A or AN (adjective) indefinite article

1. one; one sort of. 2. each; any one. (A means a thing not previously noted or recognized; THE (definite article) means a thing previously noted or recognized. See THE ) Generally, A is used in front of a consonant, e.g., a bike, a lamp, a motorcycle, etc., while AN is used in front of a vowel, e.g., an apple, an elephant, an orange, etc.


1. to have given up something completely. 2. given up with the intent of never again claiming an interest in.



1. an act or condition of differing from what is normal or typical. 2. irrational or deranged behavior or thought. 3. deviation from a straight line. 4. unsoundness or disorder of the mind. 5. the act of deviating from a normal state. 6. any deviation from rationality.


1. a being able; power or capacity to act physically, mentally, spiritually, morally, ethically, financially, etc.; power to do. 2. talent. [Latin habilitas, ableness (to hold) from habere, to have, hold]


1. Grade IV release: “Moving out of fixed conditions and the recognition of one’s ability to do new things.”


1. having to do with; concerning; with regard to. 2. nearly; approximately.


1. any school of special instruction or training. [Greek akademeia , the grove of Akademos, a figure in ancient Greek legend; a grove near ancient Athens where Plato taught]


1. consent to receive. 2. receive as true. 3. believe. 4. approve.


1. worth accepting; satisfactory; agreeable; pleasing to receive.


1. that which can be approached or entered. 2. easy to approach or enter. 3. that which can be got; obtainable. 4. the ease of availability of reactive material in an individual’s subconscious mind.


1. a continued dull or heavy pain.


1. a scale outlining the steps that, when applied to the creation of an event, product, etc., allows it to occur and operate. 2. the steps beginning with a goal, a purpose, and a plan, followed by policy (ies), a program, orders, statistics, ideal scene and the valuable final product.


1. to indicate that one has received (a communication, service, gift, etc). 2. to admit to exist or be true. 3. to express appreciation of.


1. an indication that something has been received. 2. a communication that says, “I have received your communication and understand it” and does not necessarily indicate agreement or disagreement, approval or disapproval. Examples: “OK,” “Thank you,” “Fine.” An acknowledgement ends the communication cycle.


1. to do something; exert energy or force. 2. to reach, make, or issue a decision on some matter. 3. to produce an effect. 4. to behave or conduct oneself in a particular way.


1. to appear or pretend to be: as, he acted very angry. 2. to behave like; simulate: as, the marijuana acted like a stimulant.


1. the doing of something. 2. the bringing about of an effect or alteration.


1. in actual fact; really. 2. not merely potentially. 3. not falsely or apparently.

ADD (verb)

1. to join or unite (to) so as to increase the quantity, number or size, etc. 2. to cause an increase of. [Latin addere, to add]


1. a joining of a thing to another thing. 2. a thing or part added; increase.

ADDITIVE (adjective)

1. showing or relating to addition. 2. to be added.


1. a process designed to add something to the mind, e.g., affirmations, visualizations, hypnosis, etc. 2. a creative process.


1. sufficient; suitable. 2. barely satisfactory; acceptable but not remarkable.


1. a word (one of the eight parts of speech) used to modify (describe or limit) a noun or pronoun. For example, in the sentence “He had very large hands,” very and large are adjectives because they modify the word hands which is a noun in this particular sentence.


1. slang for Administration.



1. actions involved in administering an organization; the clerical and executive decisions, actions, and duties necessary to the running of an organization, such as originating and answering mail, typing, filing, dispatching, applying policy and all those actions, large and small, which make up an organization. 2. the action or fact of keeping Clearing Practitioner reports, worksheets and other records related to a Clearing session.


1. to grant the truth of; acknowledge; allow. 2. confess.


1. to accelerate the growth or progress of; to further; to help; to aid: as, to advance one’s true interests. 2. to increase or make progress in any respect: as, to advance in knowing, in wisdom.


1. those actions taken to increase a person’s ability and awareness beyond the state of Clear. 2. the Creative Realization Levels.


