Feeling the Body

What often happens when somebody gets hurt is that they block off their relation with their body and the flows between different parts of the body. That is in part the body's natural protection system, trying to protect the person from experiencing pain.

The nervous system of the body in part serves the function of bringing information to the brain and returning instructions for what to do. If sudden pain occurs, the system tends to get overloaded. Rather than passing the overload up the line it will tend to lock up in certain areas along the way. And the locked up energy will tend to block further information coming through that point. Kind of like if an electrical fuse is blown.

Since this is largely a physical phenomenon, it can with great advantage be addressed physically. That is, if a person gets hurt, it would be useful to do some kind of therapy on a physical level to get the flows going again. The principles are fairly simple, so this is something that anybody could assist a wounded person with. This of course doesn't replace competent medical assistance, but it can make things work more smoothly for a wounded person until or while proper care is being administered.

If a person has experienced some kind of impact, it can be very useful to act out the event in slow motion afterwards. That is, one would put one's body in the same position, go through the same motions, and contact the afflicted body part with the injuring object, if possible. This can be done repeatedly. What is likely to happen is that some of the blocked pain will start flowing again. That might at first appear undesirable, as it will hurt again, but if one continues doing it, the pain will flow through and one will feel better about it. And then one is much more conversant with what actually went on, the event is more completed and digested, and the flows of the body are moving.

So, a primary way of helping an injured person, once any immediate first-aid needs are taken care of, would be to help them to re-enact the event in a gentle way. This works particularly wonderfully with kids. A little kid comes running along and bangs into a piece of furniture. Ask him to show you what happened. A kid will usually be quite willing to do so, and it is very therapeutic. First he can point it out. "Uaaah! It was that chair there!" Then ask interestedly "How did you do that?" and get him to show you how he was running and where his leg contacted the chair. Do it a few times to clarify how exactly it happened. And that often takes care of it completely. The pain is gone and that is all there is to it. For a kid, all you would need to do would be to put his attention back on what he was doing: "So, where were you going?", and he will run along happily again.

For a person who is sick or who has more permanent injuries, there are other approaches we can take to get the flows in her body to move. We can re-establish communication and promote healing by systematically getting her to feel different parts of the body.

The facilitator can call the client's attention to different specific body parts. The best way of doing that is to actually touch them. That is, the facilitator puts her hand or finger on a certain spot and asks the client to feel it: "Can you feel that?"

The idea is not just that the client is aware that her body has been touched, but that she from the inside FEELS the touch and FEELS that specific part of the body as thoroughly as she can. This will tend to promote a flow of energy between that point and the brain, and going through the points in-between.

This is going to work better if the facilitator knows a little bit about the flows in bodies.

Often what happens if the body experiences an injury is that the pain gets partially locked up somewhere. If say you squeeze a finger in a door, we can regard the pain as a communication that needs to travel from your finger through the nervous system up through your arm, into and up your spine, and into the brain. But a sudden pain tends to overload the system, so all the pain doesn't get communicated. Some of it gets stuck in points along the way. And this stuck energy will tend to hinder recovery and will keep the condition active longer than necessary.

It is usually more important to promote a flow through an affected point than it is to address the point itself. If the elbow is hurt it would be more beneficial to concentrate on points on the hands than on the elbow. If the client feels the points on the hands then the nerve channels from the hands up the arm, THROUGH the elbow will be freed up. That takes some of the stuck energy in the elbow with it.

The client could be sitting or lying down, dependent on what is most comfortable. She would have her eyes closed and relax. The facilitator would explain the principle of the technique first, as necessary. Some people might be uncomfortable being touched, so it often helps with a scientific explanation. The facilitator then starts with the extremities, either arms or legs, picks a point and simply says: "Feel this" or anything like that, while she places her finger on the point. She holds her finger there until the client signifies that she feels the finger, by saying "yes" or grunting, or whatever. The facilitator confirms the answer by saying "Thank you". Then she picks the same point on the opposite extremity and asks the client to feel that. Then she goes back to the first extremity, selects another point and so forth.

The symmetry is necessary because of the way the nervous system works. Sometimes phantom pains might appear in the opposite side as where the injury or illness is. There is a mirroring or balancing going on between the two sides. It is therefore important to address both sides equally. You can do it one point at a time, left-right. Or you can do a few points in one side and then the corresponding points in the other side.

One would then work up the extremities, getting closer and closer to the spine. It doesn't have to be completely robotically, you can jump around to keep it interesting. It should not be too predictable where you will put the finger. But the general idea is that you move from the outer extremities closer and closer to the spine and the brain. And you would emphasize points further away from the brain than the injury or illness. However, the back needs attention too and one should always end with going up the back. Not just the spine, but the whole back. Very often energy that was released in the extremities then lock up in the back, so that must be included towards the end.

