Then, you take up the next process where you pick up a room object and you say, "See this Kleenex box?" They say "Yeah", and you say, "Tell me something you wouldn't mind this Kleenex box being." You run that to an EP. The minimum EP would be them realising that they are assigning beingnesses to objects and you run this to where they at least get that minimum end phenomena.
Then, you go to the next process: "Tell me something you wouldn't mind your body being. They say, "Oh, a pineapple." You repeat, "Tell me something you wouldn't mind your body being." They say, "Big and beautiful", etc. to EP. The minimum EP would be that they are assigning a certain beingness to the body and that the body does have a certain beingness, and those two things may not be in agreement.
Then, -Find something you wouldn't mind being. Then, "Tell me something else you wouldn't mind being" to EP (where they realise what they are assigning to themselves as beingness).
I want to make clear that these processes are block building in nature and the pc should understand that. If they don't completely understand this there is no point running it. If they fully understand the EP on the previous process, they are going to be capable of doing the next one.
If they don't use what they have learned in the last process, they are not going to be able to run the next process, they are going to fall flat on their face.
So, the next process is you take a list of charged terminals (that are in the worksheets from your previous work on the pc) and you take the hottest reading terminal (which you determine by assessing a few on the meter). You fit that terminal into the following commands: (As an example, assume it was "Daddy",)
1st flow: | Tell me something your Daddy wouldn't mind you communicating with. |
2nd flow: | Tell me something you wouldn't mind your Daddy communicating with. |
3rd flow: | Tell me something others wouldn't mind your Daddy communicating with. |
4th flow: | (You can give them the R-factor, that 4th flow is never meant to be insulting.) If you were a Daddy, tell me something you wouldn't mind yourself communicating with. |
Next, you have them: "Think a thought" until they get an EP.
Then, you have them "Think a thought" and have them place that thought in various objects around the room, to EP.
Then, you run:
1st flow: | Tell me a thought you would be willing to receive from another. |
2nd flow: | Tell me a thought another would be willing to receive from you. |
3rd flow: | Tell me a thought others would be willing to receive from others. |
(Your pc should be getting sequitur cognition's on each of these.) | |
4th flow: | Tell me a thought you would be willing to receive from yourself. |
Your pc getting sequitur cognition's on each of the processes is different from what is published for
4th flow, but, of course, the majority of what I am saying here is different from what is published by the church.
The next process is:
"Think about matter" to EP. "Think about energy" to EP. "Think about space" to EP. "Think about time" to EP. "Think about a thetan" to EP. |
The very minimum cognition they should get off each of those is what they think about has an effect on how they are feeling. In other words, they will be getting "Dianetics-55" (the book)-type cognitions that what occurs at one end of a comm. line occurs at the other end also (due to duplication). Thus, if they think about matter, they will start getting solid; if they think about energy, they start feeling energetic; if they think about space, they will feel big; if they think about time, they get a little rhythmic and if they think about a thetan, they will feel very spiritual. So, they should get some thought, some cognition on how much they should be thinking about these things, and the effects of thoughts on their existence.
The next process you run is:
1st flow: | Recall a time another communicated to you. |
2nd flow: | Recall a time you communicated to another. |
3rd flow: | Recall a time others communicated to others. |
4th flow: | Recall a time you communicated to yourself. |
The next process is run alternately between two commands to EP. One is an in-ARC command and one is an out-of-ARC command. We are basically interested in the out-of-ARC command running for you are using the in ARC command as a relief, so that the pc won't go crazy in session.
"Recall another's communication with you." "Recall another's no communication with you." |
If you just ran: "Recall another's no communication with you" over and over, most pcs wouldn't be up to doing that. So, you give them a breather with an in-ARC command. Anyway, you run those alternately either to a light superficial cog (that there is communication going on all the time all over), but it is kind of a mean thing to do. You should run it to a cog on another's no communication with them, where they realise that, that in itself is a game, and a not too pleasant one.
2nd flow: | Recall your communication with another. Recall your no communication with another. |
3rd flow: | Recall another's communication with others. Recall another's no communication with others, |
4th flow: | Recall a communication of you with yourself. Recall a no communication of you with yourself. |
The next 16 processes are universe processes. If the pc understands these, the rest of their Bridge will run very well. If they don't understand these well, then the rest of their Bridge is just wasted time and money, It is appalling information for a pc to discover, There are four universes that he is involved with. They are somewhat superimposed as far as space. There is the physical universe, the universe of the body, the universe of the mind, and the universe of the thetan. You run each of these four universes through the following four commands:
"From where could ____________ communicate to you?" to EP. "From where could you communicate to ____________?" to EP. "From where could ____________ communicate to others?" to EP. "If you were a ____________, from where could you communicate?" to EP. |
So, on your first four you put "the physical universe" in the brackets; then, you put "a body" in the brackets; then, you put "a mind" in the brackets; and then "a thetan" in the brackets. Take these to a very deep EP where a person realises that what ever it is that wants to communicate, it will pick whatever location is necessary to get the comm. through. They will discover that the physical universe can and does communicate to them through people, that they are in a games condition with the physical universe, that they communicate to others through the physical universe, and so forth. Anyone of these universes can use the universe of another to get through. In running the body, they will realise that the body can get its comm. though via minds, via thetans, and via other individuals. They will realise that bodies communicate directly to each other. In running minds, they will realise that minds communicate directly to each other, they communicate through bodies, they communicate through the physical universe. In other words, the location of where the comm. is coming from is pretty irrelevant and a person can chase down the actual origin of the communication, they will understand what is going on. It is a clever trick for a mind to communicate through another person. Your own mind can communicate to you through your neighbour's body, and the pc discovers that this is going on, and is quite surprised by it. And then, they will find that a thetan, of course, can and does communicate from various locations, minds, bodies, and the physical universe.
So, what you are doing with these processes is bringing up their awareness that they have had the four universes collapsed and they are separate.
These are minimum cogs you should get on this: that where the comm. appears to be emanating from, is not necessarily its original source, and that if something, someone, wants to communicate, they will place it in another universe, if necessary, to get it through, to get the comm. duplicated.
Ironically, you will find the pc completely stuck in one of these four, and you will get them pried out of that. They are either very much a body, very much a mind, very much a spirit, or unfortunately, very much the physical universe. Thusly, you bring them into balance.
Whatever body part they complain about the most, in their Dianetics, you plug into the next process, whether it is a back, head, shoulders, bowels, a neck or whatever. Necks are something. A lot of people have either neck problems, back problems, or head problems. Anyway, you want to clear this whole area up and the way you do that is, say it is neck,
1st flow: | From where could a neck communicate to you? |
2nd flow: | From where could you communicate to a neck? |
3rd flow: | From where could a neck communicate to others? |
4th flow: | If you were a neck, from where could you communicate? |
This will dissuade them and disabuse them of the false concept that where ever comm. is coming from is the actual origin of it, and they will realise that body parts can and do communicate to one. Hopefully, they will come up with some sensible cogs, for instance, they will cognite that they have been getting all this comm. from hurting neck, but actually a neck can communicate through a foot, so maybe it is the foot that is causing all the trouble with the neck.
I'm sure any outsider reading this, by outsider I mean a person not familiar with the possibility of fact and is quite used to the fiction of excessive reasonability and mental machinery, would find this a little crazy talk. However, anyone that examines these areas will come up with, at a minimum, these particular cognition's. So, the pc will straighten out and find out actually what is going on with meat bodies, and parts of meat bodies. A toothache can be caused by an injury to a toe. It will iron out. If you hold them on it an adequate period of time, whatever body part that they have had all this trouble with, they will finally get the cog, and that should take care of it.
The next thing you do is assess male bodies, female bodies, bodies, matter, energy, space and time. Normally one of them will read. If you get either of the two sexual distinctions, you are in for a hell of a surprise on your pc because it means that they have a game going with all those bodies out there as group. You run that through these four flows:
1st flow: | From where could ____________ communicate to you? |
2nd flow: | From where could you communicate to ____________? |
3rd flow: | From where could ____________ communicate to others? |
4th flow: | If you were a ____________, from where could you communicate? |
If it is the opposite sex or their own sex, they will realise that they have had this superimposed game condition with all these bodies out there and that has been running and ruining all their relationships because that is the game that consistently occurs. For example, the guy has gone out with seriously 20 different girls, is 40 years old, and he can't seem to get married. The same game comes down no matter who he goes out with. He is in a games condition with female bodies, and that is preventing him from knowing any of the people or doing anything with the individuals involved. So, that clears up, and the games condition with bodies clears up, and with matter, energy, space, or time, if they are in a games condition with any of these, by using this process.
The next one is a similar process except it is on victims:
1st flow: | From where could a victim communicate to you? |
2nd flow: | From where could you communicate to a victim? |
3rd flow: | From where could a victim communicate to others? |
4th flow: | If you were a victim, from where could you communicate? |
This process has some fascinating ramifications depending on how victim is defined. They will either be cynical claiming that they are not victims, and victims are people who run around in self-pity all the time. It runs great that way because they will start cleaning off some viewpoints and you can let it run that way. If it bogs on you, you can clear victim as someone who has been unjustly harmed, out of Websters dictionary. It will run fine under either definition. If you feel adventurous, you can run it both ways.
The next load of processes is R2-60, out of Creation of Human Ability, and that is where you have someone spot things, and after they have spotted them, you ask them, "Are you spotting it in the physical universe?" If they say "Yes", you have them point to it and they do, then you ask them, "How far away does it seem?" and they will tell you. That is the best way for it to run.
