Remote sensing requires astute
observations, an ability that few people exhibit in daily life.
Any remote sensing training, therefore, enhances the ability to perform increasingly "objective" observations in "normal" operations as well. Most people assume they see in a "three-dimensional" fashion (3D-viewing) and are easily insulted when it is suggested that may see, really, in two dimensions only (2D)-- and that they may not be aware of their own abstractions that lead to 2 1/2 D using perspectives. The very few who can actually see in 3D do not use it at all times and they often refer to it as "holographic" viewing. It is a completely different way of "seeing space" or "feeling structures." Straightline Remote Sensing can turn on "holographic viewing" suddenly and unexpectedly, throwing the viewer off their target. To be prepared for this possibility, and because
of the of the fun and enlightenment that holographic viewing offers, the
following exercise are presented here:
Exercise #5a:
First, realize the "normal" way of viewing by standing out in nature in a location that has a distinct background like a hill or mountain. In between the viewer and the background should be a tree or another slim but tall object. Now, shift your head parallel to the tree/background lineup without turning your eyes. The shape of the tree should move as a distinct, separate picture over the background of the mountain. This exercise brings about the awareness of 2D viewing and can already turn on 3D viewing in some instances. Exercise #5b: Look out at some large buildings, distant roads, or other object that extend away from your current viewpoint. Notice the exact angles that perspective viewing is forming. One should be aware of as many angles as possible at the same time. The picture may suddenly develop a depth without the viewer's intention. For the purposes of this exercise, the awareness of the angles in the picture should be maintained, however, regardless of other things turning on. This is 2 1/2 D awareness and it may also turn on holographic views. Exercise #5c: The sole purpose of this exercise is to turn on holographic (3D) viewing. In the course of this exercise, the viewer may be exteriorizing from his or her body, sometimes with full perceptions. An exteriorized view with full perceptions obviously becomes the perfect "Remote Viewing" experience when the current viewpoint is shifted away from the body of the viewer. This is yet a different way of Remote Sensing. Take a small to medium sized box, such as a shoe carton or a wooden cigar box, and put it up at a yard or two away from the eyes. One should be able to clearly see down to the bottom of the box. Now, try to see ONLY the two edges of the box that are the furthest apart. In a sense, this is an exercise in "multiple viewpoints": the viewer concentrates on two different objects concurrently. As soon as holographic viewing turns on, the viewer usually abandons the multiple viewpoint of the two edges. After a while, the holographic view will disappear, too. The purpose of the exercise is to KNOW the feeling of holographic viewing and how to turn it on at will at any time in the future. The size of the box is convenient for startup purposes only. The top edges of the room one is currently in can be used, too, of course. Anything that provides an "empty space" in between borders does the trick. The actual sensation of 3D viewing cannot be easily described, and I won't even try. Seeing is believing! Now, this is all nice and exciting, but why would 3D viewing throw off a Remote Viewer? In Holographic Viewing, domains of perceptions can overlap. One could literally see Beings without a current body (traditionally called "ghosts") on the background of the "real" landscape that is to be investigated. And it can become difficult to separate the domains of perceptions altogether. It was mentioned that explorations during Remote Viewings session can turn on the 3D viewing mode. Here is an example how this could happen: Viewzone's recent Remote Viewing Challenge put a card from a common card playing deck into a box. How would a Straightline Viewer approach this object? Let us assume, the viewer connects with the target, perhaps with the initial help through Far Sight's strategy of using coordinates. The "straight" viewer needs some light, even if it is residual light, especially since there are artificial colors involved (the paint on the card). Optimally, there are two or more known objects placed directly next to the card. These objects should be an unlikely combination, such as an apple and a dead AA battery next to each other. For verification reasons, and to exclude a prank from another reader, an unknown object of similar size and of a simple shape could be put next to the card, the apple, and the battery. Let's say the viewer "lands" on the lower right side of the card (we're not yet zooming out to have a larger perspective because this requires mastery of a small focus!). The viewer can sense the edge and work around the card, establishing an anchor point at every turn. To establish the proper dimensions and spatial geometry, the resulting anchor points must be compared. But this can result in exactly the same constellation as we have encountered in the exercise #5c! If the viewer would turn on holographic viewing now, the focus would be lost and the viewer would be easily thrown out of the particular space/time configuration that was investigated. The same is true for other domains and for larger scales. Looking at ONLY two stars at the same time (not at the space in between), will open a vision of Outer Space. Back to Viewzone's Challenge: Once the size of the card is known, the viewer can start sensing the surface of the card. If it is a 10 of Hearts, the viewer could recognize from the edges of the paint the shape of any one of the imprinted hearts, and then estimate the number of rows (without counting, which would be using the analytical mind!). This may seem awfully complicated. The viewer seems to have to go back to square one, learning to see and recognize "things" just as a baby would do - only now in a different way. The innocent reader may want to find a way to "see" things in a distance in exactly the same way he or she is now used to. But this reader will at the same time be hard-pressed to explain how he or she is seeing now! It is a profound truth that one usually sees only what one expects to see. To discover the unexpected and to unveil new, uncharted territory, requires a start from scratch. Now, before everything falls into place, the next chapters will need to address at least the following points: Navigation by Landmarks, Zooming In and Out Within a Domain of Perception, Propulsion by Resistance, and the "Principles of Incremental Exploration." Stay tuned and enjoy! (all this and more coming soon at Viewzone!) Note to the attentive reader: the title of this chapter was "5- In Between Time And Space," but time wasn't mentioned at all! Question: "How would you apply the 'space opener' exercise in 5c to the concept of time?" (The author's answer will be in the next Viewzone). |