild "win" and not making a big deal out of it.

This is actually one of the "ultimate" processes at the very top of the scale. Simply looking around and spotting things, no matter what is in the way. One might, for example, see nothing but fog, but one spots precise points in the fog, and then one maybe spots things that might be there in the fog, and then one begins to see real things beyond the fog.

R - With eyes closed I achieved a good awareness of the room and also the inside of my head and brain. Realised `I' had made my head my home, considering it to be empty space, when it is actually not empty at all.

T - This process reminded me of my school days when we were asked to remember items on a tray after a few minutes. Attempting this process gave me a headache initially until I relaxed and was able to feel the cold wall two metres away whilst sitting on the couch.


1.3 Applying the Attention Process to the body.

This is helpful for speeding healing, easing pain, and improving your control over your body in general. It is a simple procedure of spotting points within the body. Just close your eyes and touch points in the body with your mind, attempting to look at the areas, but not making a big deal out of whether or not you are getting any visual perception. It is good enough to feel the areas slightly, but try to work up to getting a bit of a view of the inside of the body.

This works best if you alternate the right and left sides of the body and work up and down the nerve channels from the brain to the extremities. If you are trying to handle problems with the head, back, or stomach, then also use a variation where you alternate spotting points in the head and the stomach (the solar plexus is like a mini-brain) because they are at opposite ends of a heavy nerve channel.

Note that you are not your brain. The brain is neither conscious nor self aware, those are your characteristics as a spirit which is capable of thought. However, the brain is a big switchboard and a bit like a computer or calculator used by the spirit. Your normal operating basis is to control the brain (like typing commands into a computer) and let the brain control the body for you. But you are capable of reaching into and controlling the body directly. This process improves that ability. It is like bypassing the auto pilot and flying a plane yourself. A wise man always makes sure that he can override an auto pilot in times of difficulty and danger.

You can also touch the body (alternating sides) with your finger or the back of a pencil to help focus your attention and then look at the spot (with your eyes closed) from the inside. For a pain or injury, work in the hurt area for a few commands and then work out to the extremities (fingers, toes, etc.) for a few commands rather than either avoiding the hurt area or becoming fixated on it.

Facing, accepting, and acknowledging a pain often cools it down a bit. And reaching into the area mentally encourages the body to rush healing forces into it rather than withdrawing from the pain.

For now, do a simple drill of spotting points in the body, alternating the left and right sides. Begin at the top of the head and work down the nerve channels to the hands and fingers, including spotting the tip of each finger. Then begin at the top of the head again and work down the spine and legs going down to the toes. Then work from the head down the front of the body to the genital area. Then work over any other areas of interest. Then repeat this, continuing until the body feels good.

R - After a few minutes of alternating my attention left and right up and down my body, legs, feet, etc, I seemed to be somewhat outside myself, doing the process from behind my body. That seemed like a good point to end the process. It occurred to me later that this could lead to an ability to do `absent healing'.

(R - UPDATE December 2000 - it did lead to this ability in a later chapter)

T - This process was a little daunting, although proving to be helpful as it cleared up a pain that I was having in my chest.


1.5 Applying the attention process to learning a skill.

As part of learning a skill where there are tools or equipment or facilities of some sort involved with the area, you can use a variation of this attention process in addition to the usual learning activities.

Spot some specific points on the tool or device, looking at it with your eyes, then mentally spot some specific points inside the device (don't bother to close your eyes), then spot some more on the outside with your eyes, then more inside, etc.

Note that this does not substitute for learning how to operate a machine before you start running it. But it helps you become familiar with the machine while you are studying about it, and it improves your perception and alertness as regards to the device. This could also help with sports. Doing this a bit on a basketball and a basket, for example, might improve your aim.

R - Quickly overcame a commonly held idea we can't see `inside' objects. Looked at TV then `inside' it and saw it was full of stuff. It confirmed there was no physical barrier to spiritual perception. However, clarity/certainty of perception is not great. (May be linked to the fact I've been `short-sighted' and worn glasses/lenses since age 11?).

T - I selected the telephone for this process, which resulted in me being very interested to learn more about day to day items and how they function.


