4222.Exteriorization by Thawing Viewpoints
In many circles a lot of attention is given to the achievement of viewpoints and perceptions from outside the body.
The underlying assumption most often seems to be that an 'exteriorization' from the body would be tantamount to 'freedom' of the Being itself - brought about through the 'freedom' from the body.
The fallacy of such an assumption becomes obvious if one considers that at the time of impending death of the physical body, every Being will enter an 'exterior' state relative to the body. This does not make the Being more free at all - if anything it will increase its craving for physical and mental sensations.
From another perspective, an exteriorization can be seen as a relocation of the assumed center of origin of the Being's view. Unless the viewpoints themselves are changing in the process, nothing more has been achieved than a limited, spatial move relative to the current body.
Exteriorization processes
therefore are likely to leave the original attachments to the body unchanged,
and, in quite a lot of cases, they can cause a host of problems
which are known as
A Being attaches to a body at anchorpoints, usually concentrated at head, neck, and shoulder. It does so via fixed viewpoints, sometimes called 'anchor beams'.
Changing the distance of the Being's viewpoint origin can cause those anchor beams to be out of balance. Then these beams will 'snap' to the body with increased force, since it 'appears to 'them' that they have lost control.
Dizziness, extremely painful headaches, muscle spasms, and other phenomena can occur and can thus lead to a significant discomfort of the person.
On top of the physical discomfort, any state of exteriorization will restimulate prior experiences of being exterior to the body.
However, for countless life cycles, these experiences occurred only at the time of death or extreme danger. Unless first cleared successfully, both body _and_ Being can be expected to dramatize those events to a more or less marked degree.
But a complete handling of problems while being exterior presupposes the ability to duplicate the viewpoint of being exterior. Since the viewpoint of being exterior ultimately requires to _be_ exterior_ a catch-22 situation arises.
Exteriorization processes are still in high demand. They promise a quick and easy fix of all the problems a person may have and they appeal to the 'instant gratification' mentality of today's times.
There is no way around the step-by-step resolution of one's fixed viewpoints, however, and in the long run a more patient and comprehensive approach is much more likely to work for a person.
One way to go about it is to look at the way a person keeps holding its anchorpoints on the body in the first place.
They are held in its
position by 'beams' of fixed and immobilized attention. These have been
'frozen' in time
and any disturbance
will cause an immediate reinforcement and recreation by its generating
If the generating viewpoints can be 'unfrozen', or thawed, the Being would not hold on to its body in the frantical way it does.
Furthermore, experience shows that thawing viewpoints will allow the Being to allow itself to have more 'permeating' viewpoints instead of fixed viewpoints along an unmoving axis.
But experience also
shows that the Being will get into a state of general disorientation when
it starts thawing
or unfocussing fixed
viewpoints. This state of disorientation (which can easily be of a overwhelming
magnitude) causes the Being to compulsively recreate fixed viewpoints.
It apparently becomes necessary to backtrack one step further in the causative chain that leads to the interiozation of Beings into bodies.
Fixed viewpoints invariably
seem to follow a confusion that the Being had about something. To resolve
a confusion, the Being
will grasp anything that appears 'stable', even if it doesn't make sense
at all.
If the attachment to a 'stable' point in physical or mental space (sometimes called a 'stable datum') was successful at the time, the Being may use this stable point as a reference in the future as well.
Even if the stable datum made sense at the time of the original confusion, it will not make sense in different situations and times and it is likely to cause more confusions in the future -the circle is closing and the Being, insisting on a stable datum that helped in the past, will reinforce its anchor beams onto whatever represents this stable datum.
In short, until the confusion prior to a fixed viewpoint is recognized as such, there will be considerable resistance to thawing this frozen viewpoint. And, as mentioned above, if the Being now attempts to move this fixed viewpoint, as done directly or indirectly in most exteriorization processes, another layer of the Being's personality will reinforce or recreate this viewpoint with a force greater than ever before.
On the other hand, it the prior confusions are successfully resolved, the previously fixed viewpoints can now be used to permeate space and time. Exteriorization then happens as a side effect of this permeation and it is not just a moving of viewpoints with effort.
These considerations
lead to the following sequence of 'permeation/exteriorization by thawing
Once the number of frozen viewpoints falls below a certain threshold, the Being can enter 'boundless states' of the mind in which no fixation on individual ('concrete') objects exists any more.
These 'boundless states'
are the stepping stones on the way to complete liberation - a state where
no restrictions exist in regards to the choice of the Being to experience
moods in general as well as perceptions through individual viewpoints in