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Name of Student:

Commencement of Course:

Purpose: To learn how to audit. As this can be achieved at different levels, the checksheet is divided into several sections developing from each other. They can be combined according to one's purpose, e.g:
1. Assists and Self Analysis procedures: parts I, II, III.
2. Objective Processing: parts I, II, IV.
3. Postulate Auditing: parts I, II, V.
4. Solo Auditing: parts I, II, V, VI, VII.
5. Professional Auditing: parts I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VIII.
6. C/Sing: parts I, II, III, IV, V, VIII, IX.

Prerequisites: The Theory Course based on L Kin's volume 1, "More than a Cult?" (This does not apply for the study of assists, section 1 above. Here, a checkout of "Auditing" and "Man, Soul or Thetan?" in volume 1, part 1, would be sufficient).

Course Material: Volume 2 by L.Kin, "Scientology ­ a Handbook for Use". Volume 4, "From the Bottom to the Top", wasn't used for this checksheet but should be referred to as needed.

In L.Kin 2 frequent references to original Hubbard bulletins are made. Though it isn't always clear whether these HCOB's were written by Hubbard himself or by others, they do provide deeper insight into the subject and allow critical comparison, which one should definitely go for. Should these bulletins not be available, one may bypass these checksheet points and merely refer to the "Handbook". Essential books which must be at hand are the Technical Dictionary and the "Book of E­Meter Drills".

Section I: TRs

1. Study the "Introduction".
2. Checkout: What does "auditor presence" mean?
3. Study "The Training Routines (TR's) ­ Basic Elements of Communication."
4. Do TR's until you have a major stable win.

Attest: I have studied and understood the above materials. I have completed the practical exercises and am happy to apply them.

Date: Signature:

Section II: Basic Auditing Principles

1. Study: "Auditor And Pc ­ An Introduction".
2. Checkout on all technical terms. (Also refer to "The Key Terms of Auditing" from Volume 1).
3. Demo: "The Auditor's Code", points 1­22.
4. Demo: The Communication Cycle in auditing.
5. Demo: How perfect duplication results in As­isness.
6. Demo: The three rules of auditing (auditor + auditee > bank, etc.)
7. Demo: The Auditor's Code, point 25 (that auditing should be mainly done for spiritual gain not healing purposes).

Attest: I have studied and understood the above materials. I have completed the practical exercises and am happy to apply them.

Date: Signature:

Section III: Simple Procedures

1. Study: "A) Simple Techniques".
2. Drill the assists with various coaches until confident. Do your admin afterwards.
3. Drill Self Analysis with various coaches, until confident. Do your session admin afterwards.
4. Checkout: How could you help someone by using the techniques of Self Analysis even when not in a formal session, and without the list of questions at hand?

Attest: I have studied and understood the above materials. I have completed the practical exercises and am happy to apply them.

Date: Signature:

Section IV: Objective Processes

1. Study "B) Objective Processes".
2. Checkout and demos on the text.
3. Clay demo:
a. How circuits become restimulated and mass builds up in CCH 1.
b. How the EP occurs and how it manifests itself.
4. Drill CCH 1­4 with various coaches, until confident (from instructing the auditee to auditing the procedure with an EP). Do your session admin afterwards.
5. Drill Opening Procedure by Duplication with various coaches, until confident. Do your admin afterwards.
6. Study the relevant HCOB's to get to know further Objective Processes (not obligatory).

Attest: I have studied and understood the above materials. I have completed the practical exercises and am happy to apply them.

Date: Signature:

Section V: Postulate Auditing

1. Study "Postulate Auditing".
2. General checkout and demos.
3. Demo: What happens in the auditee's mind during:
a. 2WC
b. Repetitive recall.
c. Lock­scanning.
d. Narrative style auditing.
e. Repeater technique.
4. Clay demo: "The difference between an absolute and a relative basic".
5. Add to the demo: "How incidents are connected with each other by concepts (postulates), and how repetition of a single postulate can lead to the restimulation of several incidents".
6. Drill: each step of Postulate Auditing:
a. without admin or E­Meter.
b. with admin (also mock up a postulate list for this auditee).
c. With E­Meter and admin (for those using an E­Meter).

Attest: I have studied and understood the above materials. I have completed the practical exercises and am happy to apply them.

