Roy Ash <> is the founder of Implant Goals Tecnologies (IGT) and is pioneering research in the area of implants with special consideration of 'In-Between-Lives-Implants'. (His website will be linked to once it's up.)
1. . Before the beginning was the Need
and the entire purpose of the
Need was to pay homage to a Being who was
considered to be greater than
2. In the beginning and continuing
was the necessity to represent this
Supreme Being in a form that could be seen
through human eyes or
conceived of through the human mind.
3. The first action of this representation
was to assume a viewpoint of
what the Supreme Being was, or what would
please the Supreme Being.
4. The second action was to have others
admire the representation so
that a group of like people would be created
to reinforce the original
5. Thus there is synergism created,
for the definition of synergism is
that the action of two or more organisms
will achieve an effect greater
than the sum of their individual effects.
This has been narrowed to the
doctrine that individual salvation is effected
by a combination of human
will and divine grace.
6. The resultant effect of this synergism
is reaching and withdrawing
between the desire to please the Supreme
Being which the group is
creating and the persons own needs and desires.
7. And from the person to the group
there is different ideas. Thus new
concepts are created. Thus there is
8. And thus there are contraries or opposites.
9. And thus there are GPM’s created.
10. And thus there are problems, for
the definition of a problem is one
thing in opposition to another thing.
11. But there are other groups and
these groups put forward their own
concepts and ideas. And there comes
about an interchange amongst these
groups; but the interchange is never otherwise
than in terms of their
concepts and never about the original need
which was inherent in mankind
at that time.
12. The leaders of the groups can be
influenced by their members, for
the people, in addition to having creative
ability possess independent
action and can leave the group and move
to other groups. Thus the
leaders may change their dogma from time
to time to keep their
respective groups beliefs alive.
13. The groups are each and every one,
whether large or small, SOLID.
And they are solid solely because the groups
believe that they are the
only ones who know they are right.
14. The principle game of the various
groups is the promotion of their
ideas, for this is the way to obtain certainty
from others that their
way is the only way and that they are right.
And the synergism of the
group negates the vital necessity to look
into their own awareness.
Thus comes about ‘group think’ and Stupidity
as defined in Axiom 38.
Thus there is mutual admiration within the
various groups and this alone
gains persistence.
15. Thus the differences between the
groups becomes important and
itself creates the society in which we live.
And the people in the
society dwell on these differences, and
the media delights in them, so
that the people become interiorised into
their own side and are
delighted when the opposing side loses.
Society is divided down the
middle to bring about our dual terminal
16. In this way we have Catholics,
Protestants, Muslims, Israelites and
the rest. We have those who believe
that the Brain, the DNA, the Genes
and the rest is all there is. There was
Socrates and Aristotle, There
was Arian and Athanasius whose differences
created the Christian
religion in its present form and the list
goes on. The fundamentals
have long since been submerged by the arguments
between opposing groups,
which is exactly as the powers that control
our universe wants it to be.
17. And so we exist in a great mass
of problems for we know that two
things of comparable magnitude opposed to
each other are a problem. We
live in a problem universe. We also
know that any problem which
persists contains a lie. This situation
will not go away by creating
consensus or by going to the ‘negotiating
table’ for this has been tried
for a very long time without success.
18. It is the intention of those forces
which control our universe to
have it this way, for this creates stability
in their view. We only
have to read about the Tower of Babel in
the Bible to understand this.
19. There are many ways to handle problems,
but the best known one is
to go down the chain to the basic incident.
Of course, this is the way
of Dianetics also.
Find anyone with an engram in restimulation,
someone with a huge problem
or find someone who is being suppressed
and it will be very difficult to
get any sense out of them. This is
the situation that is facing us and
our world.. If something is not done
about it, the world will continue
it’s way to rule by the masses as Socrates
20. At the present stage there are
many quite simple problems which
have been around for a very long while and
which trained auditors could
solve amongst the great mass of problems
which cover up the fundamentals
of life as outlined in the first sentence
of this article.. These
solutions will not be found by reading the
opinions of others, for this
has been tried ever since writing began
without any real success.
And by the nature of beings as outlined in
the above articles, people
and groups of people prefer to fight and
argue with each other rather
than trying to solve the fundamental issue.
This has long been the
situation and will continue to be the situation
until the hidden goals
which have been implanted into people are
found and erased.
21. “What happens to us when our body
dies?” The Genius or Guardian
Spirit who has been with us since birth
escorts us to a place, sometimes
known as Heaven, where we are given an implant
to forget our past
existence. After a short period of
time we are returned to Earth and
enter a new body at its birth. This
was known by Socrates in 400 BC and
nothing has disproved it since.
22. “Is there a Spiritual Universe
around us as the indigenous races
and the Eastern people know?’ Certainly,
without question. There is no
time or space in it. We have been
implanted to be unaware of it but it
certainly is there.
23. There are as many universes as
there are people and the spiritual
entities which are around us.
24. And the viewpoints of these universes
are never seen. And the
viewpoints become more and more fixed and
consider that it is dangerous
to have opinions different from the group.
This is because they
consider that they must “huddle together
for warmth” and it is very
dangerous to stand alone.
25. Thus comes spiritual death.
26. The manifestations of wisdom, thinking,
ability and behaviour stem
directly from these things.
27. The LIE in all this situation is
the 28 goals which everyone in
this universe has been implanted with several
times and which force us
all to accept this dual terminal universe
with one side pitted against
28. The resolution of these problems
only comes with the erasure of
these 28 goals.
29. In the opinion of a person anything
that he or she now has is
valuable and cannot be discarded.
They should keep their physical
possessions but discard those fixed opinions
that are not helpful for
them If you have had them for a very
long time, why retain them, for if
they had worked they would have done so
long ago.
30. These things which are written
here you can experience and know.
And some may care to teach these things
and some may care to help those
who have been in trouble for a very long
time and didn’t know why.