If they tell you "No" after you have asked them "Are you spotting it in the physical universe?", then you can just leave it at that. You can have them point to it, if you wish. If they are in real good shape, it is a waste of time. On someone who is really bunged up, you should have them point.
What you want to do is get them to where they can recognise these things out in the environment, run it on the physical universe, and not on their own. If they run off a few of their own at the beginning, which takes 5 minutes or 5 hours, it's OK. You want to get them to where they can recognise stuff in the physical universe. So, each one of these, you run to EP. Your commands are:
1st flow: | Spot some communications another has hidden from you. |
2nd flow: | Spot some communications you have hidden from another. |
3rd flow: | Spot some communications another has hidden from others. |
4th flow: | Spot some communications you have hidden from yourself. |
You run the same four commands next except you replace the word "hidden" with "protected". You run these four commands to EP.
Then, you run:
1st flow: | Spot some communications of yours another has owned. |
2nd flow: | Spot some communications of another that you have owned. |
3rd flow: | Spot some communications of another that others have owned. |
4th flow: | Spot some communications of yours that you have owned. |
Then, you run:
1st flow: | Spot some communications of yours another has inhibited. |
2nd flow: | Spot some communications of another that you have inhibited. |
3rd flow: | Spot some communications of another that others have inhibited. |
4th flow: | Spot some communications of yours that you have inhibited. |
Then, you run the same four commands except you use "enforced", and then, "desired", and then, "curious", and then, "unknown", and then, "known".
Then, you run:
"Spot some hidden knowingness." "Spot some protected knowingness." "Spot some owned knowingness." "Spot some inhibited knowingness." "Spot some enforced knowingness." "Spot some desired knowingness." "Spot some knowingness people could be curious about." "Spot some knowingness that has been unknown." "Spot some knowingness that is known." |
Then, you run:
"Spot some hidden mysteries." "Spot some hidden sex." "Spot some hidden eating." "Spot some hidden symbols." "Spot some hidden thinking." "Spot some hidden efforts." "Spot some hidden emotions." "Spot some hidden looking." "Spot some hidden knowing." |
Then, you do the "protected" bracket on mystery, sex, eating, symbols, thinking, efforts, emotions, looking and knowing, and then, "owned", then, "inhibited", then, "enforced", then, "desired", then, "curious". If your preclear is bright, you can go ahead and do "unknown" and "known" on these "mystery-to-know brackets".
The next thing you do is assess: a protected person, an owned person, a false person, an unwanted person, a necessary person, a desirable person, an interesting person, an unknown person, and a known person. Any of those that read, you then run through these commands, each to EP:
1st flow: | From where could a ____________ communicate to you? |
2nd flow: | From where could you communicate to a ____________? |
3rd flow: | From where could a ____________ communicate to others? |
4th flow: | If you were a ____________, from where could you communicate? |
You can do this either by assessment, or you can just run them all. If your pc is pretty bright, you might as well run them all, without assessing it, to where, at the least, they figure out, that protected people are so busy protecting that they can't get anything done. Owned people end up being owned by whatever they are owning. A false person barely even exists because he is busy faking it all the time, there are loads of them out there. A no person is someone that considers a group is what he is ; an idea is more important than himself. An unwanted person is busy achieving the maintenance of that particular condition. A necessary person can be communicated to and communicates from necessary viewpoints. A desirable person won't allow any cycles to be completed or be reached, or mutually be in any way because he has to keep the desire going. An interesting person keeps himself problem prone and full of them to where they can maintain being interesting. Unknown persons are quite powerful, generally, and have a vested interest in staying unknown. A known person is someone who is visible and recognisable out there.
So, to put the final touches on this, you run locational communication, if necessary. If they have got it pretty well figured out, that locations and origins of communications don't have any relationship with each other, you skip it. If they haven't figured that out yet, they are in very, rough shape, and if they are, you go ahead and run:
1st flow: | From where could another communicate to you? |
2nd flow: | From where could you communicate to another? |
3rd flow: | From where could another communicate to others? |
4th flow: | From where could you communicate to yourself? |
Next you run a process out of 8-8008 :
1st flow: | What wouldn't another mind you communicating with? |
2nd flow: | What wouldn't you mind another communicating with? |
3rd flow: | What wouldn't another mind others communicating with? |
4th flow: | What wouldn't you mind yourself communicating with? |
This has two possible EPs, either they become completely aware that there is an abundant amount of things to communicate with out there or they will be completely aware that other people don't really give a damn what they communicate about and everyone has unrestricted rights to communicate on any flow.
Then, you do what is known as 0 routines, and you do them properly. There is no record of anyone in the churches ever doing them properly.
You run:
"What are you willing for me to talk to you about?" and "What would you like me to tell you about that?" |
Run this on the pc, until he realises that all his answers are things that you have been talking about, and therefore, he has been creating his own inflow and restricting his own inflow by his own willingness, and willingness is an absolute and so, he has not really allowed you to talk to him except on things that he is willing to hear, so he has himself cut off from the world by being unwilling to receive communication freely, and he has not granted beingness to others to communicate. His own willingness has held him back. So, who knows what is really out there; maybe he should be willing to receive anything from the auditor. Basically, he will realise there that he controls his own inflow through his own willingness, and he has been restrictive on communication thereby.
Then, you run 2nd flow:
"What are you willing to talk to me about?" and "What would you like to tell me about that?" |
He will realise that the auditor's willingness has been effecting his particular communication, in other words, control on a comm. line sits on the effect side, and he will see it there, or he may come up with different cogs, but he had better be able to see that at the least.
You get to the 3rd flow and you see the same phenomena going on:
"What are you willing for me to talk to others about?" and "What would you like me to tell others about that?" |
He will recognise his own involvement with 3rd flow, and will back out of controlling or getting involved in restricting or defining other peoples communications.
Then, you run 4th flow:
"What are you willing to let yourself talk about?" and "What would you like to say about that?" |
They will find that they are effecting their own communication with themselves via the effect side of the comm. formula, through an absolute of willingness.
So, then, you go to the second step:
"What are you willing for another to talk to you about?" and "What would you like for him/her to tell you about that?" |
They will see the same phenomena going on, so you should check the rest of these for reads. If they don't read, don't run them.
"What are you willing to talk to another about?" and "What would you like to tell another about that?" "What are you willing for another to talk to others about?" and "What would you like him/her to tell others about that?" "What are you willing to let yourself talk about?" and "What would you like to say about that?" |
Then, you go to the third step. You pick up a hot item off a prepared list, God, Jesus, their mother, wife, etc. It is nice to pick a PTS terminal, someone that they are having hassles with and do a nice, long run on this in accordance with the Tone Scale and just ignore the FN VGIs, cog because you will bring them up and off the scale permanently, if you will pick a very real terminal to them. Let's say it is the "father" that is the terminal:
"If your father could talk to you, what would he talk about?" and "If he was talking to you about that, what would he say exactly?" |
So, they give a subject, then, they will run this versus the Tone Scale and it will clean off. So, you go to the 2nd flow:
"If you could talk to your father, what would you talk about?" and "If you were talking to your father about that, what would you say exactly?" |
You get them to talk word for word as if he was there in the room. "Well, Dad, blah, blah..."
On the 3rd flow you pick two people who have difficulty talking to each other, hopefully that you both know, you and the pc. For instance, the guy has been around the Hubbards. You use them as terminals in this process:
"If Mary Sue could talk to L. Ron Hubbard, what would she talk about?" (The answer comes up "her health" or "buying perfume at Bullocks". ) and "If Mary Sue was talking to L. Ron Hubbard about that, what would she say exactly?" (She'd say, "Oh, I'm having troubles with my middle innards" or "The price of Joy perfume has exceeded $100 an ounce now, my dear.") |
Run this process until the pc realises that it would be better if these people didn't have this difficulty, and it would be better if they were in good communication with each other.
If your 4th flow reads here, you go ahead and take it up,
"If you could talk about yourself, what would you talk about?" and "If you were talking about that what would you say exactly?" |
On the final step here, you use a canned list of things which are banned from social, everyday communication and they are not generally considered acceptable for social communication. So, you could use crude, swear type of words material, bathroom material, sexual material, the roughest stuff you can imagine; very profound things like wasting a lifetime, the coming dark ages, or endless spiritual death. It's your choice. The main thing is that you want to grind off their social machinery. Having sex with chickens, in very crude terms, using the actual four letter words will produce a slightly different EP. It depends on what is real to your preclear. Anyway, you pick it and what you run is:
1st flow: | What are you willing to have someone else tell you about _____________? (They will answer it, then, you will say) Who else could he/she say those things to? |
2nd flow: | What are you willing to tell me about _____________? and Who else could you say those things to? |
They will realise, "Hell, it's all right to talk about this. It's society's objections."
3rd flow: | What are you willing to have someone else tell others about _____________? and Who else could they say those things to? |
By now your pc is probably an expert on this subject of having sex with chickens or the coming dark ages.
4th flow: | What are you willing to let yourself say about _____________? and Who else could you say those things to? |
By then they will be proclaiming that their comm. is totally unrestricted. If it looks like the Communication Release is complete, you can end the session off and take an attestation for the grade.
If it looks like they need the havingness process, although I've never met one yet that did, you can run:
1st flow: | What solid another have you understand? |
2nd flow: | What solid could you have another understand? |
3rd flow: | What solid could others have others understand? |
4th flow: | What solid could you have yourself understand? |
I think that it is too crude a havingness level and it is completely too much a jerk to drop someone 40 tones. It is rather an insult to run something like this after they have realised that they have had themselves shut off from existence because they have been unaware that the effect side of willingness is what controls flows. That is a Tone 40 type cognition.
