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Acceptance Services Center, ntc. -------------------------------- (11/10/93; Revised 10/21/96) Non-commercial copying permitted. |
A live body builds itself. It uses a "blueprint", which is a kind of body-consciousness level mental image. The body, cellular and holistic, perceives this image as its points of definition. It automatically and with great care spends all of its subliminal activity on duplicating that image in the physical world. The body is an auto-replicating machine of great complexity. It is an amazing thing, but it is real and it works. In fact, it may work far better that we have ever imagined.
This brings up an interesting question. If the body is constantly replacing itself, then isn't that regeneration on a microscale? And if that is true, then shouldn't the body possess an almost unlimited capacity for good health and survival? Might the body be potentially immortal? Certainly there would be barriers. Accidents that tear off a part, or kill the body outright. But why can't the body grow back a part? The blueprint is still there, visible in Kirlian photographs. And shouldn't the question of death from injury be simply a matter of contest between the extent of the damage and the time it takes to repair it? This opens wondrous speculations on the subjects of regeneration and longevity. But does it have any immediate value? It does. It postulates a reasonable basis for physical immortality. But more, it sets the framework for developing ways to assist the body in its quest for immortality.
DIET he body needs certain material resources to perform its generative wonders. If any of them are missing from the diet, then the physical structure cannot conform to the blueprint at the molecular level. And there is speculation that once a chemical process has mutated, it may never normalize. Of course, that doesn't take the existence of the blueprint into account. Given the blueprint and the body's primal devotion to emulating it, it would seem that even the ravages of prolonged malnutrition could be overcome, given enough time and assets. From this it can be said that it's never too late to clean up your diet.
IN A PERFECT WORLD It should be so simple. But there are other interferences. They are external to the equation, but they are even more powerful than the complications of injury and malnutrition. This is because they are AEthereal rather than merely physical.
THE LATENT EFFECTS OF INJURY When the body suffers an injury, something potentially disastrous happens. It is actually more damaging than the actual injury. A "holographic" mental image of the damaged organs is formed. To the degree that the injury is resisted, the image of the injury is endowed with the intensity of that resistance. This often means that the image is "invisiblized", because there is enough resistance diffused into it that the image is never consciously looked at again. But it is there, held in place as a standing wave by the opposing forces of (a) the need to remember it as valuable experience, and (b) the resistance through which the conscious entity strives to push it away. It is held in place constantly, but resisted in varying degrees. When it is not "in mind", there is almost no effort directed against it. But even the slightest contextual connection directs attention to it, it comes immediately into mind, and it is instantly resisted. This is the mechanism if what has been called chronic restimulation. Most images are not in active restimulation at any given moment, but many are. Some transiently, as when the contextual reminder is present for only a short time, or only occasionally. Others chronically, as when the contextual reminder is nearly always present. By the way, I don't use the word restimulation. I think it implies that a non-person thing is being activated by an external power. We use "revivify" and "revivification" instead. Revivify means to put life back into, to re-animate. Its use here is to put the causal focus on the individual. The image belongs to the individual, who revivifies (as in revives) it by endowing it with life by way of putting attention on it.
TRANSIENT REVIVIFICATION Transient revivification seems to occur randomly and without a recurring pattern. An example would be a person on a trip to the Mexican pyramids becoming irrationally afraid while climbing to the top of one of the pyramids. In this example, an old image of disaster, somehow similar to at least one factor in the current circumstances, is revivified because that similarity directs the individual's attention into the old image, which is immediately resisted. The image is revivified by the investment of attention. Its content includes fear, and the fear is felt by the image's owner. It seems to be an irrational fear because there is no clear and present danger in the real-time situation and the individual does not recognize the old image as the source. But in the mind, time is just a label. Beyond that, all images are valid realities as far as the imagination is concerned. This revivification is transient because under usual circumstances the person never climbs pyramids. In fact, we may find (he may realize in session) that he has always avoided climbing anything. Yes, that is an apparent contradiction. Isn't it the resistance to the image that has been driving him to avoid climbing all along? And isn't that a bit more than transient.? Obviously, transient and chronic are relative terms. True, the image we've been discussing is revivified every time the mere concept of climbing comes by. But the exodus from such thoughts is so quick that the person never registers more than a twitch of discomfort, and that, too, is denied. So the fear is never consciously encountered. Yes, the image has made a major contribution to the individual's limitations. But as long as he stays down off things and structures his life to exclude revivification triggers, there will be no noticeable discomfort. All that could change, of course. If his employer moves the business high into a tall building with lots of windows and open stairs in an atrium connecting the various floors, the revivification could become chronic. The individual would probably never make the connection, however. He would just be uncomfortable near the stairs. He might claim a fear of heights, but have no idea where it comes from. He would probably strive to use the elevators whenever possible, and stay away from the windows. So we can think of transient revivification as being constant at a low level (passive) with spikes or relatively short periods of intensification (active).
