
'List Power-1'. This is the correction list for the Power Processes 1-6. It is not used for Power Plus. Use only where Power Processes 1-6 have bogged badly. This list is not necessarily done to a spectacular EP but only to get the case moving on Power again. It should NOT be used extensively so to risk that the EPs of the Power Processes occur while doing the list. Handle any out rud to F/N. 'Gone Ext' may be the EP for that session. On 5, 6, 7, 14, get data and rehab if called for. 

1. Anything cut short?

2. Something distract you?

3. Distracted by Auditor?

4. Gone exterior?

5. Flattened out of session?

6. Awareness changes out of session?

7. Cognited out of session?

8. Loss of gain?

9. Some one enturbulate you?

10. Something else wrong?

11. ARC Break? (Or upset by anything?)

12. PTP? (Or problem?)

13. Anything been missed?

14. Overrun?

15. Unnecessary action?


Procedure first published by Ron Hubbard. As it is a procedure it can't be copyrighted.