So, you end your session off and do your regular exam step. Have them read over the EP of Grade 0 and see if they made that; if they have attained the state of being aware of recognition, are they recognising things. The majority of the pc's will start going exterior on all those spot process, start seeing fat ladies down the street, men eating hot dogs, people having sex, etc. They will be doing more than recognising, they probably will have attained a lot of the abilities promised at the upper levels. Over 1/2 the pc's go very exterior and have a ball looking at their neighbours. But have them look over these EPs:
1st flow: | Freedom from and no longer bothered by communication difficulties. No longer withdrawn or reticent. Lost any resistance to others communicating to him on unpleasant or unwanted subjects. Loss of reactions to others communicating to others. Loss of difficulty or reaction on communicating with oneself. |
2nd flow: | Gained the ability to communicate freely with anyone on any subject, in other words, they will like to outflow and they will be willing for others to communicate to them freely on any subject. They will see the value in that and they won't restrict it anymore. |
3rd flow: | They will be willing to permit others to communicate about anything to others. |
4th flow: | They are willing to allow any type of communication from themselves. |
This is a 4-flow state of Communications Release. I have met very few real ones, but anyway, that is how you produce one. That is briefly what is covered on it.
In a sense, you have created a quasi-superhuman very quickly here because they can recognise the source of communication as not being where it is coming from in the physical universe. So, if the wife starts bitching at them, they will know whether it is their own body talking, or her mind talking, or the physical universe talking, or the boss talking. They will be able to recognise not only the source of comm., but the type of comm., what the game is going on on the comm., what the barriers and restrictions and freedoms are on the types of communications. They will have spotted the 96 levels of life, to where they can instantly recognise them and the ramifications of each of those levels. Over 1/2 the preclears that do this will be able to leave their body at will, and look around corners and see things.
Even the densest case in the world is going to figure out that they are restricting their own flows, and restricting other peoples flows, and realise that they have got themselves cut off. They start granting some willingness and some beingness out to where they can flow in, and find that it is actually enjoyable to outflow. You have pretty well brought someone up to being alive again here with Expanded Grade 0 and you have gotten their fears off, their gutlessness off, you have raised them upscale on the 0-A process (where you pick the main terminal in their life and spent hours with them where they started very low toned and end up extremely high toned), not only on that person, but also on people in general. So, you have accomplished quite a bit of change here. You now have someone that you can, in a sense, process. You never had that before because the guy was never really willing to talk or listen or allow others to talk or chat with him. It is a very healthy state and it is a very nice thing to do for someone and it is eternally permanent. There is no way that they are ever going to back down from achieving or using those truths.
They can recognise what is happening thereafter and instead of attacking the secretary, they will know that the comm. is from the boss. This may sound a little mystical or esoteric, but it is a lot better to live life on a truthful, recognisable basis than it is to walk around with false, mechanical ideas. Just because a ball rolls from a corner of the room towards you, it doesn't mean that the corner moved it towards you. It could be the man sitting across from you, it could be someone down the street, and one could just look, recognise, and see what is there. That is what these processes are about, and that is what you have done for a person. These are the minimum things that occur on Grade 0. You accomplish those minimum of things. They will have hundreds of other cognition's running these. They will discover that there is a world out there, that is structured, that operates with laws and they have kept themselves away from it. They will go back into communication with it, and they find that to be pleasurable.
Now that you have someone that can talk to you, it is an appropriate time to address the next two areas of Grade I and Grade II, which address the only two hot beds of a permanent reactive mind.
Before we start with the Grade I processes, there is some background information you and your pc should know. Actually, it can be cleared with the pc prior to doing any auditing at all. It is covered on pages 80 - 81 of Dianetics Today , a book which is a summary of some other bulletins. Those 2 pages are the most profound truth that Hubbard published:
"Unless the time track is made available it cannot be as-ised by the preclear and so remains aberrative. The
time track is actual in that it is made of matter, energy, space, and time as well as thought. Those who cannot
confront matter, energy, space and time think it is composed only of thought. A grouper can make a pc fat, and
a bouncer thin if the pc is chronically stuck in them or if the track is grouped and made unavailable through bad
auditing. (This is why you run combination drugs.) "Through a great deal of study, the following surmises can be made about the time track, the physical universe and the p.c." "The tendency of the physical universe is condensation and solidification. At least this is the effect produced on the individual. Continued dwelling in it without rehabilitation causes the person to become less reaching (smaller) and more solid. He may become convinced he cannot duplicate matter, energy, space or time or certain intentions and so succumbs to the influence of this universe. This influence in itself would be negligible unless recorded by the individual, stored and made reactive upon him as a time track and then maliciously used to trap the person." "Researches I have done in the field of aesthetics tend to indicate that rhythm is the source of present time. The being is carried along both by his own desire to have, do or be and by having been overwhelmed in the distant past by a continuous minute rhythm. This is a possible explanation of a being's continuous presence in present time. Present time, then, can be defined as a response to the continuous rhythm of the physical universe, resulting in a hereness in nowness. (That particular rhythm he is speaking about changes in frequency, amplitude and velocity on a changing, yet reoccurring harmonic, in all three.) "In response to this rhythm, and with his convictions of the need of recording, the individual began to respond to the physical universe in his creations and eventually obsessively created (by means of restimulatable involuntary intentions) the passing moments of the physical universe. But only when he began to consider these pictures important could they be used to aberrate him." "These are only partly permanently created. Other moments of the past become re-created only when the person's attention is directed to them, on which these parts spontaneously appear, the being not voluntarily creating them. (In other words, a display bank, like you have a CRT, cathode ray tube, display, like a TV set, you push a button and it will display data.) "This forms the time track. Some parts of it, then, are permanently in a state of creation (in other words, as a permanent reactive mind that isn't a display bank) and the majority of it becoming created when the person's attention is directed to them." "The permanently created portions are those times of overwhelm and indecision which almost entirely submerged the being's own will and awareness." |
So, from these paragraphs we see that the minority of the reactive mind is permanently created and that the majority is display. We are not interested in auditing display. We are interested in auditing the permanently created parts and the permanently created portions are those times of overwhelm and indecision which almost entirely submerged the being's own will and awareness.
"Such parts are found in implants and great stresses. These parts are in permanent restimulation." "The mechanism of permanent restimulation consists of opposing forces of comparable magnitude which cause a balance which does not respond to current time and remains timeless." "Such phenomena are the overt act-motivator sequence, the problem (postulate/counter-postulate), tend to hold certain portions of the time track in -permanent creation and cause them to continue to exist in - present time as unresolved masses, energies, spaces, times and significances." "The intention of the physical universe (and those who have become degraded enough to further only its ends) is to make a being solid, immobile and decisionless." "The fight of the being is to remain unsolid, mobile or immobile at will, and capable of decision. "This in itself is the principal unresolved problem and in itself creates timeless mass which accomplishes the basic purpose of a trap." |
The reason that I have gone over this at this time, and you should go over it with your pc before you do any auditing, is know what you are auditing, where it is audited, and how it works. So, you are working with a guy's track, you are working with the permanent parts of the track, and indecision. Indecision is an ingredient of a problem, and two things exactly opposed, which is the definition of a problem. Whether it is emotion/counter-emotion, effort/counter-effort, intention/counter intention, idea/counter-idea, or thought/counter-thought, "two things exactly opposed" is the definition of a problem. So, you are hitting a real hot level with Grade I and Grade II because you are hitting permanent restimulation on a being.
At the upper levels, I had mentioned under Grade IV, you are scouting around this GPM area, that is where you have goals, problems and masses that are opposed to each other and float timeless, too. So, the overt act-motivator sequence, your problems, your goals-problem-mass, these are the things which really ruin and overwhelm a being, and are in permanent restimulation. They are the real mass and trap on a case. You have to get someone up to where they could talk about everything, and think about anything, by doing Grade 0 before you could take on the guy's problems.
On Grade I, and the first third of it is objective processes, the second third is processes on the subject of "help" (which supposedly is not in the bank, but a preclear has all kinds of stuff locked onto it), and your last third of the grade is on problems and solutions. In the last third, you are going to clean off every problem that he is aware of, and by continuing the grade, clean up all the problems, that he has, that he is not aware of.
It is an irony that in about 500 pages, at about 200 words per page, you end up with 120,000 words of information that is useful and applicable. Over 1/2 that has to be modified and rewritten. As far as published and copyrighted mouthings, wordings, and writings of L. Ron Hubbard, there are 25 million words. Less than 1/2 of 1% is valuable to people, of what was published by Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard. 1/2 of it involves fundamental, basic truths and 1/2 of those need to be clarified and altered. So, about 1/4 of 1% of the writings of L. Ron Hubbard are worthy of relay as written and the other 1/4 of 1 % is severely wrong and needs to be adjusted. 99% of the published materials of Scientology and Dianetics are either of no value or are incorrect. They are interesting gab, interesting reading, or interesting chat, if you are lonely or want to study another individual. So, if you are just into reading for pleasure, or entertainment (as a novel), the 99% is such. If you would approach the 99% as a novel, or entertainment, it is probably all right to read the stuff and I would suggest it. It can be great fun, but it is not useful information and it detracts significantly and completely wipes out and blurs this 1% core of information, that is of value, 1/2 of which is incorrect.