1. the act of moving forward. 2. showing improvement.


1. a word (one of the eight parts of speech) used to modify (describe or limit) a verb, an adjective or another adverb. For example, in the sentence “You should stand here,” here is an adverb because it modifies the word stand which is a verb.


1. an acronym for the words Attitudes, Emotions, Sensations and Pains, terms used in Alethanetic Clearing.


1. a natural attraction to a person or liking for a thing. 2. a mutual attraction. 3. degree of liking or affection; the feeling of love or liking for something or someone. 4. a willingness to share the same space or a desire to be close to something or someone.


1. a scale ranging from 4.0 to 0.0. which identifies the characteristics of affinity or lack of it as the scale descends.


1. to declare to be true; assert. 2. to state positively with deep conviction.


1. a Creative process involving the speaking or writing down of positive statements one wants to have come true in the future: as, his affirmation for this week is “I am a well and happy person.” 2. a positive postulate or assertion, written or spoken, which is designed to bring about desired changes in a person’s life.


1. wealth; riches. 2. abundant supply; great abundance. 3. in reference to the Conditions Formulas, the operating state established by a sudden large increase in value, income or worth. [see CONDITIONS FORMULAS]


1. back into a former position or condition. 2. once more; a second time (repeat); anew.


1. in opposition to: as, fight against . 2. toward so as to come in contact with: as, throw the ball against the wall. 3. opposition to the course or direction of: as, don’t drive against the traffic. 4. next to; adjoining: as, the desk is against the wall.


1. to be in harmony or accord. 2. to be of the same opinion. 3. being or going together without conflict.


1. an agreeing; being in harmony or accord. 2. an understanding or arrangement between two or more people, countries, etc. 3. a contract.


1. to give help or support to; assist.


1. the intoxicating agent in fermented and distilled liquors. 2. liquor (as beer, wine or whiskey) that causes intoxication.


1. using Alethanetic Clearing to assist a person who has just undergone an accident, injury, operation or emotional shock or loss to erase the mental trauma and upset and greatly speed recovery. [Greek aletha - coming from alethea , truth + - netics coming from noos, mind]


1. a person who has become well and happy through standard Alethanetic Clearing given by a qualified Alethanetic Clearing Practitioner.


1. a system of exact procedures which clears wrong answers from the subconscious mind. 2. the removal of the emotional charge connected with all theunconscious, painful moments of a person’s life. 3. the application of Alethanetic Clearing procedures to an individual to help him become well and happy.


1. The End Phenomena of Alethanetic Clearing: “A well and happy person.”


ALETHEA (pronounced all-ee-thee-a)

1. the Greek word for truth .


1. a person who is dedicated and devoted to the study and science of truth and understanding.


1. the study or science of truth 2. a system of natural laws which allow a person to discover for himself those personal truths that bring about a life of peace, abundance, success and balance. 3. The science and the study of the nature of truth and error, and of the highest laws for their discrimination. 4. The doctrine of truth, that part of logic which deals with the subject of truth. [Greek alethi - coming from alethea , truth + - ology coming from logos, study of or science of] (See THE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY , Oxford University Press, page 215, original 13 volume edition, or page 54, compact edition) 1837-8 Sir William Hamilton Logic iv. 69 “The first part of logic treats of the nature of truth and error, and of the highest laws for their discrimination, Alethiology.” (Latham’s edition of Todd’s Johnson)


1. later than. 2. later; next.


1. physical addiction to and mental obsession for intoxicating fluids.


1. to bring into agreement, close cooperation, etc.


1. a joining together of entities, persons or groups having similar interests, ideals, etc., for a common purpose.


1. like one another; showing resemblance; similar.


1. the whole amount, quantity, extent or duration of.


1. satisfactory; adequate. 2. unhurt. 3. correct. 4. yes; very well. 5. certainly.