CHRONIC REVIVIFICATION When the attention trigger is always or nearly always present, or recurringly present, the revivification is chronic. It can be either ongoing or recurring in a short repetitive cycle. This is bad enough when the trigger is environmental. But what if the trigger is contained within the body itself? For example, a carpenter gets her hand caught in a press, and is badly injured. This is definitely not an event one willingly experiences. So there is a lot of resistance to it, and the image of the moment of injury is vested with a lot of intensity. Older schools of thought hold that the press, and maybe the job site are the revivification triggers for this image. But if that is true, then why does the carpenter's hand never recover, even though she never goes back to work? Why doesn't the body just wash away everything in the hand's space that is not blueprint, and fill in what is? By our earlier speculation, that should be exactly what happens, if revivification is not occurring. But revivification is occurring. All the time, without relief. Why? Because the physical body itself, by way of the hands in particular, is the revivification trigger! It is important to understand how revivification happens. The mind is catalogued on the basis of context sensitivity. This means that any two things that are at
all similar, or even significantly different, share a meaningful context. They somehow fit into the same
subject. So looking at one can lead directly to Put several of these connections in sequence and you have what is commonly called stream of consciousness. We can call it an attention bridge, because that how it works. Looking at Item A sends your attention to Item B, which connects it to Item C, which in turn directs it to Item D. Your attention has bridged the apparent gap between unrelated mental objects by following a sequence of seemingly random connections. Sometimes you can retrace an attention bridge, as in a conversation. "How did we get from farms in the Central Valley to New Year's Eve?" Well, Joe said something about a farm worker that reminded Judy of her brother, and she told us a story about him. That reminded me of a similar story concerning my uncle. Hearing that, you thought of your wife's uncle who did some pretty silly stuff once when he was drunk, and that got everyone to swapping drunk stories, which lead right into New Year's Eve stories. A very productive three and a half minutes, wouldn't you say? An attention bridge may be impossible to trace under certain conditions. For example, when the steps on the bridge, the mental objects, are invisible because they contain resistance. This is a single-individual phenomenon, not quite like the above example, although that type of attention bridge can be self-contained as well. The difference with the second type of attention bridge is that its elements are "invisiblized" by the individual's unwillingness to give them recognition. But that does not vanquish them, and they continue to function as objects of attention transference in the attention bridge. It happens unnoticed. And because the most intense image in a set of images is always the first (and often the only) one that gets any attention [Because it is already getting so much "unconscious" attention], it happens automatically. Attention flows automatically and without notice or consent from one object of resistance to any and all other contextually- connected objects of resistance. Because none of these is willingly inspected, the attention bridge that is composed of resistance-containing images will be invisible under usual circumstances. What has this to do with our carpenter? Every time she looks at, hears about, uses or even thinks of a hand, her attention is instantly bridged to the injury image. But she doesn't know it. The result is that the injury image is always revivified. Which brings us back around to the body blueprint.
THE MODIFIED BLUEPRINT: DEFORMATION The blueprint body has two perfect hands. But now there is a third hand, the injury-image hand. The body builds to the image it sees. Under normal circumstances, this is just the blueprint body. The body doe not critique the image, it just manifests it. If there is another image superimposed over part of the blueprint, the blueprint is modified by it, as far as the body is concerned. Several things can happen. When the superimposed image is predominant, the body will build to it. When it is not, the body builds to the blueprint. A compromise can occur when both the blueprint and the image are visible to the body consciousness (genum), and the result is a composite hand. This hand won't match either picture, it will be composed of shifting elements of both. As suchit is not just different, it is also defective. The body can get caught up in switching between the image and the blueprint, to the effect that a compromise hand appears to result. But this is different. It takes a lot more work, because of the cycling between images. And because every time the switch occurs, the hand-that-was begins to be washed away while the hand-that-is is being built. Back and forth, over and over, never a constant hand of either type. Just a limbo-hand, and a lot of wasted resources. What does not happen is the body getting confused. It doesn't, because it doesn't question the validity of the imagery it perceives. [Unless and until it becomes educated in such matters, and even then not in the same way a non-physical being does.] But the body can become apathetic. Its purpose is to actualize the blueprint into the physical world. It begins to suffer an ongoing failed purpose, and is deeply affected by that. But it won't give up until it is dead. It's the most stubborn thing around, a real die-hard. Its existence can degenerate from a celebratory manifestation of life into a grueling and hellish exercise in futility, and still it persists. So the body can become exhausted. It can devote so much effort to the hand project, and consume so much of its resources that it begins to generate its own nutrient deficiency. Combine failed-purpose apathy with nutrient auto-deficiency, and you have a prescription for disaster. The first thing to suffer will be the reproductive function. Apathy is the major contributor. The next to go will be the immune system. This happens when the body, unable to quit but coming to believe that it can't succeed, begins to run out of the essential resources needed to perform immunity functions. All this from a hand injury? Not likely. But the hand injury is only an example of the mass of garbage imposed on the average body's blueprint. The continuing manifestation of the ongoing cycling between two images is deformation.
