1. a collection of written materials which match a checksheet.
1. a term used to describe a situation during a Clearing session when the Range Arm on the Biofeedback Clearing Meter goes high or too low and the needle freezes and won’t read.
1. whatever one is unwilling to experience. 2. unpleasant or distressing sensations due to bodily injury or disorder. 3. acute mental or emotional distress or suffering. 4. a warning something is wrong with an organism.
1. a method used to produce a change in a person’s thinking or behavior by convincing the person that pain is connected with it.
1. a mental image picture caused by the shock of sudden loss, such as the death of a loved one.
1. plural of Pain
1. broad determinism; the action of determining not only one’s own actions, but the actions of others as well, especially to determine the activities of two or more sides of a game simultaneously (to become pan-determined, it is necessary to view a dispute, struggle or game from both sides). 2. a willingness to start, change and stop on any and all dynamics.
1. a mental disorder characterized by systematized delusions, as of grandeur or especially, persecution.
1. a person having paranoia. 2. a person who considers that everything is impinging on him.
1. of, like, or having paranoia.
1. of or like paranoia.
1. a portion of the whole. 2. a certain amount but not all.
1. plural of part.
1. a small part or portion of matter.
1. in philosophical terms, it can be said that a person on this planet consists of three divisible but interrelated parts:spirit,mind and physical body.
1. to go; move; move forward; proceed. 2. to complete an examination or study action (such as a drill or checkout).
1. the successful completion of a study action or examination; from a student’s position, it is having met the standards her performance is being measured against; from a Coach’s position, it is seeing that a student has met the standards against which she is examining the student and letting the student know by saying “That’s a pass” or simply, ”pass.”
1. the time before the present; time gone by; something that happened or was done in the past. 2. something that has gone before; past time, state or happenings. 3. on the Time Track, everything that is earlier than present time.
1. of a former time; bygone. 2. gone by; ended; over.
1. a conclusion or decision made by a person in the past which is now affecting her present life.
1. the past experiences of a person.
1. the branch of medicine that deals with the nature of disease, especially with the structural and functional changes caused by disease. 2. all the conditions, processes, or results of a particular disease.
1. a person receiving care or treatment. 2. a person who receives action or is affected. NOTE: at the Center for Personal Advancement, the term “client” or “Preclear” is used to denote a person receiving services.
1. calmly tolerating delay, confusion, inefficiency, etc.; able to wait calmly. 2. bearing or enduring pain, trouble, etc. without complaining, losing self-control, making a disturbance, etc. 3. refusing to be provoked or angered; forebearing; tolerant. [Latin patiens, patient, ppr. of pati, to suffer].
1. abbreviation for Preclear. See PRECLEAR
1. in Clearing, a person whose duties are to note a Preclear’s statements, Range Arm position and indicators after a session or when the Preclear wishes to volunteer information.
1. a folded sheet of cardboard which encloses all the session reports and other items.
1. human beings; persons.
1. to grasp mentally; take note of; recognize; observe. 2. to become aware of through sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, etc.
1. a sight, smell, sound, touch, color, etc. recorded in a mental image picture.
1. the process of being aware of something or someone through the senses; seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, feeling, etc.; there are fifty-two perceptions, including the five basic senses. 2. a channel through which one can contact the physical universe. 3. any means of communicating below the level of knowingness.
1. without defect; faultless. 2. having all it’s parts; complete. 3. entire; total. 4. pure; unmixed. [Latin perfectu coming from per- thoroughly + facere make, do]
1. that instance in which whatever was emitted from the cause point is duplicated exactly at the effect point.
1. a copy without defect. 2. seeing something exactly as it is with no distortions or lies. 3. an additional creation of a thought, its energy, its space, its time causes a vanishment of the thought.
1. the process of seeing something exactly as it is without any distortions or lies.
1. perfect condition; faultless quality; highest excellence.
1. a mechanism consisting of opposing forces of comparable magnitude which cause a balance which does not respond to current time and remains “timeless.”
1. let; allow; make possible; to give consent to.
1. letting; allowing; making possible; giving consent to.
1. an unintended bad result. 2. that thing you do which you aren’t willing to have happen to you. 3. an aggressive or destructive act which harms broadly. 4. an intentionally committed harmful act, committed in an effort to solve a problem; this can be done “overtly” or “covertly.”
