
1.- Inventory -

Have the client list all the resources she already has. Friends, ideas, memories, books, education, etc. Develop the idea that she has lots and lots of resources. Have her look at all the things she isn't seeing. Develop the idea that there is a lot she can do with what she already has.

2. Associations -

Get the person to make a list of what she equates with having money. Security, happiness, fun, freedom, etc. Then have a dialogue about each one. Work towards a reframe of making her realize how they really aren't connected with money. Like, she realizes that it is a feeling she has, based on certain stimuli, and it isn't directly dependent on money at all, etc.

3. Having what one needs -

Visualize having everything one needs, when one needs it, with integrity. Work on getting as many details as possible, with as clear perceptions as possible. Have her really realize how it would be. Do this as often as it makes sense, like at the end of sessions.

4. Wealth -

Walk around outside and notice all the wealth that is there. All those buildings and new cars and roads, and all this nature and land and so forth. Just perceive it and discuss it as a tremendous amount of wealth and enjoy it as such. Realize that there is no lack of wealth, it is all right there.

5. Space -

Abundance has a lot to do with space. If one can rehabilitate the person's ability to have a large space, then abundance will follow. Use imagination processing to create space in many different ways. For example:

- Imagine a large room with green walls. Fill room with green energy emanating from the walls. Let the space resonate with energy of what you want.

- Locate spots in space. Just notice different locations in the middle of the air, or place a location there.

- Hold an imaginary cube with eight corners around you. Make it as big as possible. Might have to start with holding 2 points, then 3, 4, then 8.

- Imagine an ocean of abundance stretching in all directions, filled with anything one might desire. Reach down into it, jump into it, or whatever.

- Have her create a large space of her own. Fill it with light or color. Make walls if that helps. Designate what the space is for: growth, self-love etc. Designate what will be welcome there. Keep the parameters wide.

- Go out and look at some actual big places with a lot of space

6. Beliefs -

Find out what constrictive, contractive, limiting beliefs the person has about abundance or the lack thereof. What she has agreed with about lack of abundance, only being allowed a small space, modest things, and so forth. Work with the beliefs with unfixing, perceptual processing, polarity integration, soul retrieval or anything else.

7. Wants -

Have the client enumerate what it is she wants an abundance of. Growth, self-love, money, friends, etc. Have her keep giving more things. The idea is to develop a sense of abundance in being able to say all these things, that there are really so many of them.

8. Giving and Receiving -

Have the client imagine giving and receiving many things. You can take valuable things, working up from minor things to big really valuable stuff. Like, start with pennies, work up to 100 dollar bills, gold bars, diamonds, jet planes, etc. Have the client imagine them clearly, then have them pulled into her body. Then imagine the next thing very clearly, and let it disappear in the distance, be wasted, blown up or something like that.

9. Giving #

Have the client go and give some things away. Have her find some things that aren't part of her current game, and give them away. Have her keep doing that until she feels good about it.

10. Wasting #

Have the client throw some things away that aren't part of her current game. Have her get into the habit that she doesn't need to save things she doesn't use. If possible, do it with her in her living space.

11. Letting go #

Have the client take out a bill of not insignificant value, like a $20 bill. Then get her to destroy it. Like, get her to cut it up with a scissors, or have her burn it. Don't do it for her, but persuade her to do it. Discuss all the reservations she would have about it. Don't promise her anything in return, just work on her being willing to waste a valuable bill. Move towards the realization that the bill itself is not worth anything. Money is energy. Energy can't really be destroyed, you can always get it back.

12. Raining Money #

Change a fairly large amount of money into bills of various denominations. Like, go and take $10,000 in cash out of the bank. This works best with several people, but also with just two. Go into a closed room and simply throw all the money up in the air. Throw it around, make games with it, cover each other in it, stuff it inside your shirt, make it rain money all around, lay in it, roll in it, etc. Have a lot of fun with it. This can be very freeing in not taking money so serious and realizing a feeling of abundance about it.

13. Domain Exchange #

Go through the domains and work out the relations between them in turns of exchange of values. Look at what each domain is giving any other domain. Like, the personal domain is receiving some value from the group domain in terms of a pay check or security, etc. Work out all the possible combinations. Do it honestly, looking at what is actually going on. Possibly also look at what should be going on.

14. Bargains #

Send the client off to a nearby store. Instruct her to go in and offer a ridiculously low price for some piece of merchandise and then start dragging it out of there, taking for granted that one can get it. Have her exercise the idea that the price attached to anything is purely arbitrary. Things are worth whatever one thinks they are worth. She ought to be willing to receive something for nothing. If she is not up to the actual exercise, discuss the idea, do it as a thought experiment, reframe her reservations etc. It is often a misunderstood sense of fair exchange that is holding people back from being open to receiving what they really want.

15. Modeling -

Map out exactly what abundance feels like in terms of perceptual distinctions. Do the same with scarcity. Notice the differences between them, how one gets from one to the other. If the client doesn't have the resources for abundance, model somebody else who has them.

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