THE MODIFIED BLUEPRINT: ATROPHY When the injury image is so resisted as to completely bar attention from the affected organ, the organ atrophies. The body stops seeing it, and so doesn't visualize flowing nutrients to it or even creating it. Construction stops, and the organ begins to wither. This is what a body without spirit is like. Remove not just the non-material being that may be inhabiting the body, but remove the genetic consciousness (the genum) as well, and you have a meat-body vegetable. Worse, actually, because this thing won't eat and doesn't pursue a procreative cycle, so it is less alive than a plant. Nothing will happen in it beyond simple chemical processes, and they will gradually break down. Without the guiding light of consciousness of some type being invested into an image of some sort, there is no life. Even plants have that. Of course, the genum doesn't give up like that. But it can withdraw from a portion of the body. It will have withdrawn from what it can't see without even realizing it, because it can't vest into what it cannot see. Even so, as far as our carpenter's hand is concerned, the genum cannot see anything there and so is not there. The hand suffers the fate we just described.
THE INTEGRITY FACTOR Integrity is the state of wholeness and purity, nothing left out and nothing added in. A body with integrity has an uncontaminated blueprint and is successfully actualizing it into the physical world. Such a body is happy, healthy, strong, and potentially immortal. But take away just one part, or add just one contaminant, and the body's integrity is compromised. Do this, however subtly, all over the thing, and it has no integrity at all. Structurally speaking, nothing can stand without integrity. Replace a steel girder in a bridge with a wooden beam, and you have compromised the bridge's integrity. Let a bridge move off its pylons in a hurricane, barge collision or earthquake, and it will have lost its integrity. The difference between compromised and lost integrity is simply a matter of duration until failure. The bridge with the wooden beam may continue to stand, but only until the bridge's inherent load stress destroys the wood, or the wood deteriorates on its own, or a full load comes down the road and surpasses the wood's strength. When any one of these things happens, the situation changes instantly from compromised integrity to lost integrity. When the bridge loses its integrity, it fails immediately. And so it is with all things. Compromised integrity permits a temporary illusion of continuance as normal. Lost integrity proceeds directly to death. Compromised integrity means eventual premature failure, (jeopardy), and lost integrity means immediate failure (nullification).
THE SIMPLE FIX The obvious solution to the contravention of the blueprint body by injury imagery is to clear the injury imagery away. Many techniques have been proposed for this purpose, and it is not my intention to describe one in detail at this time. What I will do now, however, is pose a standard that I believe applies to any such technique. It is found in the Acceptance Fundamentals at number 27. This Fundamental applies to counselling at all levels, from simple massage- and touch- access body therapy procedures to fully-directed conscious inquiry at the ideational level.
This can be done many ways, some of them only marginally effective. The most effective method is the use of questions. The best form of questioning is one that directs attention innocently by category without implying possible answers. This has been called questioning from innocence. It implements the concept of specifics-ignorance, which is the idea that the Practitioner knows none of the Petitioner's specifics until the Petitioner has volunteered and verified them.
