FreeZone America



Excalibur on the one hand is a method by which one may audit any type of entity at any point on the bridge. This is Excalibur as an auditing procedure. It is fully described in the appendix to the "Pied Pipers" (LK3).

On the other hand, Excalibur is a solo level in its own right. It ties in with the sort of awareness and havingness a person has after the completion of Solo 3. As such it is described in this text.


Excalibur was developed by Bill Robertson in 1985 as a result of his attempt to make sense out of the NOTs materials. He wanted to co­audit NOTs. He found the materials to be rather superficial. They didn't seem to be an extension of the purposes Ron had in mind when he devised OT 3.

Robertson had done OT 3 "on the ship" with Ron Hubbard close by. So he put everything together he knew of OT 3, added PTS/SP tech and the power processes, combined this with some NOTs principles, and out came "Super­ NOTs" ­ which later came to be called "Excalibur".

The materials generally referred to as "Captain Bill's Excalibur" mainly consist of the so­called "Tech Briefings", specifically number 4, 7 and 8. They are taped lectures given at a briefing in Frankfurt in 1985. Bill broke the news concerning his latest discoveries to a group of about a dozen of his closer associates. The lectures reflect Bill's excitement and contain a lot of personal information about his recent sessions in order to illustrate the novel phenomena he had found. They don't make the tech of Excalibur very clear, though (partly because at that time, it wasn't clear anyway). Consequently, over the ten years that have elapsed since, Excalibur became a rather superficial imitation of what it was in its formative stages. So in a way, Bill's Excalibur suffered the same fate as Ron's OT 3: once released to the general public and due to insufficient instruction and supervision, it went down the drain.

What's Being Audited

Excalibur deals with BTs and Clusters wearing a "special hat". They (or rather the thetan they are an energy residue of) "agreed" to wear this hat under the extreme duress of an implant. "Better be
that (whatever they identified with) than be nothing", they thought.

The solo auditor is closely identified with these specialized BTs and Clusters. In contrast to the "usual OT 3 fluff" one is liable to pick up as one comes down to Earth to take one's incarnation here, the Excalibur BTs and Clusters were glued to the thetan for eons. They are running his life. He is in their valence. For this reason they don't come up on routine Solo 3.

It's on Excalibur where you encounter the SP BTs that are mentioned in the OT 3 pack but rarely found on routine Solo 3.

Excalibur is not a "fits all sizes"­level like Solo 1­3. It's tailor­made for each individual solo auditor. It focuses on the specific stops and inhibitions the solo auditor may encounter in running his life, attaining his purposes, fulfilling his mission, accomplishing his ideal scene. Therefore it starts with an interview. This is followed by an audited section since the technique of Excalibur is a lot more demanding than any previous solo level. It takes getting used to.

The Interview

In the interview the solo auditor is given the chance to re­evaluate his life in terms of the Solo 3 experience. He doesn't look at himself any more as the one­ lifetime obsessed earthling who once walked in from the street to get some therapy, no, he has grown in size and usually feels responsible for larger affairs than just his own private life. He has touched dimensions beyond the scope of Earth life. His level of ARC/KRC is a lot higher than ever before.

He may not have actually talked or listened to his BTs and Clusters yet. Perhaps most of his auditing was done on the meter without any live communication from his "auditees". He may not even believe the whole story of OT 3 to be true. He doesn't have to! But nevertheless, what has become real to him without question is the fact that there is charge on the subject, that the charge is not his, and that the whole phenomenon cannot be explained away by saying "I'm only imagining this and that's why it reads on the meter."

The Excalibur interview is no repetition of the rather broad and general Life Repair interview at the bottom of the bridge. It's more elevated than that. It is the attempt to define the auditee as a player of a self­chosen game within a larger and more general games context. And although he may not be able to define his game in full yet, he sure knows what situations in life do not correspond to the ideal scene he imagines for himself. They simply "feel wrong". So at least he knows what his game is

The interview is built around questions like: "How are you doing in life? What senior goal do you pursue? What ideal scene are you trying to attain? How is this reflected on each of your 8 dynamics? How do you get on with it? What works, what doesn't work? What is fun, what isn't? Major obstacles? Personal inhibitions you keep bumping into? Regarding your game, who do you consider friends? Who do you consider enemies?"