Date: Signature:

Section VI: Solo Auditing

1. Study "The Many Roles of the Auditor"
2. Checkout. (Main emphasis on the sections "Auditor" and "C/S".)

3. Study: "The Language of the E­Meter" up to the section "Dirty Needle"
4. E­Meter Drills 5­26. (Always work with the correct sensitivity setting for the coach, regardless of instructions as per the drill. If not, the drill will not compare to real session situations. As well keep in mind that these are drills and not real auditing; therefore the coach should produce reads by squeezing the cans.)

5. Study: "Three buttons..." up to the end of Chapter 2
6. Demo:
a. How a read comes about.
b. Show when the three buttons should be used, and what happens in the auditee's mind for a read to occur.
c. What happens in a auditee's mind when a false read occurs. How to handle this.
d. Why the auditee's answer must read, and what the danger is of taking up an uncharged answer.
7. Drill:
a. How to use the three buttons.
b. How to handle a false read.
c. How to get the auditee to look for something else when his answer did not read.
d. How to acknowledge charge, and how to acknowledge when there is no charge.
8. a. Define "flat" and "cognition".
b. What is the difference?
c. Why does a FN almost always occur after a cognition, but very rarely after a flat point?
9. Clay demo: What is an EP?

10. Study "3) Preparing the session"
11. Drills:
a. The pre­session checklist.
b. Putting together a folder.

12. Study "4) Introduction"
13. Checkout and demos.
14. Short drill of each auditing method to clarify the differences between them. Always use the same item, such as "fish" or "birds" or "apples".

15. Study "4.1) The Prepcheck".
16. a. Checkout.
b. Demo: How does this method affect the bank? How does the EP occur? What has changed between the thetan and the bank when the EP occurs?
c. Demo: Why would it be correct for the auditor to assume that the auditing question is charged when it reads on the meter, when the auditee is only inventing an answer to illustrate the auditing question? (NB. This applies not only to prepchecks, but to all auditing commands).
d. Drill: The Prepcheck without meter and admin. The coach indicates reads by means of a pen or his finger. (Accurate session form is kept in this as well as all further drills).
e. With the E­meter. (Reads are produced by the coach squeezing the cans).
f. With the E­meter and admin. (First write down the command, then underline it, then ask it whilst noting down needle and TA ­ this way you are all set to receive the auditee's answer when it comes!)

17. Study: "4.2) The Repair List".
18. a. Checkout.
b. How does this method affect the bank? How does the EP occur? What has changed between the thetan and the bank when the EP occurs?
c. Drill the Repair List (L1C) without meter and admin.
d. Drill the L1C with meter (reads produced by squeezing the cans).
e. Drill the L1C with E­meter and admin.

19. Study "4.3) The Rudiments".
20. a. Checkout.
b. Demo: Each of the six rudiments and their EP's.
c. Clay demo: "All ARCX's stem from missed witholds".
d. Clay demo "The Cycle of an Overt" (from the Tech Dictionary, & Volume
1 page 16).
e. Drill the six rudiments without E­Meter and admin (normal ruds and LD ruds).
f. Drill the six rudiments with E­Meter (with reads produced by squeezing the cans).
g. Drill the six rudiments with E­Meter and admin.

21. Study "4.4) Rehabilitation Procedure" up to "Rehab by Key­out, command sequence".
22. a. Checkout.
b. Demo: How does this method affect the bank? How does the EP occur? What has changed between the thetan and the bank when the EP occurs?
c. Drill Rehab by key­out without E­Meter and admin.
d. Drill Rehab by key­out with E­Meter.
e. Drill Rehab by key­out with E­Meter and admin.

23. Study "Rehab by Counting"
24. a. Checkout and demo.
b. Drill Rehab by counting on the gradients suggested above.

25. Study "4.5) Dating and Locating".
26. a. Checkout and demo.
b. Drill Dating and Locating.
27. Study "4.6) Listing and Nulling".
28. a. Checkout and demo.
b. Drill Listing & Nulling in such a way that you get the item already on listing without doing any nulling. Nulling is not optimum as it means the auditor's TR­0 and TR­2 are out.
26. Study "The High and the Low TA"

27. Checkout on materials and demo.
28. Clay demo: What causes a TA to rise? (Parts of the incident not being confronted; protest; overrun; E/S in restim; or several incidents in restim.)

Attest: I have studied and understood the above materials. I have completed the practical exercises and am happy to apply them.

Date: Signature:

Section VII: The Solo Practical

Comment: The EP of the Solo Practical is the ability to assume the role of an auditor in session. Its purpose is not, to find charge at all cost where there is none. The sole purpose of the Practical is to locate where there is charge and where there is none, and to acknowledge this. In either case the result would be the same ­ an F/N. So if there are no reads, please do not dig around and search. If there are reads, audit to F/N; if there are none, acknowledge to F/N. When it runs easy it runs well.

