False Paths

Some paths appear to lead towards empowerment, but actually do the opposite. The best way of knowing the difference is to notice if the path leads towards integration or fragmentation.

If a path consists mainly of getting rid of things, cutting connections to others, forgetting things, making very specific rules, and fixing one's attention -- then chances are that it is not a very useful path. Granted, any path will provide at least some kind of benefit, but that won't be the direct path to empowerment.

A path that consists of mastering more things, opening up more connections, remembering things, getting more freedom to choose, and more flexible attention -- that is likely to be a more direct path to empowerment.

Some paths are a mixture. And indeed, there is a use for both getting rid of things and bringing things back. Most likely you would want to get less of what you don't want, and more of what you do want. But look at the overall direction of the path. Does it in the long run lead towards integration of yourself or fragmentation of yourself?

The words describing a certain system might be misleading. Just because the PR says that this system will empower you and create wonders doesn't mean it is true. Look at what the actual actions and results are. Does it teach you to disconnect from people, does it limit the things you can do, does it abandon qualities of yourself that are labeled "bad"?

You need to be your own judge. Your path is your own. Don't buy into too much fancy sales talk saying that somebody else knows better. There are masters and wise people alright, but you always need to be your own counsel. Nobody should be taking away your power of choice. Nobody should be making you smaller.

Anybody who is truly helping you will make you feel bigger, having more power of choice.

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