Freely 2WC these questions until the auditee sees his various life situations clearly and unequivocally in front of him. In general, on each question, work towards a clearly defined Itsa with large reads. On the last two (friends/enemies), get individuals or groups, have them named.

Interview Analysis And Evaluation

The reading statements of the interview are grouped according to subject. Their reads are added up to get the total TAA per subject. As an example, let's say that four subjects emerge: there is charge on cats, dogs, pears and stovepipes.

As a general rule you'll find that the many reading statements in the interview boil down to no more than three or four subjects. In Excalibur terminology these are called "stacks" (because Robertson picked up Ron's statement from the NOTs pack that "each case is stacked differently"). Which means (following the example above) that there are four situations in the auditee's life, four departures from his ideal scene.

To do a proper data evaluation, the auditor in his role as C/S needs a bit of cleverness, courage, and human understanding. Luckily he cannot go far wrong as long as he stays in comm with his auditee. When he is doubtful about his analysis he can always get some more data or the auditee's opinion by doing another brief interview.

To carry on with our example: The auditee mentioned cats five times with a TAA amounting to 1.5, he mentioned dogs seven times with a TAA of 0.9, pears have 1.8 TAA, stovepipes 0.4 TAA. Is pears the top stack then, with a TAA of 1.8? Or do cats and dogs combine to "pets", adding up to 2.4 TAA and therefore forming stack 1?

When in doubt, ask the auditee!

Finding The Stack Wording

Now let's say the auditee was given a brief follow­up interview on the matter of cats and dogs and said it all came down to pets. He has always had pets, not only cats and dogs but canary birds, rabbits, and guinea pigs. But he was never successful with respect to this area of his life. Solo 3 didn't help to change this. Actually, this is why he wanted auditing in the first place: problems with pets. It got touched on many times before but was never fully handled.

"Pets" is the problem. A big GPM: he wanted to make it go right and couldn't. This has the most charge, this is stack 1.

The theory of Excalibur has it that the auditee (or any person, for that matter) is identified with all sorts of entities, some of which may be OT 3­type BTs and Clusters whereas others were created at other times on the track.

"Being identified" means: one doesn't notice. One has become one with these entities. Same viewpoint. No distance. All viewpoints have collapsed into one viewpoint.

To make a thetan the boss again, his own viewpoint must be peeled out from this blend of viewpoints. The stack wording reflects this blend.

Therefore, finding the stack wording is the crucial operation in Excalibur. The success of the whole action depends on it.

Finding the stack wording is done in session with an auditor. The auditing tool is L&N. The auditing question is: "Regarding the situation you described with regard to pets, who or what would live in such a situation?"

With this the auditee is asked to define his games role, his hat, regarding a specifically troublesome area of his life. He is asked to take a distance and look at himself.

It may take quite a while before he comes up with a final answer! You can coax him along by paraphrasing the question. For example: "Supposing your life was a novel, what would be the right name for the role of the leading character?" Or any other variation to keep him going.

It may take an hour before the auditee comes up with the desired BD/VGIs/FN item.

On the way there he will mentally touch all the entities, BTs, Clusters and valences that come to play in this particular, aberrated area of his life. As he touches them (unknowingly!) he'll get their particular aspect of the affair and each time will voice a tentative wording. Indicate charge as he goes along to keep him oriented. Don't sit like a log with a frozen layer of TR­0 on your face. Be active, be part of the process!

It is a spiralling motion: the auditee gets in comm with all associated entities, waking them up as it were, mentioning tentative wordings, slowly spiralling down to the central wording ­ and then there is this grin on his face, big read, he giggles and says: "Well, I feel like a miniature lion tamer!" BD, F/N.

With regard to the area of pets, he feels like "a miniature lion tamer". That's his stack wording.