1.6 More advanced variations.

...Many other variations are possible. Any of these can be done objectively, with the body's eyes, or mentally with your eyes closed. And you do not have to limit yourself to only doing this in the vicinity of the body. For example, you can close your eyes and get the idea that you are looking down at the city or the countryside and notice things or find things that are safe to look at, etc. We will be doing a bit more of this in a later chapter....

R - (Very rewarding for me to help T. Very pleased she recognises misunderstood words and clarifies them.) Did process and realised the `space' which an object occupies is more basic than the object itself, and would be an undercut to making objects vanish, etc.

T - After clearing the words "spot" and "permeate", the process was much easier. I had more of an idea of the three dimensions and preferred this advanced process to the basic attention process.

Self Clearing Diary
`Reach & Withdraw'

If we inspire others to do clearing work then we have achieved our aim

Now we will move on to reaching and withdrawing from things rather than simply spotting them.

But first, this seems like a good time to introduce some more of the basics of processing. One of the biggest problems with running a process is knowing how long to continue it.

If you do not run a process long enough, you not only miss out on the gains that could have been made, you can also get your attention stuck on something that is half complete. And some processes can stir up things for you to look at, and if you drop them in the middle, you leave yourself with something stirred up but unhandled and that can be unpleasant.

If, on the other hand, you continue a process too long, you can get into what Scientology calls "overrun". There you are, aiming at some target with a process and suddenly the process completes and the target is gone. Then you continue running the process and a number of undesirable things can occur...

The Pilot's Self Clearing Book - Chapter 2


Reach and withdraw

It would be best to experiment with and learn about this overrun/underrun phenomena now while we are dealing with objective drills that do not have very much liability associated with making mistakes in this area.

Later we will be doing subjective processes where the overrun and underrun effect is much more pronounced and troublesome. So this is the time to learn to notice when you have completed a process and learn to rehabilitate the moment of completion if you discover that you have carried on too long.

Our first process will be to simply touch and let go of something repetitively. To observe the phenomena and learn something about it, let's intentionally overrun this one because it is easy to do with this process and the effect is very mild.

R - Didn't feel need to do this one because I'm already familiar with `overrun'. Recalled earlier discovery though, that taking frequent breaks from a computer is actually `reach and withdraw', and results in staying fresh, having more ideas, being more productive, etc. than just sitting there continuously.

After a few (or many) repeats, there will come a moment when the spot you are touching suddenly becomes more real and feels better to you. The object will look a bit brighter and you will have a little bit better feeling about it.

This is the moment when the process is complete.

Now keep doing it for another dozen or two repetitions. It will go all right for a bit and then maybe get a little boring and then as you carry on you will notice that its a little more difficult and you don't have that nice feeling about the object anymore. Now recall that exact moment when the process did complete. Get back the good feeling. Remember how you felt about the object and how it looked at that moment. It should start looking and feeling better again.

That moment when you felt good is called a release point or moment of release...

T - I started off very enthusiastically and felt I could do this process for a long time. Eventually my boredom set in. I now understand that processes can be underrun as well as overrun. The term "release point" means more to me also.


2.1 Objective reach and withdraw.

Do this occasionally, especially on objects that you have to use or work with. If you drive, try doing it on your car.

As a special variation which is of great benefit, do this on lots of objects in the room and also on spots of the walls until the room suddenly becomes very real and you feel good about the room as a whole. You can also use this to help pull yourself out of a groggy or depressed state just like the processes of chapter 1.

Do a lot of this one. It extroverts you and improves your communication with the physical universe. It is essential to balancing the subjective processes that we will get into later. Without things like this, the subjective techniques can be too introverting.

This will improve your ability to have things and control them

Pick an object. Pick a precise spot on the object. Touch and let go of it until you have a good feeling about that spot. Then pick another spot on the object and do the same. Keep doing this on individual spots until the whole object starts to feel good.

