In the Causal band below Native State (tones 320 to 120) everything is perceived as beings. Including "solid" matter (Which does not look in any way solid, merely asleep... unless the decision is made to wake some of it -- in which case it will no longer seem to be matter anymore.).
In the Thought band (tones 100 to 21) reality is perceived as postulates near the top, then considerations below that. These are usually expressed as beauty, goodness, rightness and purity. Matter appears not at all dense, but it does have some light substance.
From Opinions (tone 20) down to Death (tone 0) reality is perceived as points of view concerning affinity, communication and reality. Matter feels liquid and malleable in the upper range. Effort begins at Antagonism (tone 2) and below that point the liquid begins to set.
In the effort range, reality is perceived as activities having to do with survival. Matter appears solid, but it can be altered with effort.
In the Mystery (unconscious) band reality is perceived as symbols in the upper area where it blends down from Effort, and as solid objects below that. Matter appears too dense to alter in any way.