The Question Loop

There is a certain loop that the process facilitator will use often in session. It is the loop of asking a question and having the client respond to it. It starts when the facilitator decides to present a certain question and it is complete when the client has received it and responded to it. There are various sub-loops inside that loop:

- Checking if the client is ready for the suggestion or question
- Delivering the suggestion or question to the client
- Client accessing her mind for an answer or response
- Client telling the facilitator what she gets
- Checking if the client is done telling what it is
- Giving the client a proper acknowledgment to her report
- Checking if the loop is complete for the client

This is different from the loop of regular communication in that we need to get the person to find answers in her mind. We aren't just making small talk. We don't just want social answers. For that matter, we don't just want answers. We don't ask questions to get the right answer, we ask question to get the client to discover something new or see things differently. The important part is what the client is doing between questions.

Processing goes in a rhythm of introversion and extroversion. We put the client's attention inside on something in herself. She perceives what it is and then she puts her attention outside to some degree in order to tell the facilitator. The facilitator lets her know that her communication was received. Then the facilitator again says or does something to get the client to get more material from inside herself. And so forth.

It is important not to interrupt the client when she is inside getting the answer to the question. That is the most useful thing she can do. Don't interrupt it just because it might take some time. If the client is outside not doing anything useful you better think of something to ask her. But if she is already processing something that is on the subject, leave her alone.

Just as much as knowing what to say, it is part of the facilitator's skill to know when to shut up.


- Find another person and ask them about something you would like to know. Use all the points in the question loop.

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