In that this 1/2 of 1% of published data in Scientology involves universal truths and common sense, I'm simply extracting and showing the reader what is there.
It was no small task to test all the information, and find this of 1% of the writings that was worth relaying, was worth application, and was worth use, by ones fellow men, but it was certainly worth the work. The task was actually very easy due to my education in philosophical, religious and technical areas, and my recall of such. The irony is you will find the 1/2 of 1% ratio of truth throughout human society, other writings (such as the Bible) and in contentional education. It is the truth to chat ratio one encounters in the human range.
Hubbard makes it very clear that he produced 25 million words of talk on philosophy. He also makes it very clear that it is imperative that the person knows and understands it all, which is a completely impossible task. He can't accomplish that, and he demands that other people accomplish that. So, his game is essentially demanding other people to do something that he can't do. That seems to be his particular pattern, throughout his lifetime and it probably serves some self esteem gratification out of his own reactive mind. Be that as it may, I'd like to continue here with Grade I.
The first thing you take up are the objective processes. The first one is out of what is called the CCHs which are some objective processes to increase a person's control, communication, and havingness. They grind off some social machinery, some mental machinery, and bring a person up to present time and in communication with the environment again.
The first one is CCH 1, where you sit across from the pc, (objective processing is Tone 40 auditing) and the command is: "Give me that hand." They hand you the hand and you take it. It is normally their right hand, you are taking it with your right hand. After they have given it to you, you acknowledge, then, you take your left hand and remove it and put it back in their lap. You run this until there is no communication lag and they are no longer ridging on the subject of control anymore. The real reason you are doing it is, if they can be coaxed into allowing you to control them, then they will generally cognite that they can control themselves more. Any physical origination, like if they twitch, cough, or grin, you handle as a TR 4 origination and you ask them "What happened?". They say, "Oh, I just realised that X, Y, Z" and you say "Okay" and then, continue with the process.
CCH 2 is entitled Tone 40 8C. The four commands are:
"Look at that wall." "Walk over to that wall." "Touch that wall." "Turn around." |
Of course, each time that they execute the command, you thank them. So, you, the auditor, are on the right side of the pc, pointing at the wall, walking over with them, having them touch it, telling them to turn around (and you turn around with them) and acknowledging them Make sure your commands get executed. This will grind off all kinds of machinery that they have, it will bring them into present time, and they will actually run up the emotional Tone Scale on this. They will get sad about it, griefy about it. At first, they won't care at all, you'll have some of that machinery come off, then they will get covertly hostile, then they will get angry, then antagonistic, then bored with it, then conservative about it, and finally they will end up enthusiastic and the comm. lag will be gone. It will be very obvious to you that they are as much there (in the room) as you, and so you end off.
The third CCH is called Hand Space Mimicry. You sit across from each other in chairs, with nothing in between you. You tell them to "Put your hands against mine, follow them, and contribute to their motion." So, then you make a hand motion. Then, you ask them, "Did you contribute to the motion?". You start with simple motions, then get them more complex as you go. This increases a person's ability to duplicate, in other words, their havingness.
The second CCH increased their ability to communicate. The first one increases their ability to control. So, after CCH 3 flattens, then you can increase the space to where they hands are 3 inches apart and they are moving their hands along with yours. You can increase it up to a foot, 60 feet, 5,000 miles, that is up to your as an auditor. I would recommend simply doing it to a good EP with the hands touching each other, and then a good EP one foot apart, and then 3 feet apart.
The fourth CCH is Book Space Mimicry. This is where you pick up a book and move it through space and then, hand the pc the book and have them do as best they can in repeating the action that you did, in other words, moving the book through the space at the same speed, the same number of turns, and the same angles. So, you can go from simple to complex here and you will see what their IQ is very quickly by how much they can remember and duplicate. This will run off any confusions they have on mirrors and viewpoints because basically you want them to come up to realising that they are duplicating your point of view and the physical universe's point of view. Which ever one that they want to take as a particular duplicate is all right. At least they will see the difference because those are two different things. Run this to an EP.
Then, you run CCH 5, Location by Contact. You have them touch room objects to an EP.
CCH 6 is Body Room Contact. You have them touch a particular body part and then, touch a room object over and over, alternately to EP.
CCH 7 is similar to CCH 6 and there is no point in doing the same process twice.
Thus, the next one you take up is CCH 8, known as Terrible Trio. You have them look around the room and tell you what they could have, repetitively to an EP. Then, you have them look around the room and tell you what they would permit to remain to an EP. Then, you have them look around the room and tell you what they could dispense with to EP. These work off the fundamentals of creation and existence of have, permitting to remain, and dispense with.
Then, CCH 9 is run. You have them "Look at that object", indicating a room object, then, "Walk over to that object", (acknowledging them each time, on each communication cycle), then, you have them "Touch that object", then, you have them "Keep it from going away". You should ask after they have done the last, "Did you keep it from going away?", and they will confirm that they did. You do this to an EP.
Then you run the same process except you have them "Hold it still".
The commands are:
"Look at that object." "Walk over to that object." "Touch that object." "Hold it still." "Did you hold it still?" |
Take this to an EP.
Then, you run locational processing: "Notice that object" and you point them out, but don't point in the pc's direction, and you acknowledge each time and run that to an EP. (You don't run locational body in room next because it is too much like CCH 6.)
The one you run is. "Objective Show Me". You let the pc figure out showing you things. The way you do this is you run "Show me that wall", in other words, you pick an object and then, you thank them. So you pick out something and say: "Show me that ___________" and have them show you it. They will realise here that they haven't been showing people things, that showing people things is controlling another's attention. They will notice that generally they can overdo it, that it is a non- verbal activity, and if they don't understand this they are going to have lots of problems in life. You see they want other people to understand things, but other people aren't going to understand things, unless they are shown them, in other words, have their attention held on them. After they have figured all that out then you can leave it.
The next process has a whole lot of names, it is call Opening Procedure By Duplication, or Book and Bottle. Basically, you put a book on a table (at one end of the room) and a bottle on a table (at the other end of the room). The commands are:
"Look at that bottle." "Walk over to it." (You acknowledge them each time.) "-Pick it up." "What is its colour?" "What is its temperature?" "What is its weight?" "Put it down in exactly the same place." |
Then, you say,
"Look at that book." "Walk over to it." "Pick it up." "What is its colour?" "What is its temperature?" "What is its weight?" "Put it down in exactly the same place." |
You run this until a person either exteriorizes or you have an EP (or both) to where it is complete.
The next thing you process is Start-Change-Stop. You say, "I want you get your body moving down the room and when I tell you to stand still I want you to make the body stand still. Do you understand?" They will say, "Yes". So, you get them walking, then say, "Stand still" and they do, so thank them. Then, you say, "Did you make the body stand still?" and they will answer that they did and you thank then. You run this to an EP.
Next, you do the same type of process on starting. You say, "I'm going to tell you to start, when I tell you to start, start the body moving in that direction. Do you understand?". They say, "Yes", so you say, "Start" and they do and you tell them "Good", "Did you start the body?" and they say, "Yes".
Next, you do the same thing on stopping the body. You say, "I'm going to tell you to get the body moving in that direction and somewhere along the line, I'm going to tell you to stop, then you stop the body, Do you understand?" They say, "Yes", "Good". So, you tell them, "Get the body moving", they start walking it around, then you say, "Stop", they do, you acknowledge it, then, you say, "Did you stop the body?" and they say, "Yes", and you say, "Thank you". This basically takes care of start, stop and standing still.
The next thing you process is change. So, you indicate a few spots in the room, identify them as A, B, C and D. You simply tell them to move from one point to another point. Move from point A to point B, move from point B to point C, move from point C to point A to where they will get a cog on change.
The next thing that you process is goals. You ask them, "What are you absolutely sure will happen in the next ten minutes?" The worst case that you will ever encounter is the one that is not sure of anything, you may have to wait out all ten minutes to where they are sure. That is pretty rare. So, you run that until they are certain, then you expand the time to one hour or a week or ten months or two years, until they realise that their certainties are caused by them making goals and they are actually mocking up what they are certain about.
Then, you run, "Tell me something you would like to do in the next 10 minutes." They will realise that they have goals in that area and they will have certainty. Then, you expand the time out to a week, or two years, or ten years.
Next, you run Opening Procedure 8C. Basically, what you want to do here is increase a person's perception to where it is uniform So, you select objects in the room and direct their attention to them. So, you'd say, "Do you see that object?", they say, "Yes", you acknowledge, then, you say, "Go over to it and put your hand on it.", you acknowledge, then you point out another object and have them walk over to it and put their hand on it. So, you do that until they get an EP, FN, VGIs, cog.
Then, you start pointing out little tiny marks or points in the room. You say, "Do you see that black mark on the left that table?", they say, "Yes", "All right, go over and put your finger on it".. They will do it, you acknowledge, then, you say, "Now take your finger off." You do this until a pc has uniform perception of any and all objects in the room, they don't see big things differently from small things.
The next thing you do is actually use a spot and you turn some volition over to the pc here. You say, "Find a spot in this room." They will, you acknowledge them, then, you tell them to "Go over and put your finger on it." They do and you acknowledge it, then, you tell them, "Let go of it." and they do. You do this until they are freely selecting spots in the room.
Now, you turn time over to them on the next process. You say, "Find a spot in the room.", acknowledge them, "Make up your mind when you are going to touch it and then touch it." They do and you acknowledge it. Then, "Make up your mind when you are going to let go of it and let go." So, you run that repetitively to an EP to where there is no comm. lag and the pc is certain that he is seeing, selecting and touching the spots.
