Session Notes - Sample

CLIENT: __Rufus_Rodchenko___________   DATE: ___17_May_1994_____

FACILITATOR:  __Flemming_Funch______   SESSION #: ___14_________

                                       FEE: __80___ RECD: _80___

|      SITUATION      |       PROCESS        |     RESULT        |
| Hasn't been nervous |                      |                   |                
| about speaking      |                      |                   |                
| since last session. |                      |                   |                
|                     |                      |                   |                
|                     |                      |                   |                
| Got really mad at   | Dialoguing           | It's a polarity   |                
| girlfriend.         |                      |                   |                
| -----               | ------               |                   |                
| angry/energetic vs. | Polarity Integration | Gets nauseous when|                
| calm/analytical pol.|                      | pushing together  |                
| Nauseous            | Re-Experiencing of   | Complete          |                
|                     | childhood incident   |                   |                
| -------             | ------               | ------            |                
|                     | Continue Polarity    | Mostly integrated |                
|                     | Integration          | Will let it cont. |                
|                     | Futurepacing         | "Wow, that really |                
|                     |                      |  feels different" |                
|                     |                      |                   |                
|                     |                      |                   |                
|                     |                      |                   |                
|                     | Discussion of        |                   |                
|                     | polarity principle   |                   |                
|                     |                      |                   |                
|                     |                      |                   |                
|                     |                      |                   |                

NEXT:   ____*_Check_on_the_angry/calm_polarity_____



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