1. the sequence wherein someone who has committed a perpetration has to claim the existence of motivators (something that motivated him); the motivators are then liable to be used to justify committing further perpetrations. 2. a succession of actions begun when a person commits a perpetration against another (or others) and must claim the existence of a justification for the perpetration, thereby “explaining” what motivated it, “excusing” the committing of it and paving the way for further perpetrations to be committed and appear justified.
1. a failure to act resulting in injury, reduction or degradation of another or others in their beingness, persons, possessions or dynamics.
1. the factor(s) which cause a sickness to continue.
1. to afflict or harass constantly so as to injure or distress. 2. to trouble or annoy constantly.
1. a persecuting or being persecuted.
1. the delusion that one is being harassed constantly without substantiated sensory evidence.
1. to continue to exist or prevail; endure; remain. 2. to refuse to give up, especially when faced with opposition or difficulty; continue firmly or steadily. 3. to continue insistently.
1. enduring continuance, as in a chosen course, purpose or goal. 2. resoluteness; tenacity. 3. continuous existence; endurance.
1. refusing to relent; continuing. 2. continuing to exist or endure; lasting without change. 3. constantly repeated; continued.
1. an unstoppable floating needle.
1. continuing in existence firmly without change.
1. a human being; man, woman or child.
1. who one is. 2. the individual himself which persists with or without a physical body. 3. the composite of all one’s experiences, plus an initial decision to be and occasional decisions not to be.
1. soundness of moral principles; doing what is just and right; being able to observe and act. 2. knowing what is true for oneself and having the strength to acknowledge and act on that truth.
1. the personal or individual quality that makes one person be different and act differently from another. 2. the qualities of a person; distinctive person character.
1. a term to describe a Preclear who is willing to talk to the Clearing Practitioner about his condition without being antagonistic.
1. a graph showing ten personality traits.
1. the actual movement that one experienced in the past. 2. a perception in present time in the physical universe.
1. a high quality of authority an individual may exude by virtue of her being present in any location; the ability to lead or make an impression on others by the mere fact of her existence.
1. a fact or event that can be observed either in the external world or the human mind.
1. the study of truth or the principles underlying all knowledge. 2. the pursuit or love of wisdom.
1. in grammar, a sequence of a few words conveying a single thought. 2. in Alethanetics, a command contained in an engram which controls the Preclear’s thoughts and/or actions: as, “it’s all in your head,” or “I can’t think;” a phrase is always hidden, literal in nature and takes precedence over anything the analytical mind dictates.
1. of or relating to the body.
1. the universe made up of matter, energy, space and time. 2. all material objects, energy, space and time in this solidified universe; material universe.
1. the absence of factors which make a person susceptible to illness.
1. to gather with the fingers or hands. 2. to choose; select.
1. a visual representation of something not actually present. 2. an exact likeness of something; a copy or representation of a thing, not the thing itself. 3. an image or mental image of something.
1. to form a mental image or impression of; imagine. 2. to make visible; show clearly; reflect.
1. a tender or sorrowful feeling or emotion aroused by the suffering, distress or misfortune of another.
1. a tender or sorrowful feeling or emotion aroused by the suffering, distress or misfortune of another.
1. a special spot or location or position. 2. a space taken up or used by a thing.
1. seemingly true; acceptable, etc.; that which at first glance appears to be true, reasonable, valid, etc. but which may or may not be so, although there is no connotation of deliberate deception.
1. to have fun and enjoy oneself.
1. a feeling of being pleased; enjoyment; delight.
1. times from a person’s past when she experienced pleasure, happiness and enjoyment.
- (1) any one of several conditions which exist when a situation or circumstance is logical. Pluspoints show where logic exists and where things are going right or likely to. [Kevin Brady]
1. a list of the elements of logic and sanity.
1. from the viewpoint of the individual, something which has in it too much motion or unexpectedness for his tolerance.
1. an exact time or moment. 2. something thought of as having definite position in space; location.
1. to show; to indicate the presence of something; to indicate the fact or probability of something.
1. an idea which a person has about something.
1. any governing principle, plan or course of action.
1. a hindered ability or an inability to recall perceptions stored in the standard memory bank.
1. the place where an object is.
1. a prosurvival postulate.