Of course, you come back and verify all these on the E-meter, make sure the pc's needle is floating on each one after each process. So, that completes all the objective processes of Grade I.
The next thing you do are the Help processes. The first thing you do here is 2WC (two-way comm.) the subject on four flows:
1st flow: | Tell me about another helping you. |
2nd flow: | Tell me about you helping another. |
3rd flow: | Tell me about another helping others. |
4th flow: | Tell me about you helping yourself. Each of these to EP. |
The next process you run, four flows to EP is:
1st flow: | Tell me about a problem that another's help has been to you. |
2nd flow: | Tell me a problem that your help has been to another. |
3rd flow: | Tell me a problem another's help has been to others. |
4th flow: | Tell me a problem that helping yourself has been to you. |
This is to clear that collapse; it basically pops the subject of problems off from help to where they realise that on real help, there is never any real problem at all, but that help has been given a bad name. They will come with cogs like this at a minimum.
The next process you run, alternately to EP, four flows, is:
1st flow: | How could another prevent your help? and How could another fail to help you? |
2nd flow: | How could you prevent another's help? and How could you fail to help another? |
3rd flow: | How could another prevent others help? and How could others fail to help another? |
4th flow: | How could you prevent help for yourself? and How could you fail to help yourself? |
The next process, run also alternately, four flow, to EP, is:
1st flow: | Who has intended not help you? and Who has helped you? |
2nd flow: | Who have you intended not to help? and Who have you helped? |
3rd flow: | Who has intended not to help others? and Who has helped others? |
4th flow: | How have you intended not to help yourself? and How have you helped yourself? |
Now take general terminals out of the folder that are connected with the pc's past, in other words, if they have women troubles throughout the folder, you would use women, boss troubles use bosses. In other words, get a general terminal, if you can. You can use a specific, but it is a little less productive The commands are:
1st flow: | How could a ___________ fail to help you? |
2nd flow: | How could you fail to help a ___________? |
3rd flow: | How could a ___________ fail to help others? |
4th flow: | How could you fail to help yourself regarding a ___________? |
This will normally clean the subject up for them.
You have four processes to run next which will key-out overts away from the subject of help. They will figure a lot out on them. They are very crucial processes. You are going to run these four processes on three types of people and on a confusion. The commands sound kind of wild, but these cover elements of life that are out there. If the pc understands these, their life will run much smoother, and if they don't understand these, then they are quite the effect of the environment. The commands, run alternately, four flows, to EP, are:
1st flow: | Think of a ___________ helping you. and Think of a ___________ not helping you. |
2nd flow: | Think of helping a ___________. and Think of not helping a ___________. |
3rd flow: | Think of a ___________ helping others. and Think of a ___________ not helping others. |
4th flow: | Think of you as a ___________ helping yourself. and Think of you as a ___________ not helping yourself. |
First, run all four flows putting the word "confusion" into the blanks, then, "unconscious person", then, "responsible person", then, "creative person".
At the very least, they should understand that confusions have been given a bad name (and they can be helpful to a Person), that unconscious people are responsive to help, that responsible people have their own peculiarities, and creative people have their own eccentricities.
The next process is also run alternately, four flows, to EP:
1st flow: | Tell me some help another has given you. and Tell me some help another has not given you. |
2nd flow: | Tell me some help you have given another. and Tell me some help you have not given another. |
3rd flow: | Tell me some help another has given others. and Tell me some help another has not given others. |
4th flow: | Tell me some help you have given yourself. and Tell me some help you have not given yourself. |
The next process you run is a 6 way bracket on help and you run these alternately to EP, in other words, you do commands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, until it cleans up. The 6 commands are:
1 | How could you help me? |
2. | How could I help you? |
3. | How could you help another? |
4. | How could another help you? |
5. | How could another help others? |
6. | How could you help yourself? |
On the next process, you do a 2WC with the pc on each of the 10 dynamics listed in Scientology or you can use more dynamics listed elsewhere in this book, but the 10 normally suffice. You tell them why you are doing the 2WC, you just basically want to find out which dynamic, on which helping is the least real to the pc, and then run help on that.
If they give the 8th dynamic, you have some word clearing to do, basically the axiom that "Time states the untruth of consecutive consideration". Go over the Factors, and a number of other Axioms like "Life is a game where theta the solver who is so1ving problems of theta as MEST". So, after they have been word cleared into the realisation that there is such a thing as an 8th dynamic, then you can run the process.
1st flow: | How could a ______________ help you? |
2nd flow: | How could you help a ______________? |
3rd flow: | How could ______________ help others? |
4th flow: | If you were a ______________, how could you help yourself? |
I should add at this particular point, word clearing theta and thetan is useful in that area and that Scientology, I suppose, is legally recorded as a religion and technology that works with the lower 7 dynamics Since there are 16 of these dynamic urges around, these upper 9 are very fertile processing areas and many times your pc is not aware of them, much less of help coming from them.
The next process, run alternately, four flows, to EP, is:
The next process is a "Who" question so it can act like a list. You had better watch out and handle the list phenomena in running it. The commands are run each repetitively to EP.
1st flow: | Who has failed to control you? |
2nd flow: | Who have you failed to control? |
3rd flow: | Who have others failed to control? |
4th flow: | How have you failed to control yourself? |
Watch out and handle the list phenomena on the next one, also.
1st flow: | What has failed to control you? |
2nd flow: | What have you failed to control? |
3rd flow: | What have others failed to control? |
4th flow: | What have you failed to control in yourself? |
The next process you run is "Invent Problems Processes". You basically pick out the pc's main worry or problem that they have. There is no scarcity of these, as far as what is available on people (such as selling their product, self-pity, inactivity, having a case, making money, performing, pastimes, driving other people up the wall, getting good deals or becoming instead of being). So, after you run off their main worry and concern with these four processes, you should run "becoming instead of being", because it is a pretty widespread problem. So, you put the problem in the blank and the four commands, run to EP, are:
1st flow: | Invent a problem you could have with another for which ________ is the answer. |
2nd flow: | Invent a problem another could have with you for which ________ is the answer. |
3rd flow: | Invent a problem another could have with others for which ________ is the answer. |
4th flow: | Invent a problem you could have with yourself for which ________ is the answer. |
They will realise that these things are solutions, of course.
The next process you run has two commands, per flow, which are run alternately to EP:
1st flow: | Get the idea of solving a problem. and Get the idea of not solving a problem. |
2nd flow: | Get the idea of another solving a problem. and Get the idea of another not solving a problem. |
3rd flow: | Get the idea of others solving problems. and Get the idea of others not solving problems. |
4th flow: | Get the idea of solving a problem of your own. and Get the idea of not solving a problem of your own. |
Next, you pick the key charged terminal in present time for the pc, put that in the blank of the next four commands which are run repetitively to EP.
1st flow: | Invent something worse than ___________. |
2nd flow: | Invent something worse for you than ___________. |
3rd flow: | Invent something worse for others than ___________. |
4th flow: | Invent something worse for your yourself than ___________. |
Then, you run alternately to EP:
Spot where ______________ is now. and Spot where you are now. |
Then, you run the process called "Comparable Magnitude". You take a key charged terminal of a problem and put it in the blank of the commands. They will realise in running these what the underlying real problems are that are going on between them and the other individual.
1st flow: | Invent a problem that is of comparable magnitude to _____________. (Get them to explain how it could be a problem by saying) How could that be a problem to you? (Of course, you wouldn't ask that if they have already explained it to you. Then,) Can you conceive yourself figuring on that? (Of course, they will grin and say "Yes" and explain that.) |
2nd flow: | Invent a problem that is of comparable magnitude to you for ___________. How could that be a problem to ___________? Can you conceive ___________ figuring on that? |
3rd flow: | Invent a problem that is of comparable magnitude to ___________ for others. How could that be a problem to others? Can you conceive others figuring on that? |
4th flow: | Invent a problem you could have with yourself that is of comparable magnitude to ___________? How could that be a problem to you? Can you conceive yourself figuring on that? |
The next process is run repetitively to EP:
1st flow: | Tell me a problem you could confront. |
2nd flow: | Tell me a problem another could confront. |
3rd flow: | Tell me a problem others could confront. |
4th flow: | Tell me a problem about yourself you could confront. |
You should really clear the words in the next command. Clear the word "part" as being an element of a whole. If your pc says all of the problem or none of the problem, it is not an answer to the question. You run each flow to EP.
1st flow: | Tell me a problem with another. What part of that problem have you been responsible for? |
2nd flow: | Tell me a problem of another with you. What part of that problem has another been responsible for? |
3rd flow: | Tell me a problem of another with others. What part of that problem has another been responsible for? |
4th flow: | Tell me a problem you have had with yourself. What part of that problem have you been responsible for? |
I would trust that your pc would come up to realising, if they're using a cause definition of responsibility, whoever has the problem is the person who caused it, or, if they are using responsibility defined as care for, correction, and harmony, they will find that wherever they have a problem, they have to have responsibility.
Then, you run the following commands repetitively to EP.
