EXM - 50
ca. March 1992
Copyright (C) 1992 A Voice of the Free Zone (Electra)
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
A CONDITION is an AS-ISNESS. It is something you have created which you don't particularly care if you have or not. If you create it again, or make more of it, it will vanish. Or if you just be with it quietly, gently and slowly, it will fade away.
((For some serious hardball conditions you really need to just BE with them for a while for them to loosen up.))
A PROBLEM is a CONDITION that you have created which you have postulated that you don't want. This of course causes it to stick, mainly because you are refusing to make more of it.
A SOLUTION is a CONDITION that you have created which you DO want. This also causes it to stick, because again you are not making more of it for fear it might disappear, and it is solving some problem for you. The way you make it but not by making more of it is you say something ELSE is making it for you, so woe is you, you lucky dog.
Problem conditions also persist because usually you consider that you did not create them, which is a denial of responsibility which is enough of an alter-is to cause a persistence.
Solution conditions persist for the same reason, only this time you DO want them, but again you are denying you created them because you don't want others to know you did, so that they will accept them as a persisting solution to what ever problem you are trying to solve with them.
Solutions are usually BAD conditions that normally you wouldn't want, except that they are solving some worse problem for you, so they become good that they are bad and not under your control.
Getting sick to get out of school is a classic solution condition that is created to solve the problem condition of mental exhaustion at school. Being sick is a persisting bad condition, but its a GOOD bad condition, because it gets you out of school, and since 'you aren't making it', your parents wouldn't stand for it if you were, it persists like crazy.
Denial of responsibility causes persistence, as does altering the original 'don't care about it' that you created the thing with.
The opposite of "don't care about it" is "I want it" or "I don't want it."
"I want it" means it's a solution condition. "I don't want it" means it's a problem condition. Both persist due to the desire aspect, and denial of responsibility for creating it.
This tends to form a cycle on the track that eventually buries you under all of your solutions and problems that you have ever created and denied responsibility for.
The result is you become buried under a pile full of CONDITIONS, and each one is either a solution or a problem or both to you, and so you are very unwilling or unable to get rid of them no matter how much you scream you don't want them.
Your very first problem condition was earlier a solution condition, a solution namely to the problem of not having any problems.
The purpose of auditing is to bring all problem conditions and solution conditions back to being just conditions, at which point the pc can cause them to vanish by re-operating the creation of them.
The cycle goes like this. Say you have a problem condition with your mother. She always wants you do your homework no matter how stupid it is and she refuses to help you with it because she can't do it herself. To solve this problem you INVENT another condition such as to develop a learning disorder, making it mandatory that she help you with the work and realize for herself how hard it is. This second condition is a SOLUTION condition.
But then this solution condition becomes a problem condition of its own when you start to fall behind in class because of your learning disorder. So you invent another solution condition which is to take remedial lessons with a tutor specially trained in teaching problem learners.
This solution condition becomes a problem condition when the cost of the tutor begins to stretch your family's budget. Your father invents a solution condition to this problem by taking out a loan and going into debt. This becomes a problem condition when his debt limit is reached and he is also fired from his job for other reasons. The final solution condition is to give you away to an orphanage. By this time you wonder what you ever did to 'deserve all this'.
Each unwanted condition that you have is persisting because it is presently a solution condition to an earlier problem condition. THAT problem condition was also a solution condition to an earlier problem condition etc. This goes back down the time track to the first problem which you invented yourself for fun.
The way to run this, and in fact the way to open any case who really wants to get going, is to have your pc list out all his unwanted conditions on all 4 planes of existence.
Say he says 'sinusitis' as one condition.
Then run,
(1) 'What have you used your sinusitis for?' (2) 'What have you used for your sinusitis?'
If he doesn't understand that question, you can make it as wordy as you want until he does understand it. If YOU don't understand the question, get your pc another auditor.
For example,
(1) 'What have you used your sinusitis to solve?' (2) 'What have you used to solve your sinusitis?' (1) (2) PROBLEM COND - SOLVED BY - SINUSITIS - SOLVED BY - SOLUTION COND
Sinusitis starts off
(1) being a solution condition and then becomes (2) a problem condition.
Conditions, problem conditions, and solution conditions, exist on all 4 planes of existence: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Sinusitis is the physical aspect of the condition. Find out what the emotional aspect is. Find out what IDEAS are associated with the sinusitis. Find out what feelings of irresponsibility go with the whole thing.
