How to talk to people about what you do

You don't have to sell the subject of Transformational Processing, or whatever you happen to call it. You don't have to convince people to become believers and follow the Transformational Processing System. You are free to do it of course, if you would like to run a cult, but it isn't technically necessary.

The techniques taught in this manual are ones that are intended to be in alignment with your clients. Techniques that address them where they are at and lead them to a more optimum state in a way that makes sense to them.

The further you go out of sync with the client's current state and current expectations, the more you will have to explain, the more you will have to sell the subject, the more you will have to fool people.

Like, if the client comes in with attention on a big issue in her life, let's say a relationship, and she expects some help with it. If you are planning on doing something totally different with the time she is paying you for, then you will have to give her some pretty compelling reason for it. Otherwise she simply won't be satisfied and she won't come back.

You can tell her that there is a divine book that says exactly what she needs to do, and the author knows much better than anyone what she needs to work on. And you can tell her that her only possible path to salvation is to be hooked up to a big machine that gives her electrical impulses every five minutes. And she can only speak in words beginning with 'K' every Tuesday. If you are a good salesman and particularly if you have a big organization behind you that backs up the authority, then you can get some people to go along with all kinds of things.

For the individual facilitator it is a lot more difficult to do things that are at great variance with people's expectations. People will come in who don't really know what you are about and they will disappear again very quickly unless you get results with them and unless you demonstrate to them that what you do is something they need.

Luckily processing works even better without a lot of hocus pocus. It is possible to do it while maintaining a good rapport with the clients at all times. You don't have to sell them on anything, you don't have to pressure them, you don't have to waste their time with things that don't make any sense to them, you don't need to imbue them with a religious belief in your organization. You just need to do your job.

Transformational Processing is a series of technical actions. It is something you DO, it is the application of skills and abilities that you have.

Processing is not a thing. It is not a substance that is being dispensed a little at a time. It is not a drug that is doing something to people without their involvement.

Don't fall into the trap of selling processing as a product, as a thing that people HAVE to have, or they are doomed. If you succeeded, they might be very faithful customers for a while, but in the long run it is a mistake. Because it is a lie. Processing is simply an activity. The results come from the client changing her considerations about things. She does it herself, and it doesn't have to have any relation to how many "units" of processing she has bought. Time and effort doesn't have anything directly to do with it, all that is needed is that she thinks differently. That can take her 5 seconds or it can take 5 years.

The upside of this is that you don't have to defend or explain the rightness of processing as a product. If they want some, they can start right away. They don't need to accept a bunch of things before they are allowed to start.

In a conversation with somebody interested in processing, keep the attention on what they want to change. Tell them you can help them with it. Don't tell them exactly how, and don't promise them anything specific, just tell them that you have ways of helping them.

Don't push any icon or brand name on people, that they can object to. Don't give them the impression that there is only a select group of people doing this. Don't give them anything of an in/out, for/against nature. You are a person who can do certain actions. If they want them - fine. If they don't - that's fine too.

It's like being a plumber. Sometimes people have problems with their pipes and they need some help. They don't expect to join an organization or to start believing in plumbing as the solution to everything. But if you fix their plumbing they are happy. They will call you again. And if you also know about electrical wiring and car repair, they will find you even more useful. Particularly if you communicate well and show them some tricks they can do on their own. Soon you will be a consultant who can help them run their household.

My clients rarely ask me about the origin of what I do. If they do, their curiosity is usually satisfied with a couple of simple statements. Basically they want to feel confident that I know what I am doing. Occasionally they ask for some reading material.

I find it most convenient to present my processing techniques as an eclectic collection of stuff from different sources. All with the common denominator that it works. It is basically the stuff that you do, that you have learned in various ways. Don't present it as coming from only one place. First of all, it isn't true. Secondly, it tends to either make people nervous or it makes them into true believers.

Throw around a few names and a few related subject with complicated names. General Semantics and Neuro-Linguistic Programming are good ones. If people want to know who invented Transformational Processing, you can mention that it is based on the principles Alfred Korzybsky developed in the 1930s, but really that elements of it go much further back.

Don't lie to people, tell them the truth. However, it is not always a good idea to enter into lengthy explanations trying to get people to understand everything. At first, what people want to know is in terms of feelings. They want to feel safe about what is going on, they want to feel that somebody knows what they are doing. That is not an intellectual knowledge, it doesn't really have to make sense, they just have to feel it.

People who really want to know how processing works will eventually persist in insisting to learn about it. But don't start explaining a lot before they have tried it. At first, just explain enough to make them comfortable that they are in good hands, don't explain the principles of processing in detail.

Don't put any other systems of improvement down when talking about processing. Point out what could work better or differently in transformational processing, but allow the other subjects room for existence also.

The Transformational Processing System uses similar principles as many other systems. There are parallels to psychoanalysis, hypnotic regression, meditation, Rebirthing, NLP, gestalt therapy, and so forth. Drawing upon those comparisons can make transformational processing easier to explain and can make people feel more familiar with it. It depends on where people are coming from. If a person hates hypnosis, you probably want to point out the differences of transformational processing as compared to hypnosis. If she loves hypnosis, you would want to point out the similarities. It is never a black and white thing.

Don't feel obliged to give everybody who asks a satisfactory, logical explanation of what transformational processing IS. It is not something to explain, anyway, it is something to DO. They would get something out of doing it, not out of talking about it. And it is not an IT anyway. You only have to explain things if it serves a purpose, if it helps somebody. Often people will get much more interested in what you are doing if it is something mysterious that you aren't really talking about.

Don't underestimate the value of just being there, being a stable person who knows about life and the mind. You don't have to track people down and convince them or talk them into things. Just assume the beingness of somebody who knows, and people will come to you when they need to. And even if people don't come to you for session, you still act as an example of somebody who knows how to do things.

It is not very important what you call what you do. You can call it clearing, or counseling, or therapy, or whatever. It would just be wise to avoid words that are already occupied by people with strong organizations that wouldn't agree with you. You could not call yourself a psychologist or a psychiatrist, except for if you had the corresponding formal education. You can in some places call yourself a counselor, in others that could be a problem.

Don't present what you do as a treatment or cure for any physical or mental ailments. That is again the field of people who have strong vested interests in keeping others out. And that is just fine. What you do is more educational and inspirational; you readily admit that it is the client that actually does the work by changing her attitude. As a result of that, all kinds of nice things can happen, but you don't promise any of them, and you don't claim that you produced them directly.

When presenting what you do, elicit the issues people have, rather than listing THE benefits of transformational processing, as if there were such a thing. You might ask people if they have upsets, communication difficulties, relationship problems, psychosomatic illnesses, etc. If they do, you just need to appear as if you know something about it. You don't have to explain what you will do or what the result will be, you just have to appear knowledgeable. Start with people where they are at and take them to a better place. Don't force your own ideal better place down everybody's throats.

Don't sell yourself short. Don't be too eager to get clients no matter what. It tends to turn people off. Often people get more interested if they know you are expensive and that you don't really need any clients.


- Drill talking to people about what you do.

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