Holding multiple views of many different objects in one's mind during an extended period of practice of a process like the one described in Exercise #5a can result in a recognition of the linear time track as an illusion. The resolution of this illusion has been called "time-breaking." This may not be the best possible name for this effect. In any case, at the end of the last chapter we asked what would happen if Exercise #5a would be transferred into the time "dimension"?
Exercise 6a
gives a possible setup:
Concentrate on two consecutive ticks of a noisy clock (ignoring what is happening in between the ticks), or... Exercise #6b: Focus on the current breath (inhaling or exhaling) while, at the very same time, remembering one or more prior ones and, again, ignoring what happens in between. The phenomenon that can take place is the contemplative vision of what is called the "boundless space." This is in a curious way similar to the end result of Exercise #5a, the so-called "time-breaking" effect, and we could call it therefore the "space-breaking" effect. This is the first of the "higher visions" in Gotamo Siddharto's original teachings, now popularized in various forms as "Buddhism." These visions are usually achieved over longer periods of exercises and combined with the cultivation of positive emotions and attitudes. Any shortcut bears the potential of 'moving too fast' for one's own sake. If individual, personal power is being increased without a raise in personal integrity, there is a danger of the person hurting itself or others. The person will usually stop itself before too much damage is done and some of the next exercises are helping work to ameliorate these problems. It is often asserted that multiple viewpoint processes (including auditory processes like the Monroe HemiSync technology), are just stimulating on the physiological side of the brain in a way that brings about certain "mental illusions." While this can happen, of course, the argument itself is limited to a rather narrow and mechanistical view of the world. Here is an analogy to demonstrate this view in a different context:
Or, in other words, if a certain part of the brain is being activated during a vision, it would be a rather limited view to postulate that it is 'only the brain' causing this vision to appear and to ignore that there may be a process going on which, as a side effect, makes some parts of the brain being more active. For example, postulating effects of the "synchronization of the brain's hemispheres," a favorite buzzword since quite a while, doesn't explain in any way just how a synchronization would enhance the brain's function. If the brain is seen as a giant, complex computer, any "synchronization" would WASTE resources and "brain power" in the same way that a dual-processor NT system would lose computing power if one of the chips would do exactly the same that the other is doing already. Likewise, the perhaps most intriguing and powerful technique in applying the mechanisms of the brain, the amygdala clicking theory of T.D.Lingo presented to Viewzone readers in the #26 edition, can and should be broken out of the narrow context of "the brain is everything." Then the amygdala can be seen as a crucial switch in the operation of a Being that uses the brain to perform tasks and to gain sensations and perceptions. Lack of understanding and control of the body's central switchboard, the brain, can thus result in a trapped condition for the Being itself. This view restores the larger context and makes the "amygdala switching technique" all the more powerful. Reestablishing a larger framework of reference is also the objective of the following: Exercise #6c: Look at the body's physical proportions in relation to the room one is in. The body now appears to be "small" in comparison to other, larger object. Proceed with comparing its size to the house, city, state, country, planet, star, galaxy, Universe one is living in. Another powerful process is to compare enumerations of identities: Exercise #6d: See one's body as one body within the group that makes up one's family. Proceed with seeing it as one body within the group occupants of a house, city, state, country, planet, etc. The view of #6d appears only as "humbling" from a body's perspective. For the Being, it restores a larger context for the evaluation of the 'game of life' and it can be tremendously empowering. Let us now recap the tools at hand that were presented here for the purpose of Straightline Remote Sensing: Developing skills using the exercises should
enhance the abilities of:
Self-invalidation is the killer - fear is a consequence of self-invalidation. People will go through a lot of time and effort to learn a musical instrument or to perfect their skills in playing a certain game. The sharing of one's progressing skills is a rewarding challenge, and the validations of others are fueling an on-going strife for perfection. When it comes to psychic and mental abilities, validation by others is rather limited but in-validation abounds. In the course of lives, every person around has been invalidated heavily and since a very long time, resulting in a strong tendency to self-invalidate in every possible situation. Undoing this tendency to self-invalidation without getting lost to hubris is the toughest challenge a person can face. It is this undoing of the chronic impulse of "doing oneself in" which is setting a Being free again. |