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This book, which I assume will be the last volume in the L.Kin series, deals with the solo route to case completion.

Case completion means there is nothing left to be audited. Except perhaps out of curiosity, but not out of need.

You are aware of the significant events of your past track, those that have formed your present, and you have discharged them. The charge is gone, the information is left.

You are aware of entities, i.e. other people's ridges flying about (and there are lots), and you don't fall for them any more.

You are aware of the Genetic Entity looking after your body. Through auditing it you have learnt to live with it rather than against it or in ignorance of it.

You become aware of other thetans' thoughts and postulates even before they can interfere with your own.

You are aware of your game, your purposes, and of the mission you have to fulfill before you can calmly leave this planet and go elsewhere. You know the mission and what it takes to fulfill it, and are working on it.

You can plan out your next incarnation with certainty. The usual veil of forgetfulness won't lay itself upon you in the between­lives area. The future is yours.

In short, you are a happy, healthy and purposeful person.

At this stage you are straight up against life. No charge of the past creeping in, no old bad karma making you stumble. It's you and life eye to eye. No filters.

The only recourse from there on out is keeping your TRs in and applying the ethics conditions. Tough stuff. (But with maximum rewards.)

Volume 1 was on the philosophy of Hubbard, volume 2 on its practical application as far as attaining the ability of Clear.

Volume 3 was on the sort of stuff you may run into in the OT 3 band and beyond. Like it or not, one can't seem to avoid getting involved with galactic politics.

This present volume puts the first three together and suggests a route towards case completion (a "bridge", to use that term). On one's way there one will experience the phenomena described in volume 3. Eventually, towards the end, one will leave such phenomena behind. Because after all, any of these experiences are only theta adventures. They are something one may have to go through, yet by themselves they are not important.

As well, this fourth volume reflects the way I work personally. I speak for myself rather than let Ron Hubbard speak (as I did in the previous volumes).

What follows in this present book, then, is what I myself do with Hubbard's technology, how I personally use the basic tools and concepts of Class VIII. (They were described in volume 2, the "Handbook for use".)

Much as Class VIII constitutes a fairly high level of accomplishment and skill, it is also a level of great simplicity. It reduces the complexity of the tech to two simple concepts: one, look at people as composite beings consisting of a thetan, his bank, entities, a GE and a body; two, get this multi­dimensional interaction sorted out by the simplest of means.

That's standard tech Class VIII style. It will coincide only rarely with the rather rigid version of "standard tech" as practiced in certain places. That sort of "standardness" turns auditing into a ritual and the auditor into a robot. It makes auditing become a soul­less, lifeless pursuit. It makes it ineffective. Which is a sad thing to happen.

For many users of Hubbard's technology, this ritualistic standardness became unbearable. As a solution they dropped dianetics and scientology, perhaps claimed that their involvement with it was an error of their young days, got involved with one of the derivatives of Hubbard's work (like Soul Retrieval, Dianasis, TROM, Belief Changing, Avatar, Metapsychology, etc.), and then announced that this was ever so much better than "scientology".

Wheras in fact they may never have come close to the real thing in the first place! It was denied to them by those who purported to administer it. Likewise there are those who totally turned away from Hubbard's teachings and found a new spiritual home through contacting some guru or healer or telepathic genius. They are likely to report that just one session with their enlightened master relieved them of their suffering, and that he therefore did something that dozens of hours of engram running didn't do. Which ­ in their opinion ­ goes to show that dianetics is all wrong.

Yet I ask again: did they ever come close to the real thing? Or were they perhaps let down by certain "experts" who, misled by their own self­importance, believed themselves to be competent?

I'd be the first to admit that Ron Hubbard's work can be put to many uses, as this is what I'm doing myself and is what this whole book is about. Yet although one may have to use fancy names for legal and PR reasons I suggest that one shouldn't omit referring to one's source, and that one should do so in a respectful way ­ instead of denying altogether that one got it from Hubbard or speaking about him spitefully or slanderously.

If Ron hadn't put his system there, we wouldn't be where we stand now. It's as simple as that.

I'd be the first to admit as well that there are indeed enlightened masters about, and that one can find them in many different disciplines. One session by such a master may cure what neither the medical doctor nor the dianetic auditor manages to cure. I know that. Nevertheless one cannot rightfully use this as an argument against Hubbard and his teachings. Because all it means is that one has a lot to learn. Having to consult an enlightened master may be very exciting, yet at the same time it proves that one isn't quite enlightened oneself.

The strong point in Ron's work is this: that apart from helping one to get rid of things it also helps one to become aware of things. It teaches awareness.

This is what auditing, particularly solo auditing, is all about: increasing one's awareness of being aware. It's a training action rather than a case action.

In the end one is in the position to help oneself. At least one should be. It's a long way. The point is: one can do without the enlightened master. Even without Ron Hubbard. And that, I think, is a fantastic achievement.

I'm aware that ­ in view of the battles raging on Internet and in the courthouses of the world ­ it may seem slightly naive to say anything positive about Ron Hubbard and his work. Yet in my view there is only one single reason for these battles, and it has nothing to do with "the tech" as such. It is this: people were lied to. Promises were made but not kept.

"If you can't get the technology applied then you can't deliver what's promised. It's as simple as that. If you can get the technology applied, you can deliver what's promised.

The only thing you can be upbraided for by students or pcs is `no results'. Trouble spots occur only where there are `no results'. Attacks from governments or monopolies occur only where there are `no results' or `bad results'."

I bet you've heard this before. It is from "Keeping Scientology Working", HCO PL 7 February 1965.

There was always a haze of wishful thinking around promises of states and abilities, but, dodgy salesmanship aside, when the auditor has good results, people are perfectly happy with Ron and his tech. No legal battles.

So let's all have some good results on others and ourselves, and make this world a better place, shall we?

(Note: To my three previous volumes I'll refer like this: (LK1/p. 96). This would mean: "L.Kin, volume 1, page 96". Or: (LK3/ch.1), meaning "L.Kin, volume 3, chapter 1".)

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