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Commencement of Course:

A. Introduction

1. Read the OT 3 course pack with particular attention to the "handwritten" course materials (i.e. those in Ron's handwriting).
2. Study them thoroughly, using study tech.

B. Incident II and the Whole Track

1. Clay demo: the sequence of Incident II in detail. Use the complete Inc. II sequence as given in LK3/appx. It combines the handwritten materials and the platens. (Put this demo on the far right of your clay table.)
2. Show clearly in the clay demo how, and at what point:
a. a BT is formed,
b. a Cluster is formed.
3. Exercise: Calculate the proportionate time scales of: Incident II, Clearing Course implant, and Incident I. (Use a scale of 1 million years = 1 mm)
4. Clay demo: Extend from your Inc. II demo, a long strip of clay towards the left of your clay table in order to demonstrate the 4 quadrillion years time span between Incident II and I. Point out on this "time strip" where the CC implant occurred. Mark in clay letters "Incident II" on the right, "CC implant" in the middle, and "Incident I" on the left of the strip.

C. The Beginning of the Time Track, and Earlier Universes

1. Study: the definitions of "Universe" and "Three Universes" (Tech Dictionary).
2. Checkout: Why does it say that the time track began with Incident I? Before and after Inc. I all three universes existed. But with what significant difference, particularly with relation to time perception?
3. Clay demo: the sequence of Incident I (as per the handwritten materials).
4. Clay demo:
a. Three thetans who before Incident I shared a common earlier universe, and who created something within it together. (Use little clay balls to represent objects made of theta quanta.)
b. A single thetan with his own earlier universe, who also had created something.
c. Show how these creations, no longer being needed or wanted, are discarded and thus become not­ised.
d. Show how these discarded creations can be "hoovered up" and then attached to thetans. Show a thetan experiencing this (that's his earlier Incident I).
5. Exercise: Explain the underlying intention behind this, and how it would affect the individual's power of choice and power to as­is (ref. Axiom 29).

D. Auditing BT's and Clusters

1. Exercise/clay demo: Make four free thetans out of clay (from before Incident I), and as you move them through your large clay demo from left to right, show:
a. What happens to them during Incident I.
b. What happens to one of them during the course of Incident II, so that he becomes a BT.
c. What happens to the other three during the course of Incident II, to make them into a cluster.
d. At the end point of your clay demo you should now have a BT and a Cluster.
2. Demo (in which you move them backwards through the time track):
a. Move the BT back through Incident II, Incident I, earlier Incident I and earlier universes, and show how it ends up slowly loosening up, and finally blowing.
b. How and when a Cluster breaks up whilst moving it through Incident II (there are various possibilities).
3. Clay demo: How a Cumulative Cluster is formed.
4. Demo (move your clay pieces around): How one can recognise a Cumulative Cluster: (dirty needle, rising TA, Incident II won't run) and how one takes this apart in session.
5. Demo: How to handle a BT who has a dirty needle on Incident II or Incident I, blows little charge and has a rising TA (Dirty needle = missed withold = overt!).
6. Demo and drill: How to audit the ruds on Solo 3.

E. Application

1. Write up the complete steps of Incident I and Incident II so as to have them
ready when you need them in session.
2. Locate the volcanos in an atlas.
3. Read the Solo 3 C/S­instructions earlier in this book and go in session.

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