C/S's for the Solo Practical:

1. Following standard auditing procedure (this applies to all the C/S's in this section), do S.A. List 1 on the meter, altering the standard auditing question to: "Is there a time when I was...?" When you get a read, look "down" your time track to find an incident which also reads. Audit a number of questions until you get an F/N. (No need to get an F/N on each question separately.)
2. Audit all postulates on your postulate list by repeater technique to an EP for each one.
3. In session, make a list of charged terminals that come to mind. Assess by elimination to a single reading item (EM­drill 24). Prepcheck this terminal. False reads occurring at this stage often come from entities. Check for ownership: "My charge? An entity's charge? Another thetan's charge?" Should "entity" read, handle with rehab by counting. If it's another thetan: audit him. (This also applies to the following assists).
4. In session make a list of times or periods in your life which were difficult for you. Assess by elimination to a single reading item. L1C on it.
5. Fly six ruds with the prefix: "In my life is there....?"
6. In session make a list of times when you didn't get acknowledged for doing something well, or when you continued an action past a win (O/R). Assess by elimination to a single reading item. Handle with rehab by key­out.
7. Further C/S's may be given according to the person's interest. Any open points from earlier auditing programs should be completed now.

Attest: I have studied and understood the above materials. I have completed the practical exercises and am happy to apply them.

Date: Signature:

Section VIII: Professional Level

A: Study

Study all HCOB's pertaining to the auditing procedures you have drilled.

B: Drills

Repeat all drills of section VI including E­Meter Drills, to a higher level of competence. The more often this is done, and the more partners you have, the better. This applies to all drills. TR's should be done at every possible occasion, on increasing gradients.
1. Objective Processes.
2. Drill: Postulate Auditing using the E­Meter.
3. Drill: Flying Ruds and filtering out postulates from them.

4. Drill: The various methods of flying ruds (Chapter 4.3).
5. Drill: Rehab by postulate auditing.
6. Drill: Dating and Locating.
7. Drill: Listing and Nulling.
8. Drill (more than once!): TR­4 on the E­Meter following standard session procedure, with admin, as a "real" session with the coach introducing all possible situations: rising TA, dirty needle, protest, O/R, false reads, somatics, misemotions.

C: Practicals

1. Do S.A. Lists on an auditee on the meter. Audit without reliance on the meter but use the meter just for observation. Keep session worksheets. This method of running S.A.­Lists is a gradient for the trainee auditor, giving him the opportunity to keep worksheets without having to concentrate on meter reads when making decisions. Meter reads are noted down for later interpretation after the session.
2. Get the C/S to give you a simple process from the Grades which can be run by repetitive recall, and audit it on an auditee until both you and the auditee have a win.
3. Audit the Solo Practicals 3­6 on an auditee. This is a
real Life Repair action! (See LK2/p. 173.)
4. Audit the postulates found on 3 by repeater technique.

D: Further Steps

Audit several dozens of hours until you feel confident that you know your stable data. Re­study "DMSMH", "Dianetics Today", "Science of Survival", "Dianetics 55", "Phoenix Lectures", "Scn 8 ­ 80", "Scn 8 ­ 8008". Also study the Academy Levels. It is recommended to have some practical experience before studying the Levels, so as to avoid becoming overwhelmed by new words and meanings. (You may of course do further studies according to other available checksheets apart from this course).

Attest: I have studied and understood the above materials. I have completed the practical exercises and am happy to apply them.

Date: Signature:

Section IX: C/Sing

1 Find a good C/S with whom to work.
2 Learn from him how to make a good interview, how to categorize and analyze its data and work out an auditing program from them.
3 Audit several thousand hours.
4 Read the relevant parts of L.Kin 2 and L.Kin 4, the "C/S Series" in Tech Volume X, and the various rundowns in Tech Volumes XI and XII. Study the entire Tech Dictionary. You may not use any of this but it shows you what solutions Ron worked out at his time. Do study all books with an "8" in its title (0­8, 8­80, 8­8008), plus DMSMH, SOS, HOM, COHA, PXL. Listen to the Philadelphia Doctorate Course tapes.
5 Repeat point 3.
6 Repeat point 4.
7 Keep repeating points 2, 3 and 4 until you have made the tech your own.

Attest: I have studied and understood the above materials. I have completed the practical exercises and am happy to apply them.

Date: Signature:

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