Conditions do not have to be just in your body, but can and do exist across all 16 dynamics and all the interactions between them. Body conditions are just one aspect of the parent/child game that has the most visibility at this time, probably due in large measure to the money made by the aspirin and medical drug companies providing chemical solutions to your spiritual problems. These solutions then become problems, as your pc will quickly attest to in session.
You can ask your pc,
'With respect to your sinusitis, 'What effort have you done?' 'What effort have you withheld?' 'What emotion have you felt?' 'What emotion have you withheld feeling?' 'What idea have you had?' 'What idea have you withheld?' 'What responsibility have you admitted?' 'What responsibility have you withheld admitting?'
Word them as you wish, and by all means change the tense of the questions from past to present and even future tense as you see fit. Ask your pc.
You should also run the 8 flows of forgetfulness on this, because not only do his own overts and withholds affect him, but so do all the O/W's of others in his environment.
'With respect to sinusitis,
1.) 'What have you done to a Child as a Parent in a past life?' 1.) 'What have you withheld from a Child as a Parent in a past life?' 2.) 'What has a Parent done to you as a Child in this life?' 2.) 'What has a Parent withheld from you as a Child in this life?'
etc. I presume you know the rest by now, if you don't, flunk.
Once a condition, like sinusitis, is flat, go on to the next condition that your pc is interested in. Your pc will continue to give you new conditions as he remembers old ones he momentarily forgot about, and he will also realize anew that certain things that he had just always accepted as being part of being a human being on Earth are really dire straights that ought to be audited out.
A common one is, 'being mortal', 'being in a body', 'can't remember my past lives, or inbetween lives, or even this life back to the crib.' I mean if he can't remember sucking on tits or a bottle, he really is in bad shape. Also any 'Black 5' condition or inability to make mockups.
Any case can be opened brutally with,
'What unwanted conditions do you have?' 'What have you used them for?' 'What have you used for them?'
The purpose of this is to get the SOLUTION/PROBLEM aspect off the CONDITION, at which point the pc can vanish the condition by making it again, because there is no longer a vested interest in having it (solution) or not having it (problem).
Remember the SOLUTION aspect came first, THEN it became an unwanted PROBLEM to him. All a solution condition is, is a WANTED condition. All a problem condition is, is an UNWANTED condition. Since thetans love problems, many solution conditions are actually wanted problems. They become problem conditions when they become unwanted problems.
He can't get rid of the problem when it crosses from wanted to unwanted, because he fails to recreate the WANTING of it, he just slides into NOT WANTING it, and so gets stuck with it.
You can get rid of anything by making it again. The catch is you have to do it in the right order.
A pc can create pain. It will only persist after he stops making it if he denies having made it in the first place.
A Grade I, problems release, should be able to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish. This means at its extreme, that he should be able to mock up and unmock conditions at will in his body and his surroundings, consider them to be problems or not at will, and then mock up other conditions as solutions to his problems, until they too become problems to him. He should be able to ruin his Grade I at will and come back in and get it audited out all over again!
If he has a problem with money, ask what that is a solution to.
No one in the Church has ever attained Grade I.
It is unlikely that anyone on planet Earth has attained Grade I, Permanent Cert.
Eventually your pc will run into DANGEROUSNESS on his track. He will know for certain that you and him are beginning to tread where Angels dare not go, and he will wonder if he should progress.
The primary way to limit a thetan is to make him believe, or for him to make HIMSELF believe that something out there or in here, is more dangerous to him than he is to it. People have spent billions of years getting the pc to accept that he is more dangerous to them than they are to him, so he had better limit himself if he wants to be acceptable to the population at large.
Once they have the pc so limited that he can't be dangerous to anybody, they tell the pc that there is something over there that is SO dangerous he had better not go near it for everyone's sake, but that for a price they will help him stay safe and protected in their confines.
It's a con game, and probably the oldest one in the book. You run it out as usual, by getting the pc to own up when he did it to others either before or after it was done to him.
Just how dangerous is a thetan? The answer is open, because NO ONE has answered it yet. This is a bottomless pit that your pc will make enormous gains on if he has the presence to audit it. If he doesn't, he will fall into it, become it, and dramatize it, probably on you.
You will find your pc considers there are things too dangerous to know, look at, feel, do, think about, communicate, etc. Also things too dangerous to NOT know, NOT look at, etc.
One way to get at this is simply the brutal way, for example, ask your pc,
'What is too dangerous to .........'
Say he says, 'well its too dangerous to look at certain things.'
So then you run,
'What is too dangerous to look at?'
Let your pc list out all these things that have been too dangerous for him to look at.
Say he says, 'evil eyeballs looking back at me!'