R - Didn't do this one at this time. Impatient for the `mental' version. Have had numerous wins in the past using this technique to improve confront on various objects and equipment, plus running it on other people, so I already know it `works'. This process in fact has led to an ability to fix things that were `not working'. One example was opening up my parents' tape machine that they said `doesn't record'. I'd never seen inside one before but I soon saw what was wrong and inserted a broken matchstick to fix it. I then played back to them a recording of them insisting how it couldn't be fixed.

T - I selected a statue of a boy and a duck, which was very lifelike, so I had a high affinity for what I was touching. After a short time I felt in control of this object and was able to direct this control to other objects in the room.


2.2 Mental Reach and Withdraw

This process also has a "mental" variation where you reach out mentally, sort of like projecting a beam, and touch and let go of things with your mind. You should use the physical version more than you use the mental one.

When you first do this one, begin by doing the physical reach and withdraw on an object and when it is complete then shift over to the mental variation on the same object. This would usually be done with your eyes open, using the body's eyes to look at the object and then reaching mentally. But it can also be done with the eye's closed. In that case, you should definitely do the physical version on the object first.

Doing this reach and withdraw with closed eyes will help develop your non-physical perceptions. Gradually you will find that you can feel objects mentally and even start to permeate them and feel what is going on inside of them. Don't expect miracles here, there is a long way to go. But you as a spirit are capable of permeating and perceiving and controlling the universe around you and this is a beginning step in that direction.

R - This process brought much relief because I'd been trying (unsuccessfully) to `move objects' for many years. It's so much easier to just touch and let go with the mind. I realised this was a missing gradient to psychokinesis/telekinesis and if done long enough should/could lead to such ability.

T - Was mildly successful with this process. I feel that the intention of moving objects is there but the result isn't (although this isn't what the process is designed for). R discussed "help" and "purpose" with me. I am lacking purpose with the clearing course and help is still a very hot area for me. This resulted in an upset as I was not able to help my father, who recently passed away. After discussing the subject of help I felt relieved somewhat.

(R - Spotting when someone is upset on the subject of `Help' and implementing the solution of discussing it is one of the many advantages of being trained in this subject.)

29/3/98 - 2.3 The Contact assist or Touch Back

It is very simple and useful and easily done solo. If you hurt yourself, there is a tendency to flinch from that spot mentally and since the body tends to obey the mind, there will also be some inhibition to the circulation and healing forces because you are pulling back. If you simply duplicate the action that hurt you, doing it slowly and safely with the same objects in the same location a few times, this will overcome the mental flinch. Of course you cool down a hot surface, or blunt or protect against anything sharp, etc.

So let us say that you happen to stub your toe. In most cases, the toe keeps hurting for a little while, often surprisingly long considering that there is no significant damage, and there also seems to be an awful tendency to stub the same toe again a little later. To overcome this, you slowly swing your foot and lightly touch the exact point you collided with a few times. Suddenly you get a momentary sharp pain as the incident comes into view and releases and then the pain is really gone. And you don't keep stubbing the same toe over and over again.

R - No current pains so not able to try this one today. Made note to try it next time got hurt. However, recalled numerous successful (often `miraculous') recoveries in self and others using this technique over the years. For example some years ago in a gymnasium a bodybuilder jammed a finger while replacing some weights. Whilst it was hilarious to see such a big guy hopping around the gymn holding his little finger and carrying on like a six year old kid, I wanted to show off this technique. I managed to grab him and get him back to where it happened (at the squat machine) by being very interested and saying `Show me what happened'. When he tried to `talk about' it I kept insisting he `show me' until he was back in the exact same position. As soon as he lifted his hand back to the bar the dramatization of pain stopped. He straightened up and looked at me and said `What are you, some kind of a witch doctor?'.

2.4 The Wall Drill

In orthodox Scientology, there is a series of "Control, Communication, and Havingness" processes or CCHs for short. This is the process known as CCH 2. This is absurdly simple and surprising in its effects. Begin by picking two walls with a clear path to walk between them. The commands are:

2.4a) You look at that wall.
2.4b) You walk over to that wall.
2.4c) You touch that wall.
2.4d) You turn around.

This is repeated over and over again, going back and forth between the two walls. The actions should be very precise, cleanly doing each one and recognizing that you have done it. Each time you do it, you act like it was the first time rather than simply repeating the action on automatic.