Often the wording comes in two parts. The auditee may start out saying: "Well, in a funny way I feel like a lion tamer!" LF on the meter. "This reads well," says the auditor, "perhaps you could qualify this a little? What sort of a lion tamer?" So the auditee keeps looking for another little while, and up comes the complete wording.

Technically defined, the Excalibur stack wording is formulated as a beingness, a role, a hat, an identity. It is
not formulated in any other way. (For the experts: I'm aware that Robertson didn't do it this way. Which is the reason for many failed cases. It took me five years of research to arrive at the procedure described here. It works.)

Grooving­In Sessions

After the stack wording has been found, you take a brief break as the auditee may have had quite a win on finding it. Then you continue the session with the standard starting question: "Anyone connected with `minituature lion tamer'?" ­ Read. ­ Locate. Get the direction and the distance. ­ Read. ­ "BT? Cluster? Some other entity? A thetan?" ­ Identify and indicate with good TR­2. ­ Then follow the Excalibur procedure as described in LK3, appendix: "What's your hat? What do you call yourself?" And so on. (The basic tools used most frequently on Excalibur are repetitive recall and narrative style.)

This is done until the auditee gets the hang of it and takes over from you as the auditor. Now that he feels certain on the procedure, the auditee becomes the solo auditor once again. This may take anything between 5 and 15 hours of audited Excalibur.

Usually I phase people over on a gradient: first auditing them across the meter shield, then sitting side by side with the auditee watching the meter, then the auditee auditing solo with me standing by, then him solo by himself.

Up to now (on his Solo Practical and Solo 1­3), the solo auditor has dealt with fairly harmless situations or with routine operations. Now he gets vivid pictures combined with a full set of emotions, sensations and somatics turning on. And not only will those BTs and Clusters start talking to him, they are even out to control him and do him in! And some, as it turns out, aren't even entities but real thetans! Quite horrifying, really.

This certainly takes getting used to, both in terms of experience as well as technical skill. Takes shrewd thinking, too. Sometimes you have to actually outwit these guys! You definitely can't rely on some procedure to do the job "for" you.

In the course of Excalibur, you'll find yourself growing. Your enemies will become bigger. But you will become bigger, too! And this is important: because you cannot audit a being that makes you feel small. Out of this the game of "out­bigging" derives. Before starting the process, you must make yourself bigger than the terminal. Make your space bigger than his space, look at him "from above", if need be, and fill his space with admiration, no matter how awesome he seems to appear to you. You can win this game because he works from a fixed consideration whereas you, the auditor, don't.

The odd thing about Excalibur is this: it gets people in touch with space ships and galactic politics. It always does, whether C/S or solo auditor believe in it or not.

In this way Excalibur confirms OT 3. It isn't all "Ron's case", as some said (mainly the disappointed ones). It's
really like he said! Fact.

Auditing Procedure

First some theory: An entity is a double­sided ridge. It was formed by another some time in the past. You have put enough of your attention on it to become aware of it, yet not enough to as­is it. So it stays with you. The ridge has now two owners: the originator and you. (This is the 7th dynamic aspect of it. There is an 8th dynamic aspect as well, see LK3/ch. 1.1).

The Excalibur auditing procedure breaks down to two parts: first the solo auditor handles his non­confront on the entity by finding out what it did to him whilst it was with him (questions 1­5). Then ­ with all ruds between auditor and "auditee" in ­ the moment of creation of that entity is addressed (questions 6­9).

If need be, the history of the ridge has to be audited from late to early: who used it and for what purpose between the time it got together with the solo auditor and the time it was created? How was it used and mis­used? Only after clearing this chain of incidents will it be possible to get the final answer to "How did you become that?"

The general viewpoint one ought to take regarding BTs and Clusters is that they, much as they act like SPs, are really just very PTS. They went into agreement with SPs at a moment when they were at the point of "being made nothing of". (Remember that command on the PTS rundown?) They had the choice between either being annihilated as thetans or identifying with one of the valences suggested during the 36­day implant. They did the latter. They became stuck in an enforced viewpoint. So they are out to help ­ even if in an aberrated fashion. They are basically good. Bear that in mind when you audit them. Be patient.