1st flow: | Tell me two things you can confront. |
2nd flow: | Tell me two things another can confront. |
3rd flow: | Tell me two things others can confront. |
4th flow: | Tell me two things about yourself you can confront. |
You run this to where they are up to looking at two things. Then, you run, each to EP:
1st flow: | Tell me a problem another might have been responsible for. |
2nd flow: | Tell me a problem you may have been responsible for. |
3rd flow: | Tell me a problem others might have been responsible for. |
4th flow: | Tell me a problem about yourself you may have been responsible for. |
Then, you run, alternately to EP:
Then, you run a process on solutions, each flow repetitively to EP:
1st flow: | Tell me a solution you could make stick. |
2nd flow: | Tell me a solution another could make stick. |
3rd flow: | Tell me a solution others could make stick. |
4th flow: | Tell me a solution about yourself you could make stick. |
With the next process you want to dissuade the pc from coming up short on problems. They are not going to give you their real ones or be willing to let go of their problems unless they are completely convinced and certain that they can make as many problems as they want at will. You do this by using a room object to where they start inventing problems and they are having a good time at it.
The next thing you do is a Problems Intensive on the pc. You do a list, it is not listing and nulling, it is just an assessment. You ask the preclear:
What self determined changes have you made this lifetime? |
Clear the command and have them list them out. This sounds like it is similar to Life Repair, but it is actually quite different, So, they will list them out. After that is done, you take the biggest reading change and ask when it was, get a year, month and date. You explain to the pc that prior to making this self determined change, there is always a prior confusion. It occurs within 14 to 30 days prior to the change. Then, you ask what the date was of the prior confusion and get that year, month and date. Then, you move 30 days prior to that and write that date down on the self determined changes list.
Then, you PrepCheck the period from then to now and the way you do that is you say:
Since (date) has anything been (button) ? |
For instance, say the largest self-determined change was -to live on ones own and the date was March 10th, 1963. So, you go and ask when the prior confusion was and they say, February 24th, 1963. So, your PrepCheck question would like this:
Since January 24, 1963 has anything been suppressed? |
You do a normal PrepCheck and clean that area. Then, you work by descending order of read and clean up all the changes on the self determined change list and that is a Problems Intensive on this lifetime.
After that is done, you run the final processes for the level. What you do is:
1st flow: | Tell me a problem you have had with another. and Tell me some solutions you have had for that problem. |
They will list a problem. Then, you run the second command over and over to bleed all the charge off the first answer. So, it would run like this. You'd ask the first command. They would say, "Can't get along with my boss." You'd say, "Good. Tell me some solutions you have had for that problem." They'd say. "Smoking cigarettes." You'd say, "Good. Tell me some solutions you have had for that problem." They'd say, "Yelling at the wife." You'd say, "Good. Tell me some solutions you have had for that problem." They'd say, "having a beer at the end of the day." and so forth, until you bleed all the solutions off that answer. So, you run each flow to EP.
2nd flow: | Tell me a problem another has had with you. and Tell me some solutions another has had for that problem. |
3rd flow: | Tell me a problem another has had with others. and Tell me some solutions they have had for that problem. |
4th flow: | Tell me a problem you have caused yourself. and Tell me some solutions you have had for that problem. |
This should complete the Problems Grade. So, you would end off the session. I really wouldn't recommend running the havingness level. Verify the EP of the grade that they have no problems, they are no longer worried about problems that they have been to others, that they have lost the inability to have others having problems with others (it's perfectly all right), and they don't have any problems with themselves. In addition, they have come up to the ability to recognise the source of problems and make them vanish, feel free about any problems others have with them and can recognise the source of the problems, feel free about others problems with or about others and can recognise the source of those, and can recognise their own problems with themselves. Finally, that they have come up to the awareness level of communication and perception. That is the state of a Problems Release.
The next thing you take up is Grade II. The first set of processes have three commands per flow, each run to EP:
1st flow: | Give me some things which would be all right for you to look at. Give me some emotions which would be all right for you to look at. Give me some efforts that would be all right for you to look at. |
2nd flow: | Give me some things that would be allright for another to look at. Give me some emotions it would be all right for another to look at. Give me some efforts it would be all right for another to look at. |
3rd flow: | Give me some things which it would be allright for others to look at. Give me some emotions it would be all right for others to look at. Give me some efforts it would be all right for others to look at. |
4th flow: | Give me some things about yourself it would be all right for you to look at. Give me some emotions of yours it would be all right for you to look at. Give me some efforts of yours it would be all right for you to look at. |
Hopefully, on all these, the preclear will realise that they are not a viewpoint, that they have these various viewpoints, and that they have been busy occupying these viewpoints.
On the next set, again you have three commands per flow, each run to EP separately:
1st flow: | Tell me someone it would be all right to have like you. Tell me someone it would be all right to have agree with you. Tell me someone it would be all right to have communicate with you. |
2nd flow: | Tell me someone it would be all right for you to like. Tell me someone it would be all right for you to agree with. Tell me someone it would be all right for you to communicate with. |
3rd flow: | Tell me someone it would be all right for others to have like them. Tell me someone it would be all right for others to agree with them. Tell me someone it would be all right for others to communicate with them. |
4th flow: | Tell me something it would be all right for you to like about yourself. Tell me something it would be allright for you to agree with about yourself. Tell me something it would be allright for you to communicate about yourself. |
On the next processes, there are two alternate commands per flow, each set run, alternately to EP:
1st flow: | Get the idea of people making you friendly. and Get the idea of people making you unfriendly. |
2nd flow: | Get the idea of you making people friendly. and Get the idea of you making people unfriendly. |
3rd flow: | Get the idea of people making other people friendly. and Get the idea of people making other people unfriendly. |
4th flow: | Get the idea of making yourself friendly. and Get the idea of making yourself unfriendly. |
On the next process, you 2WC (two-way comm.) the dynamics with the pc and coming down through them you get a terminal which would represent each of the dynamics. You pick the dynamic where the terminal doesn't quite fit, like if they have Marilyn Monroe as a terminal representing the 7th dynamic, then, you run Marilyn Monroe in the next process. There are two commands, run alternately to EP, per flow:
1st flow: | Tell me a part of _________ that another could confront. and Tell me a part of _________ that another would rather not confront. |
2nd flow: | Tell me a part of _________ that you could confront. and Tell me a part of _________ that you would rather not confront. |
3rd flow: | Tell me a part of _________ that others could confront. and Tell me a part of _________ that others would rather not confront. |
4th flow: | Tell me something you could confront about yourself regarding _________. and Tell me something you would rather not confront about yourself regarding _________. |
The next process has ten commands that are run 1 through 10 on a repetitive basis to one large EP:
1. | Tell me something you could confront. |
2. | Tell me something you would permit another to reveal. |
3. | Tell me something another might confront. |
4. | Tell me something another might permit you to reveal. |
5. | Tell me something you would rather not confront. |
6. | Tell me something you would rather not have another reveal. |
7. | Tell me something another might hate to confront. |
8. | Tell me something another might object to your revealing. |
9. | Tell me something that should be confronted. |
10. | Tell me something that no one should ever have to confront. |
The next process has two alternate commands per flow:
1st flow: | Tell me something another could continue to confront about you. and Tell me something you would rather not continue to confront about you. |
2nd flow: | Tell me something you could continue to confront about another. and Tell me something you would rather not continue to confront about another. |
3rd flow: | Tell me something another could continue to confront about others. and Tell me something another would rather not continue to confront about others. |
4th flow: | Tell me something you could continue to confront about yourself. and Tell me something you would rather not continue to confront about yourself. |
The next process has 9 commands, It is run 1 through 9, repetitively to one large EP. The nine commands are:
1. | Tell me something you wouldn't mind knowing. |
2. | Tell me something you wouldn't mind looking at. |
3. | Tell me an emotion you wouldn't mind observing. |
4. | Tell me an effort you wouldn't mind looking at. |
5. | Tell me some thinking you wouldn't mind observing. |
6. | Tell me some symbols you wouldn't mind seeing. |
7. | Tell me some eating you wouldn't mind looking at. |
8. | Tell me some sex you wouldn't mind looking at. |
9. | Tell me a mystery you wouldn't mind perceiving. |
(Before doing Grade II, the pc should go over a bulletin entitled "O/W, a Limited Theory". I will be going over this later.)
The next process is the worry process. There are three commands per flow which are run alternately, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 to an EP. You have to clear the first command pretty well for this to run correctly. They will realise that people place worries in things and then someone else comes along and looks at the thing and the worry transfers over.
1st flow: | Get the idea of another worrying something. Get the idea of another not worrying something. Get the idea of something being worrisome to another. |
2nd flow: | Get the idea of worrying something. Get the idea of not worrying something. Get the idea of something being worrisome to you. |
3rd flow: | Get the idea of others worrying something. Get the idea of others not worrying something. Get the idea of something being worrisome to others. |
4th flow: | (Pick a subject for the blanks which is appropriate for the pc. If you can't pick something, use "people".) Get the idea of worrying yourself about ___________. Get the idea of not worrying yourself about ___________. Get the idea of you being worrisome to yourself about ___________. |
The next process has two commands per flow, run alternately to EP,
1st flow: | Get the idea of another attacking you. and Get the idea of another not attacking you. |
2nd flow: | Get the idea of attacking another. and Get the idea of not attacking another. |
3rd flow: | Get the idea of another attacking others. and Get the idea of another not attacking others. |
4th flow: | Get the idea of attacking yourself. and Get the idea of not attacking yourself. |
The next process is "Criticism Straightwire". There are two commands per flow, run alternately to EP:
1st flow: | Recall another being critical of you. and Recall another withholding criticism of you. |
2nd flow: | Recall you being critical of another. and Recall you withholding criticism of another. |
3rd flow: | Recall another being critical of others. and Recall another withholding criticism of others. |
4th flow: | Recall you being critical of yourself. and Recall you withholding criticism of yourself.. |
Your pc should realise that it is better to let criticism flow than to withhold it. At the very least they should figure that out.