MODIFICATION BY DECISION There is a second source of blueprint contravention. When an extraneous consciousness of a higher order than the genum is present and thinking, the imagery at play in that thinking is perceived by the genum. To the extent that it is both body-oriented and intense (made brilliant by vestment with attention), it distracts the genum from its blueprint and causes it to build to the alternative forms found in the being's imagery. This can cause bizarre deformations and mutations. It can also cause beneficial mutations. This may in fact be the impetus behind evolution: The being thinks, "Gee, if I could just wrap my front fin around that reed, I could pull it down and eat the flowery top." The being repeatedly tries to do this, lifespan after lifespan, regularly projecting the image of a fin that can do this. The genum begins to build to the image of the desired fin, to the extent that it is dominantly visible over the existing blueprint fin. The imagined fin becomes more refined as the physical fin develops toward the task, and that improves the evolving fin even more. Finally, the fish has rudimentary hands, and it eats the flowering tops of reeds. The evolved fin-as-grasper is greatly admired and so remains predominant. After a while, the original blueprint fin is a dim non-memory. The blueprint has been revised. Of course, the injury-incident image, rendered redundant by unavoidable environmental factors, can also cause evolution. And evolution may not always lead toward desirable improvements. What if the temperature began to rise all over the planet? What if the quality of the solar radiation that passes through the atmosphere changes. We could find ourselves in changed bodies, looking around at many other body-species in the throes of adaptation. We might not like what we see. We might not like what "we" and our playground have become.
MODIFICATION BY SELF-IMAGE But wait, we're not finished. There is yet a third source of blueprint contravention. And this one is the most destructive of all because of how it happens. When a being develops a self-image, it usually includes physical postures and attributes. Even when the essence of the self-image is AEthereal, there will be body-picture content to the degree that the being is familiar with expressing itself through bodies. The body-imagery in a being's self-images is of particularly intense interest to the genum. The genum holds free-spirit beings in very high esteem. It respects their power, creativity and diversity. So when the being projects a body-image "toward" the genum, the genum takes the imagery as instruction. This do not happen by design, from either side. The being is simply perceiving itself within a particular persona. The projected image blinds the genum to the blueprint, so it can only see the projection. Of course, not all projections describe complete bodies. A being may have a "cry-baby" self-image that includes only parts of the body, such as the face and chest. The remainder of the blueprint will still be visible to the genum, and so will be used. Why is this type of contravention so much worse? Because beings have a potentially infinite range of expression. This means that they can impose a nearly infinite set of body-images onto the genum. The usual situation in life as we know it is that the genum is being bombarded by a huge and continually shifting volume of imagery. There is hardly any time spent with any one of these images to get anything accomplished in its actualization before the next one comes in. Now everything that is inconsistent with the new image begins to be dissolved while the genum shifts gears into building to the new image. The degenerative cycle operates again. The being also has the ability to express itself in many ways at once. Thus the genum's bombardment is not in the nature of linear change. The genum is awash in a chaotic swirl of overlaid and contradictory structural information. The disaster is that it remains uncritical even under these conditions, and tries to actualize a body based on what it perceives. The result? No clear blueprint bodies. The sad fact is, it is probable that no one has ever seen a truly healthy body on this planet. Maybe anywhere!
COMPOSITES Instead we get composite bodies. But these are not composites of separate external beingnesses, as has been assumed in the past. They are usually built by a single genum but patterned after a multiplicity of blueprint-contravening and self-contradictory input from the being.
SUICIDE BY INVALIDATION Taking an adversarial position toward the material world is a reliable path to illness and death. The reason is simple: the body is a material world construct, and rejecting physical existence involves rejecting the body. But it doesn't happen so simply. If it did, it wouldn't happen unless one made a conscious decision for it to happen, and then it would happen immediately. It usually happens in a very sneaky way. First, the being gets the idea that it is separate from the physical world. Then, believing itself to be superior to it, the being begins to make an effort to control the physical world. This brings about an adversarial situation in which the being commits several self-destructive acts, so far as its continued life on-planet is concerned. The being sees itself capable of losing the battle, of being controlled by the material, and begins to believe that it is actually so controlled, or caught up, trapped, held down, or whatever. It then extends and pursues an intention to get free of the entanglements of the physical world. The problem doesn't stem directly from the rejection of the physical world. In theory, that would just make the world more solid to the being. The result would simply be that the being would see itself as more solidly ensnared. But that's only part of what happens. The problem is at the beginning, with the definitional distinction that was made between the being and the physical universe. The problem is that the being sees itself as different than what it really is. This causes an extremely intense interplay of conflicting self-imagery, between whatever the being really is (something) and what it is claiming to be (not-thing). This is amplified by the being's quietly adamant assertion that it is not the body. What makes this assertion destructive to the body is that the body never gets recognized as valid. More, the decisional and definitional assertion is perceived and internalized by the genum as its own idea, given from on high. The genum unquestioningly builds to the brightest construct, whether it's an image or a thought. [The genum can't know a difference between these.] And the brightest construct has now come to be a composite of the being's desperately sought-after wanna-be fantasy, the hidden true identity of the being, and the assertion, "I am not a body!" Given this input, the genum slavishly kills off its body-self trying to build a body based on lies, resistance and denial. This is usually a prolonged an disgusting process, as with cancer.