1. a person who sympathized with or appeared to aid the survival of an individual when he was ill, injured or unconscious and whom the individual now reactively regards as necessary to his continued existence and well being. 2. a person, group or country joined with another for a common purpose.


1. by or before the given or implied time; previously.


1. to make different; change; vary.


1. to change or falsify the way something actually is.



1. the prestige which any person has in the eyes of another. 2. position of high rank or great power.

AM [see BE]


1. filled with great surprise or sudden wonder.


1. a friendly, willing disposition. 2. freedom from rancor or contest.


1. the affection and pleasure component of the mind. 2. the feeling, emotional center. 3. the subconscious mind or the little animal. 4. the quality of mind through which the Being seeks affection and pleasure and experiences pain. 5. the most basic mind component; it can shut down the body when the Being’s use of the C-mind has abused the body through constant demands and pressures to perform and produce. [see INNER MIND]

AN (adjective) indefinite article

1. one; one sort of. 2. each; any one. (See A)


1. having to do with that portion of a person’s mind which is conscious and logical. 2. to compute logically.


1. that portion of a person’s mind which computes logically and thinks in similarities and differences. 2. the outer mind; the C-mind; the conscious mind.


1. a word made up of syllables from the two words, “analytical attenuation,” meaning the lessening or weakening of the analytical or conscious awareness of a person for a brief or extended period. 2. lessened consciousness as a result of the key-in (reactivation) of one or more engrams. Manifestations: sleepiness, dopiness, drowsiness, mental lethargy. 3. a shut-off of the analyzer happening in the presence of ANY physical pain, even though the pain may be mild or brief.


1. also; in addition.


1. a feeling that may result from injury, mistreatment, opposition, etc., often manifesting itself as a desire to strike out at something or someone else; wrath; indignation; rage; ire. 2. implies emotional agitation of no specific intensity aroused by great displeasure. 3. the emotional tone of 1.5 on the Scale of Emotional Expression. [see SCALE OF EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION]


1. unnamed additional person, different from the first or present one.


1. destroyed completely; demolished.

ANSWER (noun)

1. a reply to a question, argument, letter, etc. 2. any response or retaliation: as, his answer was a well-aimed blow. 3. a solution to a problem.

ANSWER (verb)

1. to reply in words, by an action, etc.


1. mutual resistance; opposition; hostility. 2. the condition of being an opposing principle, force or factor. 3. the emotional tone of 2.0 on the Scale of Emotional Expression. [see SCALE OF EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION]


1. hostile; unfriendly; in opposition to.


1. uneasy, apprehensive; worried about what may happen. 2. eagerly wishing. [Latin anxius from angere , to choke, give pain]


1. one (no matter which) of more than two: as, any boy may go. 2. some (no matter how much, how many or what kind): as, do you have any apples? 3. even one; the least amount or number of: as, I haven’t any money. 4. every: as, any child can tell.


1. a thing of any kind; any thing; any event, fact, etc.


1. lack of emotion. 2. lack of interest; listless condition; indifference. 3. complete withdrawal from a person or people. 4. a motionless enturbulence. 5. the emotional tone of 0.05 on the Scale of Emotional Expression, the lowest tone before body death. [see SCALE OF EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION]


1. that can be applied; appropriate.

APPLIED (adjective)

1. used in actual practice or to work out practical problems: as, applied science or applied philosophy.

APPLIED (verb)

1. used practically or specifically: as, he applied his knowledge of auto mechanics and repaired the car.


1. foreboding; dread; fearful anticipation about the future.

APPROPRIATE (adjective)

1. suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, occasion, person, etc.


1. regulated by one’s own idea, judgement or choice. 2. based on one’s personal notion or whim.


1. a word from the initial letters of Affinity, Reality, and Communication which together equate to understanding; pronounced by stating the letters: A-R-C; it has come to mean good feeling, love or friendliness: as, she was in good ARC with her friend. 2. the three things (ARC) necessary to the understanding of someone or something. (First the person must be in communication with someone or something. The most important activity in creating a relationship is communication. Then the person or thing must be real to some degree. Finally, there must be some degree of closeness or affinity . These three together (ARC) give us understanding).