When in session you audit the entity in front of you by Excalibur procedure until it blows. This is the rock­bottom auditing principle of Excalibur.

A blow may occur anytime ­ on any step of the procedure. Please note that on Excalibur it is safe to go through the 36 days in all detail. There is no danger of cross­restimulation like on Solo 3. In fact, at times you
must take the entity through the 36 days. This is because the answer to "how did you become that?" requires finding the exact moment of identification with the viewpoint the entity is stuck in ­ and this may have occurred at some point during the 36 days!

When the BT doesn't blow but is interrupted or kept from communicating to you, you find out if some other entity is interfering. This entity is called a "holder".

You audit the holder by the exact same Excalibur procedure until it blows or is interfered with by yet another holder. And so on.

This is the way you find out about the core point of Excalibur: the BT "org board", the active and working interconnectedness of entities.

When you have reached the top holder (the first one on this chain of entities to actually blow), you then audit your way down again to the entity you started out with. You audit the whole chain in reverse sequence, from top to bottom.

This is usually very easy and effortless. It feels like charge was draining off like water from a bath tub after you pulled the plug. (For this reason this whole organized structure of BTs and Clusters was jokingly called a "plug" by Robertson.)

As you go along auditing on Excalibur you'll find more and more often that top holders turn out to be thetans. You go from a BT to a monitor BT and from there to a spaceship crew member, i.e. to a thetan. It always goes that way. Because as one's awareness and havingness grows, one takes on bigger enemies.

No matter what you get, whether entity or thetan: use the Excalibur procedure from beginning to end. It'll take you through.

When you meet a very resistive entity or thetan, meaning someone who is definitely there but not willing to communicate, use power processes 4, 5 and 6 (LK3/appendix).

Run each process as long as it produces change. The idea is to get down to power process 6, i.e. to the condition the entity is stuck in perennially, crack it, get a full dramatization and phase over to narrative style auditing.

You can as­is ("blow") an entity ­ but not a thetan. A thetan you can only disconnect from after handling his aggressiveness.

Ask him what hat he wears with regard to you, i.e. in what games condition he is with respect to you (first question of the procedure), take this wording up, run him through the Excalibur procedure and eventually find out how he became that.

Because at one point he must have decided to be that, either on his own volition or by receiving an implant. Helping him to re­discover that decision takes him off this compulsive viewpoint. And as soon as he has recalled earlier, happier and more self­determined universes, he'll be on his way.

You have turned an enemy into a friend.

On a very high plane of awareness (KRC, not ARC!), all thetans are basically friends. Except that the going got a bit rough here and there, and one forgot about this underlying friendship.

Rules Of Thumb

When an entity disappears from view, there are four explanations:

One, he has moved to a different location in your space.

Two, he has lost so much charge that he dived off (submerged).

Three, he has disappeared into thin air. Not a good and strong blow but a gradual fading away.

Four, another entity keeps him from communicating (a holder).

When your "auditee" is an entity or a thetan, in other words a real terminal, use Excalibur Long Form.

When you are dealing with stray theta quanta ("loose fluff"), use Excalibur Short Form. And after each session make sure to use loads of admiration on all theta quanta left flying about. This ends cycle on Xenu's game for them as well as for the thetans they are an extension of. They came into Xenu's game to get admiration and they never got it. Now they are getting it, and so they may leave.

When your terminal is definitely there but won't respond and is not suppressed by a holder, use power processes 4 to 6.

(The methods are explained in LK3/appendix.)


Don't run ruds on Excalibur. They soften up the stack you are working on.

Take the viewpoint that inside as well as outside a session you are dramatizing the stack you happen to be auditing on. So in case of no F/N or even a high TA at session start: don't worry. Just look for BTs, Clusters or thetans associated with the stack wording. As soon as you have found one, the TA will come down. It was high because there was enough of your attention on him to ridge against him but not enough for you to be fully aware of him.

