


by  L. Kin

A Clear, says Ron, is someone who has realized that it's him who keeps the Bank mocked up, that it's him who keeps his aberrations in place.
Yet "having a Clear cognition" is one thing, acting like a Clear quite another.
What's the proof of the pudding? That he can unmock mental mest by actual demonstration. For example by auditing Solo with an E-meter™.
Clear is not a state. It's an ability. You have to do something to go Clear and you have to do something to stay Clear.

A person who cannot knowingly and willingly control his own Bank, his entities, his telepathic interactions with others and his GE (Genetic Entity) by means of an E-meter™, at least in a rudimentary fashion, isn't a Clear yet.
Clear is a matter of competence, not status.

The Meter is an auxiliary device only. The more one can keep oneself clean without a Meter, the more of a Clear one is. That's the cream on the cake. It's an ability that grows with practice.
It takes about 40 to 70 hours to get there, the way I work it. Around that time, delegating the session responsibility to the auditee becomes both possible and advisable.

40 to 70 hours, that's only counting Postulate Auditing. It's not counting hours spent on TRs and Objectives. If you added another 30 to 50 hours for TRs and Objectives you'd arrive at something like 70 to 120 hours total. So, to give an average, after about 90 hours of auditing and coaching the auditee might be expected to start working Solo.

The longest time I actually audited a person (including TRs and Objectives) was 250 hours. She had psychotic fits, unfounded fears, compulsions, repressions, depressions, irregular heart beat, weakness, nausea, was addicted to pharmaceutical drugs, couldn't leave the house to go to work - the lot.
This was my heaviest case. There were other ones, less heavy than that. There were light ones. And there were what Ron aptly calls "Cadillac PCs". 

The real test for the Auditor - and for the workability of Ron's tech - are the heavy cases populating the waiting rooms of psychologists and psychiatrists. Yet they only rarely appear in the auditing room. Why? Various reasons. One is that treating them was (and still is) heavily discouraged by the Church of Scientology™. So it has become a "tradition" not to deal with such cases. Which means that most Auditors wouldn't know what to do with them except call them "PTS Type III" and send them home.

One other reason is that people in that condition can only rarely afford auditing.
If the services of Auditors were subsidized by health insurances we'd get to see a lot of those heavy cases. And I think we should accept the challenge. Because it's one thing claiming that we have the best tech on the planet, and quite another proving the point.

As it stands at present, we are usually dealing with fairly capable people who are socially well-adjusted enough to be able to pay the Auditor's bills. After all, according to Ron Hubbard the Auditor is supposed to make the able more able (and with regard to planetary survival, that's the only chance we have). It's to these able people that the average of "all in all 90 hours" applies.

That's not a lot of hours, particularly as they spread out over no more than a half a dozen long weekends. Which means that within the time span of two to three months a person may progress from his very first session ever to the point of starting his Solo training.

And as the checksheets in the appendix of this book can be studied within a few weeks only even at a leisurely pace, one might safely expect a person to advance from auditee to Solo-auditor within no more than half a year (time and money permitting).

Such progress in so short a time span - how come? 
Well, let's look at the changes the auditee went through since he started.
He started out believing he is a body. Running prenatals and past lives cured him of that.
He believed he was a single Being. 
Connecting up with the Time-tracks of others by running valences and entities, cured him of that.
He believed he was suffering from old Engrams personally. Recognizing that Engrams are body incidents stored by the GE, cured him of that.
He believed the real problem was mental energy. He believed that fighting and channeling ridges, Engrams, entities and hostile Thetans was the issue.
Understanding the role postulates play, cured him of that.

With this, the auditee has demonstrated that he can tell where it's coming from: own track, entities, GE, body, other Thetans. And with regard to erasing incidents he has progressed from doing hard and sweaty work to running lightly, even to blowing by inspection.
That's quite some progress!

The auditee has experienced these phenomena and has shown convincingly that he can distinguish between himself and them. 

So one may rightfully call him a "Clear on the first dynamic". He knows: "Here is me, and there is the
Bank, and there is a difference."

As a result of this, his Auditor has become increasingly superfluous. This auditee can carry on Solo.
What a Clear on this level can't do yet, is actually handle the stuff he is aware of. To do that he needs some know-how. He's got the ARC (understanding) but is lacking in KRC (competence).
Put him on the Solo course! Don't bother declaring him Clear or having him attest to the fact that he thinks he is. (I have come off that, which is a change to what it says at the end of LK2.)
The word doesn't matter. 

What matters is the performance. A person who can Solo-audit demonstrates that he is not overwhelmed by his Bank. So he is a Clear.

Not all parts of his Bank are accessible to him. Some he is fully identified with. So he isn't aware of them and therefore cannot audit them. But those he is not fully identified with he can communicate to, control and have. Which means he can audit and As-is them.

And as he goes on As-is-ing them, new aspects of his case will become apparent, and he can address and As-is those. Like peeling an onion layer by layer.

L. Kin 

in 'From the Bottom to the Top'.  © 1994, L. Kin.