Now I'm quite serious in suggesting that you actually get out of the chair and do this. The reactions can be surprising in comparison with what you might think would happen in theory.

Doing something precise and repetitive like this can stir up all sorts of old buried stuff such as hypnotic control or being made to march in ranks in the army. What is stirred up might not be in the current lifetime and might not be directly accessible by recall, and yet you can alleviate the weight of it by continuing the process until you successfully push through the effects and can simply and comfortably do the action. This process might not "bite" deeply the first time. You might just do a few cycles of the commands and suddenly feel good about controlling the body and moving it around. If that happens, accept the "win" and end off. But go back to it later and try it again.

This process also has a "mental" variation where you lie down, close your eyes, and imagine yourself doing the commands and moving back and forth between the two walls as a spirit. But this is generally too advanced for most beginners. This process does to some degree stir up old hypnosis etc. and doing it while lying down instead of moving the body around (which forces you to stay awake) almost guarantees that you will fall asleep if any hypnotic stuff begins to run out. So a beginner might be better off leaving this variation for a second pass through this book.

T - I was very frightened of performing this process due to the publicity I had heard about it. Even though I was tired and had a pain behind my eyes I did the process, with R giving the necessary commands. I laughed initially due to the ordinariness of it, then I felt like I was being punished like in school. It was a win knowing that I had put in a lot of effort in attempting the process. My headache disappeared and I felt a lot brighter.
R demonstrated the process as per the church, which I found incredible.


R - Bit of mental `fog' last few days. Then today I really understood about `letting go' mentally. This is a result of doing both the physical and the mental reach and withdraw technique. I wouldn't have understood it without doing both. Haven't mastered it but more aware now of how my mind works. Also today banged toe on furniture. Really hurt as I'd broken it years ago (doing karate). Remembered to do the contact assist (see process 2.3 above) which definitely reduced the pain, but not entirely because of an earlier injury.

Later I did the Reach & Withdraw process (2.1) for about 15 minutes on 3 juggling balls. Nothing much seemed to occur during the process so ended off when felt good about it. Next morning however I was actually able to juggle the 3 balls, not for long, but I did it, for the first time. I've only previously been able to juggle 2 balls so this was a definite increase in ability.

T - Today I gained an ability to "know" words. I helped my mother with a crossword and I did not have to "think" of any answers. They were instantly in my mind. I have struggled to perform crosswords in the past, having to rely on guesswork or using the dictionary. A few days prior to this I noticed that I could "picture" the incomplete words in a crossword. When a crossword question was read out and then the letters already in place I could see this in my mind without having to write it down or look at the actual crossword. These achievements may seem trivial, but I enjoy competitions. I have won a number of significant prizes in competitions so I have really noticed the gains from doing these processes. Also my ability to communicate has improved and I no longer have a problem with asking people questions to enhance communication.


2.5 Precise Control

You can also drill precisely moving or controlling an object.

Choose an object that you can move easily. Pick two spots. Precisely move the object back and forth between the two spots, taking care to move it at a uniform speed and land on the exact spot without hesitation. Let go of the object each time and then pick it up again.

Precision type drills will turn on reactions sometimes and you keep them up until you push through and the reaction disappears. For machinery, such as an automobile, control the machine precisely over and over again in an appropriate manner. In learning to drive, for example, it helps to practice stopping the car at precise points over and over again.

In learning the piano, you might choose two notes far apart on the keyboard and precisely move back and forth between them, using the same speed and force each time. Or use this as part of learning to type. This isn't meant to substitute for the usual learning activities in mastering a skill, but it can speed up the process and take you to greater levels of mastery.

You can take this a bit further by doing it with your eyes closed as long as the action is one that can safely be done that way (don't drive with your eyes closed!). This is one of the key tricks of the oriental masters in learning a skill. You will find it in everything from Kung-fu to table tennis.

T - Disaster! I didn't really want to do this as it was late. Shortly after starting I just didn't want to continue the process. I refused to go on and felt I was being pushed into it, resulting in an upset. I noticed this episode of upset follows a pattern of which I am now more aware and which has affected me all my life. I use this mechanism in order to discontinue study or anything I don't want to do. The win is that although I did not complete the process, this upset does not occur as frequently as before.