This always works ­ provided the spacing of your sessions isn't too far apart. You should audit minimum two sessions a week. If you don't, life may throw some other stuff at you and that may break the particular dramatization of the stack you are working on and get some other, lesser stack restimulated.

Should you really go out­ruds "on life", you will find that you simply cannot audit on your stack as your attention is pulled elsewhere. Well then, you have to take this up. But don't handle it by ruds but by Excalibur technique: make a brief list of the real­life terminals you feel unhappy about, and audit the reading ones by Excalibur procedure: your boss, your husband or wife, your insurance salesman, your business partner. Find out about the games context you share with them. Ask them telepathically, on the meter: what hat do they wear with regard to you and your game? That's the first question of the usual Excalibur procedure. And then go through the rest of the procedure.

No person in your life is there by sheer accident. You drew them into your space by emanating the specific blend of vibrations you are sending out continuously: your own plus that of your "crew". They felt attracted to you by affinity resonance (7th dynamic) and, on a higher level, by comparable postulates (8th dynamic).

Whilst on this level, the same technical approach unvaryingly applies. Not only concerning disincarnate BTs, Clusters and thetans you happen to be connected with, but as well to the very real flesh­and­bones people in your social environment.

It's a telepathic connection in either case, naturally.

Games Teams

As a result of Excalibur you'll find some of your friends, colleagues and acquaintances leaving, to be gradually replaced by other friends, colleagues and acquaintances.

This is why: not one person in the universe is a single individual. Each thetan knowingly or unknowingly is the representative of some games team. The game of this particular universe was started some 25 quadrillion years ago. Not all players entered this universe right at the beginning. Many dropped in whilst the game was already going on.

They all had something in mind doing here. They joined others with comparable purposes, or were sent by those outside this universe to see what went on inside it.

In either case, thetans are representatives of games and teams. And you as a thetan will be surrounded by exactly the sort of people corresponding to the vibrations you put out. This works by the laws of affinity, reality and communication, as usual. In engineering terms one might say that it works by resonance.

But you are not alone, you have a bank with you. The BTs and Clusters of your case represent certain thetans who in turn represent certain games teams. As long as you are in a state of identification with these entities, they are blended in with you and each other. This results in a common vibration.

This vibration, by the laws of ARC, will attract people into your life: into your marriage, your office, your club. It is the manifestation of ancient games conditions you had with one set of people being dramatized today between you and a different set of people. (They may also be the identical people!).

So look at the people surrounding you as representing games teams. Define their hats with relation to you (in session) when you have charge on them, and audit them telepathically.

And even though you may not have audited each one of them, you will notice that the less desirable people around you leave you, to be replaced by other, more desirable people.

In the final stages of Excalibur you will find yourself mainly auditing your connections to thetans and their games. BT's, Clusters and other entities will appear less and less.

In auditing thetans telepathically you'll find them to be "around you" or "with you" rather than "over there" (as you know it from BTs). Do use Excalibur procedure as usual, but use it on the games hat those thetans wear with regard to you. Don't audit "them". Audit the function they represent.

And don't expect them to blow. Thetans don't blow. They disconnect as soon as they have cognited on the error of their ways. They leave you alone ­ or indeed you would have to review your own ethics in the relationship.

Excalibur changes your overall vibration. It makes you vibrate as yourself, not as "yourself plus entities". So what's left in the end is you as yourself with the right people surrounding you who support your central purpose. And with you supporting theirs.

C/Sing Excalibur

Don't do your Excalibur straight after Solo 3. Let some time go by. Allow yourself to settle in on the new level of awareness and havingness of Solo 3. Just fly your ruds occasionally. Learn to control your mental environment on this particular level of perception (of BTs and Clusters).

Only go on when this gets boring and uneventful, and when you feel ready to explore new horizons. Or when your TA goes up and doesn't come down and you feel you are up against an impenetrable wall. In either case it's time for Excalibur.

Have your C/S or auditor do your interview.