INTEGRITY REVISITED These, then, are the health aspects of integrity. The body's integrity is compromised and eventually destroyed by the imposition of imagery and decisions which contravene its blueprint. Every overlaid image, and every interjected belief that can be interpreted, in whatever convoluted manner possible, is an add-on to the blueprint. And every element of the blueprint that is obscured by one of these is a missing piece. As for the being who is caught up in this mess, the game is bleak and recursive. (It revivifies itself and recycles ad nauseam.) Life on Earth will meet all the most intensely-held expectations (always the worst, if you think about the resistance factor). And desperation sets in as the deteriorating body becomes more and more of an impediment to the fulfillment of purposes.
SUMMATION Integrity is being self. The body builds to a blueprint. In a perfect world, the blueprint is clean and the genum is clear, and the body is perfect and self-regenerating. But the blueprint is usually modified by injury-imagery, decisional redefinition and the self-imagery of whatever non-physical being(s) may be attached to or operating through the body. Conflicting self-imagery imposes multiple and incompatible modification-sets. The body is always building to the current modified blueprint and therefore must change specifications every time the modification set changes. Great amounts of resources are wasted in the reversals, often leaving the body short on needed materials. This causes additional structural defects as the body attempts to compensate. And the body will compensate to astounding degrees of grotesqueness in order to continue to exist. The result is a body literally torn between specifications and therefore overextended and possibly even shredded over time.
HOW TO BE HEALTHY Diet is a small part of health when you consider that the other factors discussed herein can render it irrelevant. Diet can't save you from the other factors, but it does provide a baseline for the body's survival. And as the blueprint contravention lessens, the value of a good diet increases proportionately. As the body recovers blueprint integrity it begins to attempt to repair structural integrity. It needs the proper nutrition to do that effectively. Getting clear on self is essential. The first step at any level of awareness is to call into question every evaluation you've ever been given as to who and what you are. Inspect the input you get from scientists. Scrame the veneer off your religious indoctrination, even if you think you've moved beyond it. Leave no one's opinion sacred. Sociologists, psychologists, ministers, gurus, parents, and the media could all be wrong. Have you been reading mystical materials that talk about spirituality and spiritual powers? What if they're so far off the mark that they're just fantasy and delusion. Been listening to a preacher of evangelist or New-age channel? What if they're wrong? Been reading magazines with success stories? And developing a private depository of hidden standards? The second step toward getting clear on self is to forget about it and get involved with pursuing purposes. Set some intentions and follow through. Get your attention out into the worlds that are continually unfolding right before you, if only you were to notice. Find a practitioner to help you dismantle unwanted conditions that don't just go away on their own as you begin to neglect them, and practice staying out of session when you're not in session. Learn to hear yourself. There may be a crowd in your head, but one of those voices is your own. Don't rush it, don't be desperate to find it today, and stay open to making mistakes. And keep your practitioner handy for when a not-you voice turns up but doesn't go away quietly. Finally, the most important suggestion of all. Begin to pursue personal integrity with an enthusiasm unparalleled in your life so far, and never let up.
Yes, you can only be your true self to the best of your understanding of what that is in the moment. But
you can work to improve that understanding. And you can shed inconsistent behavior quite easily. With
those behaviors will go all the blueprint-contravening self-images that support The biggest benefit is that when you get out of your body's way and start helping the genum get clear on the blueprint, improved health is on the way. One final note. I hear now and then about someone doing hundreds and thousands of hours on clearing "hitch-hiker" entities. I question the wisdom of that approach. I question it because I've seen too many genums picked apart and client's bodies undermined or even destroyed by a practitioner-client alliance in opposition to physical existence. Review my description of composite bodies, above. I don't see them as necessarily the product of composite or cluster entities. I do see them as most likely the consequence of the individual's own wealth of self-imagery, in play on automatic. I'm not saying that external entities don't exist. I am saying that we should not forget to look to ourselves for the answers. As a Practitioner, that would be the basis of my approach. -Allen (and Mikie!) Allen, Speaker for Acceptance | Acceptance Services Center |