The next process has two commands per flow, run alternately to EP. This process is so critical disregard the L & N EP.
1st flow: | What wouldn't you want another to present to you? and What has another presented to you? |
2nd flow: | What wouldn't another want you to present? and What have you presented to another? |
3rd flow: | What wouldn't others want another to present? and What has another presented to others? |
4th flow: | What wouldn't you want to present to yourself? and What have you presented yourself with? |
They should realise that what they are not wanting is caused by what they are stuck in from a past incident. In other words, the emotions are the result of past material.
Next you run a single flow process repetitively to EP.
"Recall a secret." |
Next you take the valences off the pc that are stuck on them by their overt acts and withholds on particular types of people. The first thing you do is call off a list of the most prominent valences that are on people on planet Earth at this time. Then, you run the largest reading ones down to the smallest reading ones. The list is called once, all the way through, marking the reads as you go.
Critical | Suffering | Italian |
Sophisticated | Submissive | Jew (or a Jewish |
Not Caring | Defensive | person) |
Desirous | Military | Criminal |
Shallow | Lazy | Deceitful |
Losing | Social | Gypsy |
Masturbating | Calculating | Hippie |
Cheap | Childish | Witch |
Cruel | Social-Climber | Dignified |
Selfish | Dependent | Prostitute |
Embittered | Evasive | Posh |
Queen | Political | Disastrous |
Recluse | Dishonest | German |
Intellectual | Crooked | Disassociated |
Opinionated | Untrustworthy | Bad |
Independent | Greedy | Survivor |
Fearful | Pompous | Haunting |
Cheerful | Aristocratic | Assistant |
Perverse | Sneering | Mechanical |
Indecisive | Beggar | Silver |
Wife | Slovenly | Innocent |
Truthful | Personage | Withdrawn |
Active | Iron | Piece |
Respectful | Onerous | Human |
Sensational | Vengeful | Golden |
Playboy | Sleepy | Black |
Groupie | Confused | Honest |
Destroyer | Papa | Serene |
Sage | Queen Bee | Diligent |
Killer | Professor | Trapping |
Straw-Boss | Leader | Momma |
Roman | Joker | Plastic |
French | Slave | Vamp |
Spaceman | Coward | Saviour |
Delicate | Creek | Teaser |
Medieval | Russian | Regal |
Genius | Doll | Western |
Mechanically-Conscious | Soldier | British |
Certain | Lawyer | Oriental |
Follower | Attaboy | Ghost |
An Individual Person | Dreamer | Christian |
An Ethical Person | Right | Savage |
A Beautiful Person | A Not-Being Person | Idealist |
An All-Knowing Person | An Aware Person | Hopeful |
A Humanistic Person | A Decent Person | Backward |
A self-centred Person | A Spiritual Person | Co-Existent Person |
Ruler | A Social Person | A Truthful Person |
Weak | A Hysterical Person | A Sincere Person |
Victimised | An Elated Person | A Natural Person |
Hierarchical | Good | A Loving Person |
Animal | Strong | A Jewel Person |
You want to get their valences off to where you can find out what they have actually done, so you take them off here. What the valences have done must be removed by these processes to where what they have it accessible.
So, the process you run with the reading valences is:
1st flow: | Think of something __________ might withhold from you. |
2nd flow: | Think of something you might withhold from __________. |
3rd flow: | Think of something __________ might withhold from others. |
4th flow: | Think of something you might withhold from yourself because of __________. |
The next process you run four commands per flow, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, to EP. Disregard any L & N phenomena on these.
1st flow: |
2nd flow: |
3rd flow: |
4th flow: |
On the next process you do a fresh discussion of each of the dynamics if you are not yet aware of the dynamics that the pc is hung up on. Run the largest reading ones first, the others by descending order of read, through the following four processes, which have two commands per flow that are run alternately to EP. You can take either a terminal which represents the dynamic or the dynamic itself. Hubbard prefers to use a terminal, I prefer to use the dynamic itself.
1st flow: | Think of something __________ has done to you. and Think of something __________ has withheld from you. |
2nd flow: | Think of something you have done to __________. and Think of something you have withheld from __________. |
3rd flow: | Think of something __________ has done to others. and Think of something __________ has withheld from others. |
4th flow: | Think of something you have done to yourself because of __________. and Think of something you have withheld from yourself because of __________. |
On the next process you run two commands alternately to EP.
Recall something that you thought was unimportant. and Recall something someone else thought was unimportant. |
The next process is also run two commands alternatively to EP.
Recall a time when you thought something bad was unimportant. and Recall a time when someone else thought something bad was unimportant. |
Then, to top it, off you run a single flow process to EP of:
Find something unimportant about this room. |
Hopefully, they will realise that everything is important and unimportantanceness is simply not-is-ness.
On the next process, you run each command repetitively to EP:
1st flow: | Tell me some things you think another should not have done to you. |
2nd flow: | Tell me some things you think you should not have done to another. |
3rd flow: | Tell me some things another thinks they should not have to others. |
4th flow: | Tell me some things you think you should not have done to yourself. |
The next one is also run each commands repetitively to EP,
1st flow: | Tell me what another has done to you that got him/her into trouble. |
2nd flow: | Tell me what you've done to another that got you into trouble. |
3rd flow: | Tell me what another has done to others that got them into trouble. |
4th flow: | Tell me what you have done to yourself that got you into trouble. |
Then, you have some one-liner, single flow, processes which are run each repetitively to EP:
Tell me some thing that you wouldn't do over again. Tell me some things that a person shouldn't say. Tell me some things that get a person into trouble. |
The next process is:
1st flow: | Tell me some things that another has done to you that he/she regrets. |
2nd flow: | Tell me some things that you have done to another that you regret. |
3rd flow: | Tell me some things that another has done to others that they regret. |
4th flow: | Tell me somethings that you have done to yourself that you regret. |
The next process is:
1st flow: | Tell me something that another has advised you to do. |
2nd flow: | Tell me something that you have advised another to do. |
3rd flow: | Tell me something that another has advised others to do. |
4th flow: | Tell me something you have advised yourself to do. |
On the next process, you assess: "Thetan", "Mind", "Body", and the "Physical Universe" with a real crisp TR-1. You normally get one large read. Fit whatever reads into the blank in the command. There are two commands per flow, run alternately to EP:
1st flow: | Recall something __________ has done to you. and Recall something __________ has withheld from you. |
2nd flow: | Recall something you have done to __________. and Recall something you have withheld from __________. |
3rd flow: | Recall something __________ has done to others. and Recall something __________ has withheld from others. |
4th flow: | Recall something you have done to yourself because of __________. and Recall something you have withheld from yourself because of __________. |
The next 60 processes are run on the Know to Mystery Scale So, first of all, let me list it from top to bottom.
Know Not Know Know About Look Plus Emotion Minus Emotion Effort Think Symbols Eat Sex Mystery Wait Unconscious Unknowable |
You start at the bottom and get a represent list for each of the positions: "Tell me some terminals that could represent Unknowable". This is not listing and nulling. Then, you run the largest reading terminal off of each level through four flows of the following process, which has two commands per flow that are run alternately to EP:
1st flow: | Recall something ________ has done to you. and Recall something ________ has withheld from you. |
2nd flow: | Recall something you have done to ________. and Recall something you have withheld from ________. |
3rd flow: | Recall something ________ has done to others. and Recall something ________ has withheld from others. |
4th flow: | Recall something you have done to yourself because of ________. and Recall something you have withheld from yourself because of ________. |
Then, you do the same as above on each line of the scale moving upward, in other words, your next action would be to get a list "Tell me some terminals that could represent Unconscious." If the question doesn't read, and if none of the terminals read, skip it and move to the next level up.
On the next process, you simply make a list of terminals which could represent the 6th dynamic, You normally get one big reading terminal and you run it on the following process, which has two commands per flow that are run alternately to EP:
1st flow: | Tell me something ________ has done to you. and Tell me something ________ has withheld from you. |
2nd flow: | Tell me something you have done to ________. and Tell me something you have withheld from ________. |
3rd flow: | Tell me something ________ has done to others. and Tell me something ________ has withheld from others. |
4th flow: | Tell me something you have done to yourself because of ________. and Tell me something you have withheld from yourself because of ________. . |
On the next process, you simply ask the pc "Are there any persons you have problem about or with?" If they say none, then you skip this set of processes. If they give you a person, and it reads on the meter, then you run the following four flows that have two commands per flow that are run alternately to EP:
1st flow: | Tell me something ________ has done to you. and Tell me something ________ has withheld from you. |
2nd flow: | Tell me something you have done to ________. and Tell me something you have withheld from ________. |
3rd flow: | Tell me something ________ has done to others. and Tell me something ________ has withheld from others. |
4th flow: | Tell me something you have done to yourself because of ________. and Tell me something you have withheld from yourself because of ________. |
The next process is a single flow, one-liner that is run repetitively to EP:
Tell me a part of your life that you have been responsible for. |
On the next process you should try to locate an area where the pc has difficulty doing things, or has trouble. Then, find a terminal that represents the area. Then, run the next set of processes on the terminal or area. Each flow has two commands that are run alternately to EP:
1st flow: | Tell me something ________ has done to you. and Tell me something ________ has withheld from you. |
2nd flow: | Tell me something you have done to ________. and Tell me something you have withheld from ________. |
3rd flow: | Tell me something ________ has done to others and Tell me something ________ has withheld from others |
4th flow: | Tell me something you have done to yourself because of ________. and Tell me something you have withheld from yourself because of ________. |
Again, Hubbard prefers to run these particular processes on a terminal, which represents a pure significance, and I have found they run much better on the pure significance itself. So, I would advise you against getting a terminal. You should run it on the area.