To go over the whole body one might use a system like this: first the hands, several points on each finger, on both sides, on the palms and surface of hands, going over them several times, then moving up the underarms, elbows, up to the shoulders. Then the feet, done thoroughly like the hands, moving all the way up the legs. Then the stomach and chest area and shoulders. You can do the face if the person wants it, but it is not essential. Then the back, covering many points, mostly moving upwards. Also the back of the neck and the skull.

The areas you would spend the most time with would be hands, feet, and back. You would avoid intimate areas that would embarrass the person. Luckily they play no essential part in the flow of nerve energy. Well, not that kind of nerve energy at least.

The touch of your finger is usually light. However, there is nothing wrong with pressing harder and that can accomplish more things if it is ok with the person. It might be more real if she can really feel it.

It is important to make sure the client really feels the touch through her body. She should not just imagine that your finger is there, and not just feel the concept of the finger. She should feel the actual finger, through the nerve channels of the body.

If you know something about acupuncture and reflexology points and meridians then you could probably do a somewhat better job at this. However, there is no reason to make this more complicated than it is. You are simply working on re-establishing communication with many points on the client's body. It is not much more technical than that. There is not a lot of significance to exactly which points you choose, as long as you cover the main areas and follow the general flow lines.

You can go over the body several times, or you can do just one. It doesn't have to take long. The main thing is to increase communication, it doesn't have to be a drawn out endurance race. It is better to do many shorter sessions like this than just a few really long ones. This is an action that you would repeat as often as necessary, maybe once or twice a day for a while.

When you have gone over the body and the client feels an improvement in the condition, then it is fine to quit. You don't have to expect to cure her in one session. The point is not to cure her anyway, the point is to increase the natural communication so that she can cure herself. So, you increase communication and then leave her alone for a while.

This kind of action is also quite effective for small children or for animals as well. You just have to be prepared that you don't necessarily have the person's conscious cooperation. A sick child might be really annoyed that you touch her and might try to push your hand away or hit you. That means "yes", don't expect a polite answer. Simply touch another point, and when the child notices it and pushes you away, then move on again. A child is usually very fluid emotionally and might lighten up in very little time. It would work the same on a sick animal. A sick cat or a dog might hiss or growl or try to bite you when you touch them and they feel it. That is fine, that is the feedback that they felt it.

There are variations possible on the basic technique. For example a person can by herself feel different body parts from the inside, simply by intending to do so. Or, she could touch herself if that is more practical, and nobody else is around.

Another possibility is to work in more detail on healing a specific area. Like, one could use a toothpick and pick very minute points close together, maybe around a wound.

You can use this feeling technique also on a person who is only partially conscious or not at all. You will just address the approximate "location" of the spiritual being and assume that you are being heard. If you don't get any answers or reactions, just wait an appropriate time and acknowledge that your instruction was executed. Just do it with full confidence and strong intention and do everything as-if the being is feeling the points. This technique can produce miracles like that. People have come out of comas that way, where they might not otherwise have lived. So, don't underestimate the power of this simple technique. And don't despair because somebody appears unconscious, the being is always around and will become more aware if you communicate directly with it.

That is pretty much the same thing you could do if a client falls asleep. You would just continue as if she hears you. You wouldn't try to forcefully wake her up, you would simply go on.

Body feeling might bring up all kinds of phenomena along the way. Maybe the client gets weird feelings, maybe body parts jerk or jitter, maybe it brings up pictures of incidents. Listen to whatever she might have to say. Usually just an acknowledgment is needed. However, it is not impossible that something comes up that you might have to use another technique on, for example re-experiencing. Don't go looking for it, that is not the main objective, but if it is really necessary switch to the most appropriate process for what is there.

Often, after an injury or during an illness there will not be much else that will work in terms of processing techniques. The client might not be in a condition to go into more refined subjective techniques. But after a few sessions she might be in a good enough condition to handle the subjective angles of the situation. You can also use the body feeling technique as a lead-in in the first part of session, and then do another more subjective type of handling in the second part.

As mentioned, a body communication process, or any other processing technique, is not a replacement for proper care by trained health practitioners. Being a process facilitator doesn't qualify you to take medical decisions, that is not your field. Don't tell clients that they don't need medical care just because they see you. Processing is not a treatment and not a cure in itself.
What you can do with body processes is to promote the natural self-healing abilities of the person, and to make any medical treatment work better. But don't be too surprised when miracles occur.


- Re-enact a real or simulated injury with somebody
- Use the body feeling technique with somebody who needs it.

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