So then you run,
'Tell me about the danger of looking at "evil eye balls looking back at me." '
(1) 'How is this a solution to you?' (2) 'How is this a problem to you?'
(1) 'What have you used this to solve?' (as a solution) (2) 'What have you used to solve this?' (as a problem)
Run this until your pc is less hot on the subject of 'evil eye balls looking back at me.' Keep listing for and running this on other things too dangerous to look at, until the pc is less hot on the danger of looking at things. Then take up anything else your pc considers 'too dangerous to ........'
Your pc wants to be dangerous. The only way to be safe, is to be so dangerous no body would want to come near him. He has wanted to be dangerous to his parents, the government, the enemies of the land, his bullies, his teachers, the physical universe, the Devil, GOD, animals, girls, boys, you name it, there are lots of things he wants to be dangerous to. He can be as dangerous as he wants to be, and in fact he IS exactly as dangerous or undangerous as he has chosen to be.
There is nothing more dangerous than a full OT.
Ain't that sweet.
There is a point however where he can be TOO dangerous to things, even in his own estimation. No one will play with him if his every look kills.
So run the following with him,
'Who or what have you wanted to be dangerous too?' 'How dangerous would you want to be to them?'
You will eventually find that your pc considers that he is the most dangerous thing there is to himself and others. This is total responsibility AND IRRESPONSIBILITY kicking in at the same time!
He's pissed, man, at what he did to himself. He sees he has all this ability to do himself in, but he is wondering if it was such a good idea to use it.
He sees that it is all just him, making his own bug a boos, and he gets into a 'well I am ABLE to, but would I be WILLING to?!'
It is one of those endless bottomless pits of 'just what would I be willing to do to myself?' He is trying to see his future, by out inventing the horrible condition he finds himself in, in this universe.
Many pc's wonder if they will ever escape from this universe, to them it may be FOREVER. They wonder what others are or were willing to do themselves. Maybe he will escape, but maybe others chose a harder game, one they will lose forever.
It sure can seem that way, and there is a lot of fear and horror associated with free wheeling responsibility. The problem here is not absolute power, which the pc does have, but with WILLINGNESS. Just how much is your pc willing to do himself in? Is he willing to do himself in forever?
Your pc will have tremendous ARC Breaks on the subject of what OTHERS have been willing to do to themselves. It knocks the socks off his sense of total responsibility. He figures 'NO ONE would be willing to do THAT to themselves, BUT THERE THEY ARE, therefore they aren't totally responsible for their condition, therefore I'm not either'. Remember, what others do to themselves is part of your condition. They are doing it in your dream after all, right? You had to let them in. Would you let someone in your dream who was going to destroy themselves forever on a lark?
Thus your pc has a problem with freedom and total responsibility.
If he gets free, he will be able to do himself in again, like he did last time (he is being audited, no?) and if he does himself in again, maybe he will do it worse than before and NEVER get out.
Thus, being stuck in this universe, as a no-case-gain-worm-ona- stump, can be, for a while, a safe solution to the problem of what he would do to himself if he ever got free and was able to make another game for himself, one he might NEVER get out of. This attitude of course keeps him in this game forever or for as long as it continues.
Thus those with an eye to humor and wisdom might conclude that one way a pc could stick himself in a game forever, is by making himself SO AFRAID of sticking himself in a game forever that he chooses to hold on forever to the game he has, so that he never gets that powerful again.
It's a joke of magnitude that only an OT could appreciate.
Or be willing to do to himself!
In fact, it takes a tremendous amount of power to keep an OT in a game for long, he has to be holding on to it VERY HARD, and what better way to get an OT to hold on to a game forever than to convince himself that he may lose everything if he loses the hold he has on the game he is in.
Therefore, this is no small matter, its got to do with HOW the OT got this game to persist for as long as it did. He just didn't want it to end, at all costs. Too many friends here or some such sad thing.
He wasn't willing to have the game end for himself and leave every else behind forever. So he had to find some way to stay. Making himself terrified of getting out was one way that seems to have worked.
The subject of willingness therefore is a big subject to your pc. It is the solution to all things, but also can be the biggest problem your pc has in session. He needs to be willing to make things again in order to vanish them, but he is afraid once he gets back his total willingness, he will THEN make something he can never unmake.
Of course ANYTHING can be unmade by just making it again, that's sort of a safety release on this or any game, so the only way he could create a game he could never get out of, would be to hide this basic truth that exercising willingness to make things AGAIN vanishes them.
So you see he CAN get out of any game he can create, but he may set it up so that he doesn't know how, and he does that only because he doesn't want the game to end. Not quite yet.
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