1. that can be; capable of existing. 2. that can be in the future; that may or may not happen. 3. that can be done, known, acquired, etc. by a person or thing expressed or implied. 4. that can be used, selected, done, etc., depending on circumstances; potential. 5. that may be done, known, etc. if allowed; permissible.
1. a job or position in a company, group or organization.
1. a prefix meaning after in time, later, following, as in post graduate. 2. after in space, behind, as in post orbital.
1. any time after the occurrence of physical harm or damage.
1. of or occurring in the period after a surgical procedure.
1. after childbirth.
1. mental upset due to the delivery of a child.
1. a consideration generated by the Being; a self-created truth. 2. a self-created thought which shapes, forms or creates past, present or future existence. Example: a person bitter about the past decides to consider his past experiences as helpful and educational; this consideration or postulate literally shapes, forms or creates his past. 3. a self-created idea or consideration out of which intentions are based. Example: a person considers or has the idea (postulates) that eating meat is not good for her body. Based on this consideration or postulate, the person intends to never eat meat.
1. to conclude, decide or resolve a problem or to set a pattern for the future or to nullify a pattern of the past.
- (1) (noun) a conclusion, decision or resolution about something. (2) (verb) make something happen or bring something into being by making a postulate about it. [Kevin Brady]
1. the 6th state on the Creative Realization Chart leading to the rehabilitation of the ability to postulate.
1. someone who is connected to a suppressive person; the suppressive person is invalidating the individual, his way of being, the individual’s Clearing and his life in general. 2. someone who is connected to a suppressive person or group; it results in illness and rollercoaster and is the cause of illness and rollercoaster. 3. the PTS person is way up today and way down tomorrow; the person gets a beautiful session, and then gets terribly ill; that’s the history of this person’s life. 4. the mechanism of PTS is environmental menace that keeps something unpleasant continually reactivated; this can be a constant, recurring pain or continually recurring, unpleasant feeling; the menace in the environment is not imaginary; actions can be taken which give relief, but if the menace is actual and persists, the unpleasant feelings will just come back; this gives recurring unpleasant feelings, unrelieved by usual Clearing.
- (1) a person who is in some way connected to and being adversely affected by a suppressive person. he is called a potential trouble source because he can be a lot of trouble to himself and to others. [Kevin's Note: their are different classifications of PTSness, but it all boils down to someone feeling the adverse effect of an influence considered by them to be suppressive. The orthodox Church slaps this label on anyone with any disagreement with them, trying to then dead-agent the source of this disagreement with them. The correct use of this label and the tech to handle this condition should result in a being who follows his own counsel, purposes and goals without being deflected by the counter-efforts of others.] [Kevin Brady]
1. the person is connected to someone who is antagonistic to mental or spiritual therapy.
1. the suppressive person is right there in present time suppressing the person.
1. there is an apparent suppressive in present time, but this is only a reminder of the real suppressive person in the persons past.
1. this person is in the midst of a complete mental breakdown; almost any thing in the environment can remind the person of earlier suppression. 2. total mental instability caused by over-reactivation.
1. the ability to get things done. 2. knowing who and what you really are. 3. the degree of ability to carry out an intention. 4. the ability to act or produce an effect.
1. a Class VII Clearing Practitioner, one qualified to deliver the power processes of Grade V.
1. a series of processes at Grade V that bring the Preclear to a knowledge of the true source of creative power and allow him to differentiate himself
1. having to do with practice or action rather than theory. 2. concerned with the application of knowledge to useful ends, as distinguished from speculation, etc.
1. in Alethiology, a term used to describe any drill, exercise or doingness which allows a student to demonstrate the application of a theory, principle, idea or concept she has learned.
1. repeated mental or physical action for the purpose of learning or acquiring proficiency. 2. the doing of something, often as an application of knowledge.
1. to do repeatedly in order to learn or become proficient; exercise oneself in. 2. to put into practice; use one’s knowledge of; work at, especially as a profession.
1. actual performances or applications; systematic exercises; the forms, manners and orders of doing repeated actions.
1. doing or performing.
1. a person who practices a profession, art, etc.
1. hastening or hurrying. 2. a sudden bringing on.
1. anyone who is progressing toward the state of Clear. 2. a person who, through Alethiology and Alethanetic processing, is finding out more about himself/herself and life.
