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The checksheets following later in this appendix cover a lot of ground in terms of theory and practical application. As their end result they amount to mastering the essentials of auditing.

Whether one has arrived at this level of skill by studying my two first volumes with these checksheets or in any other way, doesn't matter. What counts is ability.

Here is a list of what I consider auditing essentials:

Basic Auditor Requirements

1. The auditor understands the function of all the buttons, mechanics and electronics of the E­meter.

2. He understands the significance of the four TA zones: One, low TA below 2.0 ("What's the auditee identified with?"). Two, normal TA from 2.0 to 3.0. Three, ambiguous TA from 3.0 to 3.5 ("Which way is this developing?"). Four, high TA from 3.5 on up ("What's being dramatized and not confronted right this minute?").

3. He understand the difference between a false and a real high TA.

4. He can read TA and needle off fluently, can differentiate between sizes of reads, recognizes a BD and knows how to note it down on his worksheet, can tell the difference between reads caused by body motion and mental impulses.

5. The auditor can see an instant read. He knows to interpret the auditee's originations in terms of the instant reads accompanying it (see "Meter Read Interpretation Table" two sections further down and LK2/p. 79).

6. He can easily recognize and master the five basic situations covered by "Session Tactics" below (next section).

7. He can steer the auditee into charged areas by means of meter reads and hold him there by means of his TRs alone (not by forcing some tech on him).

8. He can do an Assessment by TA (EMD 23), an Assessment by Instant Read and an Assessment by Elimination (both EMD 24), and a Whole Track Dating Assessment (EMD 25).

9. The auditor recognizes a D.N. (dirty needle), knows what it means (faulty connection on the comm line), and can clean it (by 2WC).

10. He recognizes a Rock Slam, knows what it means (fluctuation of charge between maximum and zero because of some victim bouncing between total resistance and total annihilation), and knows how to handle it (by 2WC on the invalidation or by power processes).

11. He understand the wisdom: "When the TA moves, do nothing, when the TA doesn't move, do something", as a general principle applying to all auditing (ref. EMD 8).

12. The auditor understands that there are gradient approaches in auditing independent of the item he is working on, and that he should be aware of the gradient his auditee is comfortably prepared to operate on. These gradients are: 2WC ­ repetitive recall ­ running chains down to a basic ­ narrative style to erase that basic ­ repeater tech on the postulates found (LK2/ch. 4).

Session Tactics

1. Question or origination with no read: means the item is not available. Don't pick it up. Instead: TR­2 on "nothing there" to F/N.

2. Question or origination with a read: means the item is available. Pick it up.

3. Question or origination has read well, session has been going on for a while, TA has moved up into a higher range (no matter how high) but there is still TAA: means session dynamics have increased, auditee is merrily battling away. Keep going, don't change anything, drain all charge off reading originations by getting relevant data, use plenty of TR­2 and TR­4. The TA will eventually come down again.

4. Question or origination had a read, the session proceeds in a normal fashion, but then the needle goes tight, the TA goes up, and there is no further TAA: means the auditee is resisting, so it's protest or non­ confront on the actual item or incident, or something else is cooking simultaneously. Ascertain by 2WC whether it's a non­confront on some aspect of the item in question, a protest, or charge coming in from something entirely different, or a combination of the three, and handle accordingly (LK2/p. 151).

5. Questions or originations don't read at session start, TA is high, the needle tight: means that independently of what the auditee says, one or more things (simultaneously) aren't being confronted. More than one button is in restimulation. Find out what it is by 2WC, follow up all Ticks by steering the auditee, get the needle moving, define the non­ confronted item or the various competing items, handle to F/N on the disturbance (ideally). At least handle till the needle moves and the TA is in range again and normal operation can be resumed. Then go back to where you were before the trouble started and end cycle on the original item. Basically this is a drawn­out TR­4. (See as well the All­Purpose Trouble­Shooter Checklist.)

Meter Read Interpretation Table

Supposing the auditor was asking his auditee a question like: "Did you ever steal something?", he may observe a whole set of different phenomena on the meter and the auditee, each needing its own interpretation and handling. They are listed here. "sF" stands for a small Fall on the meter. "X" stands for no read. "Origination" stands for statements referring to the auditee's emotions or sensations. For the purpose of this example they are not meant to be a dramatization of the item being worked on (like for example: "I had a bad dream last night") which would raise the question: does one have to take them up or not? (Originations that stand in an obvious relationship to the session situation are of course considered part of the process. They are a dramatisation and must be taken up.)

The examples given refer to situations when the reads on question as well as answer are of equal size so that one has to analyze the matter. Otherwise the usual rule applies: "biggest read counts". (The table you find on the next page.)

Question   Answer    Interpretation            Handling 

sF         Yes, sF   Meter says "yes" to       Take it up 

                     both question and 

                     answer: "It is so." 

sF         Yes, x    Meter says "yes" to the   Take it up cautiously,

                     question but "no" to      make sure you get

                     the auditee's answer:     reading answers.



x          Yes, sF   "No" on the question,     Take it up 

                     "yes" on the answer: "It 

                     is so." 

sF         No, sF    Contradictory. "Yes"      Do a cautious 2WC to 

                     on the question and       establish what's what.

                     "yes" on the denial.      Clean up possible

                     The first read may        misunderstandings. 

                     point to a hot item, the  Then take up the

                     second may indicate a     question or the protest,

                     protest against the       depending. 

                     question or a 


sF         No, x     The meter says "yes"      Take it up cautiously.

                     on the question but       Make sure you get

                     "no" on the denial. The   reading answers.

                     question is hot but the 

                     auditee hasn't 

                     contacted an example 



x         No, sF     "No" on the question      Acknowledge to F/N. If

                     and "no" on the denial:   needed, take up the

                     "It isn't so."            protest and run it to


x         Silent, x  Uncertain.                Assess the three buttons. 

                                               Ack if there is nothing, 

                                               to F/N. Ack if there is 

                                               something, run to F/N. 

x         Yes, x     Uncertain.                2WC. Assess three 

                                               buttons. Still no charge: 

                                               TR­2 to F/N. If charged:

                                               run question to F/N. 

x         No, x      Uncertain.                Handle as above. 

sF        Orig., x   "Yes" on the question,    TR­4 and take the 

                     "no" on the               question up.


sF        Orig., sF  "Yes" on the question,    2WC. Handle according 

                     "yes" on the              to biggest reads. You

                     origination.              may have to handle the

                                               origination by auditing 

                                               or even for real before 

                                               going back to the item. 

x         Orig., sF  "No" on the question,     TR­2: "No charge on the

                     "yes" on the              item", take up the

                     origination.              origination, run to F/N.

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