After the interview has been analysed (as described) and the first stack on the case been isolated, you as the auditee are grooved in until you can go on by yourself. Go home and complete that stack auditing solo.

The technical EP for each stack is: the stack wording F/Ns when the solo auditor calls it out. In our example: "Anyone connected with `miniature lion tamer'?" Nothing connected with it any more. F/N.

To make dead sure about this EP, run 6 Ruds on the stack wording. Do make sure to assign correct ownership to each read.

When the solo auditor feels certain about his EP, it is confirmed by another auditor (or the C/S) acting as examiner. He gives the solo auditor the starter question. Nothing should happen, though. The F/N should appear just the same.

However, two intentions are stronger than one and it is not unusal for some more entities to be found. This doesn't invalidate the F/N of the solo auditor. It just means that a deeper layer of the case has been reached. The solo auditor handles this solo to EP, and the EP check is repeated.

And so on, until it's F/Ning on both counts: solo and duo.

When the wording of a given stack has F/Ned, the solo auditor must come in to get another interview and a new case analysis. Although the first interview might have shown a sequence of four stacks, they are not simply worked off one after the other. This is because auditing the first stack may have touched on components of the other stacks, partly discharging them and therefore making them either unnecessary to look at or changing their sequence.

It is perfectly alright and actually desirable to let some time pass between stacks so as to allow the thetan to settle in to his new case situation. So after F/Ning a stack, the solo auditor comes in for a new interview. One asks him what life feels like after the EP of his recent stack. Then one looks over the stacks one found in the original interview, and in 2WC with the auditee establishes their importance in the light of the latest data.

The second stack is filtered out, and a wording is found. And then off home to audit it. (People aren't good at finding their stack wordings solo. I have tried it. Doesn't work. Too much identification. Takes a second terminal, i.e. another auditor.)

Stack by stack the case is taken to pieces. Eventually life will be under control. The solo auditor will know his ideal scene and be certain that he can attain it. No further major departures from the ideal scene, no further Excalibur items, F/N.

The final two C/S instructions on Excalibur are these:

1. "Find out about your own involvement with Xenu's game. Run your own Inc. II and Inc. I, or whatever earlier incident your involvement started with." (Both incidents to F/N, with full sound and colour, dramatic effects and postulates, please!)

This conforms with the last C/S Ron suggested for OT 3 on the handwritten materials. After getting rid of all body thetans, one is finally free to run one's own Inc. II and I (with nobody left to disturb one).
2. a) Run 6 ruds on each beingness found during Excalibur, i.e. on each stack wording. Assign correct ownership of charge on each read. (You should have actually done this after each stack, but sometimes this isn't possible. So do it now if it wasn't done before. If it was done before, go straight to b.)
b) Now switch over to lock scanning your own track and find out how and when this beingness was created. This is the basic. Yours! It's usually something you
did, not something that was done to you. Switch over to narrative and find the reason for creating that beingness, i.e. get the postulate that created it. (Omit this step if you found this out already on the ruds.)

The EP of Excalibur

Now, with all BTs and Clusters gone, with his own involvement in the two key incidents and Xenus game in general clarified, in short, with the R6­bank rendered powerless, the solo auditor may go off to live life and face its realities in an uncushioned way (with no thetan­bank in between).

He has recognized entities and old telepathic games connections, and has dissolved them or disconnected from them.

He is in control of his space on dynamics one, three, four, six and seven, so much so that new entities don't even come close let alone have a chance to settle in.

Ethical and administrative sanity in life set in as proven by stats and products.

This is the ideal EP, needless to say.

Unfortunately it doesn't occur often as it's watered down by body problems. Most people have body problems. Therefore, as his whole track entities and games conditions become less and less important, the solo auditor's attention will be drawn to a different source of charge: the body and the entity managing it, the Genetic Entity.

For this reason the solo auditor may not have enough free attention to run the two final C/S­instructions on Excalibur just given.Don't worry, it will be done later. What's up now, is obviously the GERD.