- (1) a person who is receiving processing on his way to Clear, hence pre-Clear. Through processing he is finding out more about himself and life. [Kevin's Note: this term is sometimes universally applied to anyone being audited, although sometimes, when being audited toward OT, they are called pre-OT's, although this would apply to preclears, too, I would think. Some freezoners call the person being audited the viewer, some the auditee, some the client, it just depends on who you're talking to. In the end, it means the effect point of an auditing cycle.] [Kevin Brady]
1. a set of questions asked of a new Preclear, the answers to which give the Clearing Practitioner essential information in terms of providing the most appropriate actions for the Preclear in subsequent Clearing sessions.
1. a foretelling; a stating that there will be; making known beforehand.
1. to dispose, or make receptive, beforehand; make susceptible.
1. the condition of being predisposed; previous inclination; tendency; predilection; susceptibility.
1. the things which prevent a person from having.
1. any habit of agreeable noises, nods or acknowledgement made by a listener before the person has finished what she is saying and all that she intends to say. (This prevents the speaker from completing what she wants to say; making her forget what she is talking about and feel dull; causing her to believe that the listener is stupid and results in the speaker getting cross, exhausted in the efforts trying to explain; an acknowledgement should come after the speaker has completed saying what she originally intended to communicate).
1. an Alethanetic term used to describe engrams received before birth.
1. to make ready, usually for a specific purpose; make suitable; fit; adapt; train. 2. to put together or make out of materials, ingredients, parts, etc., or according to a plan or formula; construct; compound. [Latin prae, before +parare, to set or place in order, get ready]
1. put together; made beforehand.
1. a series of items put together by the Clearing Practitioner, not given by the Preclear, and designed to find by-passed charge and repair a faulty Clearing action or life situation.
1. a Clearing action in which a subject found to be charged is discharged by the use of a prepared list of buttons.
1. a list of buttons used in a prepcheck.
1. the action of doing a prepcheck.
1. something required before something else can be done or started.
1. the fact, quality or condition of being present. 2. a person’s bearing, personality, or appearance. 3. pleasing deportment; dignity.
1. now existing; being here at this time.
1. the present time; the time now passing; this time; now.
1. to put on view; display; show; to offer for others to think about.
1. the past tense of present.
1. that which is now and which becomes the past almost as rapidly as it is observed; a term that refers to the environment as it exists now, not as it existed, as in the phrase “the Preclear came up to present time,” meaning the Preclear became aware of the existing matter, energy, space and time of now.
- (1) the time which is now and becomes the past as rapidly as it is observed. It is a term loosely applied to the environment existing in now. [Kevin Brady]
1. the current surroundings.
1. a special problem that exists in the physical universe, now on which the person has his attention fixed; it is a desire, thought, idea, purpose opposed by a counter desire, thought, idea, purpose that exists in present time. 2. something that worries the person. 3. it is a problem that so engages the person’s attention that he would rather be doing something about it than be in session.
1. a problem that the person has had his attention fixed on for a very long time.
1. basic elements necessary for the Preclear to have in to insure that the Preclear can successfully confront his reactive subconscious mind in a Clearing session; the Preclear must have eaten a sufficient amount of food prior to the Clearing session (not hungry), have had a minimum of 7 hours sleep the night before the Clearing session or a nap (not tired), not have had any alcohol for 24 hours prior to the Clearing session and not have had any drugs or medicines for 2 weeks prior to the Clearing session; the Clearing Practitioner checks all these points before starting the session.
1. the continued action of a weight or force. 2. the force per unit area.
plural of PRESSURE.
1. a symptom in a lock, secondary or engram, simply part of the content where the person feels a pressure.
1. make believe; represent or assert falsely. 2. a conscious effort to deceive.
1. making believe; representing or asserting falsely. 2. deceiving consciously.
1. a false show of something. 2. to make believe; to cover up ones true feelings 3. something said or done for show.
1. keep from happening; impede; hinder; obstruct.
1. kept from happening; impeded; hindered; obstructed.
1. keeping from happening; impeding; hindering; obstructing.
1. before in time.
1. a fundamental truth, law, etc., upon which other ideas are based.
1. earlier in time or order; preceding.
1. the period of time before a problem when the Preclear was confused about something and was unable to clearly see what was going on. (All problems are preceded by a prior confusion.)
1. a read occurring before the major thought is expressed.