On the next process, you are working with withholds only. These are single line processes which are run repetitively to EP on each flow:
1st flow: | Tell me something you could withhold from another. |
2nd flow: | Tell me something another could withhold from you. |
3rd flow: | Tell me something another could withhold from others. |
4th flow: | Tell me something you could withhold from yourself. |
The next process has three commands, each run repetitively to EP:
Look around here and find something you could be responsible for. Look around here and find something you don't have to be responsible for. Look around here and find something you would permit someone else to be responsible for. |
Now you are down to the main processes for the grade which are "open" processes on done and withhold, also known as "General O-W". Each flow has two commands that are run alternately to EP:
1st flow: | Tell me something another has done to you. and Tell me something another has withheld from you. |
2nd flow: | Tell me something you have done to another. and Tell me something you have withheld from another. |
3rd flow: | Tell me something another has done to others. and Tell me something another has withheld from others. |
4th flow: | Tell me something you have done to yourself. and Tell me something you have withheld from yourself. |
That concludes the Grade II processes and you wouldn't run havingness at the end. Have them read the EPs for the level which are, they have attained relief from the sufferings and hostilities of life, freedom from things others have done to them in the past, lost the need to protect another from actions of others for fear of doing them harm, freedom from withholding and doing things to oneself. In addition, they have gained the ability to be at cause without fear of hurting other people, they are willing for another to be at cause over them, they are willing for another to be at cause over others without feeling any need to intervene, and they are willing to be at cause over themselves Finally, they have attained the state of Relief Release and they have risen in awareness to where they are aware of Orientation, Understanding and Enlightenment.
Before you would do Grade II on someone, I'd trust that you'd go over overts and withholds as a limited theory. The Church uses O-W to manipulate people. Other religions, with misdefinitions of Karma, use it quite a bit to manipulate people. Overts and withholds as Karma, in other words the idea of getting back on oneself what one did to another, is auditable out as a mechanical phenomena. It erases. It does drop out as a governing law and a necessity in peoples lives. It is not a universal law. It is only a part of a scale.
The theory that what you do to others will then happen to you is a punishment-control mechanism that is peculiar to this universe. It derives from a deteriorated willingness to duplicate. It is in the laws of physics of interaction that for every action there is an equal and contrary reaction.
Overts and withholds or overts and motivators as a theory sets in when aberration sets in. It is not a high order of natural law. It is junior to the laws of communication, control and help. O-W can only occur when help has failed.
Help is a joining up of different forces in life. When two beings who have joined forces fail to help each other, only then do overts, motivators and withholds come into existence.
The forces of two beings cannot come into dispute until they have first joined. This phenomena of people joining together and things not going well produces levels that people walk around in. The cycle of these levels is:
Independent Beings Communication Mis-Communication Control Mis-Control Help Failed Help Overts and Withholds Overts and Withholds By Transfer Worrying Others Worrying about Others Being critical Being Critical of Self |
A person can be anywhere on this scale. To assume a person is at "Overts and Withholds" is a hell of an evaluation, You have a 7 1/2% chance of being correct by doing so, and a 92% chance of being wrong. It is wrong to just go in and try to pull overts and withholds off anyone, because they can be anywhere on this scale, and they may not have even joined up with others.
Overt-Withhold is an effort to regain the status of Independent Being without taking full responsibility or any responsibility for the intervening steps.
The Overt and Withholds By Transfer occurs a lot in people. In other words, when they kick George in the head, they get a headache themselves, thus they end up thinking that they are George. It is a very humanoid and low level of existence, You are not processing this because it is any great senior law in the universe.
When the help level of an individual comes up, the O-W mechanism drops out. You could run most of a case off with help. That is why you do run a lot of help on Grade I. You run lots of overts and withholds on Grade II.
Lower than Overts-and-Withholds-By-Transfer you have Worrying Others , and Criticism under that. The only way a person is going to move up this scale is to get them to talk about each one until they realise that it is not getting them anywhere, and then they will move up to the next bracket.
You can turn critical people into worriers, just by talking, you can get worriers to get off their overts and withholds, and they will start talking about their failed help and help and mis-control. Then, they will start controlling things, straighten up their mis-communications, then they will start talking straight, and they will become an independent being. That is what you are trying to do with Grade II. You are not just trying to run off overts and withholds. So, just as worry is not a way of life, nor an answer to all of life, neither is overts and withholds an end all law.
Most cases are not up to recognising their own overts and harmful acts. They will have trouble recognising their failures to help, however, they can recognise criticism and being worried and thinking unkind thoughts and they can recognise attacking things. That is why we run those particular processes in Grade II. Failed help exists on a harmonic level, junior to overts and withholds, not just senior to it. You will find out that a lot of your preclears are in the worry part of the bracket of this scale. Worrying people almost becomes a way of life for some people and for juveniles. O-W becomes a way of life for criminals. People who feel childish, or act childish, are not only stuck in the violent motion of an engram in childhood, but they are also stuck in worrying others because children develop the profession of worrying their parents, and they get the engram that sticks it on them, thus as an adult they walk around worrying about things. They may be so much into worrying others that they will try to worry you, the auditor. Worry is probably the most easily dramatised part of the scale.
This scale, whether it manifests itself as worry, being critical, or having unkind thoughts is always the result of a failure to help. This scale is the reason one ends up in another's valence. It is one of the principal reasons people have somatics.
It is not a high order law. You will not always have to be careful not to bump Joe, it would be pretty limited universe, if overt-withhold was a senior law, for then one could not actually accomplish much.
The main thing I want to emphasise here, on Grade II, is that you need to get it all off to where the preclear has regained his status as a subjectively and objectively independent being, I don't care if you have to do the level five times. I did, That is how dumb I was, and many a preclear may be also.
The guy has to come up to the subjective reality where he himself became involved with O-W. So, in pulling his dones off, he will find that he got involved in this at some particular time. If you do the level properly, and get all the dones off, he will finally give off his first overt, his first motivator, the first time he saw someone commit O-W on others, and the first overt he committed on himself. That will just blow this whole thing all apart.
If you have a very bright preclear, he is going to realise plenty and turn in his badge on committing overts, having withholds, and getting involved in this particular cycle. He won't play the game anymore. He'll come upon this by realising that it is possible. He will realise that there is, not only possibly, but probably, only one overt and then, he will find that of course, it would be something on the order of not doing what he knows to be his next responsible step, as far as the growth of himself and the dynamics, for he has already committed himself to a certain line-up of things. To the degree he does anything but what is perfect survival for all the dynamics (which would be a perfect solution), then that would be an overt act. Your preclear should come up with something of this particular order.
If your preclear is still running in the game of optimum solutions, instead of perfect solutions (he is coming up with solutions that are good for the 8 dynamics or 7 of them and he is not coming up with perfect solutions which provide perfect survival internally for all the dynamics, as far as his actions), you still have a preclear trapped in O-W. What you are getting is a release of the level at that point. If you have a very dull, dumb preclear, and you are doing these grades to get him up to his OT levels, they are going to have to be redone. This guy is not going to attain complete relief and come to complete cause on this level until he gives up the game of overts and withholds, He will never be able to give up that game as long as he actually believes in optimality, "that some sacrifices are necessary" and "there is a place for expediency" and all the other hogwash that is passed off as a substitute for truth Once he starts living a life of truth and doing things out of a basis of truth and all parties concerned, he turns in his badge of self-determinism, and becomes aware of pan-determinism.
At that point, you have an O-W proof being, there is no way he could ever commit an overt or be involved with anyone that does, to any degree, He would just refuse to join, because he realises the cost of such a repetitive trap. The being in running these particular processes becomes intimately aware that the treadmill to oblivion is made up of overts and withholds.
A person becomes blinded in the area where he has done harmful acts, and that is the true cost of doing harmful acts. It is not that you will pull it in (a thousand times over or for eternity) as a motivator (the same harmful act) on yourself. In other words, if you kill someone once, then you will be murdered millions of times, until you finally confront the fact that you killed someone once. That is not the limiting factor of this, although it is certainly unpleasant, and is the mechanism of misery and suffering. The limiting factor of it is that he will then be blind in the area of killing. He may not even be able to go out and kill an animal and eat. He would just be blind in the area. There are no exceptions to this rule.
A person can go in and steal a mop and then make a $25,000 error trading gold because he forget to pay for a mop. This happened less than a year ago to someone I know very well. $3.00 for $25,000, that is the true cost of O-W. It is an extremely expensive way to live, which has no positives. The results of engaging in this two-wrongs-make-a-right type of logic that people are wired with are not pretty. In Grade II you unwire them, and they rise above this, and see that two wrongs don't make a right.
So, that is what Grade II is. You should understand what I have explained about it here. Your preclear should understand what I covered under "O-W A Limited Theory". It is the most marvellous bulletin that Hubbard wrote on this subject. The balance of the bulletins that the wrote on this subject are in contradiction to that one. If you know that one bulletin well, which I have covered here, then there is no point in contaminating yourself with the other incorrect bulletins.
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