1. a sudden drop or cutting of one’s affinity, reality or communication with someone or something; upsets with people or things come about because of a lessening or violent breaking apart of affinity, reality, communication or understanding (The person with an ARC break is unwilling or finds it impossible to communicate to someone or something. It is called an ARC break instead of an upset because, if one discovers which of the three points of understanding have been cut, one can bring about a rapid recovery in the person’s state of mind).



ARE (see BE)


1. within a close distance; nearby. 2. in various places.


1. full of unwarranted pride and self-importance; overbearing.


1. compared to; like: as, it was as big as a horse.


1. feeling shame, as from doing something bad, wrong, foolish, etc. 2. embarrassment, and sometimes guilt, felt because of one’s own or another’s wrong or foolish behavior: as, ashamed of his tears.


1. to use words in an effort to find out. 2. seeking an answer or information.


1. to view anything exactly as it is, without any distortions or lies, at which moment it will vanish and cease to exist.



1. to state positively; declare; affirm. 2. to state positively with great confidence but with no objective proof: as, I assert that man’s nature will never change.


1. stated or declared positively, or with assurance. 2. insisted; maintained; defended.


1. the action of a Clearing Practitioner in calling out (speaking aloud) items from a prepared list of words, phrases or sentences. 2. calling off words from a prepared list while looking at the Clearing Biofeedback Meter in order to find out which one gives the largest read. 3. to look for an item that has accessible charge. 4. to look for and choose the largest reading item on an assessment list.


1. the action of calling off items on a prepared list to locate accessible charge so that the charge can be released (The item with the largest read is most accessible). 2. a review of the Preclear’s case and body health to establish the correct Clearing level and procedures.

ASSIST (noun)

1. a Clearing procedure used when a person has just undergone an accident, injury, operation or emotional shock or loss to erase the mental trauma and greatly speed recovery.

ASSIST (verb)

1. to aid; help.


1. to connect in the mind: as, I associate rain with grief. 2. to connect, combine, join.


1. the logic of relating one thing to another.


1. taken for granted; supposed (something) to be fact without knowing for sure. AT 1. expressing exact or approximate position: as, he sat at the table.


1. wanting to have people, situations or things be different from the way they are.


1. achieve, accomplish, arrive at. 2. come into possession of.


1. anything attained, as an acquired skill or ability.


1. to listen; to pay attention; give heed. 2. to be in readiness; wait (with, on or upon ). [Middle English attenden; Old French atendre, to wait, expect; Latin attendere, to stretch toward, give heed to, derived from ad -, to + tendere, to stretch]


1. observing carefully. 2. the ability to observe carefully. 3. careful observation; taking notice. 4. thoughtful consideration for others. 5. a readiness to respond to stimuli. 6. a person’s power to notice and observe.



1. a weakening, as in force, amount or value; a reduction.


1. to give proof or evidence of. 2. to declare to be true or genuine; certify. 3. to bear witness to; testify to. 4. to state that a course or level of processing is complete.


1. a word, usually a noun, which expresses a state of mind, emotion or mood, e.g., happiness, aggressiveness, cunning, cruelty, hopelessness, helplessness, etc. 2. a manner of acting, feeling or thinking that shows one’s disposition, opinion, etc.: as, she has a friendly attitude toward all.





1. something one is doing but is unaware or only partially aware he is doing.


1. that can be got, had or reached; accessible.


1. kept away from; shunned; got out of the way of. 2. escaped; evaded; withdrew from. 3. prevented the occurrence or effectiveness of.


1. the ability to perceive the existence of. 2. perception.


1. from this place. 2. out of sight; out of existence.


1. a statement taken to be true without proof; self-evident truth: as, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. 2. a proposition whose truth is so evident that no process of reasoning or demonstration can make it more plain.