1. a conflict of purposes within one individual’s mind; two or more purposes (views, intentions, goals, etc.) the individual has that are of equal force and are opposed, such as: “I want to lose 20 lbs./I don’t want to diet or exercise.” 2. two (or more) opposing or conflicting views on the same subject that cause the individual worry and indecision, such as: “I want a healthy body/I don’t want to give up cigarettes.” 3. a situation demanding a solution. 4. anything which has opposing sides of equal force.
1. the ability to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish.
1. a set of questions asked by a Clearing Practitioner to help a person find out things about himself or life; more fully, a process is a patterned action, done by the Clearing Practitioner and Preclear under the Practitioner’s direction, which is invariable and unchanging, composed of certain steps or actions calculated to release or free a person; there are many processes and these are aligned with the levels taught to students and with grades as applied to Preclears, all of which lead the student or the Preclear gradiently to higher understanding and awareness; any single process is run only so long as it produces change and no longer.
- (1) an exact series of directions or sequence of actions taken to accomplish a desired result. [Kevin Brady]
1. plural of process.
1. that action or actions, governed by the technical disciplines of Alethiology and Alethanetic Clearing, of administering a process to a Preclear in order to release or free him.
- (1) a special form of personal counseling, unique in Scientology, which helps an individual look at his own existence and improves his ability to confront what he is and where he is. Processing is a precise, thoroughly codified activity with exact procedures [Kevin Brady]
1. to bring into existence; make. 2. to bring about; cause. 3. to bring forth; supply; create. 4. to bring forward; show. [Latin producere coming from pro- forth +ducere to bring, lead]
1. that which is produced; the result of work or growth. 2. a completed thing that has exchange value within or outside the activity. 3. someone or something that has been brought into existence; the end result of a creation. 4. a finish high quality service or article, in the hands of the person or group it serves, in exchange for a valuable.
1. the activity of providing a product or service. 2. the act of producing; creation; manufacturing.
1. a Class V Clearing Practitioner who has a mastery of Alethanetic Clearing technology.
1. a Class III Clearing Practitioner who has a mastery of the handling of upsets.
1. a concise description of a person’s abilities, personality or career. 2. a diagram showing a person’s abilities or traits.
1. a plan of what is to be done.
1. the action of putting together a program.
1. the written program for the Preclear containing all the actions needed to attain an end result.
1. a going on, or going forward.
1. moving forward or onward. 2. continuing by successive steps.
1. a lengthing in time or space; extension.
1. to further the sale of (an article or service) by advertising.
1. correct; right; fitting.
1. a prevention or reduction of the anger of; winning the favor of; appeasement; conciliation.
1. objection; opposition; disapproval.
1. objected to; opposed; disapproved.
1. objecting; opposing; disapproving.
1. kept safe; guarded or defended against harm or danger.
1. an excessive or overrated opinion of oneself or one’s opinions.
1. the human soul or spirit pictured as a beautiful young girl, usually with butterfly wings. [Greek Psyche (literally) breath; life]
1. of or relating to psychiatry which is a branch of medicine specializing in mental illness.
1. the study and treatment of mental disorders.
1. slang for psychotic.
1. the minute examination of a mind or minds to discover the underlying mental causes producing certain mental and nervous disorders.
1. the study and examination of the reasons why people act, think and feel as they do. [Greek Psyche soul +-ology study of]
1. a severe form of mental disturbance or disease, with deep and far reaching disorders of behavior.
1. aches, pains and sensations stemming from the reactive nature of the subconscious mind. 2. illnesses caused by the reactive nature of the subconscious mind.
1. an illness caused by the reactive nature of the subconscious mind.
1. the treatment of mental and nervous disorders by methods involving intercommunication as in psychoanalysis.
1. having to do with or caused by serious mental disease; insane.
1. an insane person. 2. term which refers to the condition a person is in who is fighting or is accompanied by invisible or long dead enemies and associations.
1. a sudden and dramatic break with reality. 2. PTS type III.
1. to draw out.
1. to get the Preclear to tell the withhold.
1. drawn, or caused to be brought toward a closer or nearer position or contact with.
1. something one has in mind to get or do; aim; plan; intention. 2. the overall aim which leads to the attainment of a goal.
1. to move (something) away by pressing against it. 2. to move up, down, back, forward, etc. by pressing. 3. to force (one’s way).
1. pressed the adoption or use of; urged forward with force and insistence.
1. to place in a specified position; placed in.