R - Phew! Rough for me, too, as I was unable to help T through the process. However, was able to be there for her and ease the upset that turned on. Decided not to do this process myself as I was happy with the results obtained years earlier with COS. However, I had good result on doing mental touch assist (process 1.3) for toe inury on train going to work this morning. After doing it for about 10 minutes I realised the process had much in common with Objective Reach & Withdraw. About then when my attention reached the toe I `saw' the toe when I'd hurt it during aikido and it had gone black with bruising. This caused further easing of trauma in the toe. Later I got a flashback of when the toe was broken over 20 years ago in karate, so I intend to continue the process for further improvement at a suitable time.


R - Waking during the night I experienced `spontaneous' realisations about subjects apparently unrelated to present time matters as well as realisations about whatever I put my attention on.


T - After much deliberation I decided to do the process again. I was successful after only a short time. Even though I could feel the same physical sensation I had felt before, I overcame this and realised I was in control and could keep going. I realise I have a problem with not finishing what I start. I feel confident that further processing will continue to clear this difficulty.

R - I didn't do this process but helped T. Had to be quick spotting her win on this one and not letting her overrun. We had discussed the possibility that some of these processes could continue for hours, if not days. Noticed a smile after T had moved the object for about 30 seconds. I asked what was happening. We were both amazed at how easily she did the process compared to the previous attempt.


T - I overcame a huge inhibition today by wearing a dress to work for the first time in at least three years. Performing the processes has improved my self-esteem and confidence. Also I have been trying to obtain a more fulfilling job for three years. I finally began a new job last week. I feel I can attribute these wins to this self-clearing course.


R - That's it! We've completed chapters 1 and 2 of the Self Clearing book! I am very pleased with our progress. It was a win to start this project, and another win to actually complete this section. I didn't expect the personal gains I actually did make. And I'm really happy T stuck with it, came through everything, and did so well! It's definitely more rewarding to do clearing with someone else. Her wins became my wins. Also, It really makes a difference following a set path as laid out here by the Pilot, as opposed to just doing random processes. Also, keeping a `diary' makes one more aware of any wins, realisations, etc, because you make a mental note to share wins with your partner and write them in the diary later. Also there is the fact that this may be read by other people. It is so important to me that people grasp the significance of what we are doing here and decide to do clearing themselves.

I am impatient to complete this section of the diary, post it to the internet, and begin the next section. But now I want to tell you more about why I am doing this project. I left the Church of Scientology because I believed I could not afford the prices involved in going further. The gains I made were phenomenal, priceless, far exceeding most of my expectations, but not enough. I wanted more but couldn't afford it. I knew I had to leave and see what I could accomplish alone. Then I met T. She listened to my raves. She had to. I made it a condition of our relationship that accepting me meant embracing the idea of clearing.

Fortunately we discovered the Free Zone via the internet. I was blown out. Ecstatic. Here was everything I'd raved about but now, rightly or wrongly, freely available. I oriented myself and jumped back on the elevator and enjoyed some great results.

Then came Self Clearing where you didn't even need a meter! You don't NEED to be trained or supervised or anything else. You just work through the book! Unbelievable!!! This was exactly what I needed to get my partner to share what I had discovered years ago - that clearing works and life can be made better!

I am indebted to the C of S where I learned how to apply processes to others. Without that background T and myself would not have attained the results we have. The major factor though was WANTING to do it then just DOING it. Demand for Improvement, if you like.

But I believe anyone can benefit from Self Clearing and it is so important that they do. And because the Self Clearing Book is free the excuse one `cannot afford' to do clearing is invalid. My purpose is three-fold.

1. further self improvement through clearing
2. improvement for my partner (with minimal dependence on me)
3. inspire the clearing of others by our example.

Those newer to this type of self-improvement may relate better to the results of T. Others may relate to mine.

If we inspire anyone to do clearing work of any kind then we have achieved our aim.


Diary Contents

On to Diary Chapter 3