Possible Dangers of Excalibur

One possible danger of Excalibur is that the solo auditor may get hung up in spaceship hunting or 7th dynamic goo. The more they fight this 7th dynamic goo they more they get sucked into it. Like you walked in the mud and your wellies were pulled off your feet. Leaves you helpless.

This will happen invariably when the stack wordings aren't correct, when the solo auditor has no stack wording to work from, or when he most adventurously decides to go off on a wild chase of his own. "Let's go get those bastards!" He fancies himself to be fighting for a noble cause, but most likely he's just in for the thrill, acting out some whole track "knight in white armour" valence.

It may go as far as this: that a C/S will feel called upon to assist a struggling solo auditor by auditing that person's case telepathically.

I'm not in favour of this at all. It's the role of the C/S to train his solo auditors so that they may handle their case solo. It's
their case, they are responsible for having it, they have to work their way out of it. So hat them and delegate to them, but don't bypass them!

The handling of space ship hunters and 7th dynamic do­gooders is as follows: call them in for an interview and have them word the situation they are dramatizing by such activities to BD/FN, then send them off to audit that stack solo. As long as Excalibur items can be found, Excalibur is the right tool to use.

Excalibur doesn't make one look much at the overt side of things. It is primarily concerned with motivators. It investigates what those nasty entities did to this pure innocent little thetan (the solo auditor). It does free the thetan of added entities, but it doesn't ask what that thetan did to attract those entities in the first place. This leads up tp the "knight in white armour" syndrome.

For entities to be able to latch on to a thetan he must have put something there for them to get a hold of, some sort of adhesive tape as it were. The general technical answer to this is of course: it's his own Incident I particles! That's what constitutes the adhesive tape for all later stuff to stick on to!

Well spoken. So that's the mistake he made: got involved with Xenu's game and never got out again. But what's the postulate behind that?
Why did he join? (First postulate.) And what altering consideration kept him from being able to leave? (Second postulate.)

These aspects of the case are handled during the last two C/S instructions of Excalibur and on the Self­Exploration and Perfection Program (SEPP) following the GERD (see later sections).

One Xenu Each

At some point during his Excalibur the solo auditor will tell the C/S that he found Xenu himself as the top holder of the "plug" he is working on, and what should he do now?

Such statements have to be evaluated with some caution.

Surely, Xenu is the mastermind behind the construction of this particular universe we happen to be sharing. He is as much present in it as he has poured his theta quanta into it (lots of them!). To the extent that one perceives these one will feel connected to Xenu "personally".

And one is indeed! Because connection and interchange between thetans is done solely by means of theta quanta (see Factor 11). At least on the 7th dynamic.

However, correct as the observation may be (that one is connected to Xenu via his theta quanta) it would be wrong to construe this to mean that "Xenu is after me personally".

It's like saying: "I'm connected to the World Bank via my credit card". Or: "In his recent letter the Minister of Finance has asked me to pay my taxes". Both statements are true, but then again they aren't. I guess you know what I mean.

The C/S must bear in mind that during Excalibur, the solo auditor is still up against his own yet unresolved Incident I or earlier Incident I, in other words the incident when he connected up with Xenu's game by agreeing with Xenu's games particles. Whether these were enforced on him or grabbed by him out of curiosity, is beside the point. One way or the other, a connection was made. That's the point.

So he is up against the glue he himself has put out to bind Xenu's particles to himself. As long as these remain he will of course encounter Xenu as the top holder of his BTs. He has put him there himself eons ago, and he still does at present!

How to resolve this situation practically?

Don't do anything unusual at all. Stick to your ordinary Excalibur routine. "So Xenu is your name? Ok, as Xenu, what do you want to attain? Prevent?" Etc., etc. And should the terminal prove to be unresponsive, use power processes 4­6.

Mind you, not everyone who claims to be Xenu, is in fact Xenu. It could be anyone, trying to make himself look more impressive. So do your usual routine, and all will be well.

On Excalibur you are paddling about in a sea of theta quanta. Anybody who you ever have put attention on or who has put attention on you (below 2.0 on the tone scale), will come alive on this level and "haunt" you.

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