A Long Term Program

If you have the opportunity to guide an individual through a long term program of personal development, how would you structure it?

Well, first of all realize that people are different. You can't do the exact same thing with everybody. At least not unless you first brainwash them into believing that your program is the only possible right one. If you deal with people who come to you because they freely make the choice to do so, that probably isn't what you would want to do. So, you have to be flexible and adjust for people's desires and individual modus operandi. Each person's path of development is essentially different. Your job is to help the individual on her personal journey, not to impose your own fixed ideas on her.

That said, we can however sketch a general outline that will work for many people. You could do that in different ways, but it makes things more simple to have one kind of default plan to go by if nothing else is immediately more obvious.

We can make a plan divided into three major bands.

The first major area will probably be the person's subjective reactions and limitations. That is, we will be working with her mind. She has frozen emotions, fixed ideas, she has herself compartmentalized into pieces that aren't in agreement with each other, she doesn't know how to operate her own mind, and so forth. This covers just about anything that can come up when we ask the client: "What would you like to handle?" What we do is that we find out what the issue is, we examine it in detail, we get her to experience it differently, become cause over it, and turn it into a positive resource. This is all something we do by talking about it and getting the person to change her mind about it. We get her to experience the issue differently and thereby it changes.

Once we have sorted out most of what is found in this first category the person will feel that she is balanced in herself. She can sit down and feel perfectly alright and content with herself, and she can go through the life she lives without getting into much unwanted trouble. She is sane and aware and responsible. Nothing seems to come up she can't handle.

Now, to get into the second major area we will expand from there. We already have somebody who is a happy passenger on the train of life. Now we will make her the conductor and see what happens. We will move her beyond the limitations she is living within and we will require her to do some things she doesn't already have figured out. What we are addressing is the person's ability to act freely, and her creativity. We will get her to go beyond her mind, and beyond her accustomed boundaries, and act effectively anyway. We do that in part by working through the range of possible actions and modes of expression in different areas. Our focus is on objective action, no longer on subjective reaction.

Once the second area is getting resolved the person will no longer have barriers to action. She can think by acting. She doesn't need to go through mental machinations before she can do something. She can act correctly without any need to adhere to mental models. She will be in contact with her own creativity and no longer requires instructions or data.

Then, the third area will cover all the magical stuff. The first two areas dealt mostly with producing a free, expressive, and rational human being. Now we will go on to other realities. We will address reality itself and exercise the changing or shifting of realities. That includes the ability to manifest what one wants in life, the ability to have extrasensory perceptions, and to travel to other dimensions. That is done simply by exercising it a little at a time. Mostly what is required is the ability to be fully present but unattached and then be very clear on what one wants.

From mastering this third area the person will be conversant with different realities and will be very capable in creating her own reality the way she wants it. She can perform miraculous feats that are way beyond the capabilities of an average human.

These three areas are very distinct from each other. The first one can truly be called Semantic Processing, in that what you are working with is the meaning the person assigns to events. The second area could be called Action Processing in that you actually need to do something. And the third area would be Reality Processing in that it is reality itself you work with.

In area one you are working with meaning and we change the filters one is using to deal with the world. In area two we work with what is meaningless and we go beyond the ordinary filters. In area three we make our own meanings and filters.

There is no big reason not to do processes from each of these areas concurrently or intermittently. But there is some sense in the ordering of them. It is easier to face one's subjective problems than it is to go out and act. And dealing with alternate realities isn't going to be very successful if one can't even stand up to this one.

There are other things one can do and other ways one can structure a program. But a program as outlined here accomplishes what many will find attractive and it is doable. Of course I didn't give you any of the exact details here, but more on that elsewhere.

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