434. How To Recognize a
Trap When You See it
The basic characteristic of a trap is that there seems to be:

This zero-option feature is often hidden deliberately or buried by confusion. However, there are lots of dead give-aways:


"No choice" situations brought about through the use of  words (semantics) are a class all in itself. Here are some of many examples:

It may seem that it would be impossible to avoid some structures used in traps altogether, especially the 'language constructs'.  For example, it makes good sense to expect punctuality for a meeting, thus restricting 'time' for other parties.

The purpose of the list above is to find recurring and compounding indicators that, taken together, expose the suppressive structure of the world-saving person or organizations.

If there are only some of the indicators present in the investigated group, it would be, of course, a good idea to work on resolving or attenuating the suppressive features rather than doing away with the entire structure as a whole.

Last, not least, the list above can also be taken as a 'check-sheet' in cleaning out one's own dependencies on prior personal or group agreements that may have been of a suppressive nature.

And, as always, don't be so serious ;-)


Copyleft © 1998 by Maximilian J. Sandor, Ph.D.